36 resultados para conjugation


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We numerically optimise in-span signal power asymmetry in different advanced Raman amplification schemes, achieving a 3% asymmetry over 62 km SMF using random DFB Raman laser amplifier. We then evaluate the impact of such asymmetry on the performance of systems using mid-link OPC by simulating transmission of 7 x 15 Gbaud 16QAM Nyquist-spaced WDM-PDM signals. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the benefit of polarization insensitive dual-band optical phase conjugation for up to ten 400 Gb/s optical super-channels using a Raman amplified transmission link with a realistic span length of 75 km. We demonstrate that the resultant increase in transmission distance may be predicted analytically if the detrimental impacts of power asymmetry and polarization mode dispersion are taken into account.


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Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. The impact of system imperfections is also outlined.


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Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined.


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The mechanism of muscle protein catabolism induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, produced by cachexia-inducing murine and human tumours has been studied in vitro using C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was enhanced by proteolysis-inducing factor after 24 h incubation. In myoblasts this followed a bell-shaped dose-response curve with maximal effects at a proteolysis-inducing factor concentration between 2 and 4 nM, while in myotubes increased protein degradation was seen at all concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor up to 10 nM, again with a maximum of 4 nM proteolysis-inducing factor. Protein degradation induced by proteolysis-inducing factor was completely attenuated in the presence of cycloheximide (1 μM), suggesting a requirement for new protein synthesis. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was accompanied by an increased expression of the α-type subunits of the 20S proteasome as well as functional activity of the proteasome, as determined by the 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity. There was also an increased expression of the 19S regulatory complex as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E214k), and in myotubes a decrease in myosin expression was seen with increasing concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor. These results show that proteolysis-inducing factor co-ordinately upregulates both ubiquitin conjugation and proteasome activity in both myoblasts and myotubes and may play an important role in the muscle wasting seen in cancer cachexia. © 2002 Cancer Research UK.


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This paper identifies the important limiting processes in transmission capacity for amplified soliton systems. Some novel control techniques are described for optimizing this capacity. In particular, dispersion compensation and phase conjugation are identified as offering good control of jitter without the need for many new components in the system. An advanced average soliton model is described and demonstrated to permit large amplifier spacing. The potential for solitons in high-dispersion land-based systems is discussed and results are presented showing 10 Gbit s$^{-1}$ transmission over 1000 km with significant amplifier spacing.


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Surface modification techniques have been used to develop biomimetic scaffolds by incorporating cell adhesion peptides, which facilitates cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. In this study, we evaluated the cell adhesion properties of a tailored laminin-332 alpha3 chain tethered to a type I collagen scaffold using microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) by incorporating transglutaminase substrate peptide sequences containing either glutamine (peptide A: PPFLMLLKGSTREAQQIVM) or lysine (peptide B: PPFLMLLKGSTRKKKKG). The degree of cross-linking was studied by amino acid analysis following proteolytic digestion and the structural changes in the modified scaffold further investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Fibroblasts were used to evaluate the cellular behaviour of the functionalized collagen scaffold. mTGase supports cell growth but tethering of peptide A and peptide B to the mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffold caused a significant increase in cell proliferation when compared with native and mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffolds. Both peptides enabled cell-spreading, attachment and normal actin cytoskeleton organization with slight increase in the cell proliferation was observed in peptide A when compared with the peptide B and mTGase cross-linked scaffold. An increase in the amount of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine isopeptide was observed in peptide A conjugated scaffolds when compared with peptide B conjugated scaffolds, mTGase cross-linked scaffold without peptide. Changes in D-spacing were observed in the cross-linked scaffolds with tethered peptides. These results demonstrate that mTGase can play a bifunctional role in both conjugation of the glutamine and lysine containing peptide sequences and also in the cross-linking of the collagen scaffold, thus providing a suitable substrate for cell growth.


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Alteration in the target sites of antibiotics is a common mechanism of resistance. Examples of clinical strains showing resistance can be found for every class of antibiotic, regardless of the mechanism of action. Target site changes often result from spontaneous mutation of a bacterial gene on the chromosome and selection in the presence of the antibiotic. Examples include mutations in RNA polymerase and DNA gyrase, resulting in resistance to the rifamycins and quinolones, respectively. In other cases, acquisition of resistance may involve transfer of resistance genes from other organisms by some form of genetic exchange (conjugation, transduction, or transformation). Examples of these mechanisms include acquisition of the mecA genes encoding methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus and the various van genes in enterococci encoding resistance to glycopeptides. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hammerhead ribozymes are potent RNA molecules which have the potential to specifically inhibit gene expression by catalysing the trans-cleavage of mRNAs. However, they are unstable in biological fluids and cellular delivery poses a problem. Site-specific chemical modification of hammerhead ribozymes was evaluated as a means of enhancing biological stability. Chimeric, 2'-O-methylated ribozymes, containing only five unmodified ribonucleotides, were catalytically active in vitro (kcat = 1.46 min-1) and were significantly more stable in serum and lysosomal enzymes than unmodified (all-RNA) counterparts. Furthermore, they remained undegraded in cell-containing media for up to 8 hours. Stability enhancement allowed cellular uptake properties of radiolabelled ribozymes to be assessed following exogenous delivery. Studies in vulval and glial cell lines indicated that chimeric ribozymes became cell-associated via an inefficient process, which was energy and concentration dependant. A considerable proportion of ribozymes remained bound to cell-surface components, however, a small proportion (<1%) were internalised via mechanisms of adsorptive and / or receptor mediated endocytosis. Fluorescent microscopy indicated that ribozymes were localised within endosomal / lysosomal vesicles following cell entry. This was confirmed by immuno-electron microscopy, which allowed the detection of biotin-labelled ribozymes within the cell ultrastructure. Despite the predominant localisation within endocytic vesicles, a small proportion of internalised ribozymes appeared able to exit these compartments and penetrate target sites within the nucleus and cytoplasm. The ribozymes designed in this report were directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor mRNA, which is over-expressed in a malignant brain disease called glioblastoma multiforme. In order to examine the fate of ribozymes in the brain, the distribution of FITC-labelled ribozymes was examined following intra-cerebro ventricular injection to mice. FITC-ribozymes demonstrated high punctate pattern of distribution within the striatum and cortex, which appeared to represent localisation within cell bodies and dendritic processes. This suggested that delivery to glial cells in vivo may be possible. Finally, strategies were investigated to enhance the cellular delivery of ribozymes. Conjugation of ribozymes to anti~transferrin receptor antibodies improved cellular uptake 3-fold as a result of a specific interaction with transferrin receptors. Complexation with cationic liposomes also significantly improved cell association, however, some toxiclty was observed and this could be a limitation to their use. Overall, it would appear that hammerhead ribozymes can be chemically stabilised to allow direct exogenous administration in vivo. However, additional delivery strategies are probably required to improve cellular uptake, and thus, allow ribozymes to achieve their full potential as pharmaceutical agents. KEYWORDS: Catalytic


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The metabolism of compounds containing the N-methyl group is discussed with particular consideration being made to the possible role of the product of oxidative metabolism, the N-hydroxymethyl moiety, in the generation of potentially toxic, reactive electrophiles. Particular pathways which are considered are: (i), the production of formaldehyde; (ii), the generation of iminium ions or imines; and (iii), the formation of N-formyl compounds which might act as formylating agents. 4-Chloro-N-(hydroxymethyl)benzamide and 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-hydroxy-methyl-1-methylurea (the product of oxidative metabolism of 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) are model carbinolamides which do not readily release formaldehyde. The electrophilic properties of these model carbinolamides were investigated: neither reacted with nucleophiles such as cyanide or glutathione under physiological conditions. In contrast, N-(acetoxymethyl)-4-chlorobenzamide yielded the cyanomethylamide with potassium cyanide and S-(4-chlorobenzamidomethyl)glutathione with glutathione. 4-Chloro-N-(hydroxymethyl)benzamide and 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea were not biotransformed to electrophilic moieties when incubated with mouse hepatic 9000 x g supernatant and Acetyl-CoA or PAPS-generating system. N-(Acetoxymethyl)-4-chlorobenzamide was non-mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium in the short term bacterial assay; but toxicity to the bacteria was observed. 4-Chloro-N-(hydroxymethyl)benzamide and 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea showed no mutagenicity or toxicity in the mutagenicity assay including an Aroclor-induced rat hepatic 9000 x g supernatant. Addition of Acetyl-CoA or a PAPS-generating system did not produce a mutagenic response. 4-Chloro-N-formlbenzamide did not act as a formylating agent towards the weak nucleophile aniline. However, 4-chloro-N-formylbenzamide, N-formylbenzamide, 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-formyl-1-methylurea and 3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-formylurea are all metabolised by mouse hepatic mirosomes and post-microsomal supernatant. The results demonstrate the potential for N-hydroxymethyl compounds to generate highly reactive species if these are substrates for conjugation with sulphate (or acetate). The model compounds employed here, apparently do not show any ability to be conjugated themselves, however, other N-hydroxymethyl compounds might be readily conjugated. The formation of N-formyl compounds does not appear to be toxicologically significant, as adjudged on limited experiments performed, but rather represent a detoxification pathway.


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Liposomes offer an ideal platform for the delivery of subunit vaccines, due to their versatility and flexibility, which allows for antigen as well as immunostimulatory lipids and TLR agonists to become associated with these bilayered vesicles. Liposomes have the ability to protect vaccine antigen, as well as enhance delivery to antigen presenting cells, whilst the importance of cationic surface charge for delivery of TB subunit vaccines and formation of an ‘antigen depot’ may play a key role in boosting cell-mediated immunity and Th1 immune responses. The rational design of vaccine adjuvants requires the thorough investigation into the physicochemical characteristics that dictate the function of a liposomal adjuvant. Within this thesis, physicochemical characteristics were investigated in order to show any effects on the biodistribution profiles and the ensuing immune responses of these formulations. Initially the role of liposome charge within the formulation was investigated and subsequently their efficacy as vaccine adjuvants in combination with their biodistribution was measured to allow the role of formulation in vaccine function to be considered. These results showed that cationic surface charge, in combination with high loading of H56 vaccine antigen through electrostatic binding, was crucial in the promotion of the ‘depot-effect’ at the injection site which increases the initiation of Th1 cell-mediated immune responses that are required to offer protection against tuberculosis. To further investigate this, different methods of liposome production were also investigated where antigen incorporation within the vesicles as well as surface adsorption were adopted. Using the dehydration-rehydration (DRV) method (where liposomes are freeze-dried in the presence of antigen to promote antigen encapsulation) and the double emulsion (DE) method, a range of liposomes entrapping antigen were formulated. Variation in the liposome preparation method can lead to antigen entrapment within the delivery system which has been shown to be greater for DRV-formulated liposomes compared to their DE-counterparts. This resulted in no significant effect on the vaccine biodistribution profile, as well as not significantly altering the efficacy of cationic liposomal adjuvants. To further enhance the efficacy of these systems, the addition of TLR agonists either at the vesicle surface as well as within the delivery system has been displayed through variation in the preparation method. Anionic liposomal adjuvants have been formulated, which displayed rapid drainage from the injection site to the draining lymph nodes and displayed a reduction in measured Th1 immune responses. However, variation in the preparation method can alter the immune response profile for anionic liposomal adjuvants with a bias in immune response to Th2 responses being noted. Through the use of high shear mixing and stepwise incorporation, the efficient loading of TLR agonist within liposomes has been shown. However, interestingly the conjugation between lipid and non-electrostatically bound TLR agonist, followed by insertion into the bilayer of DDA/TDB resulted in localised agonist retention at the injection site and further stimulation of the Th1 immune response at the SOI, spleen and draining lymphatics as well as enhanced antibody titres.


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Digital back-propagation (DBP) has recently been proposed for the comprehensive compensation of channel nonlinearities in optical communication systems. While DBP is attractive for its flexibility and performance, it poses significant challenges in terms of computational complexity. Alternatively, phase conjugation or spectral inversion has previously been employed to mitigate nonlinear fibre impairments. Though spectral inversion is relatively straightforward to implement in optical or electrical domain, it requires precise positioning and symmetrised link power profile in order to avail the full benefit. In this paper, we directly compare ideal and low-precision single-channel DBP with single-channel spectral-inversion both with and without symmetry correction via dispersive chirping. We demonstrate that for all the dispersion maps studied, spectral inversion approaches the performance of ideal DBP with 40 steps per span and exceeds the performance of electronic dispersion compensation by ~3.5 dB in Q-factor, enabling up to 96% reduction in complexity in terms of required DBP stages, relative to low precision one step per span based DBP. For maps where quasi-phase matching is a significant issue, spectral inversion significantly outperforms ideal DBP by ~3 dB.


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We investigate to what extent the unique features of OPAs (large bandwidths, 0 dB noise figure, phase conjugation, signal regeneration) can be combined and exploited in future long-haul communication networks. Network PMD can complicate the use of phase-sensitive amplification.


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Colloidal nanosized folate-conjugated hydrogels for targeted chemotherapy were prepared via a versatile and efficient postsynthetic modification pathway starting from P(NPA-co-NIPAM). The modifications included the introduction of 4-methylpyridine as pH-sensitive pendant groups and the conjugation of folic acid to the microgel network. The microgels showed a specific swelling at pH?


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This paper identifies the important limiting processes in transmission capacity for amplified soliton systems. Some novel control techniques are described for optimizing this capacity. In particular, dispersion compensation and phase conjugation are identified as offering good control of jitter without the need for many new components in the system. An advanced average soliton model is described and demonstrated to permit large amplifier spacing. The potential for solitons in high-dispersion land-based systems is discussed and results are presented showing 10 Gbit s$^{-1}$ transmission over 1000 km with significant amplifier spacing.