76 resultados para degeneration thesis


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of light filters on reading speed in normal and low vision due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods: Reading speed was determined for 12 subjects with normal vision and 12 subjects with non-exudative AMD using stationary lowercase nonsensical print in Times Roman font and four light filters; a yellow Corning Photochromic Filter (CPF) 450, a grey neural density (ND) filter, an individual filter obtained using the Intuitive Colorimeter® and a clear filter. Results: There was no statistically significant light filter effect on reading speed for the normal subjects. The AMD group demonstrated a statistically significant 5% average improvement in reading speed with the CPF450 compared with the other filters although some AMD subjects had improvements of 10-15%. Conclusions: Light filters obtained using the Intuitive Colorimeter® performed poorly when compared with the CPF450, ND and clear filters for both the study groups. For the AMD group, average reading speed was statistically greater with the CPF450 than the other filters, however it is questionable whether the improvement (5%) would be clinically significant. As some of the subjects with AMD had greater improvements with the CPF450 we advocate clinical assessment of light filters using existing protocols on an individual basis. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the MacDQoL test-retest reliability and sensitivity to change in vision over a period of one year in a sample of patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN: A prospective, observational study. METHOD: Patients with AMD from an ophthalmologist's list (n = 135) completed the MacDQoL questionnaire by telephone interview and underwent a vision assessment on two occasions, one year apart. RESULTS: Among participants whose vision was stable over one year (n = 87), MacDQoL scores at baseline and follow-up were highly correlated (r = 0.95; P < .0001). Twelve of the 22 scale items had intraclass correlations of >.80; only two were correlated <.7. There was no difference between baseline and follow-up scores (P = .85), indicating excellent test-retest reliability. Poorer quality of life (QoL) at follow-up, measured by the MacDQoL present QoL overview item, was associated with deterioration in both the better eye and binocular distance visual acuity [VA] (r = 0.29; P = .001, r = 0.21; P = .016, respectively; n = 135). There was a positive correlation between deterioration in the Mac. DQoL average weighted impact score and deterioration in both binocular near VA and reading speed (r = 0.20; P = .019, r = 0.18; P = .041, respectively; n = 135). CONCLUSION: The MacDQoL has excellent test-retest reliability. Its sensitivity to change in vision status was demonstrated in correlational analyses. The measure indicates that the negative impact of AMD on QoL increases with increasing severity of visual impairment.


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Macular pigment (MP) is the collective name for three carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, which are found at high concentrations in the central macula. The macular carotenoids, like all carotenoids, are entirely of dietary origin. The term ‘macular pigment optical density’ (MPOD) refers to the peak concentration of MP in the retina, which varies from one individual to the next and is measurable in vivo. On account of its blue-light-filtering and antioxidant properties, MP has become a subject of interest with respect to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the hypothesis being that MP helps to protect against AMD; the higher the MPOD, the lower the risk for AMD. Recently, a new MPOD-measuring device, the MPS 9000 (MPS), entered the ophthalmic market. Using this device, the research described here aimed to contribute new information to the MP literature. A second MPOD instrument, the Macular Pigment Reflectometer, was also used at times, but a reliability study (included in the thesis) demonstrated that it was unsuitable for use on its own. First, a series of exploratory investigations were undertaken to maximize the accuracy and consistency of MPOD measurements taken with the MPS; a protocol was established that substantially improved repeatability. Subsequently, a series of MPOD-based studies were conducted on anisometropia, South Asian race, blue-light-filtering contact lenses, and dietary modification with kale. The principle findings were as follows: interocular MPOD differences were not attributable to interocular refractive error differences; young adults of South Asian origin had significant gender-related MPOD differences (males>females, p<0.01), and they also had significantly higher MPOD than Caucasians (p<0.0005); wearing blue-light-filtering contact lenses for eight months did not affect MPOD; and dietary modification with kale for 16 weeks did not increase MPOD. This body of research adds new insights to MP knowledge, which in turn may contribute to MP knowledge in the context of AMD.


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Clustering of ballooned neurons (BN) and tau positive neurons with inclusion bodies (tau+ neurons) was studied in the upper and lower laminae of the frontal, parietal and temporal cortex in 12 patients with corticobasal degeneration (CBD). In a significant proportion of brain areas examined, BN and tau+ neurons exhibited clustering with a regular distribution of clusters parallel to the pia mater. A regular pattern of clustering of BN and tau+ neurons was observed equally frequently in all cortical areas examined and in the upper and lower laminae. No significant correlations were observed between the cluster sizes of BN or tau+ neurons in the upper compared with the lower cortex or between the cluster sizes of BN and tau+ neurons. The results suggest that BN and tau+ neurons in CBD exhibit the same type of spatial pattern as lesions in Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia and Pick's disease. The regular periodicity of the cerebral cortical lesions is consistent with the degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in CBD.


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The laminar distribution of ballooned neurons (BN) and tau positive neurons with inclusions (tau+ neurons) was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in twelve patients with corticobasal degeneration (CBD). In the majority of brain areas, the density of BN and tau+ neurons was maximal in the lower and upper cortical laminae respectively. The densities of tau+ neurons in the upper and lower cortex were positively correlated. In the majority of brain areas, however, no correlations were observed between the densities of BN and tau+ neurons. The laminar distribution of the BN may reflect the degeneration of the feedback cortico-cortical and/or the efferent cortical pathways. By contrast, the distribution of the tau+ neurons may reflect the degeneration of the feed-forward cortico-cortical pathways. In addition, BN and tau+ neurons may arise as a result of distinct pathological processes.


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The frequency of morphological abnormalities in neuronal perikarya which were in contact with diffuse beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was compared with neurons located adjacent to the deposits. Morphological abnormalities were also studied in elderly, non-demented (ND) cases with and without diffuse Abeta deposits. In AD and ND cases with Abeta deposits, an increased proportion of neurons in contact with diffuse deposits exhibited at least one abnormality compared with neurons located adjacent to the deposits. Neurons in contact with diffuse deposits exhibited a greater frequency of abnormalities of shape, nuclei, nissl substance and had a higher frequency of cytoplasmic vacuoles compared with adjacent neurons. A greater frequency of abnormalities of shape, nissl substance and in the frequency of displaced nuclei were also observed in neurons adjacent to diffuse deposits in AD compared with ND cases. With the exception of absent nuclei, morphological abnormalities adjacent to diffuse deposits in ND cases were similar to those of ND cases without Abeta deposits. These results suggest that neuronal degeneration is associated with the earliest stages of Abeta deposit formation and is not specifically related to the formation of mature senile plaques.


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Degeneration of the older parts of foliose lichen thalli often lead to the formation of a space or 'window' in the centre of the colonies. The percentage of thalli of different size which exhibited 'windows' was studied in twenty saxicolous lichen populations in south Gwynedd, Wales. The proportion of thalli with 'windows' increased with thallus size. The size class at which 50% and 100% of thalli exhibited 'windows' varied between populations. Differences between populations were not correlated with distance from the sea, aspect, slope or porosity of the substrate or the total number of lichen species present. However, a higher percentage of smaller thalli had 'windows' on rock surfaces with a greater lichen cover. There were no significant differences in the levels of Ca, Mg, Cu or Zn in large (>4 cm) and small (<2 cm) Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. thalli or in the centres and marginal lobes of these thalli. The concentration of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol was significantly reduced in the centre of large thalli compared with the margin of large thalli and the centre of small thalli. However, carbohydrate levels were similar in the centre of large thalli and the margin of small thalli. The data suggest that loss of the thallus centre is a degenerative process related to thallus size. In the field, the formation of 'windows' may be related to the intensity of competition on a substrate. Central degeneration was not associated with a deficiency or an accumulation of Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn in the thallus centre. However, degeneration may be associated with a reduction in carbohydrates in the centre compared with the marginal lobes.


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To further characterize the neuropathology of the heterogeneous molecular disorder frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP).


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Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by variable neocortical and allocortical atrophy principally affecting the frontal and temporal lobes. Histologically, there is neuronal loss, microvacuolation in the superficial cortical laminae, and a reactive astrocytosis. A variety of TDP-43 immunoreactive changes are present in FTLD-TDP including neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), dystrophic neurites (DN) and, oligodendroglial inclusions (GI). Many cases of familial FTLD-TDP are caused by DNA mutations of the progranulin (GRN) gene. Hence, the density, spatial patterns, and laminar distribution of the pathological changes were studied in nine cases of FLTD-TDP with GRN mutation. The densities of NCI and DN were greater in cases caused by GRN mutation compared with sporadic cases. In cortical regions, the commonest spatial pattern exhibited by the TDP-43 immunoreactive lesions was the presence of clusters of inclusions regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater. In approximately 50% of cortical gyri, the NCI exhibited a peak of density in the upper cortical laminae while the GI were commonly distributed across all laminae. The distribution of the NII and DN was variable, the most common pattern being a peak of NII density in the lower cortical laminae and DN in the upper cortical laminae. These results suggest in FTLD-TDP caused by GRN mutation: 1) there are greater densities of NCI and DN than in sporadic cases of the disease, 2) there is degeneration of the cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal pathways, and 3) cortical degeneration occurs across the cortical laminae, the various TDP-43 immunoreactive inclusions often being distributed in different cortical laminae.


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Studies suggest that frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is heterogeneous with division into four or five subtypes. To determine the degree of heterogeneity and the validity of the subtypes, we studied neuropathological variation within the frontal and temporal lobes of 94 cases of FTLD-TDP using quantitative estimates of density and principal components analysis (PCA). A PCA based on the density of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN), surviving neurons, enlarged neurons (EN), and vacuolation suggested that cases were not segregated into distinct subtypes. Variation in the density of the vacuoles was the greatest source of variation between cases. A PCA based on TDP-43 pathology alone suggested that cases of FTLD-TDP with progranulin (GRN) mutation segregated to some degree. The pathological phenotype of all four subtypes overlapped but subtypes 1 and 4 were the most distinctive. Cases with coexisting motor neuron disease (MND) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) also appeared to segregate to some extent. We suggest: 1) pathological variation in FTLD-TDP is best described as a ‘continuum’ without clearly distinct subtypes, 2) vacuolation was the single greatest source of variation and reflects the ‘stage’ of the disease, and 3) within the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ cases with GRN mutation and with coexisting MND or HS may have a more distinctive pathology.


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Mutations of the progranulin (GRN) gene are a major cause of familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). We studied the spatial patterns of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) and neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in histological sections of the frontal and temporal lobe in eight cases of FTLD-TDP with GRN mutation using morphometric methods and spatial pattern analysis. In neocortical regions, the NCI were clustered and the clusters were regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater; 58% of regions analysed exhibiting this pattern. The NII were present in regularly distributed clusters in 35% of regions but also randomly distributed in many areas. In neocortical regions, the sizes of the regular clusters of NCI and NII were 400-800 µm, approximating to the size of the modular columns of the cortico-cortical projections, in 31% and 36% of regions respectively. The NCI and NII also exhibited regularly spaced clustering in sectors CA1/2 of the hippocampus and in the dentate gyrus. The clusters of NCI and NII were not spatially correlated. The data suggest degeneration of the cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal pathways in FTLD-TDP with GRN mutation, the NCI and NII affecting different clusters of neurons.


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This work attempts to create a systemic design framework for man-machine interfaces which is self consistent, compatible with other concepts, and applicable to real situations. This is tackled by examining the current architecture of computer applications packages. The treatment in the main is philosophical and theoretical and analyses the origins, assumptions and current practice of the design of applications packages. It proposes that the present form of packages is fundamentally contradictory to the notion of packaging itself. This is because as an indivisible ready-to-implement solution, current package architecture displays the following major disadvantages. First, it creates problems as a result of user-package interactions, in which the designer tries to mould all potential individual users, no matter how diverse they are, into one model. This is worsened by the minute provision, if any, of important properties such as flexibility, independence and impartiality. Second, it displays rigid structure that reduces the variety and/or multi-use of the component parts of such a package. Third, it dictates specific hardware and software configurations which probably results in reducing the number of degrees of freedom of its user. Fourth, it increases the dependence of its user upon its supplier through inadequate documentation and understanding of the package. Fifth, it tends to cause a degeneration of the expertise of design of the data processing practitioners. In view of this understanding an alternative methodological design framework which is both consistent with systems approach and the role of a package in its likely context is proposed. The proposition is based upon an extension of the identified concept of the hierarchy of holons* which facilitates the examination of the complex relationships of a package with its two principal environments. First, the user characteristics and his decision making practice and procedures; implying an examination of the user's M.I.S. network. Second, the software environment and its influence upon a package regarding support, control and operation of the package. The framework is built gradually as discussion advances around the central theme of a compatible M.I.S., software and model design. This leads to the formation of the alternative package architecture that is based upon the design of a number of independent, self-contained small parts. Such is believed to constitute the nucleus around which not only packages can be more effectively designed, but is also applicable to many man-machine systems design.


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This industrial based research project was undertaken for British Leyland and arose as a result of poor system efficiency on the Maxi and Marina vehicle body build lines. The major factors in the deterioration of system efficiency were identified as: a) The introduction of a 'Gateline' system of vehicle body build. b) The degeneration of a newly introduced measured daywork payment scheme. By relating the conclusions of past work on payment systems to the situation at Cowley, it was concluded that a combination of poor industrial relations and a lack of managerial control had caused the measured daywork scheme to degenerate into a straightforward payment for time at work. This ellminated the monetary incentive to achieve schedule with the consequence that both inefficiency and operating costs increased. To analyse further the cause of inefficiency, a study of Marina gateline stoppage logs was carried out. This revealed that poor system efficiency on the gateline was caused more by the nature of its design than poor reliability on individual items of' plant. The consideration given to system efficiency at the design stage was found to be negligible, the main obstacles being: a) A lack of understanding pertaining to the influence of certain design factors on the efficiency of a production line. b) The absence of data and techniques to predict system efficiency at the design stage. To remedy this situation, a computer simulation study of' the design factors was carried out from which relationships with system efficiency were established and empirical efficiency equations developed. Sets of tables were compiled from the equations and efficiency data relevant to vehicle body building established from the gateline stoppage logs. Computer simulation, the equations and the tables,when used in conjunction. with good efficiency data, are shown to be accurate methods of predicting production line system.efficiency.


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Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare, progressive movement disorder characterized neuropathologically by widespread neuronal and glial pathology including tau-immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), and astrocytic plaques (AP). However, ß -amyloid (A ß) deposits have been observed in the cerebral cortex and/or hippocampus in some cases of CBD. To clarify the role of Aß deposition in CBD, the densities and spatial patterns of the Aß deposits were studied in three cases. In two cases, expressing apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes 2/3 or 3/3, the densities of the Aß deposits were similar to those in normal elderly brain. In the remaining case, expressing APOE genotype 3/4, Aß deposition was observed throughout the cerebral cortex, sectors CA1 and CA2 of the hippocampus, and the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. The densities of the Aß deposits in this case were typical of those observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the three cases, clustering of Aß deposits, with clusters ranging in size from 200 to >6400 µm in diameter, was evident in 25/27 (93%) of analyses. In addition, the clusters of Aß deposits were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary in 52% of analyses, a spatial pattern similar to that observed in AD. These results suggest: (1) in some CBD cases, Aß pathology is age-related, (2) more extensive Aß deposition is observed in some cases, the density and spatial patterns of the Aß deposits being similar to AD, and (3) extensive deposition of Aß in CBD may be associated with APOE allele e4.


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Neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) immunoreactive for transactive response DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) are the pathological hallmark of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). We studied the spatial patterns of the TDP-43 immunoreactive NCI in the frontal and temporal cortex of 15 cases of FTLD-TDP. The NCI were distributed parallel to the tissue boundary predominantly in regular clusters 50-400 µm in diameter. In five cortical areas, the size of the clusters approximated to the cells of the cortico-cortical pathways. In most regions, cluster size was smaller than 400 µm. There were no significant differences in spatial patterns between familial and sporadic cases. Cluster size of the NCI was not correlated with disease duration, brain weight, Braak stage, or disease subtype. The spatial pattern of the NCI was similar to that of neuronal inclusions in other neurodegenerative diseases and may reflect a common pattern of degeneration involving the cortico-cortical projections.