78 resultados para PHOTONIC WIRES


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A novel high-frequency fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing interrogation system by using fiber Sagnac-loop-based microwave photonic filtering is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By adopting the microwave photonic filtering, the wavelength shift of sensing FBG can be converted into amplitude variation of the modulated electronic radio-frequency (RF) signal. In the experiment, the strain applied onto the sensing FBG has been demodulated by measuring the intensity of the recovered RF signal, and by modulating the RF signal with different frequencies, different interrogation sensitivities can be achieved.


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The frequency dependent RF power degradation in direct modulated microwave photonic systems employing uniform period fibre Bragg gratingsFBG.as reflective elements is investigated. The results have implications in terms of the available RF bandwidth and the stability requirements for the fibre Bragg gratings.


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The use of near infrared, high intensity femtosecond laser pulses for the inscription of long period fiber gratings in photonic crystal fiber is reported. The formation of grating structures in photonic crystal fiber is complicated by the fiber structure that allows wave-guidance but that impairs and scatters the femtosecond inscription beam. The effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscriptions are compared and the polarization characteristics of long period gratings and their responses to external perturbations are reported.


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An equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters thus obtained can then be used to calculate nonlinear parameters like the nonlinear effective area of a photonic crystal fibre or to model nonlinear few-mode interactions using an existing model.


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The use of high intensity femtosecond laser sources for inscribing fibre gratings has attained significant interest. The principal advantage of high-energy pulses is their ability for grating inscription in any material type without preprocessing or special core doping - the inscription process is controlled multi-photon absorption, void generation and subsequent local refractive index changes. The formation of grating structures in photonics crystal fibre has proven difficult, as the presence of holes within the fibre that allow wave-guidance impair and scatter the femtosecond inscription beam. Here we report on the consistent manufacture of long period gratings in endlessly single mode microstructure fibre and on their characterisation to external perturbations. Long period gratings are currently the subject of considerable research interest due to their potential applications as filters and as sensing devices, responsive to strain, temperature, bending and refractive index. Compared to the more mature fibre Bragg grating sensors, LPGs have more complex spectra, usually with broader spectral features. On the other hand they are intrinsically sensitive to bending and refractive index. Perhaps more importantly, the fibre design and choice of grating period can have a considerable influence over the sensitivity to the various parameters, for example allowing the creation of a bend sensor with minimal temperature cross-sensitivity. This control is not possible with FBG sensors. Here we compare the effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscription.


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A series of LPGs with the same period was inscribed by femtosecond laser into photonic crystal fibre with various powers. All suffered post-fabrication spectral evolution at low temperatures, apparently related to inscription power.


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The use of high intensity femtosecond laser sources for inscribing fibre gratings has attained significant interest. The principal advantage of high-energy pulses is their ability for grating inscription in any material type without preprocessing or special core doping. In the field of fibre optical sensing LPGs written in photonic crystal fibre have a distinct advantage of low temperature sensitivity over gratings written in conventional fibre and thus minimal temperature cross-sensitivity. Previous studies have indicated that LPGs written by a point-by-point inscription scheme using a low repetition femtosecond laser exhibit post-fabrication evolution leading to temporal instabilities at room temperatures with respect to spectral location, strength and birefringence of the attenuation bands. These spectral instabilities of LPGs are studied in photonic crystal fibres (endlessly single mode microstructure fibre) to moderately high temperatures 100°C to 200°C and their performance compared to fusion-arc fabricated LPG. Initial results suggest that the fusion-arc fabricated LPG demonstrate less spectral instability for a given constant and moderate temperature, and are similar to the results obtained when inscribed in a standard single mode fibre.


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A series of LPGs was inscribed in photonic crystal fibre by a low repetition femtosecond laser system. When subjected to bending they were found to be spectrally sensitive to bend orientation and displayed a strong polarisation dependence.


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In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF). In addition, we also show the fluorescence of Cy5-labelled DNA molecules immobilized within the hydrogel formed in two different types of HC-PCF. The 3D hydrogel matrix is designed to bind with the amino groups of biomolecules using an appropriate cross-linker, providing higher sensitivity and selectivity than the standard 2D coverage, enabling a greater number of probe molecules to be available per unit area. The HC-PCFs, on the other hand, can be designed to maximize the capture of fluorescence to improve sensitivity and provide longer interaction lengths. This could enable the development of fibre-based point-of-care and remote systems, where the enhanced sensitivity would relax the constraints placed on sources and detectors. In this paper, we will discuss the formation of such polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels within a HC-PCF, including their optical properties such as light propagation and auto-fluorescence.


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The first demonstration of a hollow core photonic bandgap fiber suitable for high-rate data transmission at 2µm is presented. Using a custom built Thulium doped fiber amplifier, error-free 8Gbit/s transmission in an optically amplified data channel at 2008nm is reported for the first time.


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We review the state-of-the-art in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and microstructured polymer optical fiber (mPOF) based mechanical sensing. We first introduce how the unique properties of PCF can benefit Bragg grating based temperature insensitive pressure and transverse load sensing. Then we describe how the latest developments in mPOF Bragg grating technology can enhance optical fiber pressure sensing. Finally we explain how the integration of specialty fiber sensor technology with bio-compatible polymer based micro-technology provides great opportunities for fiber sensors in the field of healthcare.


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We present recent results on experimental micro-fabrication and numerical modeling of advanced photonic devices by means of direct writing by femtosecond laser. Transverse inscription geometry was routinely used to inscribe and modify photonic devices based on waveguiding structures. Typically, standard commercially available fibers were used as a template with a pre-fabricated waveguide. Using a direct, point-by-point inscription by infrared femtosecond laser, a range of fiber-based photonic devices was fabricated including Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). Waveguides with a core of a couple of microns, periodic structures, and couplers have been also fabricated in planar geometry using the same method.


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We report on the generation of 42 fs pulses at 1 µm in a completely fiber-integrated format, which are, to the best of our knowledge, the shortest from all-fiber-integrated Yb-doped fiber lasers to date. The ring fiber cavity incorporates anomalous-dispersion, solid-core photonic crystal fiber with low birefringence, which acts as a broadband, in-fiber Lyot filter to facilitate mode locking. The oscillator operates in the stretched-pulse regime under slight normal net cavity dispersion. The cavity generates 4.7 ps long pulses with a spectral bandwidth of 58.2 nm, which are dechirped to 42 fs via a grating pair compressor outside of the cavity. Relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser is characterized, with the integrated RIN found to be 0.026% in the 3 Hz-250 kHz frequency range.


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In this paper, we report on the strain and pressure testing of highly flexible skins embedded with Bragg grating sensors recorded in either silica or polymer optical fibre. The photonic skins, with a size of 10cm x 10cm and thickness of 1mm, were fabricated by embedding the polymer fibre or silica fibre containing Bragg gratings in Sylgard 184 from Dow Corning. Pressure sensing was studied using a cylindrical metal post placed on an array of points across the skin. The polymer fibre grating exhibits approximately 10 times the pressure sensitivity of the silica fibre and responds to the post even when it is placed a few centimetres away from the sensing fibre. Although the intrinsic strain sensitivities of gratings in the two fibre types are very similar, when embedded in the skin the polymer grating displayed a strain sensitivity approximately 45 times greater than the silica device, which also suffered from considerable hysteresis. The polymer grating displayed a near linear response over wavelength shifts of 9nm for 1% strain. The difference in behaviour we attribute to the much greater Young's modulus of the silica fibre (70 GPa) compared to the polymer fibre (3 GPa).