77 resultados para Low signal-to-noise ratio regime
Summary form only given. Both dispersion management and the use of a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a saturable absorber can improve the performance of a soliton-based communication system. Dispersion management gives the benefits of low average dispersion while allowing pulses with higher powers to propagate, which helps to suppress Gordon-Haus timing jitter without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio. The NOLM suppresses the buildup of amplifier spontaneous emission noise and background dispersive radiation which, if allowed to interact with the soliton, can lead to its breakup. We examine optical pulse propagation in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission system with periodically inserted in-line NOLMs. To describe basic features of the signal transmission in such lines, we develop a simple theory based on a variational approach involving Gaussian trial functions. It, has already been proved that the variational method is an extremely effective tool for description of DM solitons. In the work we manage to include in the variational description the point action of the NOLM on pulse parameters, assuming that the Gaussian pulse shape is inherently preserved by propagation through the NOLM. The obtained results are verified by direct numerical simulations
We perform optimisation of bi-directionally pumped dispersion compensating Raman amplifier modules. Optimal forward and backward pump powers for basic configurations using different commercially available fibers are presented for both single- and multi-channel systems. Optical signal-to-noise ratio improvement of up to 8 dB is achieved as a result of optimisation. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We present what is to our knowledge the first comprehensive investigation of the use of blazed fiber Bragg gratings (BFBGs) to interrogate wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) in-fiber optical sensor arrays. We show that the light outcoupled from the core of these BFBGs is radiated with sufficient optical power that it may be detected with a low-cost charge-coupled device (CCD) array. We present thorough system performance analysis that shows sufficient spectral-spatial resolution to decode sensors with a WDM separation of 75 ρm, signal-to-noise ratio greater than 45-dB bandwidth of 70 nm, and drift of only 0.1 ρm. We show the system to be polarization-state insensitive, making the BFBG-CCD spectral analysis technique a practical, extremely low-cost, alternative to traditional tunable filter approaches.
The first resonant-cavity time-division-multiplexed (TDM) fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogation system is reported. This novel design uses a pulsed semiconductor optical amplifier in a cyclic manner to function as the optical source, amplifier, and modulator. Compatible with a range of standard wavelength detection techniques, this optically gated TDM system allows interrogation of low reflectivity "commodity" sensors spaced just 2 m apart, using a single active component. Results demonstrate an exceptional optical signal-to-noise ratio of 36 dB, a peak signal power of over +7 dBm, and no measurable crosstalk between sensors. Temperature tuning shows that the system is fully stable with a highly linear response. © 2004 IEEE.
Long-haul high speed optical transmission systems are significantly distorted by the interplay between the electronic chromatic dispersion (CD) equalization and the local oscillator (LO) laser phase noise, which leads to an effect of equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN). The EEPN degrades the performance of optical communication systems severely with the increment of fiber dispersion, LO laser linewidth, symbol rate, and modulation format. In this paper, we present an analytical model for evaluating the performance of bit-error-rate (BER) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the n-level phase shift keying (n-PSK) coherent transmission system employing differential carrier phase estimation (CPE), where the influence of EEPN is considered. Theoretical results based on this model have been investigated for the differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK), the differential 8-PSK (D8PSK), and the differential 16-PSK (D16PSK) coherent transmission systems. The influence of EEPN on the BER performance in term of the fiber dispersion, the LO phase noise, the symbol rate, and the modulation format are analyzed in detail. The BER behaviors based on this analytical model achieve a good agreement with previously reported BER floors influenced by EEPN. Further simulations have also been carried out in the differential CPE considering EEPN. The results indicate that this analytical model can give an accurate prediction for the DQPSK system, and a leading-order approximation for the D8PSK and the D16PSK systems.
The relatively high phase noise of coherent optical systems poses unique challenges for forward error correction (FEC). In this letter, we propose a novel semianalytical method for selecting combinations of interleaver lengths and binary Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes that meet a target post-FEC bit error rate (BER). Our method requires only short pre-FEC simulations, based on which we design interleavers and codes analytically. It is applicable to pre-FEC BER ∼10-3, and any post-FEC BER. In addition, we show that there is a tradeoff between code overhead and interleaver delay. Finally, for a target of 10-5, numerical simulations show that interleaver-code combinations selected using our method have post-FEC BER around 2× target. The target BER is achieved with 0.1 dB extra signal-to-noise ratio.
Forward error correction (FEC) plays a vital role in coherent optical systems employing multi-level modulation. However, much of coding theory assumes that additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is dominant, whereas coherent optical systems have significant phase noise (PN) in addition to AWGN. This changes the error statistics and impacts FEC performance. In this paper, we propose a novel semianalytical method for dimensioning binary Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes for systems with PN. Our method involves extracting statistics from pre-FEC bit error rate (BER) simulations. We use these statistics to parameterize a bivariate binomial model that describes the distribution of bit errors. In this way, we relate pre-FEC statistics to post-FEC BER and BCH codes. Our method is applicable to pre-FEC BER around 10-3 and any post-FEC BER. Using numerical simulations, we evaluate the accuracy of our approach for a target post-FEC BER of 10-5. Codes dimensioned with our bivariate binomial model meet the target within 0.2-dB signal-to-noise ratio.
Several analysis protocols have been tested to identify early visual field losses in glaucoma patients using the mfVEP technique, some were successful in detection of field defects, which were comparable to the standard SAP visual field assessment, and others were not very informative and needed more adjustment and research work. In this study we implemented a novel analysis approach and evaluated its validity and whether it could be used effectively for early detection of visual field defects in glaucoma. The purpose of this study is to examine the benefit of adding mfVEP hemifield Intersector analysis protocol to the standard HFA test when there is suspicious glaucomatous visual field loss. 3 groups were tested in this study; normal controls (38 eyes), glaucoma patients (36 eyes) and glaucoma suspect patients (38 eyes). All subjects had a two standard Humphrey visual field HFA test 24-2, optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head, and a single mfVEP test undertaken in one session. Analysis of the mfVEP results was done using the new analysis protocol; the Hemifield Sector Analysis HSA protocol. The retinal nerve fibre (RNFL) thickness was recorded to identify subjects with suspicious RNFL loss. The hemifield Intersector analysis of mfVEP results showed that signal to noise ratio (SNR) difference between superior and inferior hemifields was statistically significant between the 3 groups (ANOVA p<0.001 with a 95% CI). The difference between superior and inferior hemispheres in all subjects were all statistically significant in the glaucoma patient group 11/11 sectors (t-test p<0.001), partially significant 5/11 in glaucoma suspect group (t-test p<0.01) and no statistical difference between most sectors in normal group (only 1/11 was significant) (t-test p<0.9). Sensitivity and specificity of the HSA protocol in detecting glaucoma was 97% and 86% respectively, while for glaucoma suspect were 89% and 79%. The use of SAP and mfVEP results in subjects with suspicious glaucomatous visual field defects, identified by low RNFL thickness, is beneficial in confirming early visual field defects. The new HSA protocol used in the mfVEP testing can be used to detect glaucomatous visual field defects in both glaucoma and glaucoma suspect patient. Using this protocol in addition to SAP analysis can provide information about focal visual field differences across the horizontal midline, and confirm suspicious field defects. Sensitivity and specificity of the mfVEP test showed very promising results and correlated with other anatomical changes in glaucoma field loss. The Intersector analysis protocol can detect early field changes not detected by standard HFA test.
Advanced signal processing, such as multi-channel digital back propagation and mid span optical phase conjugation, can compensate for inter channel nonlinear effects in point to point links. However, once such are effects are compensated, the interaction between the signal and noise fields becomes dominant. We will show that this interaction has a direct impact on the signal to noise ratio improvement, observing that ideal optical phase conjugation offers 1.5 dB more performance benefit than DSP based compensation.
Concurrent coding is an encoding scheme with 'holographic' type properties that are shown here to be robust against a significant amount of noise and signal loss. This single encoding scheme is able to correct for random errors and burst errors simultaneously, but does not rely on cyclic codes. A simple and practical scheme has been tested that displays perfect decoding when the signal to noise ratio is of order -18dB. The same scheme also displays perfect reconstruction when a contiguous block of 40% of the transmission is missing. In addition this scheme is 50% more efficient in terms of transmitted power requirements than equivalent cyclic codes. A simple model is presented that describes the process of decoding and can determine the computational load that would be expected, as well as describing the critical levels of noise and missing data at which false messages begin to be generated.
This thesis presents several advanced optical techniques that are crucial for improving high capacity transmission systems. The basic theory of optical fibre communications are introduced before optical solitons and their usage in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The design, operation, limitations and importance of the recirculating loop are illustrated. The crucial role of dispersion management in the transmission systems is then considered. Two of the most popular dispersion compensation methods - dispersion compensating fibres and fibre Bragg gratings - are emphasised. A tunable dispersion compensator is fabricated using the linear chirped fibre Bragg gratings and a bending rig. Results show that it is capable of compensating not only the second order dispersion, but also higher order dispersion. Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) are studied and discussed. Different dispersion maps are performed for all Raman amplified standard fibre link to obtain maximum transmission distances. Raman amplification is used in most of our loop experiments since it improves the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and significantly reduces the nonlinear intrachannel effects of the transmission systems. The main body of the experimental work is concerned with nonlinear optical switching using the nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). A number of different types of optical loop mirrors are built, tested and implemented in the transmission systems for noise suppression and 2R regeneration. Their results show that for 2R regeneration, NOLM does improve system performance, while NILM degrades system performance due to its sensitivity to the input pulse width, and the NALM built is unstable and therefore affects system performance.
The rapidly increasing demand for cellular telephony is placing greater demand on the limited bandwidth resources available. This research is concerned with techniques which enhance the capacity of a Direct-Sequence Code-Division-Multiple-Access (DS-CDMA) mobile telephone network. The capacity of both Private Mobile Radio (PMR) and cellular networks are derived and the many techniques which are currently available are reviewed. Areas which may be further investigated are identified. One technique which is developed is the sectorisation of a cell into toroidal rings. This is shown to provide an increased system capacity when the cell is split into these concentric rings and this is compared with cell clustering and other sectorisation schemes. Another technique for increasing the capacity is achieved by adding to the amount of inherent randomness within the transmitted signal so that the system is better able to extract the wanted signal. A system model has been produced for a cellular DS-CDMA network and the results are presented for two possible strategies. One of these strategies is the variation of the chip duration over a signal bit period. Several different variation functions are tried and a sinusoidal function is shown to provide the greatest increase in the maximum number of system users for any given signal-to-noise ratio. The other strategy considered is the use of additive amplitude modulation together with data/chip phase-shift-keying. The amplitude variations are determined by a sparse code so that the average system power is held near its nominal level. This strategy is shown to provide no further capacity since the system is sensitive to amplitude variations. When both strategies are employed, however, the sensitivity to amplitude variations is shown to reduce, thus indicating that the first strategy both increases the capacity and the ability to handle fluctuations in the received signal power.
We propose and demonstrate a single- and dual-wavelength switchable erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) by utilizing intracavity polarization selective filters based on tilted fiber gratings (TFGs). In the cavity, one 45° TFG functions as an in-fiber polarizer and the other 77° TFG is used as a fiber polarization dependent loss (PDL) filter. The combined polarization effect from these two TFGs enables the laser to switch between the single- and the dual-wavelength operation with a single-polarization state at room temperature. The laser output at each wavelength shows an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of >60 dB, a side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) of >50 dB, and a polarization extinction ratio of ~35 dB. The proposed EDFL can give stable output under laboratory conditions.
To elucidate the structures of orgamc molecules in solution using pulse FT NMR, heteronuclear pulse sequence experiments to probe carbon-13 (13C) and proton (1H) spin systems are invaluable. The one-dimensional insensitive nucleus detected PENDANT experiment finds popular use for structure determination via one-bond 13C-1H scalar couplings. PENDANT facilitates the desired increase in 13C signal-to-noise ratio, and unlike many other pulse sequence experiments (e.g., refocused INEPT and DEPT), allows the simultaneous detection of 13C quaternary nuclei. The tlrst chapter herein details the characterisation of PENDANT and the successful rectification of spectral anomalies that occur when it is used without proton broadband decoupling. Multiple-bond (long-range) l3C-1H scalar coupling correlations can yield important bonding information. When the molecule under scrutiny is devoid of proton spectral crowding, and more sensitive 'inverse' pulse sequence experiments are not available, one may use insensitive nucleus detected long-range selective one-dimensional correlation methods, rather than more time consuming and insensitive multidimensional analogues. To this end a novel long-range selective one-dimensional correlation pulse sequence experiment has been invented. Based on PENDANT, the new experiment is shown to rival the popular selective INEPT technique because it can determine the same correlations while simultaneously detecting isolated 13C quaternary nuclei. INEPT cannot facilitate this, potentially leaving other important quaternary nuclei undetected. The novel sequence has been modified further to yield a second novel experiment that simultaneously yields selective 13C transient nOe data. Consequently, the need to perform the two experiments back-to-back is conveniently removed, and the experimental time reduced. Finally, the SNARE pulse sequence was further developed. SNARE facilitates the reduction of experimental time by accelerating the relaxation of protons upon which pulse sequences, to which SNARE is appended, relies. It is shown, contrary to the original publication, that reiaxation time savings can be derived from negative nOes.
The work described in this thesis has been concerned with exploring the potential uses of ultrasound in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, The NMR spectra of liquids provide detailed structural information that may be deduced from the chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling, that are evident in the narrow resonances, arising from some of the nuclear broadening interactions being reduced to zero. In the solid state, all of the nuclear broadening interactions are present and broad lines in the NMR spectrum are observed. Current techniques employed to reduce the line widths in solids are based on coherent averaging techniques such as MAS NMR1,2 which can remove first order interactions. Recently DOR3 and DAS4 have become available to remove higher order interactions. SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids) has been reported by Homer et al5 and developed by Homer and Howard6 to reduce the line widths of solids. The basis of their work is the proposal that a colloidal suspension of solid particles can be made to move like large molecules by using ultrasonic agitation. The advantage of the technique is that the particles move incoherently removing all of the nuclear interactions responsible for broad lines. This thesis describes work on the extension of SINNMR by showing that the line width of 27AI and 11B for the glass Na20/B203/AI203 can be reduced by placing solid particles in a colloidal suspension. Further line width reduction is possible by applying ultrasound, at 2 MHz, of sufficient intensity. It is proposed that a cavitation field is responsible for imparting sufficient rotational motion to the solid particles to partially average the nuclear interactions responsible for broad lines. Rapid stirring of the colloidal suspension generates turbulent flow, however, the motion is insufficient to narrow the line widths for 27AI in the glass. Investigations of sonochemical reactions for in situ rate measurements by NMR have been made. 8y using the Weissler reaction7, it has been shown that ultrasonic cavitation is possible up to 10MHz. Preliminary studies have been carried out into the rate of ultrasonic polymerisation of methylmethacrylate by NMR. Long range order in liquid crystals can imposed when they are aligned in the presence a magnetic field. The degree of alignment can be monitored by NMR using, for example a deuterated solute added to the liquid crystal8. Ultrasonic streaming can then be employed to deflect the directors of the liquid crystal from their equilibrium position, resulting in a change In the NMR spectrum. The angle of deflection has been found for the thermotropic liquid crystal (I35) to be ca, 35° and for the lyotropic (ZLI-1167) to be ca, 20°, Mechanical stirring can used to re- orientate the liquid crystal but was found to give a smaller deflection, In a separate study, that did not use ultrasound, it has been found that the signal to noise ratio of 13C NMR signals can be enhanced by rapidly stirring a Iiquid. Accelerating the diffusion of nuclei out of the coil region enables M0 to be re-established more rapidly than the normal relaxation process. This allows the pulse repetition rate to be reduced without saturating the spin system. The influence of varying the relaxation delay, acquisition time and inter-pulse delay have been studied and parameters optimised. By studying cholesterol the technique was found to be most effective for nuclei with long relaxation times, such as quaternary carbon sites. Key Worde: NMR, Ulf.rasciund, 1,.lqi.fi!:l cryllltalt!h SCll1C1otlemlstryl I!r1hano~d algnflllf