44 resultados para goal-oriented requirements engineering


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Requirements-aware systems address the need to reason about uncertainty at runtime to support adaptation decisions, by representing quality of services (QoS) requirements for service-based systems (SBS) with precise values in run-time queryable model specification. However, current approaches do not support updating of the specification to reflect changes in the service market, like newly available services or improved QoS of existing ones. Thus, even if the specification models reflect design-time acceptable requirements they may become obsolete and miss opportunities for system improvement by self-adaptation. This articles proposes to distinguish "abstract" and "concrete" specification models: the former consists of linguistic variables (e.g. "fast") agreed upon at design time, and the latter consists of precise numeric values (e.g. "2ms") that are dynamically calculated at run-time, thus incorporating up-to-date QoS information. If and when freshly calculated concrete specifications are not satisfied anymore by the current service configuration, an adaptation is triggered. The approach was validated using four simulated SBS that use services from a previously published, real-world dataset; in all cases, the system was able to detect unsatisfied requirements at run-time and trigger suitable adaptations. Ongoing work focuses on policies to determine recalculation of specifications. This approach will allow engineers to build SBS that can be protected against market-caused obsolescence of their requirements specifications. © 2012 IEEE.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Self-adaptation is particularly necessary for applications that must run continuously, even under adverse conditions and changing requirements; sample domains include automotive systems, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring systems. While a few techniques have been developed to support the monitoring and analysis of requirements for adaptive systems, limited attention has been paid to the actual creation and specification of requirements of self-adaptive systems. As a result, self-adaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, we argue that a more rigorous treatment of requirements explicitly relating to self-adaptivity is needed and that, in particular, requirements languages for self-adaptive systems should include explicit constructs for specifying and dealing with the uncertainty inherent in self-adaptive systems. We present RELAX, a new requirements language for selfadaptive systems and illustrate it using examples from the smart home domain. © 2009 IEEE.


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Self-adaptation is emerging as an increasingly important capability for many applications, particularly those deployed in dynamically changing environments, such as ecosystem monitoring and disaster management. One key challenge posed by Dynamically Adaptive Systems (DASs) is the need to handle changes to the requirements and corresponding behavior of a DAS in response to varying environmental conditions. Berry et al. previously identified four levels of RE that should be performed for a DAS. In this paper, we propose the Levels of RE for Modeling that reify the original levels to describe RE modeling work done by DAS developers. Specifically, we identify four types of developers: the system developer, the adaptation scenario developer, the adaptation infrastructure developer, and the DAS research community. Each level corresponds to the work of a different type of developer to construct goal model(s) specifying their requirements. We then leverage the Levels of RE for Modeling to propose two complementary processes for performing RE for a DAS. We describe our experiences with applying this approach to GridStix, an adaptive flood warning system, deployed to monitor the River Ribble in Yorkshire, England.


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In analysing manufacturing systems, for either design or operational reasons, failure to account for the potentially significant dynamics could produce invalid results. There are many analysis techniques that can be used, however, simulation is unique in its ability to assess detailed, dynamic behaviour. The use of simulation to analyse manufacturing systems would therefore seem appropriate if not essential. Many simulation software products are available but their ease of use and scope of application vary greatly. This is illustrated at one extreme by simulators which offer rapid but limited application whilst at the other simulation languages which are extremely flexible but tedious to code. Given that a typical manufacturing engineer does not posses in depth programming and simulation skills then the use of simulators over simulation languages would seem a more appropriate choice. Whilst simulators offer ease of use their limited functionality may preclude their use in many applications. The construction of current simulators makes it difficult to amend or extend the functionality of the system to meet new challenges. Some simulators could even become obsolete as users, demand modelling functionality that reflects the latest manufacturing system design and operation concepts. This thesis examines the deficiencies in current simulation tools and considers whether they can be overcome by the application of object-oriented principles. Object-oriented techniques have gained in popularity in recent years and are seen as having the potential to overcome any of the problems traditionally associated with software construction. There are a number of key concepts that are exploited in the work described in this thesis: the use of object-oriented techniques to act as a framework for abstracting engineering concepts into a simulation tool and the ability to reuse and extend object-oriented software. It is argued that current object-oriented simulation tools are deficient and that in designing such tools, object -oriented techniques should be used not just for the creation of individual simulation objects but for the creation of the complete software. This results in the ability to construct an easy to use simulator that is not limited by its initial functionality. The thesis presents the design of an object-oriented data driven simulator which can be freely extended. Discussion and work is focused on discrete parts manufacture. The system developed retains the ease of use typical of data driven simulators. Whilst removing any limitation on its potential range of applications. Reference is given to additions made to the simulator by other developers not involved in the original software development. Particular emphasis is put on the requirements of the manufacturing engineer and the need for Ihe engineer to carrv out dynamic evaluations.


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In earlier work we proposed the idea of requirements-aware systems that could introspect about the extent to which their goals were being satisfied at runtime. When combined with requirements monitoring and self adaptive capabilities, requirements awareness should help optimize goal satisfaction even in the presence of changing run-time context. In this paper we describe initial progress towards the realization of requirements-aware systems with REAssuRE. REAssuRE focuses on explicit representation of assumptions made at design time. When such assumptions are shown not to hold, REAssuRE can trigger system adaptations to alternative goal realization strategies.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Such systems are now commonly built in domains as diverse as enterprise computing, automotive control systems, and environmental monitoring systems. To date, however, there has been limited attention paid to how to engineer requirements for such systems. As a result, selfadaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, we argue that a more rigorous treatment of requirements relating to self-adaptivity is needed and that, in particular, requirements languages for self-adaptive systems should include explicit constructs for specifying and dealing with the uncertainty inherent in self-adaptive systems. We present some initial thoughts on a new requirements language for selfadaptive systems and illustrate it using examples from the services domain. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper discusses and presents a case study of a practically oriented design project together with a few examples of implemented design projects recently incorporated into an undergraduate system course at the mechatronics engineering department in Ah-Balqa’ Applied University. These projects have had a positive impact on both the department and its graduates. The focus of these projects is the design and implementation of processor-based system. This helps graduate students cross the border between hardware design and software design. Our case study discusses the research methodology adopted for the physical development of the project, the technology used in the project, and the design experiences and outcomes.


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The application of systems thinking to designing, managing, and improving business processes has developed a new "holonic-based" process modeling methodology. The theoretical background and the methodology are described using examples taken from a large organization designing and manufacturing capital goods equipment operating within a complex and dynamic environment. A key point of differentiation attributed to this methodology is that it allows a set of models to be produced without taking a task breakdown approach but instead uses systems thinking and a construct known as the "holon" to build process descriptions as a system of systems (i.e., a holarchy). The process-oriented holonic modeling methodology has been used for total quality management and business process engineering exercises in different industrial sectors and builds models that connect the strategic vision of a company to its operational processes. Exercises have been conducted in response to environmental pressures to make operations align with strategic thinking as well as becoming increasingly agile and efficient. This unique methodology is best applied in environments of high complexity, low volume, and high variety, where repeated learning opportunities are few and far between (e.g., large development projects). © 2007 IEEE.


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Logistics distribution network design is one of the major decision problems arising in contemporary supply chain management. The decision involves many quantitative and qualitative factors that may be conflicting in nature. This paper applies an integrated multiple criteria decision making approach to design an optimal distribution network. In the approach, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used first to determine the relative importance weightings or priorities of alternative warehouses with respect to both deliverer oriented and customer oriented criteria. Then, the goal programming (GP) model incorporating the constraints of system, resource, and AHP priority is formulated to select the best set of warehouses without exceeding the limited available resources. In this paper, two commercial packages are used: Expert Choice for determining the AHP priorities of the warehouses, and LINDO for solving the GP model. © 2007 IEEE.


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The traditional waterfall software life cycle model has several weaknesses. One problem is that a working version of a system is unavailable until a late stage in the development; any omissions and mistakes in the specification undetected until that stage can be costly to maintain. The operational approach which emphasises the construction of executable specifications can help to remedy this problem. An operational specification may be exercised to generate the behaviours of the specified system, thereby serving as a prototype to facilitate early validation of the system's functional requirements. Recent ideas have centred on using an existing operational method such as JSD in the specification phase of object-oriented development. An explicit transformation phase following specification is necessary in this approach because differences in abstractions between the two domains need to be bridged. This research explores an alternative approach of developing an operational specification method specifically for object-oriented development. By incorporating object-oriented concepts in operational specifications, the specifications have the advantage of directly facilitating implementation in an object-oriented language without requiring further significant transformations. In addition, object-oriented concepts can help the developer manage the complexity of the problem domain specification, whilst providing the user with a specification that closely reflects the real world and so the specification and its execution can be readily understood and validated. A graphical notation has been developed for the specification method which can capture the dynamic properties of an object-oriented system. A tool has also been implemented comprising an editor to facilitate the input of specifications, and an interpreter which can execute the specifications and graphically animate the behaviours of the specified systems.


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The present study describes a pragmatic approach to the implementation of production planning and scheduling techniques in foundries of all types and looks at the use of `state-of-the-art' management control and information systems. Following a review of systems for the classification of manufacturing companies, a definitive statement is made which highlights the important differences between foundries (i.e. `component makers') and other manufacturing companies (i.e. `component buyers'). An investigation of the manual procedures which are used to plan and control the manufacture of components reveals the inherent problems facing foundry production management staff, which suggests the unsuitability of many manufacturing techniques which have been applied to general engineering companies. From the literature it was discovered that computer-assisted systems are required which are primarily `information-based' rather than `decision based', whilst the availability of low-cost computers and `packaged-software' has enabled foundries to `get their feet wet' without the financial penalties which characterized many of the early attempts at computer-assistance (i.e. pre-1980). Moreover, no evidence of a single methodology for foundry scheduling emerged from the review. A philosophy for the development of a CAPM system is presented, which details the essential information requirements and puts forward proposals for the subsequent interactions between types of information and the sub-system of CAPM which they support. The work developed was oriented specifically at the functions of production planning and scheduling and introduces the concept of `manual interaction' for effective scheduling. The techniques developed were designed to use the information which is readily available in foundries and were found to be practically successful following the implementation of the techniques into a wide variety of foundries. The limitations of the techniques developed are subsequently discussed within the wider issues which form a CAPM system, prior to a presentation of the conclusions which can be drawn from the study.


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The finite element method is now well established among engineers as being an extremely useful tool in the analysis of problems with complicated boundary conditions. One aim of this thesis has been to produce a set of computer algorithms capable of efficiently analysing complex three dimensional structures. This set of algorithms has been designed to permit much versatility. Provisions such as the use of only those parts of the system which are relevant to a given analysis and the facility to extend the system by the addition of new elements are incorporate. Five element types have been programmed, these are, prismatic members, rectangular plates, triangular plates and curved plates. The 'in and out of plane' stiffness matrices for a curved plate element are derived using the finite element technique. The performance of this type of element is compared with two other theoretical solutions as well as with a set of independent experimental observations. Additional experimental work was then carried out by the author to further evaluate the acceptability of this element. Finally the analysis of two large civil engineering structures, the shell of an electrical precipitator and a concrete bridge, are presented to investigate the performance of the algorithms. Comparisons are made between the computer time, core store requirements and the accuracy of the analysis, for the proposed system and those of another program.


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The civil engineering industry generally regards new methods and technology with a high amount of scepticism, preferring to use traditional and trusted methods. During the 1980s competition for civil engineering consultancy work in the world has become fierce. Halcrow recognised the need to maintain and improve their competitive edge over other consultants. The use of new technology in the form of microcomputers was seen to be one method to maintain and improve their repuation in the world. This thesis examines the role of microcomputers in civil engineering consultancy with particular reference to overseas projects. The involvement of civil engineers with computers, both past and present, has been investigated and a survey of the use of microcomputers by consultancies was carried out, the results are presented and analysed. A resume of the state-of-the-art of microcomputer technology was made. Various case studies were carried out in order to examine the feasibility of using microcomputers on overseas projects. One case study involved the examination of two projects in Bangladesh and is used to illustrate the requirements and problems encountered in such situations. Two programming applications were undertaken, a dynamic programming model of a single site reservoir and the simulation of the Bangladesh gas grid system. A cost-benefit analysis of a water resources project using microcomputers in the Aguan Valley, Honduras was carried out. Although the initial cost of microcomputers is often small, the overall costs can prove to be very high and are likely to exceed the costs of traditional computer methods. A planned approach for the use of microcomputers is essential in order to reap the expected benefits and recommendations for the implementation of such an approach are presented.


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Manufacturing planning and control systems are fundamental to the successful operations of a manufacturing organisation. 10 order to improve their business performance, significant investment is made by companies into planning and control systems; however, not all companies realise the benefits sought Many companies continue to suffer from high levels of inventory, shortages, obsolete parts, poor resource utilisation and poor delivery performance. This thesis argues that the fit between the planning and control system and the manufacturing organisation is a crucial element of success. The design of appropriate control systems is, therefore, important. The different approaches to the design of manufacturing planning and control systems are investigated. It is concluded that there is no provision within these design methodologies to properly assess the impact of a proposed design on the manufacturing facility. Consequently, an understanding of how a new (or modified) planning and control system will perform in the context of the complete manufacturing system is unlikely to be gained until after the system has been implemented and is running. There are many modelling techniques available, however discrete-event simulation is unique in its ability to model the complex dynamics inherent in manufacturing systems, of which the planning and control system is an integral component. The existing application of simulation to manufacturing control system issues is limited: although operational issues are addressed, application to the more fundamental design of control systems is rarely, if at all, considered. The lack of a suitable simulation-based modelling tool does not help matters. The requirements of a simulation tool capable of modelling a host of different planning and control systems is presented. It is argued that only through the application of object-oriented principles can these extensive requirements be achieved. This thesis reports on the development of an extensible class library called WBS/Control, which is based on object-oriented principles and discrete-event simulation. The functionality, both current and future, offered by WBS/Control means that different planning and control systems can be modelled: not only the more standard implementations but also hybrid systems and new designs. The flexibility implicit in the development of WBS/Control supports its application to design and operational issues. WBS/Control wholly integrates with an existing manufacturing simulator to provide a more complete modelling environment.


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Computational reflection is a well-established technique that gives a program the ability to dynamically observe and possibly modify its behaviour. To date, however, reflection is mainly applied either to the software architecture or its implementation. We know of no approach that fully supports requirements reflection- that is, making requirements available as runtime objects. Although there is a body of literature on requirements monitoring, such work typically generates runtime artefacts from requirements and so the requirements themselves are not directly accessible at runtime. In this paper, we define requirements reflection and a set of research challenges. Requirements reflection is important because software systems of the future will be self-managing and will need to adapt continuously to changing environmental conditions. We argue requirements reflection can support such self-adaptive systems by making requirements first-class runtime entities, thus endowing software systems with the ability to reason about, understand, explain and modify requirements at runtime. © 2010 ACM.