51 resultados para retinopathy
Patients who present with background DR should continue to be screened annually as a high prportion of these patients develop sight threatening DR (12%). A low prportion of patients with no DR at baseline were referred for STDR (1.3%). Out of the 51 patients in this category referred only 1 required laser. The authors suggest that patients graded R0M0 could be screened biannually.
Introduction. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who pre-sented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006. Purpose. To evaluate the safety of increasing screening intervals in patients with no diabetic retinopathy (DR) or with background DR.Methods. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who presented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006.results. Background DR Group: Of the 500 subjects that had back-ground DR in 2006, 231 were referred for DR, with an average DR routine referral rate of 12% (46 subjects) per year. nodrgrouP. Of the 996 patients who had no DR at baseline, 51 were referred over the 4 years for sight threatening DR (STDR), of these 45 patients have definite STDR confirmed by ophthalmological examination. 78% of these had type 2 diabetes and mean age at referral was 60 years (25-87). Mean diabetes duration was 10.7 years (3-32), with a mean HbA1c of 7.8% (5.7-11.3%). Eight patients (0.9%) were referred in the first year, 9 (0.9%) in the second year, 19 (1.9%) in the third year and 15 (1.5%) in the fourth year. 86% of referrals were for maculopathy, and all had observable retinopathy and none required ophthalmology clinic assessment or laser treatment.If biannual screening was adopted for patients with no DR at baseline, allowing for patients who subsequently develop background DR and would then revert to annual screening, a total of 7 (0.7%) patients would not have been appropriately referred for STDR and would have waited a further year for identification. None of the 51 referrals across the 4 years required laser treatment apart from just one patient who developed PDR in year 4 (2010) and had background since 2007.conclusIons. It could be recommended that it is safe to screen pa-tients with no DR biannually due to the low risk of developing STDR. However, patients who present with background DR should continue to be screened annually as there is a significant proportion developing STDR and would not be identified at an appropriate screening interval.
troduct I on . An observational longitudinal study. P ur P ose . Assess the relationship between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and DR cross-sectionally and longitudinally. M ethods . Adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), who were re - cruited from a hospital-based diabetes clinic in the UK. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopa - thy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory study (Alice PDX, Philips Respironics, USA). DR was assessed us - ing retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening diabetic retinopathy (STDR) was defined as presence of pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. r esults . 199 patients were included (57.3% (n=114) men, 47.7% (n=95) White Europeans). STDR and OSA prevalence were 38.7% (n=77) and 62.8% respectively. A t b A sel I ne . STR prevalence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those without OSA (OSA-) [48.8% n=61 vs. 21.6% n=16, p<0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006), maculopathy (OR 4.5, 95% CI 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Mild and moderate to severe OSA were independently associated with STR and maculopathy and only moderate to severe OSA was associated with advanced DR following adjustment for con - founders. l ong I tud I n A lly . Over the follow-up period of (4.4±1 years), more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% (n=17) vs. 3% (n=2), p=0.01). OSA was an independent pre - dictor of advanced DR development after adjustment for confounders (OR 6.6, 95% CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the develop - ment of maculopathy. c onclus I ons . OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Intervention - al studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.
Background and aims: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of blindness. OSA is associated with increased oxidative and nitrosative stress and endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Hence, it is plausible that OSA can promote the development and progression of DR. Materials and methods: An observational longitudinal study in adults with T2DM. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopathy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory monitoring (Alice PDX, etc.). DR was assesses using retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening retinopathy (STR) was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. Results: 199 patients were included (57.3% men, 47.7% White Europeans). STR and OSA prevalence were 38.7 % and 62.8% respectively. STR preva-lence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those with-out (OSA-) [48.8% vs. 21.6%, p <0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95%CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006, maculopathy (OR 4.5, 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Over 4.4±1 years, more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% vs. 3%, p=0.01). OSA was an independent predictor of advanced DR development after adjustment (OR 6.6, 95%CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the development of maculopathy. Patients received continuous positive airway pressure treatment were less likely to develop advanced DR. Conclusion: OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Interventional studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.Supported by: NIHR (UK) and The UK Novo Nordisk Research Foundation.
Full text: We thank Tsilimbaris et al1 for their comments on the appropriateness of the term ‘myopic foveoschisis’ to describe the condition that is characterized by the separation of neural retina layers associated with high myopia and posterior staphyloma. They have proposed the term ‘myopic ectatic retinopathy’ as a more literal and functionally more accurate descriptor of the condition to avoid the use of the word ‘schisis’, which may be misleading because it is also used to describe other conditions where there is separation of neural retina layers without the presence of staphyloma.2 Using the word ‘ectatic’ for this condition would imply that we are fairly certain about the pathogenesis and mechanistic factors that underlie its development and progression. However, this is not the case, unfortunately, as our review of the literature has shown. There are several theories ranging from vitreous traction to sclerosing changes of retinal vessels to progression of staphylomas as possible etiological factors. Therefore, it is likely to be multifactorial in nature—hence the success reported with different procedures that address either the vitreous traction factor using vitrectomy, peel plus tamponade or the scleral ectasia factor using posterior buckling techniques. In the absence of a good understanding of underlying pathogenesis, it is probably best to use purely descriptive names rather than mechanistic terms. The use of descriptive terms, even though similar, do not necessarily cause confusion as long as they are widely accepted as differentiating terminology, for example, postoperative pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (Irvine–Gass syndrome) vs cystoid macular edema associated with posterior uveitis in a phakic patient. The introduction of too many mechanistic or pathogenetic terms in the absence of clear understating of etiology can in fact cause more confusion, for example, serous chorioretinopathy vs central serous retinopathy vs serous choroidopathy. The confinement to broad descriptive terms can enhance communication and reduce confusion without committing to any presumption about etiology until it is better understood. This approach is probably best illustrated by the recent advances in the understanding of mactel21, a condition initially described and classified, using descriptive nomenclature, by Don Gass as bilateral, idiopathic acquired juxtafoveolar telangiectasis (Group2A) and as distinctly different from unilateral, congenital parafoveolar telangiectasis (Group 1A; Gass,3 pp 504–506 vs 127–128). Finally, it is worthy to note that for myopic foveoschisis associated with a staphyloma that is associated with outer layer macular detachment, Don Gass also descriptively included the additional observation (before the advent of OCT) that the retinal profile was concave rather than convex in shape, thereby differentiating it from rhegmatogenous detachments with recruitment of subretinal fluid that is associated with posteriorly located breaks and macular holes in myopic eyes. References 1.Tsilimbaris MK, Vavvas DG, Bechrakis NE. Myopic foveoschisis: an ectatic retinopathy, not aschisis. Eye 2016; 30: 328–329. 2.Powner MB, Gillies MC, Tretiach M, Scott A, Guymer RH, Hageman GS et al. Perifoveal müller cell depletion in a case of macular telangiectasia type 2. Ophthalmology 2010; 117(12): 2407–2416. 3.Gass DM. Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th edn. Mosby-Yearbook: St. Louis, 1997.
The approach of all ophthalmologists, diabetologists and general practitioners seeing patients with diabetic retinopathy should be that good control of blood glucose, blood pressure and plasma lipids are all essential components of modern medical management. The more recent data on the use of fenofibrate in the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) and The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Eye studies is reviewed. In FIELD, fenofibrate (200 mg/day) reduced the requirements for laser therapy and prevented disease progression in patients with pre-existing diabetic retinopathy. In ACCORD Eye, fenofibrate (160 mg daily) with simvastatin resulted in a 40% reduction in the odds of retinopathy progressing over 4 years, compared with simvastatin alone. This occurred with an increase in HDL-cholesterol and a decrease in the serum triglyceride level in the fenofibrate group, as compared with the placebo group, and was independent of glycaemic control. We believe fenofibrate is effective in preventing progression of established diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes and should be considered for patients with pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and/or diabetic maculopathy, particularly in those with macular oedema requiring laser. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Aim: To assess whether the current starting age of 12 is suitable for diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening and whether diabetes duration should be taken into account when deciding at what age to start screening patients. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of 143 patients aged 12 years or younger who attended diabetic eye screening for the first time in the Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Diabetic Eye Screening Programme was performed. Results: The mean age of the patients was 10.7 (7-12) years with 73 out of 143 aged below 12 years and 70 were 12 years of age. 98% had type 1 diabetes and mean diabetes duration was 5 (1 month-11 years) years. For those younger than 12 years, 7/73 (9.6%) had background DR (BDR), of these mean diabetes duration was 7 years (6-8). The youngest patient to present with DR was aged 8 years. In those aged 12 years, 5/70 (7.1%) had BDR; of these mean diabetes duration was 8 years (6-11). No patient developed DR before 6 years duration in either group. Conclusions: The results show that no patient younger than the age of 12 had sight-threatening DR (STDR), but BDR was identified. Based on the current mission statement of the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme to identify STDR, 12 years of age is confirmed as the right age to start screening, but if it is important to diabetic management to identify first development of DR, then screening should begin after 6 years of diabetes diagnosis.
Purpose: To describe the prevalence and natural history of retinopathy in a cohort of children and young people with type 1 diabetes attending a tertiary hospital diabetes clinic. Methods: We analysed retinopathy screening data from 2008 to 2010 on all eligible children using the 'Twinkle' diabetes database and the regional retinal screening database. Results: A total of 88% (149/169) of eligible children were screened in 2008, median age 14 years, 52% male. The prevalence of retinopathy was 19.5% (30/149). All children had background retinopathy grade R1. There was significant difference in median (range) duration of diabetes, 7.7 years (0.6–13.7) vs 5 years (0.2–12.5) (P<0.001) and median (range) HbA1C, 9.1% (7.2–14) vs 8.6% (5.6–13.1) (P=0.02), between the groups with and without retinopathy. At 2- years follow-up, 12/30 (40%) had unchanged retinopathy grade R1, 10/30 (33.3%) showed resolution of changes (R0), 1/30 progressed to maculopathy, and 7/30 had no follow-up data. Median (range) HbA1C in 2008 and 2010 for the groups with stable vs resolved changes was similar, 9.1% (7.2–14.0) and 9.2% (7–14.0) vs 9.5% (7.8–14.0) and 9.2% (8.7–14.0). Of the 119 without retinopathy in 2008, 27 (22.5%) had developed retinopathy within 2 years, including 1 with pre-proliferative retinopathy and 1 with maculopathy. There was no significant difference in HbA1c between those who progressed to retinopathy (8.7% (7.1–13.1)) (8.7% (7.1–13.1)), and those who did not (8.6% (6.3–12.2)). Conclusions: Prevalence of background retinopathy in our cohort was comparable to the previously published reports, with higher HbA1c and longer duration of diabetes being significant risk factors. On short-term follow-up, Grade 1 retinopathy is likely to resolve in a third of patients and remain unchanged in just over a third.
Management and outcome of cholesterol embolus identified in a diabetic retinopathy screening program
Purpose. We examined the incidence, management, and outcomes of patients known to be at high cardiovascular risk, and to assess whether specialist referral to an ophthalmic medical clinic is worthwhile. Methods. Patients in the East Birmingham area with cholesterolembolus who were identified on digital diabetic retinopathy screening over a 3-year period were referred to a specialist ophthalmic medicine clinic within Heart of England NHS Trust for management and investigation. Results. A total of 33 patients were referred for clinical management.(male:female = 22:11, mean age 72 years). A total of 28 patients were known to be receiving medication: 14 anti hypertensive therapy(42%), 19 aspirin (59%), and 21 statin (64%). A total of 18 patients had known cardiovascular disease, 10 of whom had received carotid stenting or coronary artery bypass surgery. Ten patients diagnosed with embolus required and consented to carotid Doppler studies. Six patients were confirmed with significant carotid stenosis and 2 (6%)of these patients required carotid endarterectomy surgery. Overall, 4patients died, a mortality rate of 12% over 3 years. Conclusions. Annual diabetic retinopathy screening provide sopportunistic identification of asymptomatic cholesterol emboli and provides an opportunity for review of medical management in the high-risk patient group with appropriate identification and referral for carotid stenosis surgery. A total of 11 patients were identified with sub optimal cardiovascular risk management: e.g., statin use.
The role of nutritional supplementation is of increasing interest with regard to ocular disease. Randomised controlled trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of supplementation for age-related macular degeneration, and formulations are now being developed for use by people with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. The aim of this review was to synthesise the evidence for use of nutritional supplementation in type 2 diabetes. MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched using a systematic approach. Only double-masked randomised controlled trials were selected. A total of 50 trials were identified as suitable for inclusion. The potential role of alpha-lipoic acid, chromium, folic acid, isoflavones, magnesium, Pycnogenol®, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is discussed. The review of trials identifies positive effects of these nutrients on various outcome measures relating to insulin resistance and cardiovascular factors. Chromium was the most studied supplement, accounting for 16 of the 50 trials. A majority of the trials found a positive effect of chromium on fasting plasma glucose. Isoflavones were found to have a positive effect on insulin resistance and cardiovascular outcome measures, but only when combined with soy proteins. Vitamin E is reported to reduce oxidative stress at levels of 200 mg day-1 or more.
Aims: To explore newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes patients' views about Scottish diabetes services at a time when these services are undergoing a major reorganization. To provide recommendations to maximize opportunities brought by the devolvement of services from secondary to primary healthcare settings. Methods: Qualitative panel study with 40 patients newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, recruited from hospital clinics and general practices in Lothian, Scotland. Patients were interviewed three times over 1 year. The study was informed by grounded theory, which involves concurrent data collection and analysis. Results: Patients were generally satisfied with diabetes services irrespective of the types of care received. Most wanted their future care/review to be based in general practice for reasons of convenience and accessibility, although they dis-liked it when appointments were scheduled for different days. Many said they lacked the knowledge/confidence to know how to manage their diabetes in particular situations, and needed access to healthcare professionals who could answer their questions promptly. Patients expressed a need for primary care professionals who had diabetes expertise, but who had more time and were more accessible than general practitioners. Patients who had encountered practice lead nurses for diabetes spoke particularly positively of these professionals. Conclusions: Nurses with diabetes training are particularly well placed to provide information and support to patients in primary care. Ideally, practices should run 'one-stop' diabetes clinics to provide structured care, with easily accessible dietetics, podiatry and retinopathy screening. Newly diagnosed patients may benefit from being made more aware of specific services provided by charitable organizations such as Diabetes UK. © 2005 Diabetes UK.
The metabolic function of the glyoxalase system was investigated in (a) the differentiation and proliferation of human tumour cells in vitro, (b) the cell-free assembly of microtubules and (c) in the red blood cells during hyperglycaemia associated with Diabetes Mellitus. Chemically-induced differentiation of human promyelocytic HL60 leukaemia cells to neutrophils, and K562 erythroleukaemia cells, was accompanied by a decrease and an increase in the activity of glyoxalase I, respectively. Growth-arrest of Burkitt's lymphoma Raji cells and GM892 lymphoblastoid cells was accompanied by an increase and a decrease in the activity of glyoxalase I respectively. However, differentiation and growth arrest generally proceeded with an increase in the activity of glyoxalase II. Glyoxalase I activity did not consistently correlate with cell differentiation or proliferation status; hence, it is unlikely that glyoxalase I activity is either an indicator or a regulator of cell differentiation or proliferation. Conversely, glyoxalase II activity consistently increased during cell differentiation and growth-arrest and may be both an indicator and regulator of cell differentiation or proliferation. This may be related to the control of cellular microtubule assembly. S-D-Lactoylglutathione potentiated the cell-free, GTP-promoted assembly of microtubules. The effect was dose-related and was inhibited by glyoxalase II. During assembly, S-D-lactoylglutathione was consumed. This suggests that the glyoxalase system, through the influence of S-D-lactoylglutathione, may regulate the assembly of microtubules in cellular systems The whole blood concentrations of methylglyoxal and S-D-lactoylglutathione were increased in Diabetes Mellitus. There was no significant difference between red blood cell glyoxalase activities in diabetics, compared to healthy controls. However, insulin-dependent diabetic patients with retinopathy had a significantly higher glyoxalase I activity and a lower glyoxalase II activity, than patients without retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy correlated with high glyoxalase I activity and low glyoxalase II activity and suggests the glyoxalase system may be involved in the development of diabetic complications.
The study investigated the potential applications and the limitations of non-standard techniques of visual field investigation utilizing automated perimetry. Normal subjects exhibited a greater sensitivity to kinetic stimuli than to static stimuli of identical size. The magnitude of physiological SKD was found to be largely independent of age, stimulus size, meridian and eccentricity. The absence of a dependency on stimulus size indicated that successive lateral spatial summation could not totally account for the underlying mechanism of physiological SKD. The visual field indices MD and LV exhibited a progressive deterioration during the time course of a conventional central visual field examination both for normal subjects and for ocular hypertensive patients. The fatigue effect was more pronounced in the latter stages and for the second eye tested. The confidence limits for the definition of abnormality should reflect the greater effect of fatigue on the second eye. A 330 cdm-2 yellow background was employed for blue-on-yellow perimetry. Instrument measurement range was preserved by positioning a concave mirror behind the stimulus bulb to increase the light output by 60% . The mean magnitude of SWS pathway isolation was approximately 1.4 log units relative to a 460nm stimulus filter. The absorption spectra of the ocular media exhibited an exponential increase with increase in age, whilst that of the macular pigment showed no systematic trend. The magnitude of ocular media absorption was demonstrated to reduce with increase in wavelength. Ocular media absorption was significantly greater in diabetic patients than in normal subjects. Five diabetic patients with either normal or borderline achromatic sensitivity exhibited an abnormal blue-on-yellow sensitivity; two of these patients showed no signs of retinopathy. A greater vulnerability of the SWS pathway to the diabetic disease process was hypothesized.
Purpose - We performed a study of laser panretinal photocoagulation in 20 patients with proliferative retinopathy. We compared short exposure, high-energy laser settings with conventional settings, using a 532?nm, frequency doubled, Neodymium–Yag laser and assessed the patients in terms of pain experienced and effectiveness of treatment. Methods - Twenty patients having panretinal photocoagulation for the first time underwent random allocation to treatment of the superior and inferior hemi-retina. Treatment A used ‘conventional’ parameters: exposure time 0.1?s, power sufficient to produce a visible grey-white burns, spot size 300?µm. The other hemi- retina was treated with treatment B using exposure 0.02?s, 300?µm and sufficient power to have similar endpoint. All patients were asked to evaluate severity of pain on a visual analogue scale. (0=no pain, 10=most severe pain). All patients were masked as to the type of treatment and the order of carrying out the treatment on each patient was randomised. Patients underwent fundus photography and were followed up for 6–45 months. Results - Seventeen patients had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, two had ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion and one had ocular ischaemic syndrome. The mean response to treatment A was 5.11, compared to 1.40 treatment B, on the visual analogue scale, which was statistically significant (P=0.001). All patients preferred treatment B. Further treatments, if required, were performed with treatment B parameters and long-term follow-up has shown no evidence of undertreatment. Conclusions - Shortening exposure time of retinal laser is significantly less painful but equally effective as conventional parameters.
PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy and safety of ranibizumab and bevacizumab intravitreal injections to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). DESIGN: Multicenter, noninferiority factorial trial with equal allocation to groups. The noninferiority limit was 3.5 letters. This trial is registered (ISRCTN92166560). PARTICIPANTS: People >50 years of age with untreated nAMD in the study eye who read =25 letters on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart. METHODS: We randomized participants to 4 groups: ranibizumab or bevacizumab, given either every month (continuous) or as needed (discontinuous), with monthly review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome is at 2 years; this paper reports a prespecified interim analysis at 1 year. The primary efficacy and safety outcome measures are distance visual acuity and arteriothrombotic events or heart failure. Other outcome measures are health-related quality of life, contrast sensitivity, near visual acuity, reading index, lesion morphology, serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and costs. RESULTS: Between March 27, 2008 and October 15, 2010, we randomized and treated 610 participants. One year after randomization, the comparison between bevacizumab and ranibizumab was inconclusive (bevacizumab minus ranibizumab -1.99 letters, 95% confidence interval [CI], -4.04 to 0.06). Discontinuous treatment was equivalent to continuous treatment (discontinuous minus continuous -0.35 letters; 95% CI, -2.40 to 1.70). Foveal total thickness did not differ by drug, but was 9% less with continuous treatment (geometric mean ratio [GMR], 0.91; 95% CI, 0.86 to 0.97; P = 0.005). Fewer participants receiving bevacizumab had an arteriothrombotic event or heart failure (odds ratio [OR], 0.23; 95% CI, 0.05 to 1.07; P = 0.03). There was no difference between drugs in the proportion experiencing a serious systemic adverse event (OR, 1.35; 95% CI, 0.80 to 2.27; P = 0.25). Serum VEGF was lower with bevacizumab (GMR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.54; P