35 resultados para Pathological physiology
The density and spatial distribution of the vacuoles, glial cell nuclei and glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) were studied in the white matter of various cortical and subcortical areas in 10 cases of multiple system atrophy (MSA). Vacuolation was more prevalent in subcortical than cortical areas and especially in the central tegmental tract. Glial cell nuclei widespread in all areas of the white matter studied; overall densities of glial cell nuclei being significantly greater in the central tegmental tract and frontal cortex compared with areas of the pons. The GCI were present most consistently in the external and internal capsules, the central tegmental tract and the white matter of the cerebellar cortex. The density of the vacuoles was greater in the MSA brains than in the control brains but glial cell density was similar in both groups. In the majority of areas, the pathological changes were distributed across the white matter randomly, uniformly, or in large diffuse clusters. In most areas, there were no spatial correlations between the vacuoles, glial cell nuclei and GCI. These results suggest: (i) there is significant degeneration of the white matter in MSA characterized by vacuolation and GCI; (ii) the central tegmental tract is affected significantly more than the cortical tracts; (iii) pathological changes are diffusely rather than topographically distributed across the white matter; and (iv) the development of the vacuoles and GCI appear to be unrelated phenomena. © 2007 Japanese Society of Neuropathology.
Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID) is characterized by α-internexin positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), swollen achromatic neurons (SN), neuronal loss, and gliosis. This study tested: 1) whether the spatial patterns of the lesions was topographically organized in areas of the frontal and temporal lobe and 2) whether a spatial relationship exists between the NCI and SN. The NCI were distributed in regular clusters and in a quarter of these areas, the clusters were 400-800 μm in diameter approximating to the size of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways. Variations in the density of the NCI were positively correlated with the SN. Hence, cortical degeneration in NIFID appears to be topographically organized and may affect the cortico-cortical projections, the clusters of NCI and SN developing within the same vertical columns of cells. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.
To study the topographic distribution of the pathology in multiple system atrophy (MSA). Pattern analysis was carried out using a-synuclein immunohistochemistry in 10 MSA cases. The glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) were distributed randomly or in large clusters. The neuronal inclusions (NI) and abnormal neurons were distributed in regular clusters. Clusters of the NI and abnormal neurons were spatially correlated whereas the GCI were not spatially correlated with either the NI or the abnormal neurons. The data suggest that the GCI represent the primary change in MSA and the neuronal pathology develops secondary to the glial pathology.
Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID) is a new neurodegenerative disease characterized histologically by the presence of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NI) immunopositive for intermediate filament proteins, neuronal loss, swollen achromatic neurons (SN), and gliosis. We studied the spatial patterns of these pathological changes parallel to the pia mater in gyri of the temporal lobe in four cases of NIFID. Both the NI and SN occurred in clusters that were regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater, the cluster sizes of the SN being significantly greater than those of the NI. In a significant proportion of areas studied, there was a spatial correlation between the clusters of NI and those of the SN and with the density of the surviving neurons. In addition, the clusters of surviving neurons were negatively correlated (out of phase) with the clusters of glial cell nuclei. The pattern of clustering of these histological features suggests that there is degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in NIFID leading to the formation of NI and SN within the same vertical columns of cells. The glial cell reaction may be a response to the loss of neurons rather than to the appearance of the NI or SN.
Objective: To quantify the densities of neurofilament inclusions (NI), swollen achromatic neurons, surviving neurons and glial cells in a novel neurofilamentopathy neurofilament inclusion disease (NID). Material: Sectionsof temporal lobe from 4 cases of NID stained with an antibody raised to neurofilament proteins. Method: Densities of the pathological changes were estimated in the various gyri of the temporal lobe, hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Results: Densities of the NI and swollen achromatic neurons (SN) were greater in the cerebral cortical gyri than in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Lesion density was relatively constant between gyri and between the CA sectors of the hippocampus. In cortical gyri, the density of the NI, SN and glial cell nuclei was greater in laminae II/III than laminae V/VI. Densities of the NI were negatively correlated with the surviving neurons and positively correlated with the glial cell nuclei. The density of the SN was positively correlated with that of the surviving neurons. Conclusion: The pathology of NID morphologically resembles that of Pick's disease (PD) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD), but there are distinct differences between NID and these disorders supporting the hypothesis that NID is a novel and unique type of neurodegenerative disease.
The densities of the glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI), neuronal inclusions (NI), and abnormal neurons were studied in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, basal ganglia and areas of the pons and medulla in 10 cases of multiple system atrophy (MSA). GCI density was greater in the substantia nigra and globus pallidus compared with the frontal cortex and hippocampus. Abnormal neurons were most abundant in the frontal cortex, substantia nigra, and inferior olivary nucleus. NI and abnormal neuron densities were positively correlated in the globus pallidus but negatively correlated in the hippocampus. The NI and GCI were only positively correlated in the pons. GCI in the pons and inferior olivary nucleus, NI in the substantia nigra, and abnormal neurons in the frontal cortex varied significantly between cases. The MSA cases did not cluster according to disease subtype. The data suggest that: 1) the greatest densities of pathological changes occur in the substantia nigra and globus pallidus, 2) density of the GCI is unrelated to that of the NI, and 3) there is overlapping pathology between the various subtypes of MSA.
The spatial patterns of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving cells, and prion protein (PrP) deposition were studied in the various cell laminae of the cerebellar cortex in 11 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Clustering of the histological features, with the clusters regularly distributed along the folia, was evident in all cell laminae. In the molecular layer, clusters of vacuoles coincided with the surviving Purkinje cells. In the granule cell layer, however, the spatial relationship between the vacuoles and surviving cells was more complex and varied between cases. PrP deposition was not spatially correlated with either the vacuoles or the surviving cells in any of the cerebellar laminae in the majority of cases. In some cases, there were spatial relationships between th histological features in the molecular and granule cell layers. The data suggest that degeneration of the cerebellar cortex in sCJD may occur in a topographic pattern consistent with the spread of prion pathology along anatomical pathways. The development of the vacuolation may be an early stage of the pathology in the cerebellum preceding the appearance of the PrP deposits. In addition, there is evidence that the pathological changes may spread across the different laminae of the cerebellar cortex.
The frequency of morphological abnormalities in neuronal perikarya was studied in the cerebral cortex in cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD) and in elderly control patients. Three hypotheses were tested, namely that the proportion of neurons exhibiting abnormal morphology was increased: (i) in sCJD compared with control patients; (ii) in sCJD, in areas with significant prion protein (PrP) deposition compared with regions with little or no PrP deposition; and (iii) when neurons were spatially associated with a PrP deposit compared with neurons between PrP deposits. Changes in cell shape (swollen or atrophic cell bodies), nuclei (displaced, indistinct, shrunken or absent nuclei; absence of nucleolus), and cytoplasm (dense or pale cytoplasm, PrP positive cytoplasm, vacuolation) were commonly observed in all of the cortical areas studied in the sCJD cases. The proportion of neurons exhibiting each type of morphological change was significantly increased in sCJD compared with age-matched control cases. In sCJD, neuronal abnormalities were present in areas with little PrP deposition, but at significantly lower frequencies compared with areas with significant densities of PrP deposits. Abnormalities of cell shape, nucleus and the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolation were increased when the neurons were associated with a PrP deposit, but fewer of these neurons were PrP-positive compared with neurons between deposits. The data suggest significant neuronal degeneration in the cerebral cortex in sCJD in areas without significant PrP deposition and a further phase of neuronal degeneration associated with the appearance of PrP deposits.
Purpose. To determine the degree of pathological change in the primary visual cortex (area V1) in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Method. The vacuolation, surviving neurons, glial cells, and deposits of prion protein were quantified in area V1 obtained postmortem in nine cases of the sporadic type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Results. Variations in the density of glial cells and in prion protein deposition were particularly evident between patients. In the upper and lower cortical laminae, vacuoles and prion protein deposits were regularly distributed in clusters with a mean dimensions of 450 to 1000 µm. Vacuolation in area V1 was most severe in lamina III and the glial cell reaction in lamina V or VI. Surviving neurons were most abundant in lamina II or III, whereas prion protein deposition either affected all laminae equally or was maximal in lamina II or III. Conclusion. The data suggest that pathological changes in area V1 in sporadic type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may affect the transmission of visual information from area V1 to V2 and to subcortical visual areas. In addition, the data suggest an association between the developing pathology and the functional domains of area V1.
To determine the pattern of cortical degeneration in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the laminar distribution of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving neurones, glial cell nuclei, and prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. The vacuolation exhibited two common patterns of distribution: either the vacuoles were present throughout the cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with peaks of density in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The distribution of the surviving neurones was highly variable in different regions; the commonest pattern being a uniform distribution with cortical depth. Glial cell nuclei were distributed largely in the lower cortical laminae. The non-florid PrP deposits exhibited either a bimodal distribution or exhibited a peak of density in the upper cortex while the florid deposits were either uniformly distributed down the cortex or were present in the upper cortical laminae. In a significant proportion of areas, the density of the vacuoles was positively correlated with either the surviving neurones or with the glial cell nuclei. These results suggest similarities and differences in the laminar distributions of the pathogenic changes in vCJD compared with cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD). The laminar distribution of vacuoles was more extensive in vCJD than in sCJD whereas the distribution of the glial cell nuclei was similar in the two disorders. In addition, PrP deposits in sCJD were localised mainly in the lower cortical laminae while in vCJD, PrP deposits were either present in all laminae or restricted to the upper cortical laminae. These patterns of laminar distribution suggest that the process of cortical degeneration may be distinctly different in vCJD compared with sCJD.
Correlations between the clustering patterns of the vacuolation ('spongiform change'), prion protein (PrP) deposits, and surviving neurons were studied in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in 11 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Differences in the sizes of the clusters of vacuoles were observed between brain regions and in the cerebral cortex, between the upper and lower laminae. With the exception of the parietal cortex, mean cluster size of the vacuoles was similar to that of the PrP deposits in each brain area. Clusters of the vacuoles were spatially correlated with the density of surviving neurons and with the clusters of PrP deposits in 47% and 53% of cortical areas analysed respectively but there were few spatial correlation between the PrP deposits and the density of surviving neurons. The data suggest that the pathology of sCJD may spread through the brain via specific anatomical pathways. Development of the clusters of vacuoles is spatially related to surviving neurons while the appearance of clusters of PrP deposits is related to the development of the vacuolation.
The laminar distributions of the pathological changes in the cerebral cortex were compared in the prion diseases sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) and variant CJD (vCJD). First, in some cortical regions the vacuolation (‘spongiform change’) was more generally distributed across the cortex in sCJD. Second, there was greater neuronal loss in the upper cortex in vCJD and in the lower cortex in sCJD. Third, the ‘diffuse’ and ‘florid’ prion protein (PrPsc) deposits were more frequently distributed in the upper cortex in vCJD and the ‘synaptic’ deposits in the lower cortex in sCJD. Fourth, there was a significant gliosis mainly affecting the lower cortex of both disorders. The data suggest that the pattern of cortical degeneration is different in sCJD and vCJD which may reflect differences in aetiology and the subsequent spread of prion pathology in the brain.
The objective of this article was to determine whether the pathological changes of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) were related to the brain microcirculation. Hence, the spatial correlations between the vacuolation, prion protein (PrP) deposits, and the blood vessel profiles were studied in immunolabelled sections of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in two subtypes of CJD, viz., sporadic CJD (sCJD) and variant CJD (vCJD). In sCJD, both the vacuolation and the ‘synaptic-type’ PrP deposits were spatially correlated with the microvessels; the PrP deposits being more strongly correlated than the vacuoles. In vCJD, there were no significant spatial correlations between either the vacuolation or the diffuse-type of PrP deposit and the microvessels. By contrast, a consistent pattern of spatial correlation was observed in gyri of the cerebral cortex between the florid PrP deposits and microvessels. In both sCJD and vCJD, the frequency of positive spatial correlations was similar in the different gyri of the cerebral cortex and in the upper compared with the lower laminae. In conclusion, the microcirculation may be more significantly involved in determining the pathological changes in sCJD than in vCJD. The spatial correlations of the florid PrP deposits in vCJD and the synaptic deposits in sCJD and the blood vessels may be attributable to factors associated with the microcirculation which enhance the aggregation of PrP molecules rather than representing a possible haematogenous spread of the disease. S
The densities of Pick bodies (PB), Pick cells (PC), senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the frontal and temporal lobe were determined in ten patients diagnosed with Pick's disease (PD). The density of PB was significantly higher in the dentate gyrus granule cells compared with the cortex and the CA sectors of the hippocampus. Within the hippocampus, the highest densities of PB were observed in sector CA1. PC were absent in the dentate gyrus and no significant differences in PC density were observed in the remaining brain regions. With the exception of two patients, the densities of SP and NFT were low with no significant differences in mean densities between cortical regions. In the hippocampus, the density of NFT was greatest in sector CA1. PB and PC densities were positively correlated in the frontal cortex but no correlations were observed between the PD and AD lesions. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the neuropathological variables suggested that variations in the densities of SP in the frontal cortex, temporal cortex and hippocampus were the most important sources of heterogeneity within the patient group. Variations in the densities of PB and NFT in the temporal cortex and hippocampus were of secondary importance. In addition, the PCA suggested that two of the ten patients were atypical. One patient had a higher than average density of SP and one familial patient had a higher density of NFT but few SP.
The pathological lesions characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD), viz., senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) may not be randomly distributed with reference to each other but exhibit a degree of sptial association or correlation, information on the degree of association between SP and NFT or between the lesions and normal histological features, such as neuronal perikarya and blood vessels, may be valuable in elucidating the pathogenesis of AD. This article reviews the statistical methods available for studying the degree of spatial association in histological sections of AD tissue. These include tests of interspecific association between two or more histological features using chi-square contingency tables, measurement of 'complete' and 'absolute' association, and more complex methods that use grids of contiguous samples. In addition, analyses of association using correlation matrices and stepwise multiple regression methods are described. The advantages and limitations of each method are reviewed and possible future developments discussed.