22 resultados para XPS SURFACE ENRICHMENT


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The growth of highly functionalised poly allyl alcohol films by pulsed plasma polymerisation of CH2 double bond; length as m-dashCHCH2OH on biomedical grade polyurethane has been followed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements. Film thickness is observed to increase approximately linearly with plasma modification time, suggesting a layer-by-layer growth mode of poly allyl alcohol. Water contact angle measurements reveal the change in the surface free energy of wetting decreases linearly with plasma modification up to the monolayer point after which a constant limiting value of −24 mJ m−2 was attained. Films prepared at 20 W plasma power with a duty cycle of 10 μs:500 μs exhibit a high degree of hydroxyl (single bondOH) retention with minimal fragmentation of the monomer observed. Increasing the plasma power up to 125 W is found to improve single bondOH retention at the expense of ether formation generating films close to the monomer stoichiometry. Duty cycle plays an important role in controlling both film composition and thickness, with longer off times increasing single bondOH retention, while longer on times enhance allyl alcohol film growth.


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Advancing (θA) and receding (θR) contact angles were measured with several probe liquids on the external facets (201), (001), (011), and (110) of macroscopic form I paracetamol crystals as well as the cleaved (internal) facet (010). For the external crystal facets, dispersive surface energies γd calculated from the contact angles were found to be similar (34 ± 1 mJ/m2), while the polar components varied significantly. Cleaving the crystals exposed a more apolar (010) surface with very different surface properties, including γd = 45 ± 1 mJ/m2. The relative surface polarity (γp/γ) of the facets in decreasing order was (001) > (011) > (201) > (110) > (010), which agreed with the fraction of exposed polar hydroxyl groups as determined from C and O 1s X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra, and could be correlated with the number of non-hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups per unit area present for each crystal facet, based on the known crystal structures. In conclusion, all facets of form I paracetamol crystals examined exhibited anisotropic wetting behavior and surface energetics that correlated to the presence of surface hydroxyl groups.  © 2006 American Chemical Society.


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Ultrathin Fe oxide films of various thicknesses prepared by post-growth oxidation on GaAs(100) surface have been investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The XPS confirms that the surfaces of the oxide are Fe3O4 rather than Fe2O3. XAS and XMCD measurements indicate the presence of insulating Fe divalent oxide phases (FeO) beneath the surface Fe3O4 layer with the sample thickness above 4 nm. This FeO might act as a barrier for the spin injection into the GaAs.


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The strong promotion by NO of acetylene cyclotrimerisation to benzene on Pd{1 1 1} has been investigated by fast XPS, supported by LEED and Δφ data. Islands of NO act to compress co-existing islands of acetylene. The resulting increase in acetylene density dramatically lowers the nominal threshold acetylene coverage required for reaction. In addition, the threshold reaction temperature is reduced from 150 to <100 K, and increased lateral interactions within the organic domains promote formation of tilted benzene. Co-adsorption of NO with benzene itself accelerates the desorption of both tilted and flat-lying benzene at low temperatures. These factors act to increase the yield of reactively formed benzene to 100%, completely suppressing carbon deposition that would otherwise result from decomposition of reactant and product.


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SO2 oxidation has been followed by Fast XPS over Pt{111}. Preadsorbed oxygen reduces the low temperature saturation coverage of SO2 with respect to the clean surface. Heating a mixed O2/SO2 adlayer results in efficient oxidation of both upright and flat-lying SO2 molecules to surface-bound SO4. Sulphate decomposes above room temperature liberating gas-phase SO2 and SO3. Propene adsorbs molecularly at 100 K over clean Pt{111} and dehydrogenates above 250 K to form a stable propylidyne adlayer, which in turn decomposes above 400 K to form graphitic carbon. Preadsorbed surface sulphate enhances the sticking probability of propene via formation of an alkyl-sulphate complex. Thermal decomposition of this complex accounts for low temperature propene combustion and is accompanied by atomic sulpur deposition. Propylidyne forms as on clean Pt but is less reactive undergoing partial oxidation above 450 K with residual surface oxygen.


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The thermal decomposition of propene over clean and sulphate precovered Pt{111} has been followed by Fast XPS. The saturation propene coverage over the clean surface is 0.21 mL at 90 K. Propene is stable up to 200 K, above which molecular desorption and dehydrogenation result in the formation of a stable propylidyne intermediate adlayer at 300 K. Propylidyne decomposes above 400 K eventually forming graphitic carbon above 800 K. Preadsorbed surface sulphate promotes room temperature propene combustion associated with the decomposition of a thermally unstable alkyl--sulphate complex. Propylidyne also forms as on clean Pt{111}, but is less reactive, its decomposition above 450 K triggering partial oxidation with residual surface oxygen to liberate gas phase CO.


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To identify novel cell ageing markers in order to gain insight into ageing mechanisms, we adopted membrane enrichment and comparison of the CD4+ T cell membrane proteome (purified by cell surface labelling using Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin reagent) between healthy young (n=9, 20-25y) and older (n=10; 50-70y) male adults. Following two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) to separate pooled membrane proteins in triplicates, the identity of protein spots with age-dependent differences (p<0.05 and >1.4 fold difference) was determined using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Seventeen protein spot density differences (ten increased and seven decreased in the older adult group) were observed between young and older adults. From spot intensity analysis, CD4+ T cell surface α-enolase was decreased in expression by 1.5 fold in the older age group; this was verified by flow cytometry (n=22) and qPCR with significantly lower expression of cellular α-enolase mRNA and protein compared to young adult CD4+ T cells (p<0.05). In an independent age-matched case-control study, lower CD4+ T cell surface α-enolase expression was observed in age-matched patients with cardiovascular disease (p<0.05). An immune-modulatory role has been proposed for surface α-enolase and our findings of decreased expression suggest that deficits in surface α-enolase merit investigation in the context of immune dysfunction during ageing and vascular disease.