45 resultados para e-mail communications


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The low-energy consumption of IEEE 802.15.4 networks makes it a strong candidate for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. As multiple M2M applications with 802.15.4 networks may be deployed closely and independently in residential or enterprise areas, supporting reliable and timely M2M communications can be a big challenge especially when potential hidden terminals appear. In this paper, we investigate two scenarios of 802.15.4 network-based M2M communication. An analytic model is proposed to understand the performance of uncoordinated coexisting 802.15.4 networks. Sleep mode operations of the networks are taken into account. Simulations verified the analytic model. It is observed that reducing sleep time and overlap ratio can increase the performance of M2M communications. When the networks are uncoordinated, reducing the overlap ratio can effectively improve the network performance. © 2012 Chao Ma et al.


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IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been proposed for low power wireless personal area networks. It can be used as an important component in machine to machine (M2M) networks for data collection, monitoring and controlling functions. With an increasing number of machine devices enabled by M2M technology and equipped with 802.15.4 radios, it is likely that multiple 802.15.4 networks may be deployed closely, for example, to collect data for smart metering at residential or enterprise areas. In such scenarios, supporting reliable communications for monitoring and controlling applications is a big challenge. The problem becomes more severe due to the potential hidden terminals when the operations of multiple 802.15.4 networks are uncoordinated. In this paper, we investigate this problem from three typical scenarios and propose an analytic model to reveal how performance of coexisting 802.15.4 networks may be affected by uncoordinated operations under these scenarios. Simulations will be used to validate the analytic model. It is observed that uncoordinated operations may lead to a significant degradation of system performance in M2M applications. With the proposed analytic model, we also investigate the performance limits of the 802.15.4 networks, and the conditions under which coordinated operations may be required to support M2M applications. © 2012 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.


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Designing effective direct mail pieces is considered a key success factor in direct marketing. However, related published empirical research is scarce while design recommendations are manifold and often conflicting. Compared with prior work, our study aims to provide more elaborate and empirically validated findings for the effects of direct mail design characteristics by analyzing 677 direct mail campaigns from non-profit organizations and financial service providers. We investigate the effects of (1) various envelope characteristics and observable cues on opening rates, and (2) characteristics of the envelope content on the keeping rates of direct mail campaigns. We show that visual design elements on the outer envelope – rather than sender-related details – are the predominant drivers of opening rates. Factors such as letter length, provision of sender information in the letter, and personalization positively influence the keeping rate. We also observe that opening and keeping rates are uncorrelated at the campaign level, implying that opening direct mail pieces is only a necessary condition for responding to offers, but not per se a driver of direct mail response.


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A simple and cost-effective technique for generating a flat, square-shaped multi-wavelength optical comb with 42.6 GHz line spacing and over 0.5 THz of total bandwidth is presented. A detailed theoretical analysis is presented, showing that using two concatenated modulators driven with voltages of 3.5 Vp are necessary to generate 11 comb lines with a flatness below 2dB. This performance is experimentally demonstrated using two cascaded Versawave 40 Gbit/s low drive voltage electro-optic polarisation modulators, where an 11 channel optical comb with a flatness of 1.9 dB and a side-mode-suppression ratio (SMSR) of 12.6 dB was obtained.


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The UK Police Force is required to operate communications centres under increased funding constraints. Staff represent the main cost in operating the facility and the key issue for the efficient deployment of staff, in this case call handler staff, is to try to ensure sufficient staff are available to make a timely response to customer calls when the timing of individual calls is difficult to predict. A discrete-event simulation study is presented of an investigation of a new shift pattern for call handler staff that aims to improve operational efficiency. The communications centre can be considered a specialised case of a call centre but an important issue for Police Force management is the particularly stressful nature of the work staff are involved with when responding to emergency calls. Thus decisions regarding changes to the shift system were made in the context of both attempting to improve efficiency by matching staff supply with customer demand, but also ensuring a reasonable workload pattern for staff over time.


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Recent work on ultra-long Raman fiber lasers has shown that it is possible to create quasi-lossless transmission conditions in fiber spans long enough to be considered for high speed optical communications. This paper reviews how quasi-lossless transmission conditions are reached and presents experimental results of 40Gb/s transmission in a quasi lossless system. The performance is compared with a conventional EDFA based system.


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All-optical data processing is expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear effects in optical fibers have attractive applications in optical signal processing. In this paper, we review our recent advances in developing all-optical processing techniques at high speed based on optical fiber nonlinearities.


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Improving bit error rates in optical communication systems is a difficult and important problem. The error correction must take place at high speed and be extremely accurate. We show the feasibility of using hardware implementable machine learning techniques. This may enable some error correction at the speed required.


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We present information-theory analysis of the tradeoff between bit-error rate improvement and the data-rate loss using skewed channel coding to suppress pattern-dependent errors in digital communications. Without loss of generality, we apply developed general theory to the particular example of a high-speed fiber communication system with a strong patterning effect. © 2007 IEEE.


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Cyberstalking has recently emerged as a new and growing problem and is an area that will probably receive a higher profile within criminal law as more cases reach court (see Griffiths, 1999; Griffiths, Rogers and Sparrow, 1998; Bojic and McFarlane, 2002a; 2002b). For the purposes of this article we define cyberstalking as the use of information and communications technology (in particular the Internet) in order to harass individuals. Such harassment may include actions such as the transmission of offensive e-mail messages, identity theft and damage to data or equipment. Whilst a more comprehensive definition has been presented elsewhere (Bocij and McFarlane, 2002), it is hoped that the definition here is sufficient for those unfamiliar with this field. The stereotypical stalker conjures up images of someone harassing a victim who is the object of their affection. However, not all stalking incidents are motivated by unrequited love. Stalking can also be motivated by hate, a need for revenge, a need for power and/or racism. Similarly, cyberstalking can involve acts that begin with the issuing of threats and end in physical assault. We also make distinctions between conventional stalking and cyberstalking. Whilst some may view cyberstalking as an extension of conventional stalking, we believe cyberstalking should be regarded as an entirely new form of deviant behaviour. It is not surprising that cyberstalking is sometimes thought of as a trivial problem. A number of writers and researchers have suggested that cyberstalking and associated activities are of little genuine concern. Koch (2000), for example, goes as far as accusing those interested in cyberstalking as promoting hysteria over a problem that may be minuscule or even imaginary. The impression gained is that cyberstalking represents a relatively small problem where victims seldom suffer any real harm. Whilst there are no genuinely reliable statistics that can be used to determine how common cyberstalking incidents are, a great deal of evidence is available to show that cyberstalking is a significant and growing problem (Griffiths et al, 1998). For instance, CyberAngels (a well-known Internet safety organization) receives some 500 complaints of cyberstalking each day, of which up to 100 represent legitimate cases (Dean, 2000). Another Internet safety organization (Working to Halt Online Abuse) reports receiving an average of 100 cases per week (WHOA, 2001). To highlight the types of cyberstalking behaviours that take place and some of the major issues facing criminal law, we briefly examine four high profile cases of cyberstalking (adapted from Bocij and MacFarlane, 2002b).