29 resultados para Intervertebral disk displacement


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Study Design. Coculture assays of the migration and interaction of human intervertebral disc cells and chick sensory nerves on alternate substrata of collagen and aggrecan. Objective. To examine the effects of aggrecan on disc cell migration, how disc cells and sensory nerves interact, and whether disc cells affect previously reported inhibitory effects of aggrecan on sensory nerve growth. Summary of Background Data. Human intervertebral disc aggrecan is inhibitory to sensory nerve growth in vitro, suggesting that a loss of aggrecan from the disc may have a role in the increased innervation seen in disc degeneration. Endothelial cells that appear to co-migrate with nerves into degenerated intervertebral disc express neurotrophic factors, but the effects of disc cells on nerve growth are not known. Methods. Human disc cells were seeded onto tissue culture plates that had been coated with type I collagen and human intervertebral disc aggrecan. Explants of chick dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) were subsequently added to the plates and sensory neurite outgrowth stimulated by the addition of nerve growth factor. Time-lapse video and fluorescence microscopy were used to examine the migration and interaction of the disc cells and sensory neurites, in the context of the different matrix substrata. The effects of disc cell conditioned medium on nerve growth were also examined. Results. Disc cells spread and migrated on collagen until they encountered the aggrecan substrata, where some cells, but not all, were repelled. In coculture, DRG neurites extended onto the collagen/disc cells until they encountered the aggrecan, where, like the disc cells, many were repelled. However, in the presence of disc cells, some neurites were able to cross onto this normally inhibitory substratum. The number of neurite crossings onto aggrecan correlated significantly with the number of disc cells present on the aggrecan. In control experiments using DRG alone, all extending neurites were repelled at the collagen/aggrecan border. Conditioned medium from disc cell cultures stimulated DRG neurite outgrowth on collagen but did not increase neurite crossing onto aggrecan substrata. Conclusions. Human disc cells migrate across aggrecan substrata that are repellent to sensory DRG neurites. Disc cells synthesize neurotrophic factors in vitro that promote neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, the presence of disc cells in coculture with DRG partially abrogates the inhibitory effects of aggrecan on nerve growth. These findings have important implications for the regulation of nerve growth into the intervertebral disc, but whether disc cells promote nerve growth in vivo remains to be determined.


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STUDY DESIGN: The effect of human intervertebral disc aggrecan on endothelial cell growth was examined using cell culture assays. OBJECTIVE: To determine the response of endothelial cells to human intervertebral disc aggrecan, and whether the amount and type of aggrecan present in the intervertebral disc may be implicated in disc vascularization. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Intervertebral disc degeneration has been associated with a loss of proteoglycan, and the ingrowth of blood vessels and nerves. Neovascularization is a common feature also of disc herniation. Intervertebral disc aggrecan is inhibitory to sensory nerve growth, but the effects of disc aggrecan on endothelial cell growth are not known. METHODS: Aggrecan monomers were isolated separately from the anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus of human lumbar intervertebral discs, and characterized to determine the amount and type of sulfated glycosaminoglycan side chains present. The effects of these aggrecan isolates on the cellular adhesion and migration of the human endothelial cell lines, HMEC-1 and EAhy-926, were examined in vitro. RESULTS: Homogenous substrata of disc aggrecan inhibited endothelial cell adhesion and cell spreading in a concentration dependent manner. In substrata choice assays, endothelial cells seeded onto collagen type I migrated over the collagen until they encountered substrata of disc aggrecan, where they either stopped migrating, retreated onto the collagen, or, more commonly, changed direction to align along the collagen-aggrecan border. The inhibitory effect of aggrecan on endothelial cell migration was concentration dependent, and reduced by enzymatic treatment of the aggrecan monomers with a combination of chondroitinase ABC and keratinase/keratinase II. Anulus fibrosus aggrecan was more inhibitory to endothelial cell adhesion than nucleus pulposus aggrecan. However, this difference did not relate to the extent to which the different aggrecan isolates were charged, as determined by colorimetric assay with 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue, or to marked differences in the distribution of chondroitin sulfated and keratan sulfated side chains. CONCLUSIONS: Human intervertebral disc aggrecan is inhibitory to endothelial cell migration, and this inhibitory effect appears to depend, in part, on the presence of glycosaminoglycan side chains on the aggrecan monomer.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of human intervertebral disc aggrecan on nerve growth and guidance, using in vitro techniques. METHODS: Aggrecan extracted from human lumbar intervertebral discs was incorporated into tissue culture substrata for the culture of the human neuronal cell line, SH-SY5Y, or explants of chick dorsal root ganglia. The effects on nerve growth of different concentrations of aggrecan extracted from the anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus, and of these aggrecan preparations following enzymic deglycosylation, were compared. RESULTS: Disc aggrecan inhibited the growth of neurites from SH-SY5Y cells and induced growth cone turning of chick sensory neurites in a concentration-dependent manner. Aggrecan isolated from the anulus fibrosus was more inhibitory than that isolated from the nucleus pulposus, but enzymic pretreatments to reduce the glycosylation of both types of disc aggrecan partially abrogated their inhibitory effects. CONCLUSION: Nerve growth into degenerate intervertebral discs has been linked with the development of low back pain, but little is known about factors affecting disc innervation. The finding that disc aggrecan inhibits nerve growth in vitro, and that this inhibitory activity depends on aggrecan glycosylation, has important implications for our understanding of mechanisms that may regulate disc innervation in health and disease.


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We propose a self-reference multiplexed fibre interferometer (MFI) by using a tunable laser and fibre Bragg grating (FBG). The optical measurement system multiplexes two Michelson fibre interferometers with shared optical path in the main part of optical system. One fibre optic interferometer is used as a reference interferometer to monitor and control the high accuracy of the measurement system under environmental perturbations. The other is used as a measurement interferometer to obtain information from the target. An active phase tracking homodyne (APTH) technique is applied for signal processing to achieve high resolution. MFI can be utilised for high precision absolute displacement measurement with different combination of wavelengths from the tuneable laser. By means of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technique, MFI is also capable of realising on-line surface measurement, in which traditional stylus scanning is replaced by spatial light-wave scanning so as to greatly improve the measurement speed and robustness. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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In this letter, we report on a high-power operation of an optically pumped quantum-dot semiconductor disk laser designed for emission at 1180 nm. As a consequence of the optimization of the operation conditions, a record-high continuous-wave output power exceeding 7 W is obtained for this wavelength at a heat-sink temperature of 2 °C. A wavelength tuning over a range of 37 nm is achieved using a birefringent filter inside the cavity.


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This study extends a previous research concerning intervertebral motion registration by means of 2D dynamic fluoroscopy to obtain a more comprehensive 3D description of vertebral kinematics. The problem of estimating the 3D rigid pose of a CT volume of a vertebra from its 2D X-ray fluoroscopy projection is addressed. 2D-3D registration is obtained maximising a measure of similarity between Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs (obtained from the CT volume) and real fluoroscopic projection. X-ray energy correction was performed. To assess the method a calibration model was realised a sheep dry vertebra was rigidly fixed to a frame of reference including metallic markers. Accurate measurement of 3D orientation was obtained via single-camera calibration of the markers and held as true 3D vertebra position; then, vertebra 3D pose was estimated and results compared. Error analysis revealed accuracy of the order of 0.1 degree for the rotation angles of about 1mm for displacements parallel to the fluoroscopic plane, and of order of 10mm for the orthogonal displacement. © 2010 P. Bifulco et al.


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The concept of distributed Kerr-lens mode-locking and a thin-disk Yb:YAG oscillator based on this concept are presented. The described oscillator directly generates pulses with a duration of 49 fs and spectral width of 33 nm


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Geometric scaling of a Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:YAG thin-disk oscillator yields femtosecond pulses with an average output power of 270 W. The scaled system delivers femtosecond (210-330 fs) pulses with a peak power of 38 MW. These values of average and peak power surpass the performance of any previously reported femtosecond laser oscillator operated in atmospheric air.


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The synthesis of a novel heterocyclic–telechelic polymer, α,ω-oxetanyl-telechelic poly(3-nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane), is described. Infrared spectroscopy (IR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy have been used to confirm the successful synthesis, demonstrating the presence of the telechelic-oxetanyl moieties. Synthesis of the terminal functionalities has been achieved via displacement of nitrato groups, in a manner similar to that employed with other leaving groups such as azido, bromo, and nitro, initiated by nucleophiles. In the present case, displacement occurs on the ends of a nitrato-functionalized polymer driven by the formation of sodium nitrate, which is supported by the polar aprotic solvent N,N-dimethyl formamide. The formation of an alkoxide at the polymer chain ends is favored and allows internal back-biting to the nearest carbon bearing the nitrato group, intrinsically in an SN2(i) reaction, leading to α,ω-oxetanyl functionalization. The telechelic-oxetanyl moieties have the potential to be cross-linked by chemical (e.g., acidic) or radiative (e.g., ultraviolet) curing methods without the use of high temperatures, usually below 100°C. This type of material was designed for future use as a contraband simulant, whereby it would form the predominant constituent of elastomeric composites comprising rubbery polymer with small quantities of solids, typically crystals of contraband substances, such as explosives or narcotics. This method also provides an alternative approach to ring closure and synthesis of heterocycles.


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This paper will review the recent advances in the field of ultrashort pulse generation from optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (OP-VECSELs). In this review, we will summarize the most significant results presented over the last 15 years, before highlighting recent breakthroughs related to mode-locked VECSELs by different research groups. Different mode-locking techniques for OP-VECSELs are described in detail. Previously, saturable absorbers, such as semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors—external, or internal as in mode-locked integrated external-cavity surface emitting lasers (MIXSEL)—, and recently, novel-material-based carbon-nanotube and graphene saturable absorbers have been employed. A new mode-locking method was presented and discussed in recent years. This method is referred to as self-mode-locking or saturable-absorber-free operation of mode-locked VECSELs. In this context, we particularly focus on achievements regarding self-mode-locking, which is considered a promising technique for the realization of high-power, compact, robust and cost-efficient ultrashort pulse lasers. To date, the presented mode-locking techniques have led to great enhancement in average powers, peak powers, and repetition rates that can be achieved with passively mode-locked VECSELs.


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In the last decade, vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have become promising sources of ultrashort laser pulses. While the mode-locked operation has been strongly relying on costly semiconductor saturable-Absorber mirrors for many years, new techniques have been found for pulse formation. Mode-locking VECSELs are nowadays not only achievable by using a variety of saturable absorbers, but also by using a saturable-Absorber-free technique referred to as self-mode-locking (SML), which is to be highlighted here.