30 resultados para screw pump
The application of modulation instability-initiated nonlinear broadening of two CW pumps at different wavelengths, in order to achieve superior gain ripple performance in broadband Raman amplifiers, is demonstrated for the first time experimentally. A particular example using Truewave and LEAF fibers is offered, in which the 0.1 dB gain ripple band is extended from 5 nm to 19 nm. Experimental results are in a good agreement with numerical modeling. Guidelines for optimal broadening are discussed. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
Performance optimisation of ultra-long Raman laser links is studied theoretically and experimentally. We observe that it is possible to reduce signal power excursion by adjusting FBG reflectivity without compromising pump efficiency.
An injection locking-based pump recovery system for phase-sensitive amplified links, capable of handling 40 dB effective span loss, is demonstrated. Measurements with 10 GBd DQPSK signals show penalty-free recovery of a pump wave, phase modulated with two sinusoidal RF-tones at 0.1 GHz and 0.3 GHz, with 64 dB amplification. The operating power limit for the pump recovery system is experimentally investigated and is governed by the noise transfer and phase modulation transfer characteristics of the injection-locked laser. The corresponding link penalties are explained and quantified. This system enables, for the first time, WDM compatible phase-sensitive amplified links over significant lengths. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
A simple elementary osmotic pump (EOP) system that could deliver metformin hydrochloride (MT) and glipizide (GZ) simultaneously for extended periods of time was developed in order to reduce the problems associated with multidrug therapy of type 2 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In general, both highly and poorly water-soluble drugs are not good candidates for elementary osmotic delivery. However, MT is a highly soluble drug with a high dose (500 mg) while GZ is a water-insoluble drug with a low dose (5 mg) so it is a great challenge to pharmacists to provide satisfactory extended release of MT and GZ. In this paper sodium carbonate was used to modulate the solubility of GZ within the core and MT was not only one of the active ingredients but also the osmotic agent. The optimal EOP was found to deliver both drugs at a rate of approximately zero order for up to 10 h in pH 6.8, independent of environment media. In-vivo evaluation was performed relative to the equivalent dose of conventional MT tablet and GZ tablet by a cross-study in six Beagle dogs. The EOP had a good sustained effect in comparison with the conventional product. The prototype design of the system could be applied to other combinations of drugs used for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.
We report an investigation into the high-frequency conductivity of optically excited charge carriers far from equilibrium with the lattice. The investigated samples consist of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films grown on a thin film of silicon oxide on top of a silicon substrate. For the investigation, we used an optical femtosecond pump-probe setup to measure the reflectance change of a probe beam. The pump beam ranged between 580 and 820nm, whereas the probe wavelength spanned 770 to 810nm. The pump fluence was fixed at 0.6mJ/cm2. We show that at a fixed delay time of 300fs, the conductivity of the excited electron-hole plasma is described well by a classical conductivity model of a hot charge carrier gas found at Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, while Fermi-Dirac statics is not suitable. This is corroborated by values retrieved from pump-probe reflectance measurements of the conductivity and its dependence on the excitation wavelength and carrier temperature. The conductivity decreases monotonically as a function of the excitation wavelength, as expected for a nondegenerate charge carrier gas.
An injection-locking-based pump recovery system for phase-sensitively amplified links is proposed and studied experimentally. Measurements with 10 Gbaud DQPSK signals show penalty-free recovery of 0.8 GHz FWHM bandwidth pump with 63 dB overall amplification. © 2012 OSA.
In this work we explore numerically an experimentally the dependence of the broadened spectra on the choice of fibers and we analyze a series of basic rules to be taken into account when using nonlinear broadening to reduce the gain ripple of broadband Raman amplifiers
In this work, we utilize modulation instability to the broadening of the two CW-pumps of a wideband Raman amplifier. Applying nonlinear fiber process, we demonstrate a feasibility of a certain control over the broadening process, leading to clear improvements in the flatness of the amplifier gain over its operational bandwidth.
Optical pump controlled, remotely tunable phase-shifted fiber grating transmission filters were analyzed. The transmission peak had a full width hail maximum (FWHM) bandwidth. With increasing control pump power, the resonant peak shifted towards the longer wavelength side. The efficiency of the system was largely affected by the greater number of sections of doped fiber as well as the absence of recirculation of unabsorbed pump beam. The configuration, besides its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, exhibited wavelength-independent pump-induced phase shifts and no anisotropic effects during operation.
Focal points: A systematic review of the use of proton pump inhibitors was conducted among patients undergoing diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract during the period July 2001 to February 2002 inclusive A total of 2,557 patients received a PPI following endoscopy and healing doses were prescribed to 75.3 per cent of these patients An “unknown indication” was stated as a diagnosis in 958 patients (37.5 per cent) of patients studied Although endoscopic diagnosis does not appear possible in all cases, the present study demonstrates that NICE guidance to employ the lowest appropriate dose of PPI is followed
A simple and efficient approach to the optimal design of 3-wavelength backward-pumped Raman amplifiers is proposed. Gain flatness of 1.7 dB is demonstrated in a spectral range of 1520-1595 nm using only three pumps with wavelengths within the 1420-1480 nm interval.
WDM signal degradation from pump phase-modulation in a one-pump 20dB net-gain fibre optical parametric amplifier is experimentally and numerically characterised for the first time using 10x59Gb/s QPSK signals.
Poster. Introduction: One in five menand one half of women over the age of 50 will experience a bone fracture, whichis frequently accompanied by poor bone health. This combination of poor bonehealth and fracture is a two edge sword, because not only does poor bone healthmake fractures more likely, it also reduces the efficacy of standard fracturetreatments. Currently available surgical fixation devices that were originallydeveloped for healthy bone, such as pins, plates and bone screws, are often noteffective for patients with osteoporosis, resulting in unsatisfactory outcomesor longer and more painful recovery times. One major issue is the design ofbone screws, which can loosen or pull-out from osteoporotic bone. Osteopenicscrews with larger outer thread diameters have been developed to try andaddress this problem. The larger diameter screws have been shown to be 60–70 %stronger in lab tests of individual screws but the larger diameter screwscannot be used with the standard spacing in fixation plates without the risk ofcausing fractures between the screws. In addition, many fractures occur nearjoints where there is not room to increase the spacing between screws.Therefore, new bone screws are needed for treatment of fractures in osteoporoticbone. Materials and Methods: Afterdeveloping a novel bone screw design, we fabricated screws using rapidprototyping methods. Screws were inserted into 10 pcf density sawbones polyurethanefoam as a model for osteoporotic bone. Pull-out tests were conducted using theprototype bone screw design and the standard screw design for comparison inaccordance with ASTM 543-13. Results and Discussion: Ourprototype screws have the same outer diameter as standard bone screws, but haveoptimised threads. For pull-out tests in 10 psf density sawbones poly-urethanefoam, the prototype screw design was 60 % stronger than the standard bone screwdesign (p<0.01). Conclusion: Our novel bonescrew design provides significant improvement in standard tests with syntheticbone material. Additional tests are needed to determine if the bone screwswould be suitable for human trials.
Fibre optical parametric amplifier incorporating a Raman-pump for reduced four-wave mixing crosstalk