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The emerging role of the multifunctional enzyme, Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) has been linked to its increased expression and intracellular transamidating activity. However, a full understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved still remains unclear despite numerous studies that have attempted to delineate this process. These mechanisms include the NFκB and TGFβ1 pathway amongst others. This study reveals for the first time that the development of fibrosis in CF is due to a TG2-driven epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) via a mechanism involving the activation of the pro-fibrotic cytokine TGFβ1. Using a human ΔF508/W1282X CFTR CF mutant bronchial cell (IB3-1), its CFTR corrected “add-back” cell (C38) as well as a primary human bronchial epithelial cell (HBEC), elevated TG2 levels in the CFTR mutant IB3 cell were shown to activate latent TGFβ1 leading to increased levels found in the culture medium. This activation process was blocked by the presence of cell-permeable and impermeable TG2 inhibitors while inhibition of TGFβ1 receptors blocked TG2 expression. This demonstrates the direct link between TG2 and TGFβ1 in CF. The presence of active cell surface TG2 correlated with an increase in the expression of EMT markers, associated with the CF mutant cells, which could be blocked by the presence of TG2 inhibitors. This was mimicked using the “addback” C38 cell and the primary human bronchial epithelial cell, HBEC, where an increase in TG2 expression and activity in the presence of TGFβ1 concurred with a change in cell morphology and an elevation in EMT marker expression. Conversely, a knockdown of TG2 in the CF mutant IB3 cells illustrated that an inhibition of TG2 blocks the increase in EMT marker expression as well as causing an increase in TEER measurement. This together with an increase in the migration profile of the CF mutant IB3 cell against the “add-back” C38 cell suggests that TG2 drives a mesenchymal phenotype in CF. The involvement of TG2 activated TGFβ1 in CF was further demonstrated with an elevation/inhibition of p- SMAD 2 and 3 activation in the presence of TGFβ1/TG2 cell-permeable/impermeable inhibitors respectively. The use of a comparative airway cell model where bronchial epithelial cells were cultured at the air liquid interface (ALI) confirmed the observations in submerged culture depicting the robustness of the model and reiterated the importance of TG2 in CF. Using a CFTR corrector combined with TG2 inhibitors, this study showed that the correction and stabilisation of the ΔF508 CFTR mutation in the mutant cell forged an increase in matured CFTR copies trafficking to the apical surface by circumventing proteosomal degradation. Thus the results presented here suggests that TG2 expression is elevated in the CFTR mutant bronchial cell via a TGFβ1 driven positive feedback cycle whereby activation of latent TGFβ1 by TG2 leads in turn to an elevation in its own expression by TGFβ1. This vicious cycle then drives EMT in CF ultimately leading to lung remodelling and fibrosis. Importantly, TG2 inhibition blocks TGFβ1 activation leading to an inhibition of EMT and further blocks the emerging fibrosis, thus stabilizing and supporting the maturation, trafficking and conductance of CFTR channels at the apical surface.


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Background: Adherence to treatment is often reported to be low in children with cystic fibrosis. Adherence in cystic fibrosis is an important research area and more research is needed to better understand family barriers to adherence in order for clinicians to provide appropriate intervention. The aim of this study was to evaluate adherence to enzyme supplements, vitamins and chest physiotherapy in children with cystic fibrosis and to determine if any modifiable risk factors are associated with adherence. Methods: A sample of 100 children (≤18 years) with cystic fibrosis (44 male; median [range] 10.1 [0.2-18.6] years) and their parents were recruited to the study from the Northern Ireland Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre. Adherence to enzyme supplements, vitamins and chest physiotherapy was assessed using a multi-method approach including; Medication Adherence Report Scale, pharmacy prescription refill data and general practitioner prescription issue data. Beliefs about treatments were assessed using refined versions of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire-specific. Parental depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Results: Using the multi-method approach 72% of children were classified as low-adherers to enzyme supplements, 59% low-adherers to vitamins and 49% low-adherers to chest physiotherapy. Variations in adherence were observed between measurement methods, treatments and respondents. Parental necessity beliefs and child age were significant independent predictors of child adherence to enzyme supplements and chest physiotherapy, but parental depressive symptoms were not found to be predictive of adherence. Conclusions: Child age and parental beliefs about treatments should be taken into account by clinicians when addressing adherence at routine clinic appointments. Low adherence is more likely to occur in older children, whereas, better adherence to cystic fibrosis therapies is more likely in children whose parents strongly believe the treatments are necessary. The necessity of treatments should be reinforced regularly to both parents and children.


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Purpose: To investigate the use of MRIA for quantitative characterisation of subretinal fibrosis secondary to nAMD. Methods: MRIA images of the posterior pole were acquired over 4 months from 20 eyes including those with inactive subretinal fibrosis and those being treated with ranibizumab for nAMD. Changes in morphology of the macula affected by nAMD were modelled and reflectance spectra at the MRIA acquisition wavelengths (507, 525, 552, 585, 596, 611 and 650nm) were computed using Monte Carlo simulation. Quantitative indicators of fibrosis were derived by matching image spectra to the model spectra of known morphological properties. Results: The model spectra were comparable to the image spectra, both normal and pathological. The key morphological changes that the model associated with nAMD were gliosis of the IS-OS junction, decrease in retinal blood and decrease in RPE melanin. However, these changes were not specific to fibrosis and none of the quantitative indicators showed a unique association with the degree of fibrosis. Moderate correlations were found with the clinical assessment, but not with the treatment program. Conclusion: MRIA can distinguish subretinal fibrosis from healthy tissue. The methods used show high sensitivity but low specificity, being unable to distinguish scarring from other abnormalities like atrophy. Quantification of scarring was not achieved with the wavelengths used due to the complex structural changes to retinal tissues in the process of nAMD. Further studies, incorporating other wavelengths, will establish whether MRIA has a role in the assessment of subretinal fibrosis in the context of retinal and choroidal pathology


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Background: Mouse models of cystic fibrosis (CF) fail to truly represent the respiratory pathology. We have consequently developed human airways cell culture models to address this. The impact of cigarette smoke within the CF population is well documented, with exposure being known to worsen lung function. As nicotine is often perceived to be a less harmful component of tobacco smoke, this research aimed to identify its effects upon viability and inflammatory responses of CF (IB3-1) and CF phenotype corrected (C38) bronchial epithelial cells. Methods: IB3-1 and C38 cell lines were exposed to increasing concentrations of nicotine (0.55-75μM) for 24 hours. Cell viability was assessed via Cell Titre Blue and the inflammatory response with IL-6 and IL-8 ELISA. Results: CF cells were more sensitive; nicotine significantly (P<0.05) reduced cell viability at all concentrations tested, but failed to have a marked effect on C38 viability. Whilst nicotine induced anti-inflammatory effects in CF cells with a significant reduction in IL-6 and IL-8 release, it had no effect on chemokine release by C38 cells. Conclusion: CF cells may be more vulnerable to inhaled toxicants than non-CF cells. As mice lack a number of human nicotinic receptor subunits and fail to mimic the characteristic pathology of CF, these data emphasise the importance of employing relevant human cell lines to study a human-specific disease.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) for which there is no overall effective treatment. Recent work indicates tissue transglutaminase (TG2) plays a pivotal intracellular role in proteostasis in CF epithelia and that the pan TG inhibitor cysteamine improves CFTR stability. Here we show TG2 has another role in CF pathology linked with TGFβ1 activation and signalling, induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), CFTR stability and induction of matrix deposition. We show that increased TG2 expression in normal and CF bronchial epithelial cells increases TGFβ1 levels, promoting EMT progression, and impairs tight junctions as measured by Transepithelial Electric Resistance (TEER) which can be reversed by selective inhibition of TG2 with an observed increase in CFTR stability. Our data indicate that selective inhibition of TG2 provides a potential therapeutic avenue for reducing fibrosis and increasing CFTR stability in CF.


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Fibrosis is a complication of chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition which has limited therapeutic options and often requires surgical intervention. Pharmacologic inhibition of oxygen-sensing prolyl hydroxylases (PHD), which confer oxygen-sensitivity upon the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) pathway, has recently been shown to have therapeutic potential in colitis, although the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we investigated the impact of hydroxylase inhibition on inflammation-driven fibrosis in a murine colitis model. Mice exposed to dextran sodium sulfate followed by period of recovery developed intestinal fibrosis characterized by alterations in the pattern of collagen deposition and infiltration of activated fibroblasts. Treatment with the hydroxylase inhibitor dimethyloxalylglycine (DMOG) ameliorated fibrosis. TGF-β1 is a key regulator of fibrosis which acts through the activation of fibroblasts. Hydroxylase inhibition reduced TGF-β1-induced expression of fibrotic markers in cultured fibroblasts suggesting a direct role for hydroxylases in TGF-β1 signalling. This was at least in part due to inhibition of non-canonical activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signalling. In summary, pharmacologic hydroxylase inhibition ameliorates intestinal fibrosis, through suppression of TGF-β1-dependent ERK activation in fibroblasts. We hypothesize that in addition to previously reported immunosupressive effects, hydroxylase inhibitors independently suppress pro-fibrotic pathways