64 resultados para hydrophilic


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The objective of the work described was to identify and synthesize a range of biodegradable hypercoiling or hydrophobically associating polymers to mimic natural apoproteins, such as those found in lung surfactant or plasma apolipoproteins. Stirred interfacial polymerization was used to synthesize potentially biodegradable aromatic polyamides (Mw of 12,000-26,000) based on L-Iysine, L-Iysine ethyl ester, L-ornithine and DL-diaminopropionic acid, by reaction with isophthaloyl chloride. A similar technique was used to synthesize aliphatic polyamides based on L-Iysine ethyl ester and either adipoyl chloride or glutaryl chloride resulting in the synthesis of poly(lysine ethyl ester adipamide) [PLETESA] or poly(lysine ethyl ester glutaramide) (Mw of 126,000 and 26,000, respectively). PLETESA was found to be soluble in both polar and non-polar solvents and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance could be modified by partial saponification (66-75%) of the ethyl ester side chains. Surface or interfacial tension/pH profiles were used to assess the conformation of both the poly(isophthalamides) and partially saponified PLETESA in aqueous solution. The results demonstrated that a loss of charge from the polymer was accompanied by an initial fall in surface activity, followed by a rise in activity, and ultimately, by polymer precipitation. These observations were explained by a collapse of the polymer chains into non-surface active intramolecular coils, followed by a transition to an amphipathic conformation, and finally to a collapsed hydrophobe. 2-Dimensional NMR analysis of polymer conformation in polar and non-polar solvents revealed intramolecular associations between the hydrophobic groups within partially saponified PLETESA. Unsaponified PLETESA appeared to form a coiled structure in polar solvents where the ethyl ester side chains were contained within the polymer coil. The implications of the secondary structure of PLETESA and potential biomedical applications are discussed.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks (lPN's), have been defined as a combination of two polymers each in network form, at least one of which has been synthesised and / or crosslinked in the presence of the other. A semi-lPN, is formed when only one of the polymers in the system is crosslinked, the other being linear. lPN's have potential advantages over homogeneous materials presently used in biomedical applications, in that their composite nature gives them a useful combination of properties. Such materials have potential uses in the biomedical field, specifically for use in hard tissue replacements, rigid gas permeable contact lenses and dental materials. Work on simply two or three component systems in both low water containing lPN's supplemented by the study of hydrogels (water swollen hydrophilic polymers) can provide information useful in the future development of more complex systems. A range of copolymers have been synthesised using a variety of methacrylates and acrylates. Hydrogels were obtained by the addition of N-vinyl pyrrolidone to these copolymers. A selection of interpenetrants were incorporated into the samples and their effect on the copolymer properties was investigated. By studying glass transition temperatures, mechanical, surface, water binding and oxygen permeability properties samples were assessed for their suitability for use as biomaterials. In addition copolymers containing tris-(trimethylsiloxy)-y-methacryloxypropyl silane, commonly abbreviated to 'TRlS', have been investigated. This material has been shown to enhance oxygen permeability, a desirable property when considering the design of contact lenses. However, 'TRIS' has a low polar component of surface free energy and hence low wettability. Copolymerisation with a range of methacrylates has shown that significant increases in surface wettability can be obtained without a detrimental effect on oxygen permeability. To further enhance to surface wettability 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride was incorporated into a range of promising samples. This study has shown that by careful choice of monomers it is possible to synthesise polymers that possess a range of properties desirable in biomedical applications.


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Hydrogels may be described as cross~linked hydrophilic polymers that swell but do not dissolve in water. They have been utilised in many biomedical applications, as there is the potential to manipulate the properties for a given application by changing the chemical structure of the constituent monomers. This project is focused on the development of novel hydrogels for keratoprosthesis (KPro). The most commonly used KPro model consists of a tansparent central stem witb a porous peripheral skirt. Clear poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) core material used in the Strampelli KPros prosthesis has not been the cause of failure found in other core and skirt prostheses. However, epithelialization of this kind of solid, rigid optic material is clearly impossible. The approach to the development of a hydrogeJ for potential KPro use adopted in this work is to develop soft core material to mimic the properties of the natural cornea by incorporating some hydrophilic monomers such as N, N-dimethyacrylamide (NNSMA) N~vinyl pyrrolidone (NVP) and acryloylmorpholine (AMO) with methyl methactylate (MMA). Most of these materials have been used in other ophthalmic applications, such as contact lens. However, an unavoidable limitation of simple .MMA copolymers as conventional hydrogels is poor mechanical strength. The hydrogel for use in this application must be able to withstand the stresses involved during the surgical procedure involved with KPro surgery and the in situ stresses such as the deforming force of the eyelid during the blink cycle. Thus, semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (SIPNs) based on ester polyurethane, AMO, NVP and NNDMA were examined in this work and were found to have much improved mechanical properties at water contents between 40% and 70%. Polyethylene glycol monomethacrylate (PEG MA) was successfully incorporated in order to modulate protein deposition and cell adhesion. Porous peripheral skirts were fabricated using different types of porosigen. The water content mechanical properties, surface properties and cell response of these various materials have been investigated in this thesis. These studies demonstrated that simple hydrogel SIPNs which show isotropic mechanical behaviour, are not ideal KPro materials since they do not mimic the anisotropic behaviour of natural cornea. The final stage of the work has concentrated on the study of hydrogels reinforced with mesh materials. They offer a promising approach to making a hydrogel that is very flexible but strong under tension, thereby having mechanical properties closer to the natural cornea than has been previously possible.


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This thesis describes investigations upon pseudopeptides which were conducted to improve our understanding of the fate of synthetic macromolecules in cells and to develop approaches to influence that fate. The low uptake of molecules across the external cellular membrane is the principal barrier against effective delivery of therapeutic products to within the cell structure. In nature, disruption of this membrane by amphiphilic peptides plays a central role in the pathogenesis by bacterial and toxin infections. These amphiphilic peptides contain both hydrophobic and weakly charged hydrophilic amino acid residues and upon activation they become integrated into the lipid bilayers of the extracellular or endosomal membranes. The architectures of the pseudopeptides described here were designed to display similar pH dependent membrane rupturing activity to that of peptides derived from the influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2. This HA protein promotes fusion of the influenza virus envelope with the cell endosome membrane due to a change in conformation in response to the acidic pH of the endosome lumen (pH 5.0-6.0). The pseudopeptides were obtained by the copolymerisation of L-lysine and L-lysine ethyl-ester with various dicarboxylic acid moieties. In this way a linear polyamide comprising of alternating pendant carboxylic acids and pendant hydrophobic moieties was made. At physiological pH (pH 7.4), electrostatic repulsion of pendant anionic carboxyl groups along the polymer backbone is sufficient to overcome the intramolecular association of the hydrophobic groups resulting in an extended conformation. At low pH (typically pH 4.8) loss of charge results in increased intramolecular hydrophobic association and the polymer chain collapses to a compact conformation, leading to precipitation of the polymer. Consequently, a conformation dependent functional property could be made to respond to small changes in the environmental pH. Pseudopepides were investigated for their cytoxicity towards a well known cell line, namely C26 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) and were shown through the use of a cell viability assay, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to be well tolerated by C26 cells over a range of concentrations (2-500,μg/ml) at physiological pH (pH 7.4). A modified version of a shorter 30-minute coupled enzymatic assay, the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay was used to evaluate the ability of the pseudopeptides to disrupt the membrane of two different cell lines (COS-1; African green monkey, kidney and A2780; human ovarian carcinoma) at low pH (pH 5.5). The cell membrane disruption property of the pseudopeptides was successfully demonstrated for COS-I and A2780 cell lines at this pH (pH 5.5). A variety of cell lines were chosen owing to limited availability and to compare the cytotoxic action of these pH responsive psudopeptides towards normal and tumorogenic cell lines. To investigate the intracellular delivery of one of the pseudopeptides, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide) and its subcellular location, a Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into its backbone, at ratios of dye:lysine of 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:60 and 1:80. Native polyacrylacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and high voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) studies of the polydyes were conducted and provided evidence that that the Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into the backbone of the polymer, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide). The subcellular fate of the fluorescentlylabelled "polydye" (hereafter PD20) was monitored by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells cultured in-vitro at various pH values (pH 7.4 and 5.0). LSCM images depicting time-dependent internalisation of PD20 indicated that PD20 traversed the extracellular membrane of CHO cells cultured in-vitro within ten minutes and migrated towards the endosomal regions where the pH is in the region of 5.0 to 6.0. Nuclear localisation of PD20 was demonstrated in a subpopulation of CHO cells. A further study was completed in CHO and HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cells cultured in-vitro using a lower molecular weight polymer to demonstrate that the molecular weight of "polydye" could be tailored to attain nuclear trafficking in cells. Prospective use of this technology encompasses a method of delivering a payload into a living cell based upon the hypercoiling nature of the pseudopeptides studied in this thesis and has led to a patent application (GB0228525.2; 20(2).


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The criteria involved in the degradation of polyethylene-based degradable polymer samples have been investigated, with a view to obtaining a clearer mechanism of photo-biodegradation. The compatibility of degradable polymer samples during materials recycling was also studied. Commercial and laboratory prepared degradable polymer samples were oxidised in different environments and the oxidation products formed were studied using various analytical chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques such as HPLC, FT-IR and NMR. It was found that commercial degradable polymer samples which are based on the ECO systems, degrade predominantly via the Norrish II process, whereas the other degradable systems studied (starch-filled polyethylene systems, transition metal systems, including metal carboxylate based polyethylene systems and the photoantioxidant-activator systems) photodegrade essentially via the Norrish I process. In all cases, the major photoxidation products extracted from the degradable polymer samples were found to be carboxylic acids, although, in the polymer itself a mixture of carbonyl containing products such as esters, lactones, ketones and aldehydes was observed. The study also found that the formation of these hydrophilic carbonyl products causes surface swelling of the polymer, thus making bioerosion possible. It was thus concluded that environmental degradation of LDPE is a two step process, the initiation stage being oxidation of the polymer which gives rise to bioassimilable products, which are consequently bioeroded in the second stage, (the biodegradation step). Recycling of the degradable polymer samples as 10% homogeneous and heterogeneous blends was carried out using a single screw extruder (180°C and 210°C) and an internal mixer (190°C). The study showed that commercial degradable polymer samples may be recycled with a minimal loss in their properties.


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The aim of this work was to synthesise a series of hydrophilic derivatives of cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (cis-DHCD) and copolymerise them with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to produce a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It is theorised that hydrogels incorporating such derivatives of cis-DHCD will exhibit good strength and elasticity in addition to good water binding ability. The synthesis of derivatives was attempted by both enzymatic and chemical methods. Enzyme synthesis involved the transesterification of cis-DHCD with a number of trichloro and trifluoroethyl esters using the enzyme lipase porcine pancreas to catalyse the reaction in organic solvent. Cyclohexanol was used in initial studies to assess the viability of enzyme catalysed reactions. Chemical synthesis involved the epoxidation of a number of unsaturated carboxylic acids and the subsequent reaction of these epoxy acids with cis-DHCD in DCC/DMAP catalysed esterifications. The silylation of cis-DHCD using TBDCS and BSA was also studied. The rate of aromatisation of cis-DHCD at room temperature was studied in order to assess its stability and 1H NMR studies were also undertaken to determine the conformations adopted by derivatives of cis-DHCD. The copolymerisation of diepoxybutanoate, diepoxyundecanoate, dibutenoate and silyl protected derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to produce a new group of hydrogels was investigated. The EWC and mechanical properties of these hydrogels were measured and DSC was used to determine the amount of freezing and non-freezing water in the membranes. The effect on EWC of opening the epoxide rings of the comonomers was also investigated


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Hydrogels may be conveniently described as hydrophilic polymers that are swollen by, but do not dissolve in water. In this work a series of copolymer hydrogels and semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on the monomers 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, N-vinyl pyrrolidone and N'N' dimethyl acrylamide, together with some less hydrophilic hydroxyalkyl acrylates and methacrylates have been synthesised. Variations in structure and composition have been correlated both with the total equilibrium water content of the resultant hydrogel and with the more detailed water binding behaviour, as revealed by differential scanning calorimetry studies. The water binding characteristics of the hydrogels were found to be primarily a function of the water structuring groups present in gel. The water binding abilities of these groups were, however, modified by steric effects. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were also investigated. These were found to be dependent on both the polymer composition and the amount and nature of the water present in the gels. In biological systems, composite formation provides a means of producing strong, high water content materials. As an analogy with these systems hydrogel composites were prepared. In an initial study of these materials the water binding and mechanical properties of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks of N'N'dimethyl acrylamide with cellulosic type materials, with polyurethanes and with ester containing polymers were examined. A preliminary investigation of surface properties of both the copolymers and semi-interpenetrating polymer networks has been completed, using both contact angle measurements and anchorage dependent fibroblast cells. Measurable differences in surface properties attributable to structural variations in the polymers were detected by droplet techniques in the dehydrated state. However, in the hydrated state these differences were masked by the water in the gels. The use of cells enabled the underlying differences to be probed and the nature of the water structuring group was again found to be the dominant factor.


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Tear component deposition onto contact lenses is termed `spoilation' and occurs due to the interaction of synthetic polymers with their biological fluid environment. Spoilation phenomena alter the physico-chemical properties of hydrophilic contact lenses, diminishing the optical properties of the lens; causing discomfort and complications for the wearer. Eventually these alterations render the lens unwearable. The primary aim of this interdisciplinary study was to develop analytical techniques capable of analysing the minute quantities of biological deposition involved, in particular the lipid fraction. Prior to this work such techniques were unavailable for single contact lenses. It is envisaged that these investigations will further the understanding of this biological interfacial conversion. Two main analytical techniques were developed: a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and fluorescence spectrofluorimetry. The HPLC method allows analysis of a single contact lens and provided previously unavailable valuable information about variations in the lipid profiles of deposited contact lenses and patient tear films. Fluorescence spectrophotofluorimetry is a sensitive non-destructive technique for observing changes in the fluorescence intensity of biological components on contact lenses. The progression and deposition of tear materials can be monitored and assessed for both in vivo and in vitro spoiled lenses using this technique. An improved in vitro model which is comparable to tears and chemically mimics ocular spoilation was also developed. This model allows the controlled study of extrinsic factors and hydrogel compositions. These studies show that unsaturated tear lipids, probably unsaturated fatty acids, are involved in the interfacial conversion of hydrogel lenses, rendering them incompatible with the ocular microenvironment. Lipid interaction with the lens surface then facilitates secondary deposition of other tear components. Interaction, exchange and immobilisation (by polymerisation) of the lipid layer appears to occur before the final and rapid growth of more complex, insoluble discrete deposits, sometimes called `white spots'.


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The aims of this project were:1) the synthesis of a range of new polyether-based vinylic monomers and their incorporation into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (poly(HEMA)) based hydrogel networks, of interest to the contact lens industry.2) the synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids, and their derivatives. These molecules may ultimately be used to produce functionalised poly(-hydroxy acids) of potential interest in either drug delivery or surgical suture applications. The novel syntheses of a range of both methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (MPEGAs) and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (PEGAs) are described. Products were obtained in very good yields. These new polyether-based vinylic monomers were copolymerised with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) to produce a range of hydrogels. The equilibrium water contents (EWC) and surface properties of these copolymers containing linear polyethers were examined. It was found that the EWC was enhanced by the presence of the hydrophilic polyether chains.Results suggest that the polyether side chains express themselves at the polymer surface, thus dictating the surface properties of the gels. Consequentially, this leads to an advantageous reduction in the surface adhesion of biological species. A synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids is also described. The acids prepared were obtained in very good yields using a novel four-stage synthesis. These acids were modified to give potassium monoethyl alkyltartronates. Although no polyesterification is described in this thesis, these modified alkyltartronic acid derivatives are considered to be potentially excellent starting materials for poly (alkyltartronic acid) synthesis via anhydrocarboxylate or anhydrosulphite cyclic monomers.


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Hydrogels may be described as cross-linked hydrophilic polymers that swell but do not dissolve in water. The production of high water content hydrogels was the subject of investigation. Based upon copolymer compositions that had already achieved commercial success as biomaterials, new monomers were added or substituted in and the effects observed. The addition of N-isopropyl acrylamide to an acrylamide-based composition that had previously been designed to become a contact lens, produced materials that showed smart effects in that the water content showed dependence on the temperature of the hydrating solution. Such thermo-responsive materials have potential uses in drug delivery, ultrafiltration and cell culture surfaces. Proteoglycans in nature have an important role to play in structural support where a highly hydrophilic structure maintains lubricious surfaces. Certain functional groups that impart this hydrophilicity are present in certain sulphonate monomers, Bis(3-sulphopropyl ester) itaconate, dipotassium salt (SPI), 3-Sulphopropyl ester acrylate, potassium salt (SPA) and Sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methyl propane sulphonate (NaAMPS). These monomers were incorporated into a HEMA-based copolymer that had been designed initially as a contact lens and the resulting effects examined. Highly hydrophilic materials resulted that showed reduced protein deposition over the neutral core material. It is postulated that a sulphonate group would have a larger number of hydration shells around it than for example methacrylic acid, leading to more dynamic exchange and so reducing the adsorption of biological solutes. A cationic monomer was added to bring back the net anionic nature of the sulphonate hydrogels and the effects studied. Ionic interactions were found to cause a reduction in the water content of the resulting materials as the mobility of the network decreased, leading to stiffer but less extensible materials. The presence of a net dominant charge, whether negative or positive, appeared to act to reduce protein deposition, but increasing equivalence in the amount of both charges served to present a more 'neutral' surface and deposition subsequently increased. The grafting of hydrophilic hydrogel layers onto silicone elastomer was attempted and the results evaluated using dynamic contact angle measurements. Following plasma oxidation to reduce the surface energy barrier to aqueous grafting chemistry, it was found that the wettability of the modified elastomers could be significantly enhanced by such treatment. The SPA-grafted material in particular hinted at an osmotic drive for rehydration that may be exploited in biomaterials.


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The aim of the project was to synthesise hydrophilic derivatives of 1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (DHCD) and to copolymerise these derivatives with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to give a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It was thought that hydro gels incorporating hydrophilic derivatives of DHCD could have good mechanical properties and good water binding ability. A model compound for cis-DHCD was sought, as cis-DHCD was expensive and stable under only a narrow range of conditions. Catechol was found to be an excellent model for cis-DHCD, as 1H NMR spectroscopy indicated that both compounds contained eclipsed hydroxy groups and flat rings. A number of catechol derivatives were prepared in good yield, under non-acidic conditions at room temperature. The limited availabilty of cis-DHCD led to an investigation into synthesising hydrophilic derivatives of both cis and trans-DHCD indirectly. Hydrophobic derivatives were easily prepared by indirect routes, but it was found that hydrophilic derivatives were considerably more difficult to synthesise. A number of novel routes to both cis and trans-DHCD were also explored. Copolymerisation of diacetate, dimethylcarbonate and dipivalate derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to form a hitherto unknown group of hydrogels, is reported. Hydrogels containing these monomers showed significant improvements in both tensile strength and Youngs modulus, at both equivalent composition and water content, over the corresponding HEMA / styrene and HEMA / methyl methacrylate analogues. It was observed that derivatives of trans-DHCD polymerise with difficulty. 1H NMR studies indicated that both faces of the ring were shielded by the pendant groups thereby preventing efficient polymerisation of the trans monomers.


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In this study, investigations into phonophoresis were conducted by employing 3 distinct in vitro models. The aim of the first model was to evaluate the effect of ultrasound on the migration rate of different classes of molecules through agar gel. The derived data suggested that small, relatively hydrophobic molecules are more susceptible to ultrasound-enhanced diffusion through the water-filled channels of the agar gel. The application of heat alone increased drug migration by a similar magnitude as the ultrasound, indicating that ultrasonic heating directly increases the thermodynamic potential for diffusion. In the second experimental system, whole rat skin was pre-sonicated and then examined for changes in its barrier properties. At high intensities (1 to 2W cm-2), ultrasonic waves irreversibly compromised the barrier properties of the skin, following the general patterns described in the literature reports. At low intensities (< 1W cm-2), ultrasound discharged sebum from the sebaceous glands so as to fill much of the hair follicle shafts. This entirely novel phenomenon is probably produced by the mechanical effects of the beam. The deposition of sebaceous lipids within the hair follicle shafts can mean that this absorption pathway is blocked for hydrophilic molecules that penetrate via this route. Consequently, this phenomenon can be utilised as a probe to measure the relative follicular contribution to total penetration for these molecules. In the final phonophoresis model, modified Franz cells were employed in order to assess the ultrasound effect on the concurrent transdermal permeation of various molecules through whole rat skin. For the most lipophilic agent tested, the rate-limiting step of absorption was partitioning from the stratum corneum into the viable epidermis. Sonication did not accelerate this step.


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In vitro studies of drug absorption processes are undertaken to assess drug candidate or formulation suitability, mechanism investigation, and ultimately for the development of predictive models. This study included each of these approaches, with the aim of developing novel in vitro methods for inclusion in a drug absorption model. Two model analgesic drugs, ibuprofen and paracetamol, were selected. The study focused on three main areas, the interaction of the model drugs with co-administered antacids, the elucidation of the mechanisms responsible for the increased absorption rate observed in a novel paracetamol formulation and the development of novel ibuprofen tablet formulations containing alkalising excipients as dissolution promoters.Several novel dissolution methods were developed. A method to study the interaction of drug/excipient mixtures in the powder form was successfully used to select suitable dissolution enhancing exicipents. A method to study intrinsic dissolution rate using paddle apparatus was developed and used to study dissolution mechanisms. Methods to simulate stomach and intestine environments in terms of media composition and volume and drug/antacid doses were developed. Antacid addition greatly increased the dissolution of ibuprofen in the stomach model.Novel methods to measure drug permeability through rat stomach and intestine were developed, using sac methodology. The methods allowed direct comparison of the apparent permeability values obtained. Tissue stability, reproducibility and integrity was observed, with selectivity between paracellular and transcellular markers and hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds within an homologous series of beta-blockers.


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Cell surface properties of the basidiomycete yeast Cryptococcus neoformans were investigated with a combination of novel and well proven approaches. Non-specific cell adhesion forces, as well as exposed carbohydrate and protein moieties potentially associated with specific cellular interaction, were analysed. Experimentation and analysis employed cryptococcal cells of different strains, capsular status and culture age. Investigation of cellular charge by particulate microelectrophoresis revealed encapsulated yeast forms of C. neoformans manifest a distinctive negative charge regardless of the age of cells involved; in turn, the neutral charge of acapsulate yeasts confirmed that the polysaccharide capsule, and not the cell wall, was responsible for this occurrence. Hydrophobicity was measured by MATH and HICH techniques, as well as by the attachment of polystyrene microspheres. All three techniques, where applicable, found C. neoformans yeast to be consistently hydrophilic; this state varied little regardless of strain and culture age. Cell surface carbohydrates and protein were investigated with novel fluorescent tagging protocols, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Cell surface carbohydrate was identified by controlled oxidation in association with biotin hydrazide and fluorescein-streptavidin tagging. Marked amounts of carbohydrate were measured and observed on the cell wall surface of cryptococcal yeasts. Furthermore, tagging of carbohydrates with selective fluorescent lectins supported the identification, measurement and observation of substantial amounts of mannose, glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine. Cryptococcal cell surface protein was identified using sulfo-NHS-biotin with fluorescein-streptavidin, and then readily quantified by flow cytometry. Confocal imaging of surface exposed carbohydrate and protein revealed common localised areas of vivid fluorescence associated with buds, bud scars and nascent daughter cells. Carbohydrate and protein fluorescence often varied between strains, culture age and capsule status of cells examined. Finally, extension of protein tagging techniques resulted in the isolation and extraction of two biotinylated proteins from the yeast cell wall surface of an acapsulate strain of C.neoformans.


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The primary objective of this research has been to investigate the interfacial phenomenon of protein adsorption in relation to the bulk and surface structure-property effect s of hydrogel polymers. In order to achieve this it was first necessary to characterise the bulk and surface properties of the hydrogels, with regard to the structural chemistry of their component monomers. The bulk properties of the hydrogels were established using equilibrium water content measurements, together with water-binding studies by differential scanning calorimetry (D.S.C.). Hamilton and captive air bubble-contact angle techniques were employed to characterise the hydrogel-water interface and from which by a mathematical derivation, the interfacial free energy (ðsw) and the surface free energy components (ð psv, ðdsv, ðsv) were obtained. From the adsorption studies using the radio labelled iodinated (125I) proteins of human serum albumin (H.S.A.) and human fibrinogen (H.Fb.), it was Found that multi-layered adsorption was occurring and that the rate and type of this adsorption was dependent on the physico-chemical behaviour of the adsorbing protein (and its bulk concentration in solution), together with the surface energetics of the adsorbent polymer. A potential method for the invitro evaluation of a material's 'biocompatibility' was also investigated, based on an empirically observed relationship between the adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen and the 'biocompatibility' of polymeric materials. Furthermore, some consideration was also given to the biocompatibility problem of proteinaceous deposit formation on hydrophilic soft' contact lenses and in addition a number of potential continual wear contact lens formulations now undergoing clinical trials,were characterised by the above techniques.