22 resultados para Marks of origin
In the present work, the elastic scattering of fast neutrons from iron and concrete samples were studied at incident neutron energies of 14.0 and 14.4 Mev, using a neutron spectrometer based on the associated particle time-of-flight technique. These samples were chosen because of their importance in the design of fusion reactor shielding and construction. Using the S.A.M.E.S. accelerator and the 3 M v Dynamitron accelerator at the Radiation Centre, 14.0 and 14.4 Mev neutrons were produced by the T(d, n)4He reaction at incident deuteron energies of 140 keV and 900 keV mass III ions respectively. The time of origin of the neutron was determined by detecting the associated alpha particles. The samples used were extended flat plates of thicknesses up to 1.73 mean free paths for iron and 2.3 mean free paths for concrete. The associated alpha particles and fast neutrons were detected by means of a plastic scintillator mounted on a fast focused photomultiplier tube. The differential neutron elastic scattering cross-sections were measured for 14 Mev neutrons in various thicknesses of iron and concrete in the angular range from zero to 90°. In addition, the angular distributions of 14.4 Mev neutrons after passing through extended samples of iron were measured at several scattering angles in the same angular range. The measurements obtained for the thin sample of iron were compared with the results of Coon et al. The differential cross-sections for the thin iron sample were also analyzed on the optical model using the computer code RAROMP. For the concrete sample, the angular distribution of the thin sample was compared with the cross-sections calculated from the major constituent elements of concrete, and with the predicted values of the optical model for those elements. No published data could be found to compare with the results of the concrete differential cross-sections. In the case of thick samples of iron and concrete, the number of scattered neutrons were compared with a phenomological calculation based on the continuous slowing down model. The variation of measured cross-sections with sample thickness were found to follow the empirical relation σ = σ0 eαx. By using the universal constant "K", good fits were obtained to the experimental data. In parallel with the work at 14.0 and 14.4 Mev, an associated particle time-of-flight spectrometer was investigated which used the 2H(d,n)3He reaction for 3.02 Mev neutron energy at the incident deuteron energy of 1 Mev.
The locus of origin of the pattern evoked electroretinogram, (PERG), has been the subject of considerable discussion. A novel approach was adopted in this study to further elaborate the nature of the PERG evoked by pattern onset/offset presentation. The PERG was found to be linearly related to stimulus contrast and in particular was linearly related to the temporal contrast of the retinal image, when elicited by patterns of low spatial frequency. At high spatial frequencies the retinal image contrast is significantly reduced because of optical degradation. This is described by the eye's modulation transfer function (MTF). The retinal contrast of square wave grating and chequerboard patterns of increasing spatial frequency were found by filtering their Fourier transforms by the MTF. The filtered pattern harmonics were then resynthesised to constitute a profile of retinal image illuminance from which the temporal and spatial contrast of the image could be calculated. If the PERG is a pure illuminance response it should be spatially insensitive and dependent upon the temporal contrast of stimulation. The calculated loss of temporal contrast for finer patterns was expressed as a space-averaged temporal contrast attentuation factor. This factor, applied to PERGs evoked by low spatial frequency patterns, was used to predict the retinal illuminance response elicited by a finer pattern. The predicted response was subtracted from the recorded signal and residual waveform was proposed to represent specific activity. An additional correction for the attenuation of spatial contrast was applied to the extracted pattern specific response. Pattern specific responses computed for different spatial frequency patterns in this way are the predicted result of iso-contrast pattern stimulation. The pattern specific responses demonstrate a striking bandpass spatial selectivity which peaks at higher spatial frequencies in the more central retina. The variation of spatial sensitivity with eccentricity corresponds closely with estimated ganglion receptive field centre separation and psychophysical data. The variation of retinal structure with eccentricity, in the form of the volumes of the nuclear layers, was compared with the amplitudes of the computed retinal illuminance and pattern specific responses. The retinal illuminance response corresponds more closely to the outer and inner nuclear layers whilst the pattern specific response appears more closely related to the ganglion cell layer. In general the negative response transients correspond to the more proximal retinal layers. This thesis therefore supports the proposed contribution of proximal retinal cell activity to the PERG and describes techniques which may be further elaborated for more detailed studies of retinal receptive field dimensions.
Legislation: Directive 89/104 on trade marks art.5 Directive 84/450 on misleading advertising Directive 97/55 amending Directive 84/450 concerning misleading advertising so as to include comparative advertising Case: O2 Holdings Ltd v Hutchison 3G UK Ltd (C-533/06) [2008] E.C.R. I-4231 (ECJ (1st Chamber)) *Comms. L. 155 Long, long ago a trade mark allowed a craftsman to be identified and held accountable for shoddy goods. Today in the era of the ‘Lovemark,’1 due to extensive advertising hopes and aspirations a lifestyle can be purchased with a brand. For many products a trademark is no longer merely a badge of origin but has a commercial value of its own. Through advertising an emotional attachment is created in the heart of the consumer for particular brands. Brand owners are determined that the value of this attachment be preserved and protected against any encroachment into the aura that has been painstakingly created. Comparative advertising, the allusive use of a mark, is seen by the owners of such emotive brands as likely to jeopardise the character of the brand that they have so carefully nurtured. As they have invested so heavily in creating their concept these owners want to control its use by others. There is an issue however as to how far this control ought to extend when the image is used in the marketing of a rival's goods or services.
By comparing the HRM practices in Indian and European MNE subsidiaries located in four of the Southern African Development Community countries, this paper tests the relevance of the country-of-origin effect and analyses the strength of institutional and firm-level influences. Examining data from 865 MNE subsidiaries obtained from the World Bank enterprise survey data, the paper finds that Indian MNEs have higher labour costs in relation to total sales than their European counterparts, that Indian MNEs make more use of temporary labour than their European counterparts, that Indian MNEs invest in less training than their European counterparts. No support is found for the hypothesis that Indian MNEs have a lower ratio of skilled workers in comparison to European-owned subsidiaries. The study shows that country-of-origin effects are weakened if they are not consistent with host country ideology and that as economies evolve so too do their expectations of HR policy and practices. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
Purpose: This research paper aims to examine the global trends in publishing in the leading marketing journals between 1964 and 2008, focusing on how public policy intervention in the assessment and funding of academic research has influenced Britain's relative productivity in the world's leading marketing journals. Design/methodology/approach: The method was an audit of contributions to the leading journals based on the authors' affiliation, country of origin and country in which they obtained their doctoral training. Findings: The results show that the proportion of leading marketing publications by authors affiliated to British universities have held steady at about 2 per cent, while the productivity of several other countries has accelerated past Britain. However, to retain that share, Britain has increasingly depended upon importing people whose PhD is not British. This contrasts with some other European countries that are now more productive than Britain, but mainly recruit locals with local PhDs. The pattern of decline in the UK is related to the impact of Britain's research assessment exercise and the continuation of relatively weak social science research training. Research limitations/implications: The analysis is limited by only looking at one academic discipline and only the top few academic journals in the field. Practical implications: The findings have implications at several levels. At a national policy level it questions the value of the research assessment exercises that appear to have presided over a decline in research productivity. For institutions, it questions the value in investing in developing local talent when success has come to those who buy talent internationally. Perhaps, the major implication arises from Britain's academic productivity declining while neighbouring countries have grown in international excellence. Originality/value: At a time when the continuation of expensive university research assessments is being questioned the research findings add value to the current debate in showing how that very process has accompanied academic decline. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The spatial patterns of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were studied in areas of the cerebral cortex in 16 patients with the late-onset, sporadic form of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Diffuse, primitive, and classic Aβ deposits and NFT were aggregated into clusters; the clusters being regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater in many areas. In a significant proportion of regions, the sizes of the regularly distributed clusters approximated to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical projections. The diffuse and primitive Aβ deposits exhibited a similar range of spatial patterns but the classic Aβ deposits occurred less frequently in large clusters >6400m. In addition, the NFT often occurred in larger regularly distributed clusters than the Aβ deposits. The location, size, and distribution of the clusters of Aβ deposits and NFT supports the hypothesis that AD is a 'disconnection syndrome' in which degeneration of specific cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal pathways results in synaptic disconnection and the formation of clusters of NFT and Aβ deposits. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family consists of 22 evolutionarily and structurally related proteins (FGF1 to FGF23; with FGF15 being the rodent ortholog of human FGF19). Based on their mechanism of action, FGFs can be categorized into intracrine, autocrine/paracrine and endocrine subgroups. Both autocrine/paracrine and endocrine FGFs are secreted from their cells of origin and exert their effects on target cells by binding to and activating specific single-pass transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors (FGFRs). Moreover, FGF binding to FGFRs requires specific cofactors, namely heparin/heparan sulfate proteoglycans or Klothos for autocrine/paracrine and endocrine FGF signaling, respectively. FGFs are vital for embryonic development and mediate a broad spectrum of biological functions, ranging from cellular excitability to angiogenesis and tissue regeneration. Over the past decade certain FGFs (e.g. FGF1, FGF10, FGF15/FGF19 and FGF21) have been further recognized as regulators of energy homeostasis, metabolism and adipogenesis, constituting novel therapeutic targets for obesity and obesity-related cardiometabolic disease. Until recently, translational research has been mainly focused on FGF21, due to the pleiotropic, beneficial metabolic actions and the relatively benign safety profile of its engineered variants. However, increasing evidence regarding the role of additional FGFs in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis and recent developments regarding novel, engineered FGF variants have revitalized the research interest into the therapeutic potential of certain additional FGFs (e.g. FGF1 and FGF15/FGF19). This review presents a brief overview of the FGF family, describing the mode of action of the different FGFs subgroups, and focuses on FGF1 and FGF15/FGF19, which appear to also represent promising new targets for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.