262 resultados para fiber interferometer


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The turning point of the refractive index (RI) sensitivity based on the multimode microfiber (MMMF) in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is observed. By tracking the resonant wavelength shift of the MZI generated between the HE11 and HE12 modes in the MMMF, the surrounding RI (SRI) could be detected. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the RI sensitivity will reach ±∞ on either side of the turning point due to the group effective RI difference (퐺) approaching zero. Significantly, the positive sensitivity exists in a very wide fiber diameter range, while the negative sensitivity can be achieved in a narrow diameter range of only 0.3 μm. Meanwhile, the experimental sensitivities and variation trend at different diameters exhibit high consistency with the theoretical results. High RI sensitivity of 10777.8 nm/RIU (RI unit) at the fiber diameter of 4.6 μm and the RI around 1.3334 is realized. The discovery of the sensitivity turning points has great significance on trace detection due to the possibility of ultrahigh RI sensitivity.


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An approach to realizing simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature based on a microfiber-based dual inline Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed and demonstrated. Due to different interference mechanisms, as one interference between the core mode and the lower order cladding mode in the sensing single-mode fiber and the other interference between the fundamental mode and the high-order mode in the multimode microfiber, the former interferometer achieves RI sensitivity of -23.67 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 81.2 pm/oC, whereas those of the latter are 3820.23 nm/RIU, and -465.7 pm/oC, respectively. The large sensitivity differences can provide a more accurate demodulation of RI and temperature. The sensor is featured with multiparameters measurement, compact structure, high sensitivity, low cost, and easy fabrication.


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A compact, fiber-based spectrometer for biomedical application utilizing a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) as integrated dispersive element is demonstrated. Based on a 45° UV-written PS750 TFBG a refractive spectrometer with 2.06 radiant/μm dispersion and a numerical aperture of 0.1 was set up and tested as integrated detector for an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. Featuring a 23 mm long active region at the fiber the spectrum is projected via a cylindrical lens for vertical beam collimation and focused by an achromatic doublet onto the detector array. Covering 740 nm to 860 nm the spectrometer was optically connected to a broadband white light interferometer and a wide field scan head and electronically to an acquisition and control computer. Tomograms of ophthalmic and dermal samples obtained by the frequency domain OCT-system were obtained achieving 2.84 μm axial and 7.6 μm lateral resolution. © 2014 SPIE.


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We propose and demonstrate a microfiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) fabricated by taper-drawing microfiber at the center of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The MFPI employing the two separated sections of FBG as reflectors and a length of microfiber as its cavity is derived. Theoretic study shows that the reflection spectrum of such MFPI is consisted of two parts-interference fringes induced by multi-beam interference and reflection spectrum envelope induced by FBGs. Temperature affects both interference fringes and reflection wavelength of FBGs while ambient refractive index (RI) only influences the interference fringes, i.e., MFPI has different response to temperature and RI. Therefore, MFPI for simultaneous sensing of RI and temperature is experimentally demonstrated by tracking a reflection peak of interference fringes and the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs, which are respectively assisted by frequency domain processing and Gaussian fitting of the optical spectrum. Consequently, wavelength measurement resolution of 0.5 pm is realized. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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A high sensitive glucose sensor using microfiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed. Microfiber is firstly immobilized with glucose oxidase (GOD) and then employed as sensing probe in MZI. By tracking the shift of the interference spectrum, a high sensitivity up to 2.46nm. (mg/ml)-1 is achieved at the glucose concentration range of 0-3mg/ml.


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A compact and low cost fiber sensor based on single multimode microfiber with Fresnel reflection is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature. The sensor is fabricated with two simple steps including fiber tapering and then fiber endface cleaving. The reflection spectrum is an intensity modulated interference spectrum, as the tapered fiber generates interference pattern and the cleaved endface provides intensity modulation. By demodulating the fringe power and free spectrum range (FSR) of the spectrum, RI sensitivities of -72.247dB/RIU and 68.122nm/RIU, as well as temperature sensitivities of 0.0283dB/degrees C and -17pm/degrees C are obtained. Further, the sensing scheme could also provide the feasibility to construct a more compact sensing probe for dual-paramters measurement, which has great potential in bio/chemical detection.


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A novel interrogation technique for fully distributed linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCFBG) strain sensors with simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution based on optical time-stretch frequency-domain reflectometry (OTS-FDR) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. LCFBGs is a promising candidate for fully distributed sensors thanks to its longer grating length and broader reflection bandwidth compared to normal uniform FBGs. In the proposed system, two identical LCFBGs are employed in a Michelson interferometer setup with one grating serving as the reference grating whereas the other serving as the sensing element. Broadband spectral interferogram is formed and the strain information is encoded into the wavelength-dependent free spectral range (FSR). Ultrafast interrogation is achieved based on dispersion-induced time stretch such that the target spectral interferogram is mapped to a temporal interference waveform that can be captured in real-Time using a single-pixel photodector. The distributed strain along the sensing grating can be reconstructed from the instantaneous RF frequency of the captured waveform. High-spatial resolution is also obtained due to high-speed data acquisition. In a proof-of-concept experiment, ultrafast real-Time interrogation of fully-distributed grating sensors with various strain distributions is experimentally demonstrated. An ultrarapid measurement speed of 50 MHz with a high spatial resolution of 31.5 μm over a gauge length of 25 mm and a strain resolution of 9.1 μϵ have been achieved.


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We report the realization of low-cost in-fiber WDM device function utilizing efficient side-detection of strong radiation mode out-coupling from tilted FBGs. The spatial-to-spectral conversion efficiency as high as 0.32 mm/nm is demonstrated.


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A 1.2(height)×125(depth)×500(length) micro-slot was engraved along a fiber Bragg grating by chemically assisted femtosecond laser processing. By filling epoxy and UV-curing, waveguide with plastic-core and silica-cladding was created, presenting high thermal responding coefficient of 211pm/°C.


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A consequence of a loss of coolant accident is that the local insulation material is damaged and maybe transported to the containment sump where it can penetrate and/or block the sump strainers. An experimental and theoretical study, which examines the transport of mineral wool fibers via single and multi-effect experiments is being performed. This paper focuses on the experiments and simulations performed for validation of numerical models of sedimentation and resuspension of mineral wool fiber agglomerates in a racetrack type channel. Three velocity conditions are used to test the response of two dispersed phase fiber agglomerates to two drag correlations and to two turbulent dispersion coefficients. The Eulerian multiphase flow model is applied with either one or two dispersed phases.


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A long-period grating (LPG) was written into a progressive three-layered single-mode fiber that was embedded into a flexible platform as a curvature sensor. The spectral location and profile of the LPGs were unaltered after implantation in the platform. The curvature sensitivity was 3.747 nm m with a resolution of ± 1.1 × 10-2 m-1. The bend sensor is intended to be part of a respiratory monitoring system and was tested on a resuscitation training manikin. © 2003 society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A waveguide-saturable absorber with low propagation loss is fabricated by femtosecond pulses in YAG:Cr4+ crystal. Q-switch operation of a Yb fiber laser with the new saturable absorber having absorption saturation parameters similar to the bulk YAG:Cr4+ crystal is demonstrated.


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The dibit recovery of a DQPSK signal will be demonstrated using a single Mach Zehnder Interferometer, containing a 1-bit delay, and a single balanced receiver. The electrical output levels of the balanced receiver are dependent upon the relative phase delay between the arms of the Mach Zehnder Interferometer. This paper will investigate this characteristic when the input signal is DQPSK modulated. It will also be shown that with a certain amount of phase shift the DQPSK signal can be converted into four different equally spaced electrical signal levels. With each decoded level representing one of the four possible dibits.


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In this work, a microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg grating (MCFBG) is proposed and fabricated through the femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching. The microchannel (~550 µm) gives access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In the experiment, the transmission bands induced by the reduced effective index in the microchannel region were used to sense the surrounding RI and temperature changes. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical analysis. The proposed MCFBG offers enhanced RI sensitivity without degrading the robustness of the device showing good application potential as bio-chemical sensors.


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In this research the recovery of a DQPSK signal will be demonstrated using a single Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI). By changing the phase delay in one of the arms it will be shown that different delays will produce different output levels. It will also be shown that with a certain level of phase shift the DQPSK signal can be converted into four different equally spaced optical power levels. With each decoded level representing one of the four possible bit permutations. By using this additional phase shift in one of the arms the number of MZIs required for decoding can be reduced from two to one.