25 resultados para Time-To-Market


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We estimate the shape of the distribution of stock prices using data from options on the underlying asset, and test whether this distribution is distorted in a systematic manner each time a particular news event occurs. In particular we look at the response of the FTSE100 index to market wide announcements of key macroeconomic indicators and policy variables. We show that the whole distribution of stock prices can be distorted on an event day. The shift in distributional shape happens whether the event is characterized as an announcement occurrence or as a measured surprise. We find that larger surprises have proportionately greater impact, and that higher moments are more sensitive to events however characterised.


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The role of information in high-technology markets is critical (Dutta, Narasimhan and Rajiv 1999; Farrell and Saloner 1986; Weiss and Heide 1993). In these markets, the volatility and volume of information present managers and researchers with the considerable challenge of monitoring such information and examining how potential customers may respond to it. This article examines the effects of the type and volume of information on the market share of different technological standards in the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry. We identify three different types of information: technological, availability and adoption. Our empirical application suggests that all three types of information have significant effects on the market share of a technological standard, but their direction and magnitude differ. More specifically, technology-related information is negatively related to market share as it demonstrates that the underlying technology is immature and still evolving. Both availability and adoption-related information have a positive effect on market share, but the former is larger than the latter. We conclude that high-tech firms should emphasize the dissemination of information, especially availability-related, as part of their promotional strategy for a new technology. Otherwise, they may risk missing an opportunity to achieve a higher share and establish their market presence.


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Liposomes have been imaged using a plethora of techniques. However, few of these methods offer the ability to study these systems in their natural hydrated state without the requirement of drying, staining, and fixation of the vesicles. However, the ability to image a liposome in its hydrated state is the ideal scenario for visualization of these dynamic lipid structures and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), with its ability to image wet systems without prior sample preparation, offers potential advantages to the above methods. In our studies, we have used ESEM to not only investigate the morphology of liposomes and niosomes but also to dynamically follow the changes in structure of lipid films and liposome suspensions as water condenses on to or evaporates from the sample. In particular, changes in liposome morphology were studied using ESEM in real time to investigate the resistance of liposomes to coalescence during dehydration thereby providing an alternative assay of liposome formulation and stability. Based on this protocol, we have also studied niosome-based systems and cationic liposome/DNA complexes. Copyright © Informa Healthcare.


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The suitability of a new plastic supporting medium for biofiltration was tested over a three year period. Tests were carried out on the stability, surface properties, mechanical strength, and dimensions of the medium. There was no evidence to suggest that the medium was deficient in any of these respects. The specific surface (320m2m-3) and the voidage (94%) of the new medium are unlike any other used in bio-filtration and a pilot plant containing two filters was built to observe its effects on ecology and performance. Performance was estimated by chemical analysis and ecology studied by film examination and fauna counts. A system of removable sampling baskets was designed to enable samples to be obtained from two intermediate depths of filter. One of the major operating problems of percolating filters is excessive accumulation of film. The amount of film is influenced by hydraulic and organic load and each filter was run at a different loading. One was operated at 1.2m3m-3day-1 (DOD load 0.24kgm-3day-1) judged at the time to be the lowest filtration rate to offer advantages over conventional media. The other filter was operated at more than twice this loading (2.4m3m-3day-lBOD load 0.55kgm-3day-1) giving a roughly 2.5x and 6x the conventional loadings recommended for a Royal Commission effluent. The amount of film in each filter was normally low (0.05-3kgm(3 as volatile solids) and did not affect efficiency. The evidence collected during the study indicated that the ecology of the filters was normal when compared with the data obtained from the literature relating to filters with mineral media. There were indications that full ecological stability was yet to be reached and this was affecting the efficiency of the filters. The lower rate filter produced an average 87% BOD removal giving a consistent Royal Commission effluent during the summer months. The higher rate filter produced a mean 83% BOD removal but at no stage a consistent Royal Commission effluent. From the data on ecology and performance the filters resembled conventional filters rather than high rate filters.


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This thesis looks at two issues. Firstly, statistical work was undertaken examining profit margins, labour productivity and total factor productivity in telecommunications in ten member states of the EU over a 21-year period (not all member states of the EU could be included due to data inadequacy). Also, three non-members, namely Switzerland, Japan and US, were included for comparison. This research was to provide an understanding of how telecoms in the European Union (EU) have developed. There are two propositions in this part of the thesis: (i) privatisation and market liberalisation improve performance; (ii) countries that liberalised their telecoms sectors first show a better productivity growth than countries that liberalised later. In sum, a mixed picture is revealed. Some countries performed better than others over time, but there is no apparent relationship between productivity performance and the two propositions. Some of the results from this part of the thesis were published in Dabler et al. (2002). Secondly, the remainder of the tests the proposition that the telecoms directives of the European Commission created harmonised regulatory systems in the member states of the EU. By undertaking explanatory research, this thesis not only seeks to establish whether harmonisation has been achieved, but also tries to find an explanation as to why this is so. To accomplish this, as a first stage to questionnaire survey was administered to the fifteen telecoms regulators in the EU. The purpose of the survey was to provide knowledge of methods, rationales and approaches adopted by the regulatory offices across the EU. This allowed for the decision as to whether harmonisation in telecoms regulation has been achieved. Stemming from the results of the questionnaire analysis, follow-up case studies with four telecoms regulators were undertaken, in a second stage of this research. The objective of these case studies was to take into account the country-specific circumstances of telecoms regulation in the EU. To undertake the case studies, several sources of evidence were combined. More specifically, the annual Implementation Reports of the European Commission were reviewed, alongside the findings from the questionnaire. Then, interviews with senior members of staff in the four regulatory authorities were conducted. Finally, the evidence from the questionnaire survey and from the case studies was corroborated to provide an explanation as to why telecoms regulation in the EU has reached or has not reached a state of harmonisation. In addition to testing whether harmonisation has been achieved and why, this research has found evidence of different approaches to control over telecoms regulators and to market intervention administered by telecoms regulators within the EU. Regarding regulatory control, it was found that some member states have adopted mainly a proceduralist model, some have implemented more of a substantive model, and others have adopted a mix between both. Some findings from the second stage of the research were published in Dabler and Parker (2004). Similarly, regarding market intervention by regulatory authorities, different member states treat market intervention differently, namely according to market-driven or non-market-driven models, or a mix between both approaches.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine the experience of time of four professional occupational groups working in public sector organisations and the factors affecting this experience. The literature on time and work is examined to delineate the key parameters of research in this area. A broad organisation behaviour approach to the experience of time and work is developed in which individual, occupational, organisational and socio-political factors are inter-related. The experience of secondary school teachers, further education lecturers, general medical practitioners and hosoital consultants is then examined. Multiple methods of data collection are used: open-ended interviews, a questionnaire survey and the analysis of key documents relating to the institutional settings in which the four groups work. The research aims to develop our knowledge of working time by considering the dimensions of the experience of time at work, the contexts in wlhich this experience is generated and the constraints these contexts give rIse to. By developing our understanding of time as a key feature of work experience we also extend our knowledge of organisation behaviour in general. In conclusion a model of the factors relating the experience of time to the negotiation of time at work is presented.


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This aim of this paper, from a study funded by the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE), is to explore access to finance for ethnic minority graduate entrepreneurs (EMGEs) with a particular focus on comparisons between different ethnic groups, and men and women. The authors interviewed selected individuals based upon a review of literature on finance for ethnic minority enterprise. A number of key results from the survey, in that EMGEs: • use external finance significantly (more so than non graduates) and encounter barriers in accessing finance at start-up, in particular those belonging to poor families. • rely excessively on personal savings and family finance, at the start-up and long after the start-up stage, that has implications for the optimal capital structure. • start up businesses that are, on average, larger than non-graduate enterprises and have the potential to reduce economic inactivity amongst the ethnic population. • have, in contrast to general graduate start-ups, a high level of unemployment, take a longer period of time to enter employment and there is a higher level of dissatisfaction with career progression. These findings raise the question whether the right financial advice is taken and whether this behaviour constrains EMGEs' expansion.


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This paper conceptualises the enhancement of technological capability by firms, following international technology transfer, as an evolutionary process. During this process, the existing technological, managerial and other complementary resources may require restructuring. Since China is in transition from central planning to market orientation, the organisational and managerial practices of Chinese firms are different from those of international technology suppliers. Resourcebased and evolutionary theories of the firm, which provide insights into the evolution of structures, mechanisms, skills, experiences and technical know-how, have been applied to outline the processes of acquiring technological capability. Selected case studies have been used to illustrate the issues and the framework provides guide for further empirical work.


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Self-adaptation enables software systems to respond to changing environmental contexts that may not be fully understood at design time. Designing a dynamically adaptive system (DAS) to cope with this uncertainty is challenging, as it is impractical during requirements analysis and design time to anticipate every environmental condition that the DAS may encounter. Previously, the RELAX language was proposed to make requirements more tolerant to environmental uncertainty, and Claims were applied as markers of uncertainty that document how design assumptions affect goals. This paper integrates these two techniques in order to assess the validity of Claims at run time while tolerating minor and unanticipated environmental conditions that can trigger adaptations. We apply the proposed approach to the dynamic reconfiguration of a remote data mirroring network that must diffuse data while minimizing costs and exposure to data loss. Results show RELAXing Claims enables a DAS to reduce adaptation costs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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In this paper, we consider the impact of the introduction of a closing call auction on market quality of the London Stock Exchange. We employ the market model, RDD and MEC metrics of market quality. These signify substantial improvements to market quality at both the close and open for migrating stocks.We note that these improvements are larger at the open than the close. An important contribution of our paper is that we show that changes to market quality are stronger in those securities that have the lowest liquidity in the pre-call period. In contrast, market quality changes following the introduction of a closing call auction are approximately neutral for high-liquidity securities. We conclude that the implementation of a closing call auction, for high-liquidity securities may not enhance market quality.