33 resultados para isothermal CSTR


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The theory of vapour-liquid equilibria is reviewed, as is the present status or prediction methods in this field. After discussion of the experimental methods available, development of a recirculating equilibrium still based on a previously successful design (the modified Raal, Code and Best still of O'Donnell and Jenkins) is described. This novel still is designed to work at pressures up to 35 bar and for the measurement of both isothermal and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data. The equilibrium still was first commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of pure ethanol and cyclohexane in the temperature range 77-124°C and 80-142°C respectively. The data obtained were compared with available literature experimental values and with values derived from an extended form of the Antoine equation for which parameters were given in the literature. Commissioning continued with the study of the phase behaviour of mixtures of the two pure components as such mixtures are strongly non-ideal, showing azeotopic behaviour. Existing data did not exist above one atmosphere pressure. Isothermal measurements were made at 83.29°C and 106.54°C, whilst isobaric measurements were made at pressures of 1 bar, 3 bar and 5 bar respectively. The experimental vapour-liquid equilibrium data obtained are assessed by a standard literature method incorporating a themodynamic consistency test that minimises the errors in all the measured variables. This assessment showed that reasonable x-P-T data-sets had been measured, from which y-values could be deduced, but that the experimental y-values indicated the need for improvements in the design of the still. The final discussion sets out the improvements required and outlines how they might be attained.


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The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG  k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.


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The interaction of ionising radiation with polymers is described and the literature relating; to the effects on polypropylene is reviewed. Oxidative and free radical reactions are discussed with particular reference to post-irradiationeffects.Isotactic and atactic polypropylene were δ and electron irradiated to doses of up to 20 megarad. Irradiations weremainly made in air. A series of other polymers were also irradiated in a preliminary survey. Molar mass measurements are used to measure the radiationyield for chain scission G (s). Irradiation at room temperature causes significantly more chain scission than at 195K. Additional chain scission occurs on storage following irradiation at 195 K. Free radical concentrations are determined by electron spin resonance, and the decay rates measured. The radical formed in air is a peroxy radical and in vacuo is a hydrocarbon radical. At77K in vacuo the radical is -CH2 - C* (CH3) - CH2 - but additional radicals are produced on warning to room temperature. The effects of increasing tenparature on radicals formed in air are described. Electron spin resonance studies on atactic polypropylene,and isotactic polypropylene in hydrogen, sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide are reported.. The melting temperatures, spherulite growth rates, and isothermal crystallisation rates of irradiated polypropylene are compared to those of the non-irradiated polymer. Crystallisation is found to proceed with an Avrami integer n = 2. At a given crystallisation temperature, the overall crystallisation rate of irradiated polymer is less than the non-irradiated, but spherulite growth rates are identical. Thermogravimetric analysis is used to assess the thermal stability of irradiated polypropylene in nitrogen, air and oxygen. Hydroperoxide analysis is used to show that several molecules of oxygen are absorbed for each initial radical, and that hydroperoxides continue to be formed for a long period following irradiation. Possible solutions for minimising irradiation and post-irradiation degradation are suggested, together with some problems for further study.


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Reversed-pahse high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of indomethacin, its decomposition products, ibuprofen and its (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)methyl-, (tetrahydro-2-(2H)pyranyl)methyl- and cyclohexylmethyl esters. The development and application of these HPLC systems were studied. A number of physico-chemical parameters that affect percutaneous absorption were investigated. The pKa values of indomethacin and ibuprofen were determined using the solubility method. Potentiometric titration and the Taft equation were also used for ibuprofen. The incorporation of ethanol or propylene glycol in the solvent resulted in an improvement in the aqueous solubility of these compounds. The partition coefficients were evaluated in order to establish the affinity of these drugs towards the stratum corneum. The stability of indomethacin and of ibuprofen esters were investigated and the effect of temperature and pH on the decomposition rates were studied. The effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the alkaline degradation of indomethacin was also followed. In the presence of alcohol, indomethacin alcoholysis was observed and the kinetics of decomposition were subjected to non-linear regression analysis and the rate constants for the various pathways were quantified. The non-isothermal, sufactant non-isoconcentration and non-isopH degradation of indomethacin were investigated. The analysis of the data was undertaken using NONISO, a BASIC computer program. The degradation profiles obtained from both non-iso and iso-kinetic studies show that there is close concordance in the results. The metabolic biotransformation of ibuprofen esters was followed using esterases from hog liver and rat skin homogenates. The results showed that the esters were very labile under these conditions. The presence of propylene glycol affected the rates of enzymic hydrolysis of the ester. The hydrolysis is modelled using an equation involving the dielectric constant of the medium. The percutaneous absorption of indomethacin and of ibuprofen and its esters was followed from solutions using an in vitro excised human skin model. The absorption profiles followed first order kinetics. The diffusion process was related to their solubility and to the human skin/solvent partition coefficient. The percutaneous absorption of two ibuprofen esters from suspensions in 20% propylene glycol-water were also followed through rat skin with only ibuprofen being detected in the receiver phase. The sensitivity of ibuprofen esters to enzymic hydrolysis compared to the chemical hydrolysis may prove valuable in the formulation of topical delivery systems.


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This thesis presents an effective methodology for the generation of a simulation which can be used to increase the understanding of viscous fluid processing equipment and aid in their development, design and optimisation. The Hampden RAPRA Torque Rheometer internal batch twin rotor mixer has been simulated with a view to establishing model accuracies, limitations, practicalities and uses. As this research progressed, via the analyses several 'snap-shot' analysis of several rotor configurations using the commercial code Polyflow, it was evident that the model was of some worth and its predictions are in good agreement with the validation experiments, however, several major restrictions were identified. These included poor element form, high man-hour requirements for the construction of each geometry and the absence of the transient term in these models. All, or at least some, of these limitations apply to the numerous attempts to model internal mixes by other researchers and it was clear that there was no generally accepted methodology to provide a practical three-dimensional model which has been adequately validated. This research, unlike others, presents a full complex three-dimensional, transient, non-isothermal, generalised non-Newtonian simulation with wall slip which overcomes these limitations using unmatched ridding and sliding mesh technology adapted from CFX codes. This method yields good element form and, since only one geometry has to be constructed to represent the entire rotor cycle, is extremely beneficial for detailed flow field analysis when used in conjunction with user defined programmes and automatic geometry parameterisation (AGP), and improves accuracy for investigating equipment design and operation conditions. Model validation has been identified as an area which has been neglected by other researchers in this field, especially for time dependent geometries, and has been rigorously pursued in terms of qualitative and quantitative velocity vector analysis of the isothermal, full fill mixing of generalised non-Newtonian fluids, as well as torque comparison, with a relatively high degree of success. This indicates that CFD models of this type can be accurate and perhaps have not been validated to this extent previously because of the inherent difficulties arising from most real processes.


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Finite element simulations have been performed along side normal mode analysis on the linear stability that examined the development of volumetrically heated flow patterns in a horizontal layer controlled by the Prandtl number, Pr, and the Grashof number, Gr. The fluid was bounded by an isothermal plane above an adiabatic plane. In the simulations performed here, a number of convective polygonal planforms occurred, as Gr increased above the critical Grashof number, Grc at Pr = 7, while roll structures were observed for Pr < 1 at 2Grc.


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Simulations examining pattern competition have been performed on a horizontal homogeneously heated layer that is bounded by an isothermal plane above an adiabatic plane. Several different circulation patterns arose as the heating regime applied to the horizontal layer was modified. The sequence of the patterns formed as the Grashof number was increased had the following order: laminar layer, rolls, squares, hexagons and pentagons, and then two square modes of differing orientations. Fourier analysis was used to determine how the key modes interact with each pattern.


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Finite element simulations have been performed along side Galerkin-type calculations that examined the development of volumetrically heated flow patterns in a horizontal layer controlled by the Prandtl number, Pr, and the Grashof number, Gr. The fluid was bounded by an isothermal plane above an adiabatic plane. In the simulations performed here, a number of convective polygonal planforms occurred, as Gr increased above the critical Grashof number, Grc at Pr = 7, while roll structures were observed for Pr < 1 at 2Grc.


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The thermal decomposition behavior of 1,2-bis-(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE) widely used as flame retardant plastics additive was studied by HRTG and differential scanning calorimetries. It was pyrolysed in inert atmosphere at 240 and 340 °C in isothermal conditions, the decomposition products were collected and investigated by means of IR and GC-MS, most of them are identified. It was found that BTBPE mostly evaporates at 240 °C. The decomposition products at 340°C depend on rate of their removal from the hot reaction zone. Main primary decomposition products found in case of rapid removal are tribromophenol and vinyl tribromophenyl ether. Whereas, prolonged contact with heating zone also produces hydrogen bromide, ethylene bromide, polybrominated vinyl phenyl ethers and diphenyl ethers, and dibenzodioxins. The nature of the identified compounds are in accordance with a molecular and radical pyrolysis reaction pathway. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method for debromination of organics by a reductive medium like polypropylene is investigated. The reaction is carried out in inert atmosphere to avoid rapid oxidation of the polymer. Through this detoxification procedure, hydrogen bromide and small brominated alkanes are formed. Experiments in closed ampoules are carried out with tetrabromobisphenol A, dibromophenol, pentabromodiphenyl ether, dichlorophenol and an oil formed by pyrolysis of printed circuit boards in the Haloclean® process. The reaction is examined under isothermal conditions in a temperature range between 300 and 400°C and a residence time between 10 and 30 min. Optimal conditions were found at 350°C and at a residence time of 20 min. As chlorinated phenols are not destroyed under these conditions, the process may be a valuable procedure to gain hydrogen bromide out of mixtures of halogenated feed materials. Also, under atmospheric pressure, a reaction between polypropylene and brominated compounds takes place as could be proved by thermogravimetric analysis. Bromobenzene has an accelerating effect on the rate of weight loss of the polymer, but at higher concentrations, it can also be slowed down. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of an innovative technology for the pyrolytic conversion of brominated phenols in a reductive medium aimed at product recovery for commercial use is discussed in this paper. Brominated phenols are toxic products, which contaminate pyrolysis oil of wastes from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE). The pyrolysis experiments were carried out with 2,6-dibromophenol, tetrabromobisphenol A, WEEE pyrolysis oil and polypropylene or polyethylene in encapsulated ampoules under inert atmosphere in quasi-isothermal conditions (300-400 °C) with a different residence time (10-30 min). Optimal conditions were found to be the use of polypropylene at 350 °C with a residence time of 20 min. The main pyrolysis products were identified as HBr and phenol. A radical debromination mechanism for the pyrolytic destruction of brominated phenols is suggested. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe what is to our knowledge the first use of fiber Bragg gratings written into three separate cores of a multicore fiber for two-axis curvature measurement. The gratings act as independent, but isothermal, fiber strain gauges for which local curvature determines the difference in strain between cores, permitting temperature-independent bend measurement.


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Two-dimensional 'Mercedes Benz' (MB) or BN2D water model (Naim, 1971) is implemented in Molecular Dynamics. It is known that the MB model can capture abnormal properties of real water (high heat capacity, minima of pressure and isothermal compressibility, negative thermal expansion coefficient) (Silverstein et al., 1998). In this work formulas for calculating the thermodynamic, structural and dynamic properties in microcanonical (NVE) and isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensembles for the model from Molecular Dynamics simulation are derived and verified against known Monte Carlo results. The convergence of the thermodynamic properties and the system's numerical stability are investigated. The results qualitatively reproduce the peculiarities of real water making the model a visually convenient tool that also requires less computational resources, thus allowing simulations of large (hydrodynamic scale) molecular systems. We provide the open source code written in C/C++ for the BN2D water model implementation using Molecular Dynamics.


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The kinetic parameters of the pyrolysis of miscanthus and its acid hydrolysis residue (AHR) were determined using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The AHR was produced at the University of Limerick by treating miscanthus with 5 wt.% sulphuric acid at 175 °C as representative of a lignocellulosic acid hydrolysis product. For the TGA experiments, 3 to 6 g of sample, milled and sieved to a particle size below 250 μm, were placed in the TGA ceramic crucible. The experiments were carried out under non-isothermal conditions heating the samples from 50 to 900 °C at heating rates of 2.5, 5, 10, 17 and 25 °C/min. The activation energy (EA) of the decomposition process was determined from the TGA data by differential analysis (Friedman) and three isoconversional methods of integral analysis (Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose, Ozawa–Flynn–Wall, Vyazovkin). The activation energy ranged from 129 to 156 kJ/mol for miscanthus and from 200 to 376 kJ/mol for AHR increasing with increasing conversion. The reaction model was selected using the non-linear least squares method and the pre-exponential factor was calculated from the Arrhenius approximation. The results showed that the best fitting reaction model was the third order reaction for both feedstocks. The pre-exponential factor was in the range of 5.6 × 1010 to 3.9 × 10+ 13 min− 1 for miscanthus and 2.1 × 1016 to 7.7 × 1025 min− 1 for AHR.


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A version of the thermodynamic perturbation theory based on a scaling transformation of the partition function has been applied to the statistical derivation of the equation of state in a highpressure region. Two modifications of the equations of state have been obtained on the basis of the free energy functional perturbation series. The comparative analysis of the experimental PV T- data on the isothermal compression for the supercritical fluids of inert gases has been carried out. © 2012.