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This thesis described the research carried out on the development of a novel hardwired tactile sensing system tailored for the application of a next generation of surgical robotic and clinical devices, namely a steerable endoscope with tactile feedback, and a surface plate for patient posture and balance. Two case studies are examined. The first is a one-dimensional sensor for the steerable endoscope retrieving shape and ‘touch’ information. The second is a two-dimensional surface which interprets the three-dimensional motion of a contacting moving load. This research can be used to retrieve information from a distributive tactile sensing surface of a different configuration, and can interpret dynamic and static disturbances. This novel approach to sensing has the potential to discriminate contact and palpation in minimal invasive surgery (MIS) tools, and posture and balance in patients. The hardwired technology uses an embedded system based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) as the platform to perform the sensory signal processing part in real time. High speed robust operation is an advantage from this system leading to versatile application involving dynamic real time interpretation as described in this research. In this research the sensory signal processing uses neural networks to derive information from input pattern from the contacting surface. Three neural network architectures namely single, multiple and cascaded were introduced in an attempt to find the optimum solution for discrimination of the contacting outputs. These architectures were modelled and implemented into the FPGA. With the recent introduction of modern digital design flows and synthesis tools that essentially take a high-level sensory processing behaviour specification for a design, fast prototyping of the neural network function can be achieved easily. This thesis outlines the challenge of the implementations and verifications of the performances.


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To carry out stability and voltage regulation studies on more electric aircraft systems in which there is a preponderance of multi-pulse, rectifier-fed motor-drive equipment, average dynamic models of the rectifier converters are required. Existing methods are difficult to apply to anything other than single converters with a low pulse number. Therefore an efficient, compact method for deriving the approximate, linear, average model of 6- and 12-pulse rectifiers, based on the assumption of a small duration of the overlap angle is presented. The models are validated against detailed simulations and laboratory prototypes.


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We have UV-inscribed and theoretically and experimentally analyzed fiber gratings with the structure tilted at 45° and implemented this type of devices as an in-fiber polarizer. A systematic investigation has been carried out on the characterization of 45° tilted fiber gratings (45° TFGs) in terms of the polarization-dependant loss (PDL) and thermal response. The detailed theoretical modeling has revealed a linear correlation between the grating length and the PDL, which has been proved by the experimental results. For the first time, we have examined the UV beam diffraction from a tilted phase mask and designed the UV-inscription system to suit the 45° TFG fabrication. Experimentally, a 24 mm long 45° TFG UV-inscribed in standard telecom single-mode fiber exhibited around 25 dB PDL at 1530 nm and an over ~300 nm bandwidth of PDL spectrum. By the concatenation method, a 44 mm long grating showed a PDL as high as 40 dB that is close to the high polarization extinction ratio of commercial products. Moreover, we have revealed that the PDL of 45° TFGs has low thermal influence, which is desirable for real application devices. Finally, we experimentally demonstrated an all-fiber twist sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° TFG.


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A report is presented on the interesting bending effect of cladding mode resonances in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). It is observed that a serial of new cladding mode resonances can arise under bending and the new and the original cladding mode resonances have opposite trends in amplitude change and wavelength shift when the curvature varies. The discovery provides an effective new way to discriminate between bend and strain or bend and temperature when using only a single uniform FBG.


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We present the development of superstructure fiber gratings (SFG) in Ge-doped, silica optical fiber using femtosecond laser inscription. We apply a simple but extremely effective single step process to inscribe low loss, sampled gratings with minor polarization dependence. The method results in a controlled modulated index change with complete suppression of mode coupling associated with the overlapping LPG structure leading to highly symmetric superstructure spectra, with the grating reflection well within the Fourier design limit. The devices are characterized and compared with numerical modeling by solving Maxwell's equations and calculating the back reflection spectrum using the bidirectional beam propagation method (BiBPM). Experimental results validate our numerical analysis, allowing for the estimation of inscription parameters such as the ac index modulation change, and the wavelength, position and relative strength of each significant resonance peak. We also present results on temperature and refractive index measurements showing potential for sensing applications.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation.


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This thesis presented a detailed research work on diamond materials. Chapter 1 is an overall introduction of the thesis. In the Chapter 2, the literature review on the physical, chemical, optical, mechanical, as well as other properties of diamond materials are summarised. Followed by this chapter, several advanced diamond growth and characterisation techniques used in experimental work are also introduced. Then, the successful installation and applications of chemical vapour deposition system was demonstrated in Chapter 4. Diamond growth on a variety of different substrates has been investigated such as on silicon, diamond-like carbon or silica fibres. In Chapter 5, the single crystalline diamond substrate was used as the substrate to perform femtosecond laser inscription. The results proved the potentially feasibility of this technique, which could be utilised in fabricating future biochemistry microfluidic channels on diamond substrates. In Chapter 6, the hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond powder was studied using impedance spectroscopy. Its intrinsic electrical properties and its thermal stability were presented and analysed in details. As the first PhD student within Nanoscience Research Group at Aston, my initial research work was focused on the installation and testing of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system (MPECVD), which will be beneficial to all the future researchers in the group. The fundamental of the on MPECVD system will be introduced in details. After optimisation of the growth parameters, the uniform diamond deposition has been achieved with a good surface coverage and uniformity. Furthermore, one of the most significant contributions of this work is the successful pattern inscription on diamond substrates by femtosecond laser system. Previous research of femtosecond laser inscription on diamond was simple lines or dots, with little characterisation techniques were used. In my research work, the femtosecond laser has been successfully used to inscribe patterns on diamond substrate and fully characterisation techniques, e.g. by SEM, Raman, XPS, as well as AFM, have been carried out. After the femtosecond laser inscription, the depth of microfluidic channels on diamond film has been found to be 300~400 nm, with a graphitic layer thickness of 165~190 nm. Another important outcome of this work is the first time to characterise the electrical properties of hydrogenterminated nanodiamond with impedance spectroscopy. Based on the experimental evaluation and mathematic fitting, the resistance of hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond reduced to 0.25 MO, which were four orders of magnitude lower than untreated nanodiamond. Meanwhile, a theoretical equivalent circuit has been proposed to fit the results. Furthermore, the hydrogenterminated nanodiamond samples were annealed at different temperature to study its thermal stability. The XPS and FTIR results indicate that hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond will start to oxidize over 100ºC and the C-H bonds can survive up to 400ºC. This research work reports the fundamental electrical properties of hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond, which can be used in future applications in physical or chemical area.


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A report is presented on the interesting bending effect of cladding mode resonances in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). It is observed that a serial of new cladding mode resonances can arise under bending and the new and the original cladding mode resonances have opposite trends in amplitude change and wavelength shift when the curvature varies. The discovery provides an effective new way to discriminate between bend and strain or bend and temperature when using only a single uniform FBG.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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Single- and multi-core passive and active germanate and tellurite glass fibers represent a new class of fiber host for in-fiber photonics devices and applications in mid-IR wavelength range, which are in increasing demand. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) structures have been proven as one of the most functional in-fiber devices and have been mass-produced in silicate fibers by UV-inscription for almost countless laser and sensor applications. However, because of the strong UV absorption in germanate and tellurite fibers, FBG structures cannot be produced by UVinscription. In recent years femtosecond (fs) lasers have been developed for laser machining and microstructuring in a variety of glass fibers and planar substrates. A number of papers have been reported on fabrication of FBGs and long-period gratings in optical fibers and also on the photosensitivity mechanism using 800nm fs lasers. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the fabrication of FBG structures created in passive and active single- and three-core germanate and tellurite glass fibers by using 800nm fs-inscription and phase mask technique. With a fs peak power intensity in the order of 1011W/cm2, the FBG spectra with 2nd and 3rd order resonances at 1540nm and 1033nm in a single-core germanate glass fiber and 2nd order resonances between ~1694nm and ~1677nm with strengths up to 14dB in all three cores of three-core passive and active tellurite fibers were observed. Thermal and strain properties of the FBGs made in these mid-IR glass fibers were characterized, showing an average temperature responsivity of ~20pm/°C and a strain sensitivity of 1.219±0.003pm/µe.


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We have UV-inscribed and theoretically and experimentally analyzed fiber gratings with the structure tilted at 45° and implemented this type of devices as an in-fiber polarizer. A systematic investigation has been carried out on the characterization of 45° tilted fiber gratings (45° TFGs) in terms of the polarization-dependant loss (PDL) and thermal response. The detailed theoretical modeling has revealed a linear correlation between the grating length and the PDL, which has been proved by the experimental results. For the first time, we have examined the UV beam diffraction from a tilted phase mask and designed the UV-inscription system to suit the 45° TFG fabrication. Experimentally, a 24 mm long 45° TFG UV-inscribed in standard telecom single-mode fiber exhibited around 25 dB PDL at 1530 nm and an over ~300 nm bandwidth of PDL spectrum. By the concatenation method, a 44 mm long grating showed a PDL as high as 40 dB that is close to the high polarization extinction ratio of commercial products. Moreover, we have revealed that the PDL of 45° TFGs has low thermal influence, which is desirable for real application devices. Finally, we experimentally demonstrated an all-fiber twist sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° TFG.


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We present the development of superstructure fiber gratings (SFG) in Ge-doped, silica optical fiber using femtosecond laser inscription. We apply a simple but extremely effective single step process to inscribe low loss, sampled gratings with minor polarization dependence. The method results in a controlled modulated index change with complete suppression of mode coupling associated with the overlapping LPG structure leading to highly symmetric superstructure spectra, with the grating reflection well within the Fourier design limit. The devices are characterized and compared with numerical modeling by solving Maxwell's equations and calculating the back reflection spectrum using the bidirectional beam propagation method (BiBPM). Experimental results validate our numerical analysis, allowing for the estimation of inscription parameters such as the ac index modulation change, and the wavelength, position and relative strength of each significant resonance peak. We also present results on temperature and refractive index measurements showing potential for sensing applications.


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A novel transmitter for 100 Gbit-Ethernet applications is proposed, based on the serial cascade of two 50 Gbit/s inverse-return-to-zero (also known as dark soliton) transmitters based on Mach-Zehnder modulators. The proposed transmitter and demultiplexer system uses commercially available components optimised for 40 Gbit/s applications. A 2.9 dB penalty at 100 Gbit/s is obtained using a single-stage OTDM demultiplexer and a preamplified receiver.