33 resultados para TEMPORAL DYNAMICS


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Computer simulated trajectories of bulk water molecules form complex spatiotemporal structures at the picosecond time scale. This intrinsic complexity, which underlies the formation of molecular structures at longer time scales, has been quantified using a measure of statistical complexity. The method estimates the information contained in the molecular trajectory by detecting and quantifying temporal patterns present in the simulated data (velocity time series). Two types of temporal patterns are found. The first, defined by the short-time correlations corresponding to the velocity autocorrelation decay times (â‰0.1â€ps), remains asymptotically stable for time intervals longer than several tens of nanoseconds. The second is caused by previously unknown longer-time correlations (found at longer than the nanoseconds time scales) leading to a value of statistical complexity that slowly increases with time. A direct measure based on the notion of statistical complexity that describes how the trajectory explores the phase space and independent from the particular molecular signal used as the observed time series is introduced. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, a large fraction of which is resistant to pharmacotherapy. In this light, understanding the mechanisms of epilepsy and its intractable forms in particular could create new targets for pharmacotherapeutic intervention. The current project explores the dynamic changes in neuronal network function in the chronic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in rat and human brain in vitro. I focused on the process of establishment of epilepsy (epileptogenesis) in the temporal lobe. Rhythmic behaviour of the hippocampal neuronal networks in healthy animals was explored using spontaneous oscillations in the gamma frequency band (SγO). The use of an improved brain slice preparation technique resulted in the natural occurence (in the absence of pharmacological stimulation) of rhythmic activity, which was then pharmacologically characterised and compared to other models of gamma oscillations (KA- and CCh-induced oscillations) using local field potential recording technique. The results showed that SγO differed from pharmacologically driven models, suggesting higher physiological relevance of SγO. Network activity was also explored in the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC), where spontaneous slow wave oscillations (SWO) were detected. To investigate the course of chronic TLE establishment, a refined Li-pilocarpine-based model of epilepsy (RISE) was developed. The model significantly reduced animal mortality and demonstrated reduced intensity, yet high morbidy with almost 70% mean success rate of developing spontaneous recurrent seizures. We used SγO to characterize changes in the hippocampal neuronal networks throughout the epileptogenesis. The results showed that the network remained largely intact, demonstrating the subtle nature of the RISE model. Despite this, a reduction in network activity was detected during the so-called latent (no seizure) period, which was hypothesized to occur due to network fragmentation and an abnormal function of kainate receptors (KAr). We therefore explored the function of KAr by challenging SγO with kainic acid (KA). The results demonstrated a remarkable decrease in KAr response during the latent period, suggesting KAr dysfunction or altered expression, which will be further investigated using a variety of electrophysiological and immunocytochemical methods. The entorhinal cortex, together with the hippocampus, is known to play an important role in the TLE. Considering this, we investigated neuronal network function of the mEC during epileptogenesis using SWO. The results demonstrated a striking difference in AMPAr function, with possible receptor upregulation or abnormal composition in the early development of epilepsy. Alterations in receptor function inevitably lead to changes in the network function, which may play an important role in the development of epilepsy. Preliminary investigations were made using slices of human brain tissue taken following surgery for intratctable epilepsy. Initial results showed that oscillogenesis could be induced in human brain slices and that such network activity was pharmacologically similar to that observed in rodent brain. Overall, our findings suggest that excitatory glutamatergic transmission is heavily involved in the process of epileptogenesis. Together with other types of receptors, KAr and AMPAr contribute to epilepsy establishment and may be the key to uncovering its mechanism.


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Attractor properties of a popular discrete-time neural network model are illustrated through numerical simulations. The most complex dynamics is found to occur within particular ranges of parameters controlling the symmetry and magnitude of the weight matrix. A small network model is observed to produce fixed points, limit cycles, mode-locking, the Ruelle-Takens route to chaos, and the period-doubling route to chaos. Training algorithms for tuning this dynamical behaviour are discussed. Training can be an easy or difficult task, depending whether the problem requires the use of temporal information distributed over long time intervals. Such problems require training algorithms which can handle hidden nodes. The most prominent of these algorithms, back propagation through time, solves the temporal credit assignment problem in a way which can work only if the relevant information is distributed locally in time. The Moving Targets algorithm works for the more general case, but is computationally intensive, and prone to local minima.


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Objective: It is investigated to which extent measures of nonlinearity derived from surrogate data analysis are capable to quantify the changes of epileptic activity related to varying vigilance levels. Methods: Surface and intracranial EEG from foramen ovale (FO-)electrodes was recorded from a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy under presurgical evaluation over one night. Different measures of nonlinearity were estimated for non-overlapping 30-s segments for selected channels from surface and intracranial EEG. Additionally spectral measures were calculated. Sleep stages were scored according to Rechtschaffen/Kales and epileptic transients were counted and classified by visual inspection. Results: In the intracranial recordings stronger nonlinearity was found ipsilateral to the epileptogenic focus, more pronounced in NREM sleep, weaker in REM sleep. The dynamics within the NREM episodes varied with the different nonlinearity measures. Some nonlinearity measures showed variations with the sleep cycle also in the intracranial recordings contralateral to the epileptic focus and in the surface EEG. It is shown that the nonlinearity is correlated with short-term fluctuations of the delta power. The higher frequency of occurrence of clinical relevant epileptic spikes in the first NREM episode was not clearly reflected in the nonlinearity measures. Conclusions: It was confirmed that epileptic activity renders the EEG nonlinear. However, it was shown that the sleep dynamics itself also effects the nonlinearity measures. Therefore, at the present stage it is not possible to establish a unique connection between the studied nonlinearity measures and specific types of epileptic activity in sleep EEG recordings.


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Recently there has been an outburst of interest in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, there is no general consensus as to how best to process sequences using topographicmaps, and this topic remains an active focus of neurocomputational research. The representational capabilities and internal representations of the models are not well understood. Here, we rigorously analyze a generalization of the self-organizingmap (SOM) for processing sequential data, recursive SOM (RecSOM) (Voegtlin, 2002), as a nonautonomous dynamical system consisting of a set of fixed input maps. We argue that contractive fixed-input maps are likely to produce Markovian organizations of receptive fields on the RecSOM map. We derive bounds on parameter β (weighting the importance of importing past information when processing sequences) under which contractiveness of the fixed-input maps is guaranteed. Some generalizations of SOM contain a dynamic module responsible for processing temporal contexts as an integral part of the model. We show that Markovian topographic maps of sequential data can be produced using a simple fixed (nonadaptable) dynamic module externally feeding a standard topographic model designed to process static vectorial data of fixed dimensionality (e.g., SOM). However, by allowing trainable feedback connections, one can obtain Markovian maps with superior memory depth and topography preservation. We elaborate on the importance of non-Markovian organizations in topographic maps of sequential data. © 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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We report the results of numerical studies of the impact of asymmetric femtosecond pulses focused in the bulk of the material on the femtosecond modification of fused silica. It is shown that such pulses lead to localisation of absorption in the process of femtosecond modification and to a decrease in the threshold energy of modification. It is found that the optimal asymmetry parameters for reaching the maximum plasma density in the focusing region depend on the pulse energy: at an initial energy of about 100 nJ, it is preferable to use pulses with positive TOD; however, when the energy is increased, it is preferable to use pulses with negative TOD. This is explained by differences in the dynamics of the processes of absorption of energy of a pulse propagating in the material.


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Recently, temporal and statistical properties of quasi-CW fiber lasers have attracted a great attention. In particular, properties of Raman fiber laser (RFLs) have been studied both numerically and experimentally [1,2]. Experimental investigation is more challengeable, as the full generation optical bandwidth (typically hundreds of GHz for RFLs) is much bigger than real-time bandwidth of oscilloscopes (up to 60GHz for the newest models). So experimentally measured time dynamics is highly bandwidth averaged and do not provide precise information about overall statistical properties. To overpass this, one can use the spectral filtering technique to study temporal and statistical properties within optical bandwidth comparable with measurement bandwidth [3] or indirect measurements [4]. Ytterbium-doped fiber lasers (YDFL) are more suitable for experimental investigation, as their generation spectrum usually 10 times narrower. Moreover, recently ultra-narrow-band generation has been demonstrated in YDFL [5] which provides in principle possibility to measure time dynamics and statistics in real time using conventional oscilloscopes. © 2013 IEEE.


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The principal theme of this thesis is the identification of additional factors affecting, and consequently to better allow, the prediction of soft contact lens fit. Various models have been put forward in an attempt to predict the parameters that influence soft contact lens fit dynamics; however, the factors that influence variation in soft lens fit are still not fully understood. The investigations in this body of work involved the use of a variety of different imaging techniques to both quantify the anterior ocular topography and assess lens fit. The use of Anterior-Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) allowed for a more complete characterisation of the cornea and corneoscleral profile (CSP) than either conventional keratometry or videokeratoscopy alone, and for the collection of normative data relating to the CSP for a substantial sample size. The scleral face was identified as being rotationally asymmetric, the mean corneoscleral junction (CSJ) angle being sharpest nasally and becoming progressively flatter at the temporal, inferior and superior limbal junctions. Additionally, 77% of all CSJ angles were within ±50 of 1800, demonstrating an almost tangential extension of the cornea to form the paralimbal sclera. Use of AS-OCT allowed for a more robust determination of corneal diameter than that of white-to-white (WTW) measurement, which is highly variable and dependent on changes in peripheral corneal transparency. Significant differences in ocular topography were found between different ethnicities and sexes, most notably for corneal diameter and corneal sagittal height variables. Lens tightness was found to be significantly correlated with the difference between horizontal CSJ angles (r =+0.40, P =0.0086). Modelling of the CSP data gained allowed for prediction of up to 24% of the variance in contact lens fit; however, it was likely that stronger associations and an increase in the modelled prediction of variance in fit may have occurred had an objective method of lens fit assessment have been made. A subsequent investigation to determine the validity and repeatability of objective contact lens fit assessment using digital video capture showed no significant benefit over subjective evaluation. The technique, however, was employed in the ensuing investigation to show significant changes in lens fit between 8 hours (the longest duration of wear previously examined) and 16 hours, demonstrating that wearing time is an additional factor driving lens fit dynamics. The modelling of data from enhanced videokeratoscopy composite maps alone allowed for up to 77% of the variance in soft contact lens fit, and up to almost 90% to be predicted when used in conjunction with OCT. The investigations provided further insight into the ocular topography and factors affecting soft contact lens fit.


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We report high-resolution real-time measurements of spectrum evolution in a fibre. The proposed method combines optical heterodyning with a technique of spatio-temporal intensity measurements revealing fast spectral dynamics of cavity-based systems.


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We present direct real-time experimental measurements and numerical modeling of temporal and statistical properties for the Ytterbiumdoped fiber laser with spectral bandwidth of ∼2 GHz. The obtained results demonstrate nearly exponential probability density function for intensity fluctuations. A significant decrease below the Gaussian probability has been experimentally observed for intensity fluctuations having value more than 2.5 of average intensity that may be treated as indication of some mode correlations. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We identify two different forms of diversity present in engineered collective systems, namely heterogeneity (genotypic/phenotypic diversity) and dynamics (temporal diversity). Three qualitatively different case studies are analysed, and it is shown that both forms of diversity can be beneficial in very different problem and application domains. Behavioural diversity is shown to be motivated by input diversity and this observation is used to present recommendations for designers of collective systems.


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Why are some entrepreneurs able to start a new firm more quickly than others in the venture creation process? Drawing on pecking order and agency theory, this study investigates how start-up capital structure influences the time to either new firm founding or quitting the start-up process. The temporal aspect of the start-up process is one that is often discussed, but rarely studied. Therefore, we utilize competing risk and Cox regression event history analysis on a nationally representative sample of US entrepreneurs to investigate how start-up capital structure impacts the time in gestation to particular kinds of start-up outcomes. Our findings suggest that external equity has an appreciable impact on new firm emergence over time, and that the percentage of ownership held by the founders attenuates the benefits of external equity.


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Efficient numerical modelling of the power, spectral and statistical properties of partially coherent quasi-CW Raman fiber laser radiation is presented. XPM between pump wave and generated Stokes wave is not important in the generation spectrum broadening and XPM term can be omitted in propagation equation what sufficiently speeds-up simulations. The time dynamics of Raman fiber laser (RFL) is stochastic exhibiting events several times more intense that the mean value on the ps timescale. However, the RFL has different statistical properties on different time scales. The probability density function of spectral power density is exponential for the generation modes located either in the spectrum centre or spectral wings while the phases are distributed uniformly. The pump wave preserves the initial Gaussian statistics during propagation in the laser cavity. Intense pulses in the pump wave are evolved under the SPM influence and are not disturbed by the dispersion. Contrarily, in the generated wave the dispersion plays a significant role that results in stochastic behavior. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conventional tools for measurement of laser spectra (e.g. optical spectrum analysers) capture data averaged over a considerable time period. However, the generation spectrum of many laser types may involve spectral dynamics whose relatively fast time scale is determined by their cavity round trip period, calling for instrumentation featuring both high temporal and spectral resolution. Such real-time spectral characterisation becomes particularly challenging if the laser pulses are long, or they have continuous or quasi-continuous wave radiation components. Here we combine optical heterodyning with a technique of spatiooral intensity measurements that allows the characterisation of such complex sources. Fast, round-trip-resolved spectral dynamics of cavity-based systems in real-time are obtained, with temporal resolution of one cavity round trip and frequency resolution defined by its inverse (85 ns and 24 MHz respectively are demonstrated). We also show how under certain conditions for quasi-continuous wave sources, the spectral resolution could be further increased by a factor of 100 by direct extraction of phase information from the heterodyned dynamics or by using double time scales within the spectrogram approach.