21 resultados para molten salts


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Trimethoprim (TMP) is a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitor which prevents the conversion of dihydrofolic acid into tetrahydrofolic acid, resulting in the depletion of the latter and leading to bacterial death. Oral bioavailability of TMP is hindered by both its low solubility and low permeability. This study aims to prepare novel salts of TMP using anionic amino acids; aspartic and glutamic acid as counter ions in order to improve solubility and dissolution. TMP salts were prepared by lyophilisation and characterized using FT-IR spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1HNMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Both the amino acids formed salts with TMP in a 1:1 molar ratio and showed a 280 fold improvement in solubility. Investigation of the microbiological activity of the prepared salts against TMP sensitive Escherichia coli showed that the new salts not only retained antibacterial activity but also exhibited higher zone of inhibition which was attributed to improved physicochemical characters such as higher solubility and dissolution. The results are an important finding that could potentially impact on faster onset of antibacterial activity and reduced therapeutic dose when administered to patients. Studies are underway investigating the effect of ion-pairing TMP with amino acids on the permeability profile of the drug.


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Oral drug delivery is considered the most popular route of delivery because of the ease of administration, availability of a wide range of dosage forms and the large surface area for drug absorption via the intestinal membrane. However, besides the unfavourable biopharmaceutical properties of the therapeutic agents, efflux transporters such as Pglycoprotein (P-gp) and multiple resistance proteins (MRP) decrease the overall drug uptake by extruding the drug from the cells. Although, prodrugs have been investigated to improve drug partitioning by masking the polar groups covalently with pre-moieties promoting increased uptake, they present significant challenges including reduced solubility and increased toxicity. The current work investigates the use of amino acids as ion-pairs for three model drugs: indomethacin (weak acid), trimethoprim (weak base) and ciprofloxacin (zwitter ion) in an attempt to improve both solubility and uptake. Solubility was studied by salt formation while creating new routes for uptake across the membranes via amino acids transporter proteins or dipeptidyl transporters was the rationale to enhance absorption. New salts were prepared for the model drugs and the oppositely charged amino acids by freeze drying and they were characterised using FTIR, 1HNMR, DSC, SEM, pH solubility profile, solubility and dissolution. Permeability profiles were assessed using an in vitro cell based method; Caco-2 cells and the genetic changes occurring across the transporter genes and various pathways involved in the cellular activities were studied using DNA microarrays. Solubility data showed a significant increase in drug solubility upon preparing the new salts with the oppositely charged counter ions (ciprofloxacin glutamate salt exhibiting 2.9x103 fold enhancement when compared to the free drug). Moreover, permeability studies showed a 3 fold increase in trimethoprim and indomethacin permeabilities upon ion-pairing with amino acids and more than 10 fold when the zwitter ionic drug was paired with glutamic acid. Microarray data revealed that trimethoprim was absorbed actively via OCTN1 transporters while MRP7 is the main transporter gene that mediates its efflux. The absorption of trimethoprim from trimethoprim glutamic acid ion-paired formulations was affected by the ratio of glutamic acid in the formulation which was inversely proportional to the degree of expression of OCTN1. Interestingly, ciprofloxacin glutamic acid ion-pairs were found to decrease the up-regulation of ciprofloxacin efflux proteins (P-gp and MRP4) and over-express two solute carrier transporters; (PEPT2 and SLCO1A2) suggesting that a high aqueous binding constant (K11aq) enables the ion-paired formulations to be absorbed as one entity. In conclusion, formation of ion-pairs with amino acids can influence in a positive way solubility, transfer and gene expression effects of drugs.


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Aim: Salt formation is a widely used approach to improve the physicochemical and solid state properties of an active pharmaceutical ingredient. In order to better understand the relationships between the active drug, the selected counterion and the resultant salt form, crystalline salts were formed using four different carboxylic acid drugs and a closely related series of amine counterions. Thirty-six related crystalline salts were prepared, characterized and the relationship between solubility and dissolution behaviour and other properties of the salt and the counterion studied. Methods: Salts of four model acid drugs, gemfibrozil, flurbiprofen, ibuprofen and etodolac were prepared using the counterions butylamine, hexylamine, octylamine, benzylamine, cyclohexylamine, tert-butylamine, 2-amino-2-methylpropan-1-ol, 2-amino-2-methylpropan-1,3-diol andtris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane. Salt formation was confirmed, the salts were characterized and their corresponding solubilities determined and rationalized with respect to the counterions' properties. Results and conclusion: The properties of the salt highly dependent on the nature of the counterion and, although there is considerable variation, some general conclusion can be drawn. For the alkyl amines series, increasing chain length leads to a reduction in solubility across all the acidic drugs studied and a reduction in melting point, thus contradicting simplistic relationships between solubility and melting point. Small, compact counterions consistently produce crystalline salts with high melting point accompanied with a modest improvement in solubility and the nature of hydrogen bonding between the ions has a major impact on the solubility. © 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Fatigue crack initiation and subsequent short crack growth behaviour of 2014-5wt%SiC aluminium alloy composites has been examined in 4-point bend loading using smooth bar specimens. The growth rates of long fatigue cracks have also been measured at different stress ratios using pre-cracked specimens. The distributions of SiC particles and of coarse constituent particles in the matrix (which arise as a result of the molten-metal processing and relatively slow cooling rate) have been investigated. Preferential crack initiation sites were found to be SiC-matrix interfaces, SiC particles associated with constituent particles and the coarse constituent particles themselves. For microstructurally short cracks the dispersed SiC particles also act as temporary crack arresters. In the long crack growth tests, higher fatigue crack growth rates were obtained than for monolithic alloys. This effect is attributed to the contribution of void formation, due to the decohesion of SiC particles, to the fatigue crack growth process in the composite. Above crack depths of about 200 μm 'short' crack growth rates were in good agreement with the long crack data, showing a Pris exponent, m = 4 in both cases. For the long crack and short crack growth tests little effect of specimen orientation and grain size was observed on fatigue crack growth rates, but, specimen orientation affected the toughness. No effect of stress ratio in the range R = 0.2-0.5 was seen for long crack data in the Paris region.


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The total structure factor of molten TbCl3 at 617ºC was measured by using neutron diffraction. The data are in agreement with results from previous experimental work but the use of a diffractometer having an extended reciprocal-space measurement window leads to improved resolution in real space. Significant discrepancies with the results obtained from recent molecular dynamics simulations carried out using a polarizable ion model, in which the interaction potentials were optimized to enhance agreement with previous diffraction data, are thereby highlighted. It is hence shown that there is considerable scope for the development of this model for TbCl3 and for other trivalent metal halide systems spanning a wide range of ion size ratios.


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Objectives Understanding the impact of the counterion on the properties of an acidic or basic drug may influence the choice of salt form, especially for less potent drugs with a high drug load per unit dose. The aim of this work was to determine the influence of the hydrogen bonding potential of the counterion on the crystal structure of salts of the poorly soluble, poorly compressible, acidic drug gemfibrozil and to correlate these with mechanical properties. Methods Compacts of the parent drug and the salts were used to determine Young's modulus of elasticity using beam bending tests. Crystal structures were determined previously from X-ray powder diffraction data. Key findings The free acid, tert-butylamine, 2-amino-2-methylpropan-1-ol and 2-amino-2-methylpropan-1, 3-diol salts had a common crystal packing motif of infinite hydrogen-bonded chains with cross-linking between pairs of adjacent chains. The tromethamine (trsi) salt, with different mechanical properties, had a two-dimensional sheet-like network of hydrogen bonds, with slip planes, forming a stiffer compact. Conclusions The type of counter ion is important in determining mechanical properties and could be selected to afford slip and plastic deformation. © 2010 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.