25 resultados para blood vessel
Nickel and cobalt are both known to stimulate the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1a), thus significantly improving blood vessel formation in tissue engineering applications. We have manufactured nickel and cobalt doped bioactive glasses to act as a controlled delivery mechanism of these ions. The resultant structural consequences have been investigated using the methods of isotopic and isomorphic substitution applied to neutron diffraction. The structural sites present will be intimately related to their release properties in physiological fluids such as plasma and saliva, and hence the bioactivity of the material. Detailed structural knowledge is therefore a prerequisite for optimising material design. Results show that nickel and cobalt adopt a mixed structural role within these bioactive glasses occupying both network-forming (tetrahedral) and network-modifying (5-fold) geometries. Two thirds of the Ni (or Co) occupies a five-fold geometry with the remaining third in a tetrahedral environment. A direct comparison of the primary structural correlations (e.g. Si-O, Ca-O, Na-O and O-Si-O) between the archetypal 45S5 Bioglass® and the Ni and Co glasses studied here reveal no significant differences. This indicates that the addition of Ni (or Co) will have no adverse effects on the existing structure, and thus on in vitro/in vivo dissolution rates and therefore bioactivity of these glasses.
Approach and Results - Using in vitro and in vivo assays, we here demonstrate that the interaction between PMCA4 and calcineurin in VEGF-stimulated endothelial cells leads to downregulation of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway and to a significant reduction in the subsequent expression of the NFAT-dependent, VEGF-activated, proangiogenic genes RCAN1.4 and Cox-2. PMCA4-dependent inhibition of calcineurin signaling translates into a reduction in endothelial cell motility and blood vessel formation that ultimately impairs in vivo angiogenesis by VEGF. Objective - Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been identified as a crucial regulator of physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Among the intracellular signaling pathways triggered by VEGF, activation of the calcineurin/ nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) signaling axis has emerged as a critical mediator of angiogenic processes. We and others previously reported a novel role for the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) as an endogenous inhibitor of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway, via interaction with calcineurin, in cardiomyocytes and breast cancer cells. However, the functional significance of the PMCA/calcineurin interaction in endothelial pathophysiology has not been addressed thus far. Conclusions - Given the importance of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in the regulation of pathological angiogenesis, targeted modulation of PMCA4 functionality might open novel therapeutic avenues to promote or attenuate new vessel formation in diseases that occur with angiogenesis.
S-glutathionylation occurs when reactive oxygen or nitrogen species react with protein-cysteine thiols. Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme which enzymatically catalyses the reduction in S-glutathionylation, conferring reversible signalling function to proteins with redox-sensitive thiols. Glrx can regulate vascular hypertrophy and inflammation by regulating the activity of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and actin polymerization. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration is inhibited by Glrx overexpression. In mice overexpressing Glrx, blood flow recovery, exercise function and capillary density were significantly attenuated after hindlimb ischaemia (HLI). Wnt5a and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) were enhanced in the ischaemic-limb muscle and plasma respectively from Glrx transgenic (TG) mice. A Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway had been described in myeloid cells controlling retinal blood vessel development. Interestingly, a Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway was found also to play a role in EC to inhibit network formation. S-glutathionylation of NF-κB components inhibits its activation. Up-regulated Glrx stimulated the Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway through enhancing NF-κB signalling. These studies show a novel role for Glrx in post-ischaemic neovascularization, which could define a potential target for therapy of impaired angiogenesis in pathological conditions including diabetes.
Current anti-angiogenic treatments involve the attenuation of signalling via the pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor/receptor (VEGF/VEGFR) axis. Stimulation of angiogenesis by VEGF requires the activation of the calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) signal transduction pathway which is inhibited by Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 4 (PMCA4), an endogenous calcium extrusion pump. However, PMCA4s role in calcineurin/NFAT-dependent angiogenesis is unknown. Using “gain of function” studies, we show here that adenoviral overexpression of PMCA4 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) inhibited NFAT activity, decreased the expression of NFAT-dependent pro-angiogenic proteins (regulator of calcineurin 1.4 (RCAN1.4) and cyclooxygenase-2) and diminished in vitro cell migration and tube formation in response to VEGF-stimulation. Furthermore, in vivo blood vessel formation was attenuated in a matrigel plug assay by ectopic expression of PMCA4. Conversely, “loss of function” experiments by si-RNA-mediated knockdown of PMCA4 in HUVEC or isolation of mouse lung endothelial cells from PMCA4−/− mice showed increased VEGF-induced NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 expression, in vitro endothelial cell migration, tube formation and in vivo blood vessel formation. Additionally, in an in vivo pathological angiogenesis model of limb ischemia, the reperfusion of the ischemic limb of PMCA4−/− mice was augmented compared to wild-type. Disruption of the interaction between endogenous PMCA4 and calcineurin by adenoviral overexpression of the region of PMCA4 that interacts with calcineurin (residues 428–651) increased NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 protein expression and in vitro tube formation. These results identify PMCA4 as an inhibitor of VEGF-induced angiogenesis, highlighting its potential as a new therapeutic target for anti-angiogenic treatments.
The present article describes a standard instrument for the continuous online determination of retinal vessel diameters, the commercially available retinal vessel analyzer. This report is intended to provide informed guidelines for measuring ocular blood flow with this system. The report describes the principles underlying the method and the instruments currently available, and discusses clinical protocol and the specific parameters measured by the system. Unresolved questions and the possible limitations of the technique are also discussed. © 2009 Acta Ophthalmol.
PURPOSE. To establish an alternative method, sequential and diameter response analysis (SDRA), to determine dynamic retinal vessel responses and their time course in serial stimulation compared with the established method of averaged diameter responses and standard static assessment. METHODS. SDRA focuses on individual time and diameter responses, taking into account the fluctuation in baseline diameter, providing improved insight into reaction patterns when compared with established methods as delivered by retinal vessel analyzer (RVA) software. SDRA patterns were developed with measurements from 78 healthy nonsmokers and subsequently validated in a group of 21 otherwise healthy smokers. Fundus photography and retinal vessel responses were assessed by RVA, intraocular pressure by contact tonometry, and blood pressure by sphygmomanometry. RESULTS. Compared with the RVA software method, SDRA demonstrated a marked difference in retinal vessel responses to flickering light (P 0.05). As a validation of that finding, SDRA showed a strong relation between baseline retinal vessel diameter and subsequent dilatory response in both healthy subjects and smokers (P 0.001). The RVA software was unable to detect this difference or to find a difference in retinal vessel arteriovenous ratio between smokers and nonsmokers (P 0.243). However, SDRA revealed that smokers’ vessels showed both an increased level of arterial baseline diameter fluctuation before flicker stimulation (P 0.005) and an increased stiffness of retinal arterioles (P 0.035) compared with those in nonsmokers. These differences were unrelated to intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS. SDRA shows promise as a tool for the assessment of vessel physiology. Further studies are needed to explore its application in patients with vascular diseases.
Background: This pilot study aimed to investigate systemic and retinal vascular function and their relationship to circulatory markers of cardiovascular risk in early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients without any already diagnosed systemic vascular pathologies. Methods: Fourteen patients diagnosed with early AMD and 14 age- and gender-matched healthy controls underwent blood pressure, carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT) and peripheral arterial stiffness measurements. Retinal vascular reactivity was assessed by means of dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA) using a modified protocol. Blood analyses were conducted for glutathione levels and plasma levels of total cholesterol (CHOL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). Results: The AMD patients showed significantly greater C-IMT (p = 0.029) and augmentation index (AIx) (p = 0.042) than the age-matched controls. In addition, they demonstrated a shallower retinal arterial dilation slope (Slope AD) (p = 0.005) and a longer retinal venous reaction time (RT) to flickering light (p = 0.026). Blood analyses also revealed that AMD patients exhibited higher oxidized glutathione (GSSG) (p = 0.024), lower redox index (p = 0.043) and higher LDL-C (p = 0.033) levels than the controls. Venous RT parameter correlated positively with blood GSSG levels (r = 0.58, p = 0.038) in AMD subjects, but not in the controls (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Patients diagnosed with early AMD exhibit signs of systemic and retinal vascular alterations that correlated with known risk markers for future cardiovascular morbidity. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
To assess the impact of light scatter, similar to that introduced by cataract on retinal vessel blood oxygen saturation measurements using poly-bead solutions of varying concentrations. Eight healthy, young, non-smoking individuals were enrolled for this study. All subjects underwent digital blood pressure measurements, assessment of non-contact intraocular pressure, pupil dilation and retinal vessel oximetry using dual wavelength photography (Oximetry Module, Imedos Systems, Germany). To simulate light scatter, cells comprising a plastic collar and two plano lenses were filled with solutions of differing concentrations (0.001, 0.002 and 0.004%) of polystyrene microspheres (Polysciences Inc., USA). The adopted light scatter model showed an artifactual increase in venous optical density ratio (p=0.036), with the 0.004% condition producing significantly higher venous optical density ratio values when compared to images without a cell in place. Spectrophotometric analysis, and thus retinal vessel oximetry of the retinal vessels, is altered by artificial light scatter. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
PURPOSE: To assess the impact of human crystalline lens opacification and yellowing, similar to that observed in patients with cataracts, on retinal vessel blood oxygen saturation measurements using custom manufactured soft contact lenses. METHODS: Ten healthy, non-smoking individuals were enrolled for this study. All subjects underwent digital blood pressure measurements, assessment of non-contact intra-ocular pressure, pupil dilation and retinal vessel oximetry using dual-wavelength photography (Oximetry Module, Imedos Systems). To simulate lens changes, three different contact lenses were inserted, one to simulate opacities followed by two more lenses to simulate different levels of lens yellowing (Cantor & Nissel). RESULTS: The measurements obtained showed an opposite change in arterial and venous oxygen saturation and optical density ratio across conditions, resulting in a statistically significant difference in arterial minus venous oxygen saturation value (p = 0.003). However, this difference was only significant for the 'opacity' condition but not for the 'yellowing' conditions. CONCLUSION: Lenticular changes such as cataracts can impact on spectrophotometric analysis in particular dual-wavelength retinal vessel oximetry. Hence, lenticular assessment and cataract grading should be considered when assessing elderly individuals and patient groups developing cataract earlier in life such as those suffering from diabetes mellitus.
Purpose: To determine the response of retinal vessels to differing durations of flicker light (FL) sitmulation. Methods: We recorded retinal arterial and venous vessel dilation to 12.5 Hz flicker light provocation (Retinal Vessel Analyzer, Imedos Systems) of varying duration (5, 7, 10 and 20 seconds) in twelve healthy young individuals (age range 26-45 yrs). All participants underwent a full ocular examination including intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurements. Results: Maximum dilation (MD) did not show a significant dependence on flicker duration in arteries whereas maximum constriction (MC) did. However, in veins MD significantly increased with flicker duration. Approximately 80-90% of MD in arteries is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation. Conclusions: The vast majority of arterial dilatory capacity is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation even though venous dilation continues strongly. Since the MC of arteries shows a significant dependence on flicker duration measurements at two different durations can provide more information about the retinal vascular system than at a single flicker duration alone.