21 resultados para Wharton Jelly


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Objectives: To determine the best photographic surrogate markers for detecting sight-threatening macular oedema (MO) in people with diabetes attending UK national screening programmes. Design: A multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of 3170 patients with photographic signs of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region [exudates within two disc diameters, microaneurysms/dot haemorrhages (M/DHs) and blot haemorrhages (BHs)] who were recruited from seven study centres. Setting: All patients were recruited and imaged at one of seven study centres in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Dundee, Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Oxford. Participants: Subjects with features of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region attending one of seven diabetic retinal screening programmes. Interventions: Alternative referral criteria for suspected MO based on photographic surrogate markers; an optical coherence tomographic examination in addition to the standard digital retinal photograph. Main outcome measures: (1) To determine the best method to detect sight-threatening MO in people with diabetes using photographic surrogate markers. (2) Sensitivity and specificity estimates to assess the costs and consequences of using alternative strategies. (3) Modelled long-term costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Results: Prevalence of MO was strongly related to the presence of lesions and was roughly five times higher in subjects with exudates or BHs or more than two M/DHs within one disc diameter. Having worse visual acuity was associated with about a fivefold higher prevalence of MO. Current manual screening grading schemes that ignore visual acuity or the presence of M/DHs could be improved by taking these into account. Health service costs increase substantially with more sensitive/less specific strategies. A fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, is superior to all current manual grading schemes for detecting MO in people with diabetes. The addition of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to each strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. Conclusions: Compared with all current manual grading schemes, for the same sensitivity, a fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, achieves a higher specificity for detecting MO in people with diabetes, especially if visual acuity is included in the automated strategy. Overall, costs to the health service are likely to increase if more sensitive referral strategies are adopted over more specific screening strategies for MO, for only very small gains in QALYs. The addition of OCT to each screening strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013.


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Patients who present with background DR should continue to be screened annually as a high prportion of these patients develop sight threatening DR (12%). A low prportion of patients with no DR at baseline were referred for STDR (1.3%). Out of the 51 patients in this category referred only 1 required laser. The authors suggest that patients graded R0M0 could be screened biannually.


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Introduction. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who pre-sented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006. Purpose. To evaluate the safety of increasing screening intervals in patients with no diabetic retinopathy (DR) or with background DR.Methods. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who presented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006.results. Background DR Group: Of the 500 subjects that had back-ground DR in 2006, 231 were referred for DR, with an average DR routine referral rate of 12% (46 subjects) per year. nodrgrouP. Of the 996 patients who had no DR at baseline, 51 were referred over the 4 years for sight threatening DR (STDR), of these 45 patients have definite STDR confirmed by ophthalmological examination. 78% of these had type 2 diabetes and mean age at referral was 60 years (25-87). Mean diabetes duration was 10.7 years (3-32), with a mean HbA1c of 7.8% (5.7-11.3%). Eight patients (0.9%) were referred in the first year, 9 (0.9%) in the second year, 19 (1.9%) in the third year and 15 (1.5%) in the fourth year. 86% of referrals were for maculopathy, and all had observable retinopathy and none required ophthalmology clinic assessment or laser treatment.If biannual screening was adopted for patients with no DR at baseline, allowing for patients who subsequently develop background DR and would then revert to annual screening, a total of 7 (0.7%) patients would not have been appropriately referred for STDR and would have waited a further year for identification. None of the 51 referrals across the 4 years required laser treatment apart from just one patient who developed PDR in year 4 (2010) and had background since 2007.conclusIons. It could be recommended that it is safe to screen pa-tients with no DR biannually due to the low risk of developing STDR. However, patients who present with background DR should continue to be screened annually as there is a significant proportion developing STDR and would not be identified at an appropriate screening interval.


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troduct I on . An observational longitudinal study. P ur P ose . Assess the relationship between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and DR cross-sectionally and longitudinally. M ethods . Adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), who were re - cruited from a hospital-based diabetes clinic in the UK. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopa - thy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory study (Alice PDX, Philips Respironics, USA). DR was assessed us - ing retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening diabetic retinopathy (STDR) was defined as presence of pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. r esults . 199 patients were included (57.3% (n=114) men, 47.7% (n=95) White Europeans). STDR and OSA prevalence were 38.7% (n=77) and 62.8% respectively. A t b A sel I ne . STR prevalence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those without OSA (OSA-) [48.8% n=61 vs. 21.6% n=16, p<0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006), maculopathy (OR 4.5, 95% CI 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Mild and moderate to severe OSA were independently associated with STR and maculopathy and only moderate to severe OSA was associated with advanced DR following adjustment for con - founders. l ong I tud I n A lly . Over the follow-up period of (4.4±1 years), more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% (n=17) vs. 3% (n=2), p=0.01). OSA was an independent pre - dictor of advanced DR development after adjustment for confounders (OR 6.6, 95% CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the develop - ment of maculopathy. c onclus I ons . OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Intervention - al studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.


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Background and aims: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of blindness. OSA is associated with increased oxidative and nitrosative stress and endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Hence, it is plausible that OSA can promote the development and progression of DR. Materials and methods: An observational longitudinal study in adults with T2DM. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopathy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory monitoring (Alice PDX, etc.). DR was assesses using retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening retinopathy (STR) was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. Results: 199 patients were included (57.3% men, 47.7% White Europeans). STR and OSA prevalence were 38.7 % and 62.8% respectively. STR preva-lence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those with-out (OSA-) [48.8% vs. 21.6%, p <0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95%CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006, maculopathy (OR 4.5, 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Over 4.4±1 years, more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% vs. 3%, p=0.01). OSA was an independent predictor of advanced DR development after adjustment (OR 6.6, 95%CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the development of maculopathy. Patients received continuous positive airway pressure treatment were less likely to develop advanced DR. Conclusion: OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Interventional studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.Supported by: NIHR (UK) and The UK Novo Nordisk Research Foundation.


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Aim: To assess whether the current starting age of 12 is suitable for diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening and whether diabetes duration should be taken into account when deciding at what age to start screening patients. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of 143 patients aged 12 years or younger who attended diabetic eye screening for the first time in the Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Diabetic Eye Screening Programme was performed. Results: The mean age of the patients was 10.7 (7-12) years with 73 out of 143 aged below 12 years and 70 were 12 years of age. 98% had type 1 diabetes and mean diabetes duration was 5 (1 month-11 years) years. For those younger than 12 years, 7/73 (9.6%) had background DR (BDR), of these mean diabetes duration was 7 years (6-8). The youngest patient to present with DR was aged 8 years. In those aged 12 years, 5/70 (7.1%) had BDR; of these mean diabetes duration was 8 years (6-11). No patient developed DR before 6 years duration in either group. Conclusions: The results show that no patient younger than the age of 12 had sight-threatening DR (STDR), but BDR was identified. Based on the current mission statement of the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme to identify STDR, 12 years of age is confirmed as the right age to start screening, but if it is important to diabetic management to identify first development of DR, then screening should begin after 6 years of diabetes diagnosis.