32 resultados para distinctness of image


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In recent years, interest in digital watermarking has grown significantly. Indeed, the use of digital watermarking techniques is seen as a promising mean to protect intellectual property rights of digital data and to ensure the authentication of digital data. Thus, a significant research effort has been devoted to the study of practical watermarking systems, in particular for digital images. In this thesis, a practical and principled approach to the problem is adopted. Several aspects of practical watermarking schemes are investigated. First, a power constaint formulation of the problem is presented. Then, a new analysis of quantisation effects on the information rate of digital watermarking scheme is proposed and compared to other approaches suggested in the literature. Subsequently, a new information embedding technique, based on quantisation, is put forward and its performance evaluated. Finally, the influence of image data representation on the performance of practical scheme is studied along with a new representation based on independent component analysis.


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The technique of remote sensing provides a unique view of the earth's surface and considerable areas can be surveyed in a short amount of time. The aim of this project was to evaluate whether remote sensing, particularly using the Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) with its wide spectral range, was capable of monitoring landfill sites within an urban environment with the aid of image processing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) methods. The regions under study were in the West Midlands conurbation and consisted of a large area in what is locally known as the Black Country containing heavy industry intermingled with residential areas, and a large single active landfill in north Birmingham. When waste is collected in large volumes it decays and gives off pollutants. These pollutants, landfill gas and leachate (a liquid effluent), are known to be injurious to vegetation and can cause stress and death. Vegetation under stress can exhibit a physiological change, detectable by the remote sensing systems used. The chemical and biological reactions that create the pollutants are exothermic and the gas and leachate, if they leave the waste, can be warmer than their surroundings. Thermal imagery from the ATM (daylight and dawn) and thermal video were obtained and used to find thermal anomalies on the area under study. The results showed that vegetation stress is not a reliable indicator of landfill gas migration, as sites within an urban environment have a cover too complex for the effects to be identified. Gas emissions from two sites were successfully detected by all the thermal imagery with the thermal ATM being the best. Although the results were somewhat disappointing, recent technical advancements in the remote sensing systems used in this project would allow geo-registration of ATM imagery taken on different occasions and the elimination of the effects of solar insolation.


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This study considers the application of image analysis in petrography and investigates the possibilities for advancing existing techniques by introducing feature extraction and analysis capabilities of a higher level than those currently employed. The aim is to construct relevant, useful descriptions of crystal form and inter-crystal relations in polycrystalline igneous rock sections. Such descriptions cannot be derived until the `ownership' of boundaries between adjacent crystals has been established: this is the fundamental problem of crystal boundary assignment. An analysis of this problem establishes key image features which reveal boundary ownership; a set of explicit analysis rules is presented. A petrographic image analysis scheme based on these principles is outlined and the implementation of key components of the scheme considered. An algorithm for the extraction and symbolic representation of image structural information is developed. A new multiscale analysis algorithm which produces a hierarchical description of the linear and near-linear structure on a contour is presented in detail. Novel techniques for symmetry analysis are developed. The analyses considered contribute both to the solution of the boundary assignment problem and to the construction of geologically useful descriptions of crystal form. The analysis scheme which is developed employs grouping principles such as collinearity, parallelism, symmetry and continuity, so providing a link between this study and more general work in perceptual grouping and intermediate level computer vision. Consequently, the techniques developed in this study may be expected to find wider application beyond the petrographic domain.


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This thesis consisted of two major parts, one determining the masking characteristics of pixel noise and the other investigating the properties of the detection filter employed by the visual system. The theoretical cut-off frequency of white pixel noise can be defined from the size of the noise pixel. The empirical cut-off frequency, i.e. the largest size of noise pixels that mimics the effect of white noise in detection, was determined by measuring contrast energy thresholds for grating stimuli in the presence of spatial noise consisting of noise pixels of various sizes and shapes. The critical i.e. minimum number of noise pixels per grating cycle needed to mimic the effect of white noise in detection was found to decrease with the bandwidth of the stimulus. The shape of the noise pixels did not have any effect on the whiteness of pixel noise as long as there was at least the minimum number of noise pixels in all spatial dimensions. Furthermore, the masking power of white pixel noise is best described when the spectral density is calculated by taking into account all the dimensions of noise pixels, i.e. width, height, and duration, even when there is random luminance only in one of these dimensions. The properties of the detection mechanism employed by the visual system were studied by measuring contrast energy thresholds for complex spatial patterns as a function of area in the presence of white pixel noise. Human detection efficiency was obtained by comparing human performance with an ideal detector. The stimuli consisted of band-pass filtered symbols, uniform and patched gratings, and point stimuli with randomised phase spectra. In agreement with the existing literature, the detection performance was found to decline with the increasing amount of detail and contour in the stimulus. A measure of image complexity was developed and successfully applied to the data. The accuracy of the detection mechanism seems to depend on the spatial structure of the stimulus and the spatial spread of contrast energy.


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We have developed a new technique for extracting histological parameters from multi-spectral images of the ocular fundus. The new method uses a Monte Carlo simulation of the reflectance of the fundus to model how the spectral reflectance of the tissue varies with differing tissue histology. The model is parameterised by the concentrations of the five main absorbers found in the fundus: retinal haemoglobins, choroidal haemoglobins, choroidal melanin, RPE melanin and macular pigment. These parameters are shown to give rise to distinct variations in the tissue colouration. We use the results of the Monte Carlo simulations to construct an inverse model which maps tissue colouration onto the model parameters. This allows the concentration and distribution of the five main absorbers to be determined from suitable multi-spectral images. We propose the use of "image quotients" to allow this information to be extracted from uncalibrated image data. The filters used to acquire the images are selected to ensure a one-to-one mapping between model parameters and image quotients. To recover five model parameters uniquely, images must be acquired in six distinct spectral bands. Theoretical investigations suggest that retinal haemoglobins and macular pigment can be recovered with RMS errors of less than 10%. We present parametric maps showing the variation of these parameters across the posterior pole of the fundus. The results are in agreement with known tissue histology for normal healthy subjects. We also present an early result which suggests that, with further development, the technique could be used to successfully detect retinal haemorrhages.


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Tensile tests were carried out using specimens of 2009 aluminium alloy reinforced by either SiC whiskers or particles. The size distributions of the whiskers and particles in the matrix were obtained by image analysis. It was found that failure was a result of uniform void nucleation and coalescence in the as fabricated composites, or a result of fast crack propagation initiated by a flaw developed at clusters of SiC in the aged or stretched and aged composites. The strengths of the as fabricated composites were estimated based on the results of image analysis using continuum mechanics and dislocation theories. The estimation indicated that the tensile strengths are largely contributed to by composite strengthening, supplemented by residual dislocation strengthening and work hardening. Owing to the flaw controlled failure, the tensile strengths of the aged or stretched and aged composites were independent of aging time, aging temperature, and the amount of stretching. The elastic moduli of the composites were estimated using the Halpin-Tsai model and a good correlation was found between the measured and estimated moduli. © 1996 The Institute of Materials.


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The knowledge of insulation debris generation and transport gains in importance regarding reactor safety research for PWR and BWR. The insulation debris released near the break consists of a mixture of very different fibres and particles concerning size, shape, consistence and other properties. Some fraction of the released insulation debris will be transported into the reactor sump where it may affect emergency core cooling. Experiments are performed to blast original samples of mineral wool insulation material by steam under original thermal-hydraulic break conditions of BWR. The gained fragments are used as initial specimen for further experiments at acrylic glass test facilities. The quasi ID-sinking behaviour of the insulation fragments are investigated in a water column by optical high speed video techniques and methods of image processing. Drag properties are derived from the measured sinking velocities of the fibres and observed geometric parameters for an adequate CFD modelling. In the test rig "Ring line-II" the influence of the insulation material on the head loss is investigated for debris loaded strainers. Correlations from the filter bed theory are adapted with experimental results and are used to model the flow resistance depending on particle load, filter bed porosity and parameters of the coolant flow. This concept also enables the simulation of a particular blocked strainer with CFDcodes. During the ongoing work further results of separate effect and integral experiments and the application and validation of the CFD-models for integral test facilities and original containment sump conditions are expected.


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In order to address problems of information overload in digital imagery task domains we have developed an interactive approach to the capture and reuse of image context information. Our framework models different aspects of the relationship between images and domain tasks they support by monitoring the interactive manipulation and annotation of task-relevant imagery. The approach allows us to gauge a measure of a user's intentions as they complete goal-directed image tasks. As users analyze retrieved imagery their interactions are captured and an expert task context is dynamically constructed. This human expertise, proficiency, and knowledge can then be leveraged to support other users in carrying out similar domain tasks. We have applied our techniques to two multimedia retrieval applications for two different image domains, namely the geo-spatial and medical imagery domains. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


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The target of no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) is to establish a computational model to predict the visual quality of an image. The existing prominent method is based on natural scene statistics (NSS). It uses the joint and marginal distributions of wavelet coefficients for IQA. However, this method is only applicable to JPEG2000 compressed images. Since the wavelet transform fails to capture the directional information of images, an improved NSS model is established by contourlets. In this paper, the contourlet transform is utilized to NSS of images, and then the relationship of contourlet coefficients is represented by the joint distribution. The statistics of contourlet coefficients are applicable to indicate variation of image quality. In addition, an image-dependent threshold is adopted to reduce the effect of content to the statistical model. Finally, image quality can be evaluated by combining the extracted features in each subband nonlinearly. Our algorithm is trained and tested on the LIVE database II. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is superior to the conventional NSS model and can be applied to different distortions. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fluoroscopic images exhibit severe signal-dependent quantum noise, due to the reduced X-ray dose involved in image formation, that is generally modelled as Poisson-distributed. However, image gray-level transformations, commonly applied by fluoroscopic device to enhance contrast, modify the noise statistics and the relationship between image noise variance and expected pixel intensity. Image denoising is essential to improve quality of fluoroscopic images and their clinical information content. Simple average filters are commonly employed in real-time processing, but they tend to blur edges and details. An extensive comparison of advanced denoising algorithms specifically designed for both signal-dependent noise (AAS, BM3Dc, HHM, TLS) and independent additive noise (AV, BM3D, K-SVD) was presented. Simulated test images degraded by various levels of Poisson quantum noise and real clinical fluoroscopic images were considered. Typical gray-level transformations (e.g. white compression) were also applied in order to evaluate their effect on the denoising algorithms. Performances of the algorithms were evaluated in terms of peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), mean square error (MSE), structural similarity index (SSIM) and computational time. On average, the filters designed for signal-dependent noise provided better image restorations than those assuming additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Collaborative denoising strategy was found to be the most effective in denoising of both simulated and real data, also in the presence of image gray-level transformations. White compression, by inherently reducing the greater noise variance of brighter pixels, appeared to support denoising algorithms in performing more effectively. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Segmentation is an important step in many medical imaging applications and a variety of image segmentation techniques exist. One group of segmentation algorithms is based on clustering concepts. In this article we investigate several fuzzy c-means based clustering algorithms and their application to medical image segmentation. In particular we evaluate the conventional hard c-means (HCM) and fuzzy c-means (FCM) approaches as well as three computationally more efficient derivatives of fuzzy c-means: fast FCM with random sampling, fast generalised FCM, and a new anisotropic mean shift based FCM. © 2010 by IJTS, ISDER.


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We describe a method of recognizing handwritten digits by fitting generative models that are built from deformable B-splines with Gaussian ``ink generators'' spaced along the length of the spline. The splines are adjusted using a novel elastic matching procedure based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm that maximizes the likelihood of the model generating the data. This approach has many advantages. (1) After identifying the model most likely to have generated the data, the system not only produces a classification of the digit but also a rich description of the instantiation parameters which can yield information such as the writing style. (2) During the process of explaining the image, generative models can perform recognition driven segmentation. (3) The method involves a relatively small number of parameters and hence training is relatively easy and fast. (4) Unlike many other recognition schemes it does not rely on some form of pre-normalization of input images, but can handle arbitrary scalings, translations and a limited degree of image rotation. We have demonstrated our method of fitting models to images does not get trapped in poor local minima. The main disadvantage of the method is it requires much more computation than more standard OCR techniques.


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This paper addresses the security of a specific class of common watermarking methods based on Dither modulation-quantisation index modulation (DM-QIM) and focusing on watermark-only attacks (WOA). The vulnerabilities of and probable attacks on lattice structure based watermark embedding methods have been presented in the literature. DM-QIM is one of the best known lattice structure based watermarking techniques. In this paper, the authors discuss a watermark-only attack scenario (the attacker has access to a single watermarked content only). In the literature it is an assumption that DM-QIM methods are secure to WOA. However, the authors show that the DM-QIM based embedding method is vulnerable against a guided key guessing attack by exploiting subtle statistical regularities in the feature space embeddings for time series and images. Using a distribution-free algorithm, this paper presents an analysis of the attack and numerical results for multiple examples of image and time series data.


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This paper addresses the security of a specific class of common watermarking methods based on Dither modulation-quantisation index modulation (DM-QIM) and focusing on watermark-only attacks (WOA). The vulnerabilities of and probable attacks on lattice structure based watermark embedding methods have been presented in the literature. DM-QIM is one of the best known lattice structure based watermarking techniques. In this paper, the authors discuss a watermark-only attack scenario (the attacker has access to a single watermarked content only). In the literature it is an assumption that DM-QIM methods are secure to WOA. However, the authors show that the DM-QIM based embedding method is vulnerable against a guided key guessing attack by exploiting subtle statistical regularities in the feature space embeddings for time series and images. Using a distribution-free algorithm, this paper presents an analysis of the attack and numerical results for multiple examples of image and time series data.


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Purpose - To generate a reflectance model of the fundus that allows an accurate non-invasive quantification of blood and pigments. Methods - A Monte Carlo simulation was used to produce a mathematical model of light interaction with the fundus at different wavelengths. The model predictions were compared with fundus images from normal volunteers in several spectral bands (peaks at 507, 525, 552, 585, 596 and 611nm). Th e model was then used to calculate the concentration and distribution of the known absorbing components of the fundus. Results - The shape of the statistical distribution of the image data generally corresponded to that of the model data; the model however appears to overestimate the reflectance of the fundus in the longer wavelength region.As the absorption by xanthophyll has no significant eff ect on light transport above 534nm, its distribution in the fundus was quantified: the wavelengths where both shape and distribution of image and model data matched (<553nm) were used to train a neural network which was then applied to every point in the image data. The xanthophyll distribution thus found was in agreement with published literature data in normal subjects. Conclusion - We have developed a method for optimising multi-spectral imaging of the fundus and a computer image analysis capable of estimating information about the structure and properties of the fundus. Th e technique successfully calculates the distribution of xanthophyll in the fundus of healthy volunteers. Further improvement of the model is required to allow the deduction of other parameters from images; investigations in known pathology models are also necessary to establish if this method is of clinical use in detecting early chroido-retinopathies, hence providing a useful screening and diagnostic tool.