144 resultados para Pulse Tube Refrigerator


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Pulse compression techniques originated in radar.The present work is concerned with the utilization of these techniques in general, and the linear FM (LFM) technique in particular, for comnunications. It introduces these techniques from an optimum communications viewpoint and outlines their capabilities.It also considers the candidacy of the class of LFM signals for digital data transmission and the LFM spectrum. Work related to the utilization of LFM signals for digital data transmission has been mostly experimental and mainly concerned with employing two rectangular LFM pulses (or chirps) with reversed slopes to convey the bits 1 and 0 in an incoherent node.No systematic theory for LFM signal design and system performance has been available. Accordingly, the present work establishes such a theory taking into account coherent and noncoherent single-link and multiplex signalling modes. Some new results concerning the slope-reversal chirp pair are obtained. The LFM technique combines the typical capabilities of pulse compression with a relative ease of implementation. However, these merits are often hampered by the difficulty of handling the LFM spectrum which cannot generally be expressed closed-form. The common practice is to obtain a plot of this spectrum with a digital computer for every single set of LFM pulse parameters.Moreover, reported work has been Justly confined to the spectrum of an ideally rectangular chirp pulse with no rise or fall times.Accordingly, the present work comprises a systerratic study of the LFM spectrum which takes the rise and fall time of the chirp pulse into account and can accommodate any LFM pulse with any parameters.It· formulates rather simple and accurate prediction criteria concerning the behaviour of this spectrum in the different frequency regions. These criteria would facilitate the handling of the LFM technique in theory and practice.


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The electrical and optical characteristics of a cylindrical alumina insulator (94% Al203) have been measured under ultra-high vacuum (P < 10-8 mBar) conditions. A high-resolution CCD camera was used to make real-time optical recordings of DC prebreakdown luminescence from the ceramic, under conditions where DC current magnitudes were limited to less than 50μA. Two concentric metallized rings formed a pair of co-axial electrodes, on the end-face of the alumina tube; a third 'transparent' electrode was employed to study the effect of an orthogonal electric field upon the radial conduction processes within the metallized alumina specimen. The wavelength-spectra of the emitted light was quantified using a high-speed scanning monochromator and photo-multiplier tube detector. Concurrent electrical measurements were made alongside the recording of optical-emission images. An observed time-dependence of the photon-emission is correlated with a time-variation observed in the DC current-voltage characteristics of the alumina. Optical images were also recorded of pulsed-field surface-flashover events on the alumina ceramic. An intensified high-speed video technique provided 1ms frames of surface-flashover events, whilst 100ns frames were achieved using an ultra high-speed fast-framing camera. By coupling this fast-frame camera to a digital storage oscilloscope, it was possible to establish a temporal correlation between the application of a voltage-pulse to the ceramic and the evolution of photonic emissions from the subsequent surface-flashover event. The electro-optical DC prebreakdown characteristics of the alumina are discussed in terms of solid-state photon-emission processes, that are believed to arise from radiative electron-recombination at vacancy-defects and substitutional impurity centres within the surface-layers of the ceramic. The physical nature of vacancy-defects within an alumina dielectric is extensively explored, with a particular focus placed upon the trapped electron energy-levels that may be present at these defect centres. Finally, consideration is given to the practical application of alumina in the trigger-ceramic of a sealed triggered vacuum gap (TVG) switch. For this purpose, a physical model describing the initiation of electrical breakdown within the TVG regime is proposed, and is based upon the explosive destabilisation of trapped charge within the alumina ceramic, triggering the onset of surface-flashover along the insulator. In the main-gap prebreakdown phase, it is suggested that the electrical-breakdown of the TVG is initiated by the low-field 'stripping' of prebreakdown electrons from vacancy-defects in the ceramic under the influence of an orthogonal main-gap electric field.


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A diffusion-controlled electrochemical mass transfer technique has been employed in making local measurements of shell-side coefficients in segmentally baffled shell and tube heat exchangers. Corresponding heat transfer data are predicted through the Chilton and Colburn heat and mass transfer analogy. Mass transfer coefficients were measured for baffle spacing lengths of individual tubes in an internal baffle compartment. Shell-side pressure measurements were also made. Baffle compartment average coefficients derived from individual tube coefficients are shown to be in good agreement with reported experimental bundle average heat transfer data for a heat exchanger model of similar geometry. Mass transfer coefficients of individual tubes compare favourably with those obtained previously by another mass transfer technique. Experimental data are reported for a variety of segmental baffle configurations over the shell-side Reynolds number range 100 to 42 000. Baffles with zero clearances were studied at three baffle cuts and two baffle spacings. Baffle geometry is shown to have a large effect on the distribution of tube coefficients within the baffle compartment. Fluid "jetting" is identified with some baffle configurations. No simple characteristic velocity is found to correlate zonal or baffle compartment average mass transfer data for the effect of both baffle cut and baffle spacing. Experiments with baffle clearances typical of commercial heat exchangers are also reported. The effect of leakage streams associated with these baffles is identified. Investigations were extended to double segmental baffles for which no data had previously been published. The similarity in the shell-side characteristics of this baffle arrangement and two parallel single segmental baffle arrangements is demonstrated. A general relationship between the shell-side mass transfer performance and pressure drop was indicated by the data for all the baffle configurations examined.


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Local shell side coefficient measurements in the end conpartments of a model shell and tube heat exchanger have been made using an electrochemical technique. Limited data are also reported far the second compartment. The end compartment average coefficients have been found to be smaller than reported data for a corresponding internal conpartment. The second compartment data. have been shown to lie between those for the end compartments and the reported internal compartment data. Experimental data are reported fcr two port types and two baffle orientations. with data for the case of an inlet compartment impingement baffle also being given . Port type is shown to have a small effect on compartment coefficients, these being largely unaffected. Likewise, the outlet compartment average coefficients are slightly snaller than those for the inlet compartment, with the distribution of individual tube coefficients being similar. Baffle orientation has been shown to have no effect on average coefficients, but the distribution of the data is substantially affected. The use of an impingement baffle in the inlet compartment lessens the efect of baffle orientation on distribution . Recommendations are made for future work.


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We propose a simplified approach to optical signal pre-distortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through unconventional use of a MZ modulator. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimising the received pulse.


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Efficient suppression of relaxation oscillations in the output signal from an overdriven gain-switched laser diode was demonstrated. Several quantum-well distributed feedback laser diodes from different manufacturers were used for experimental analysis. A five-fold increase in the peak power was achieved for the tail-free operation. It was found that spectral filtering removed the nonlinearly chirped components resulting in pulse shortening by a factor of three.


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In this paper, we propose a simplified approach to optical signal predistortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through asymmetrical control of a Mach-Zehnder modulator above its switching voltage. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimizing the received pulse. We demonstrate enhancement of the power tolerance in nonrepeated systems and improved OSNR/BER performance and dispersion tolerance in ultra-long-haul fiber systems operating at 10 Gb/s and 20 Gb/s channel rates. The improved performance is demonstrated through simulations and experiment.


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Error free propagation of a single polarisation optical time division multiplexed 40Gbit/s dispersion managed pulse data stream over 509km has been achieved in standard (non-dispersion shifted) fibre. Dispersion compensating fibre was used after each amplifier to reduce the high local dispersion of the standard fibre. © IEE 1999.


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We experimentally investigate a multi-parameter optimization of conditions for generation of triangular pulses in normal dispersion fiber. We find that triangular pulses suitable for all optical processing applications can be generated for a wide range of input pulse chirps but that triangular pulse quality and stability is improved with increased input pulse chirp.


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To elucidate the structures of orgamc molecules in solution using pulse FT NMR, heteronuclear pulse sequence experiments to probe carbon-13 (13C) and proton (1H) spin systems are invaluable. The one-dimensional insensitive nucleus detected PENDANT experiment finds popular use for structure determination via one-bond 13C-1H scalar couplings. PENDANT facilitates the desired increase in 13C signal-to-noise ratio, and unlike many other pulse sequence experiments (e.g., refocused INEPT and DEPT), allows the simultaneous detection of 13C quaternary nuclei. The tlrst chapter herein details the characterisation of PENDANT and the successful rectification of spectral anomalies that occur when it is used without proton broadband decoupling. Multiple-bond (long-range) l3C-1H scalar coupling correlations can yield important bonding information. When the molecule under scrutiny is devoid of proton spectral crowding, and more sensitive 'inverse' pulse sequence experiments are not available, one may use insensitive nucleus detected long-range selective one-dimensional correlation methods, rather than more time consuming and insensitive multidimensional analogues. To this end a novel long-range selective one-dimensional correlation pulse sequence experiment has been invented. Based on PENDANT, the new experiment is shown to rival the popular selective INEPT technique because it can determine the same correlations while simultaneously detecting isolated 13C quaternary nuclei. INEPT cannot facilitate this, potentially leaving other important quaternary nuclei undetected. The novel sequence has been modified further to yield a second novel experiment that simultaneously yields selective 13C transient nOe data. Consequently, the need to perform the two experiments back-to-back is conveniently removed, and the experimental time reduced. Finally, the SNARE pulse sequence was further developed. SNARE facilitates the reduction of experimental time by accelerating the relaxation of protons upon which pulse sequences, to which SNARE is appended, relies. It is shown, contrary to the original publication, that reiaxation time savings can be derived from negative nOes.


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The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG  k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.


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Accurate prediction of shellside pressure drop in a baffled shell-and-tube heat exchanger is very difficult because of the complicated shellside geometry. Ideally, all the shellside fluid should be alternately deflected across the tube bundle as it traverses from inlet to outlet. In practice, up to 60% of the shellside fluid may bypass the tube bundle or leak through the baffles. This short-circuiting of the main flow reduces the efficiency of the exchanger. Of the various shellside methods, it is shown that only the multi-stream methods, which attempt to obtain the shellside flow distribution, predict the pressure drop with any degree of accuracy, the various predictions ranging from -30% to +70%, generally overpredicting. It is shown that the inaccuracies are mainly due to the manner in which baffle leakage is modelled. The present multi-stream methods do not allow for interactions of the various flowstreams, and yet it is shown that three main effects are identified, a) there is a strong interaction between the main cross flow and the baffle leakage streams, enhancing the crossflow pressure drop, b) there is a further short-circuit not considered previously i.e. leakage in the window, and c) the crossflow does not penetrate as far, on average, as previously supposed. Models are developed for each of these three effects, along with a new windowflow pressure drop model, and it is shown that the effect of baffle leakage in the window is the most significant. These models developed to allow for various interactions, lead to an improved multi-stream method, named the "STREAM-INTERACTION" method. The overall method is shown to be consistently more accurate than previous methods, with virtually all the available shellside data being predicted to within ±30% and over 60% being within ±20%. The method is, thus, strongly recommended for use as a design method.