58 resultados para Optical fabrication
We report the fabrication and characterization of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with 870 nm resonance wavelength in a single-mode TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fiber (mPOF). The grating has been UV-written with the phasemask technique using a 325 nm HeCd laser. The static tensile strain sensitivity has been measured as 0.64 pm/µstrain, and the temperature sensitivity was -60 pm/°C. This is the first 870nm FBG and the first demonstration of a negative temperature response for the TOPAS FBG, for which earlier results have indicated a positive temperature response. The relatively low material loss of the fiber at this wavelength compared to that at longer wavelengths will considerably enhance the potential utility of the TOPAS FBG.
This thesis presents the design, fabrication and testing of novel grating based Optical Fibre Sensor (OFS) systems being interrogated using “off the shelf” interrogation systems, with the eventual development of marketable commercial systems at the forefront of the research. Both in the industrial weighing and aerospace industries, there has been a drive to investigate the feasibility of using optical fibre sensors being deployed where traditionally their electrical or mechanical counterparts would traditionally have been. Already, in the industrial weighing industry, commercial operators are deploying OFS-based Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems. Likewise, in the aerospace industry, OFS have been deployed to monitor such parameters as load history, impact detection, structural damage, overload detection, centre of gravity and the determination of blade shape. Based on the intrinsic properties of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and Long Period Fibre Gratings (LPFGs), a number of novel OFS-based systems have been realised. Experimental work has shown that in the case of static industrial weighing, FBGs can be integrated with current commercial products and used to detect applied loads. The work has also shown that embedding FBGs in e-glass, to form a sensing patch, can result in said patches being bonded to rail track, forming the basis of an FBG-based WIM system. The results obtained have been sufficiently encouraging to the industrial partner that this work will be progressed beyond the scope of the work presented in this thesis. Likewise, and to the best of the author’s knowledge, a novel Bragg grating based systems for aircraft fuel parameter sensing has been presented. FBG-based pressure sensors have been shown to demonstrate good sensitivity, linearity and repeatability, whilst LPFG-based systems have demonstrated a far greater sensitivity when compared to FBGs, as well the advantage of being potentially able to detect causes of fuel adulteration based on their sensitivity to refractive index (RI). In the case of the LPFG-based system, considerable work remains to be done on the mechanical strengthening to improve its survivability in a live aircraft fuel tank environment. The FBG system has already been developed to an aerospace compliant prototype and is due to be tested at the fuel testing facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK. It is envisaged by the author that in both application areas, continued research in this area will lead to the eventual development of marketable commercial products.
We propose a new type of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with a V-shaped dispersion profile. We demonstrate that such V-shaped FBGs bring advantages in manipulation of optical signals compared to conventional FBGs with a constant dispersion, e.g., they can produce larger chirp for the same input pulsewidth and/or can be used as pulse shapers. Application of the proposed V-shaped FBGs for signal prechirping in fiber transmission is examined. The proposed design of the V-shaped FBG can be easily extended to embrace multichannel devices.
A dual-peak LPFG (long-period fibre grating), inscribed in an optical fibre, has been employed to sense DNA hybridization in real time, over a 1 h period. One strand of the DNA was immobilized on the fibre, while the other was free in solution. After hybridization, the fibre was stripped and repeated detection of hybridization was achieved, so demonstrating reusability of the device. Neither strand of DNA was fluorescently or otherwise labelled. The present paper will provide an overview of our early-stage experimental data and methodology, examine the potential of fibre gratings for use as biosensors to monitor both nucleic acid and other biomolecular interactions and then give a summary of the theory and fabrication of fibre gratings from a biological standpoint. Finally, the potential of improving signal strength and possible future directions of fibre grating biosensors will be addressed.
Refractive index and structural characteristics of optical polymers are strongly influenced by the thermal history of the material. Polymer optical fibres (POF) are drawn under tension, resulting in axial orientation of the polymer molecular chains due to their susceptibility to align in the fibre direction. This change in orientation from the drawing process results in residual strain in the fibre and also affects the transparency and birefringence of the material (1-3). PMMA POF has failure strain as high as over 100%. POF has to be drawn under low tension to achieve this value. The drawing tension affects the magnitude of molecular alignment along the fibre axis, thus affecting the failure strain. The higher the tension the lower the failure stain will be. However, the properties of fibre drawn under high tension can approach that of fibre drawn under low tension by means of an annealing process. Annealing the fibre can generally optimise the performance of POF while keeping most advantages intact. Annealing procedures can reduce index difference throughout the bulk and also reduce residual stress that may cause fracture or distortion. POF can be annealed at temperatures approaching the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer to produce FBG with a permanent blue Bragg wave-length shift at room temperature. At this elevated temperature segmental motion in the structure results in a lower viscosity. The material softens and the molecular chains relax from the axial orientation causing shrinking of the fibre. The large attenuation of typically 1dB/cm in the 1550nm spectral region of PMMA POF has limited FBG lengths to less than 10cm. The more expensive fluorinated polymers with lower absorption have had no success as FBG waveguides. Bragg grating have been inscribed onto various POF in the 800nm spectral region using a 30mW continuous wave 325nm helium cadmium laser, with a much reduced attenuation coefficient of 10dB/m (5). Fabricating multiplexed FBGs in the 800nm spectral region in TOPAS and PMMA POF consistently has lead to fabrication of multiplexed FBG in the 700nm spectral region by a method of prolonged annealing. The Bragg wavelength shift of gratings fabricated in PMMA fibre at 833nm and 867nm was monitored whilst the POF was thermally annealed at 80°C. Permanent shifts exceeding 80nm into the 700nm spectral region was attained by both gratings on the fibre. The large permanent shift creates the possibility of multiplexed Bragg sensors operating over a broad range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pellerin C, Prud'homme RE, Pézolet M. Effect of thermal history on the molecular orientation in polystyrene/poly (vinyl methyl ether) blends. Polymer. 2003;44(11):3291-7. 2. Dvoránek L, Machová L, Šorm M, Pelzbauer Z, Švantner J, Kubánek V. Effects of drawing conditions on the properties of optical fibers made from polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate). Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie. 1990;174(1):25-39. 3. Dugas J, Pierrejean I, Farenc J, Peichot JP. Birefringence and internal stress in polystyrene optical fibers. Applied optics. 1994;33(16):3545-8. 4. Jiang C, Kuzyk MG, Ding JL, Johns WE, Welker DJ. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of dye-doped polymer optical fiber. Journal of applied physics. 2002;92(1):4-12. 5. Johnson IP, Webb DJ, Kalli K, Yuan W, Stefani A, Nielsen K, et al., editors. Polymer PCF Bragg grating sensors based on poly (methyl methacrylate) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer2011: SPIE.
The optical layouts incorporating binary phase diffractive grating and a standard micro-objective were used for femtosecond microfabrication of periodical structures in fused silica. Two beams, generated in Talbot type interferometer, interfered on a surface and in the bulk of the sample. The method suggested allows better control over the transverse size of the grating pitch, and thus control the reflection strength of the waveguide or fibre grating. We present the examples of direct inscription of the sub-micrometer periodical structures using a 267 nm femtosecond laser radiation.
In this paper, we propose a saturable absorber (SA) device consisting on an in-fiber micro-slot inscribed by femtosecond laser micro fabrication, filled by a dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). Due to the flexibility of the fabrication method, efficient and simple integration of the mode-locking device directly into the optical fiber is achieved. Furthermore, the fabrication process offers a high level of control over the dimensions and location of the micro-slots. We apply this fabrication flexibility to extend the interaction length between the CNT and the propagating optical field along the optical fiber, hence enhancing the nonlinearity of the device. Furthermore, the method allows the fabrication of devices that operate by either a direct field interaction (when the central peak of the propagating optical mode passes through the nonlinear media) or an evanescent field interaction (only a fraction of the optical mode interacts with the CNT). In this paper, several devices with different interaction lengths and interaction regimes are investigated. Self-starting passively modelocked laser operation with an enhanced nonlinear interaction is observed using CNT-based SAs in both interaction regimes. This method constitutes a simple and suitable approach to integrate the CNT into the optical system as well as enhancing the optical nonlinearity of CNT-based photonic devices.
This thesis presents the fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and long period gratings (LPGs) in polymer optical fibre (POF). Possible fabrication techniques were discussed to fabricate FBGs in polymer optical fibre including a detailed description of the phase mask inscription technique used to fabricate FBGs in both single and multi mode microstructured polymer optical fibre (mPOF). Complementing the fabrication of polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings (POFBGs), a technique has been developed to permanently splice POF to silica optical fibre with the use of an optical adhesive. This allowed for the fabricated POFBGs to be characterised away from the optical table, allowing for application specific characterisation. Furthermore Bragg gratings have been fabricated in polymer POF with a Bragg response within the 800nm spectral region. Within this spectral region, POF predominantly manufactured from PMMA experiences considerably smaller attenuation losses when compared to the attenuation losses within the 1550nm spectral region. The effect of thermally annealing fabricated POFBGs has been studied. This included demonstrating the ability to tune the Bragg wavelength of a POFBG sensor to a desired wavelength. Thermal annealing has also been used to manufacture wavelength division multiplexed sensors with the use of a single phase mask. Finally POFBGs have been fabricated in Topas Cyclic Olefin Copolymer. Fabrication of Bragg gratings within this copolymer allowed for the first demonstration of near immunity to relative humidity whilst monitoring changes in temperature of the environment the POFBG sensor was in. Bragg gratings fabricated in the Topas copolymer demonstrated sensitivity to relative humidity which was 65 times less than that of a PMMA based POFBG sensor. This decrease in sensitivity has the potential to significantly reduce the potential of cross sensitivity to relative humidity whilst being employed to monitor measurands such as temperature and axial strain.
A novel device for the detection and characterisation of static magnetic fields is presented. It consists of a femtosecond laser inscribed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) that is incorporated into an optical fibre with a femtosecond laser micromachined slot. The symmetry of the fibre is broken by the micro-slot, producing non-uniform strain across the fibre cross section. The sensing region is coated with Terfenol-D making the device sensitive to static magnetic fields, whereas the symmetry breaking results in a vectorial sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of ±0.3mT in transmission and ±0.7mT in reflection. The sensor output is directly wavelength encoded from the FBG filtering, leading to simple demodulation through the monitoring of wavelength shifts that result as the fibre structure changes shape in response to the external magnetic field. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBG and micro-machine the slot in a single stage, prior to coating the device, significantly simplifies the sensor fabrication.
In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation.
A novel device for the detection and characterisation of static magnetic fields is presented. It consists of a femtosecond laser inscribed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) that is incorporated into an optical fibre with a femtosecond laser micromachined slot. The symmetry of the fibre is broken by the micro-slot, producing non-uniform strain across the fibre cross section. The sensing region is coated with Terfenol-D making the device sensitive to static magnetic fields, whereas the symmetry breaking results in a vectorial sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of ±0.3mT in transmission and ±0.7mT in reflection. The sensor output is directly wavelength encoded from the FBG filtering, leading to simple demodulation through the monitoring of wavelength shifts that result as the fibre structure changes shape in response to the external magnetic field. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBG and micro-machine the slot in a single stage, prior to coating the device, significantly simplifies the sensor fabrication.
Recently introduced surface nanoscale axial photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high-Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate superaccurate fabrication of high-Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using CO laser and UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2Å in variation of the effective fiber radius. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
We have designed and fabricated a new type of fibre Bragg grating (FBG) with a V-shaped dispersion profile for multi-channel dispersion compensation in communication links.
We propose a new type of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with a V-shaped dispersion profile. We demonstrate that such V-shaped FBGs bring advantages in manipulation of optical signals compared to conventional FBGs with a constant dispersion, e.g., they can produce larger chirp for the same input pulsewidth and/or can be used as pulse shapers. Application of the proposed V-shaped FBGs for signal prechirping in fiber transmission is examined. The proposed design of the V-shaped FBG can be easily extended to embrace multichannel devices. © 2007 IEEE.
Successful commercialization of a technology such as Fiber Bragg Gratings requires the ability to manufacture devices repeatably, quickly and at low cost. Although the first report of photorefractive gratings was in 1978 it was not until 1993, when phase mask fabrication was demonstrated, that this became feasible. More recently, draw tower fabrication on a production level and grating writing through the polymer jacket have been realized; both important developments since they preserve the intrinsic strength of the fiber. Potentially the most significant recent development has been femtosecond laser inscription of gratings. Although not yet a commercial technology, it provides the means of writing multiple gratings in the optical core providing directional sensing capability in a single fiber. Femtosecond processing can also be used to machine the fiber to produce micronscale slots and holes enhancing the interaction between the light in the core and the surrounding medium. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.