26 resultados para Home monitoring system
Aim: To evaluate OneTouch® Verio™ test strip performance at hypoglycaemic blood glucose (BG) levels (<3.9mmol/L [<70mg/dL]) at seven clinical studies. Methods: Trained clinical staff performed duplicate capillary BG monitoring system tests on 700 individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes using blood from a single fingerstick lancing. BG reference values were obtained using a YSI 2300 STAT™ Glucose Analyzer. The number and percentage of BG values within ±0.83. mmol/L (±15. mg/dL) and ±0.56. mmol/L (±10. mg/dL) were calculated at BG concentrations of <3.9. mmol/L (<70. mg/dL), <3.3. mmol/L (<60. mg/dL), and <2.8. mmol/L (<50. mg/dL). Results: At BG concentrations <3.9. mmol/L (<70. mg/dL), 674/674 (100%) of meter results were within ±0.83. mmol/L (±15. mg/dL) and 666/674 (98.8%) were within ±0.56. mmol/L (±10. mg/dL) of reference values. At BG concentrations <3.3. mmol/L (<60. mg/dL), and <2.8. mmol/L (<50. mg/dL), 358/358 (100%) and 270/270 (100%) were within ±0.56. mmol/L (±10. mg/dL) of reference values, respectively. Conclusion: In this analysis of data from seven independent studies, OneTouch Verio test strips provide highly accurate results at hypoglycaemic BG levels. © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Background: Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of visual disability in people over 60 years of age in the developed world. The success of treatment deteriorates with increased latency of diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the macular mapping test (MMT), and to investigate its potential as a screening tool. Methods: The study population comprised of 31 healthy eyes of 31 participants. To assess reliability, four macular mapping test (MMT) measurements were taken in two sessions separated by one hour by two practitioners, with reversal of order in the second session. MMT readings were also taken from 17 age-related maculopathy (ARM), and 12 AMD affected eyes. Results: For the normal cohort, average MMT scores ranged from 85.5 to 100.0 MMT points. Scores ranged from 79.0 to 99.0 for the ARM group and from 9.0 to 92.0 for the AMD group. MMT scores were reliable to within ± 7.0 points. The difference between AMD affected eyes and controls (z = 3.761, p = < 0.001) was significant. The difference between ARM affected eyes and controls was not significant (z = -0.216, p = 0.829). Conclusion: The reliability data shows that a change of 14 points or more is required to indicate a clinically significant change. This value is required for use of the MMT as an outcome measure in clinical trials. Although there was no difference between MMT scores from ARM affected eyes and controls, the MMT has the advantage over the Amsler grid in that it uses a letter target, has a peripheral fixation aid, and it provides a numerical score. This score could be beneficial in office and home monitoring of AMD progression, as well as an outcome measure in clinical research. © 2005 Bartlett et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This study aims to investigate to what extent the views of the managers of the enterprises to be privatized are a barrier to smooth implementation of privatization as opposed to other problems. Accordingly, the research tackles two main issues: Identification and analysis of the major problems encountered in the implementation of the Egyptian privatization programme and at which level these problems exist while proposing different approaches to tackle them; and views of public sector top and middle-level managers regarding the main issues of privatization. The study relies upon a literature survey, interviews with stakeholders, a survey of managers' attitudes and several illustrative case studies. A model of "good practice" for the smooth and effective implementation of privatization has been designed. Practice in Egypt has then been studied and compared with the "good practice" model. Lack of strictness and firmness in implementing the announced privatization programme has been found to be a characteristic of Egyptian practice. This is partly attributable to the inadequacy of the programme and partly to the different obstacles to implementation. The main obstacles are doubtful desirability of privatization on the part of the managers at different implementation levels, resistance of stakeholders, in adequately of the legal framework governing privatization, redundant labour, lack of an efficient monitoring system allowing for accountability, inefficient marketing of privatization, ineffective communication, insufficient information at different levels and problems related to valuation and selling procedures. A large part of the thesis is concerned with SOE (State Owned Enterprise) managers' attitudes on and understanding of the privatization (appraised through surveys). Although most managers have stated their acceptance of privatization, many of their responses show that they do not accept selling SOEs. They understand privatization to include enterprise reform and restructuring, changing procedures and giving more authority to company executives, but not necessarily as selling SOEs. The majority of managers still see many issues that have to be addressed for smooth implementation of privatization e.g. insufficiency of information, incompleteness of legal framework, restructuring and labour problems. The main contribution to knowledge of this thesis is the study of problems of implementing privatization in developing countries especially managers' resistance to privatization as a major change, partly because of the threat it poses and partly because of the lack of understanding of privatization and implications of operating private businesses. A programme of persuading managers and offsetting the unfavourable effects is recommended as an outcome of the study. Five different phrases and words for the national Index to theses are: Egypt, privatization, implementation of privatization, problems of implementing privatization and managers' attitudes towards privatization.
An experimental investigation into the Acoustic Emission (AE) response of sand has been undertaken, and the use of AE as a method of yield point identification has been assessed. Dense, saturated samples of sand were tested in conventional triaxial apparatus. The measurements of stresses and strains were carried out according to current research practice. The AE monitoring system was integrated with the soil mechanics equipment in such a way that sample disturbance was minimised. During monotonically loaded, constant cell pressure tests the total number of events recorded was found to increase at an increasing rate in a manner which may be approximated by a power law. The AE response of the sand was found to be both stress level and stress path dependent. Undrained constant cell pressure tests showed that, unlike drained tests, the AE event rate increased at an increasing rate; this was shown to correlate with the mean effective stress variation. The stress path dependence was most noticeable in extension tests, where the number of events recorded was an order of magnitude less than that recorded in comparable compression tests. This stress path dependence was shown to be due to the differences in the work done by the external stresses. In constant cell pressure tests containing unload/reload cycles it was found that yield could be identified from a discontinuity in the event rate/time curve which occurred during reloading. Further tests involving complex stress paths showed that AE was a useful method of yield point identification. Some tests involving large stress reversals were carried out, and AE identified the inverse yield points more distinctly than conventional methods of yield point identification.
The thesis deals with the background, development and description of a mathematical stock control methodology for use within an oil and chemical blending company, where demand and replenishment lead-times are generally non-stationary. The stock control model proper relies on, as input, adaptive forecasts of demand determined for an economical forecast/replenishment period precalculated on an individual stock-item basis. The control procedure is principally that of the continuous review, reorder level type, where the reorder level and reorder quantity 'float', that is, each changes in accordance with changes in demand. Two versions of the Methodology are presented; a cost minimisation version and a service level version. Realising the importance of demand forecasts, four recognised variations of the Trigg and Leach adaptive forecasting routine are examined. A fifth variation, developed, is proposed as part of the stock control methodology. The results of testing the cost minimisation version of the Methodology with historical data, by means of a computerised simulation, are presented together with a description of the simulation used. The performance of the Methodology is in addition compared favourably to a rule-of-thumb approach considered by the Company as an interim solution for reducing stack levels. The contribution of the work to the field of scientific stock control is felt to be significant for the following reasons:- (I) The Methodology is designed specifically for use with non-stationary demand and for this reason alone appears to be unique. (2) The Methodology is unique in its approach and the cost-minimisation version is shown to work successfully with the demand data presented. (3) The Methodology and the thesis as a whole fill an important gap between complex mathematical stock control theory and practical application. A brief description of a computerised order processing/stock monitoring system, designed and implemented as a pre-requisite for the Methodology's practical operation, is presented as an appendix.
This thesis records the design and development of an electrically driven, air to water, vapour compression heat pump of nominally 6kW heat output, for residential space heating. The study was carried out on behalf of GEC Research Ltd through the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme at Aston University. A computer based mathematical model of the vapour compression cycle was produced as a design aid, to enable the effects of component design changes or variations in operating conditions to be predicted. This model is supported by performance testing of the major components, which revealed that improvements in the compressor isentropic efficiency offer the greatest potential for further increases in cycle COPh. The evaporator was designed from first principles, and is based on wire-wound heat transfer tubing. Two evaporators, of air side area 10.27 and 16.24m2, were tested in a temperature and humidity controlled environment, demonstrating that the benefits of the large coil are greater heat pump heat output and lower noise levels. A systematic study of frost growth rates suggested that this problem is most severe at the conditions of saturated air at 0oC combined with low condenser water temperature. A dynamic simulation model was developed to predict the in-service performance of the heat pump. This study confirmed the importance of an adequate radiator area for heat pump installations. A prototype heat pump was designed and manufactured, consisting of a hermetic reciprocating compressor, a coaxial tube condenser and a helically coiled evaporator, using Refrigerant 22. The prototype was field tested in a domestic environment for one and a half years. The installation included a comprehensive monitoring system. Initial problems were encountered with defrosting and compressor noise, both of which were solved. The unit then operated throughout the 1985/86 heating season without further attention, producing a COPh of 2.34.
The main objective of the project is to enhance the already effective health-monitoring system (HUMS) for helicopters by analysing structural vibrations to recognise different flight conditions directly from sensor information. The goal of this paper is to develop a new method to select those sensors and frequency bands that are best for detecting changes in flight conditions. We projected frequency information to a 2-dimensional space in order to visualise flight-condition transitions using the Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) and a variant which supports simultaneous feature selection. We created an objective measure of the separation between different flight conditions in the visualisation space by calculating the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) fitted to each class: the higher the KL-divergence, the better the interclass separation. To find the optimal combination of sensors, they were considered in pairs, triples and groups of four sensors. The sensor triples provided the best result in terms of KL-divergence. We also found that the use of a variational training algorithm for the GMMs gave more reliable results.
Nearly a third of UK gas and electricity is used in homes, of which 80% is for space heating and hot water provision. Rising consumer bills, concerns about climate change and the surge in personal digital technology use has provoked the development of intelligent domestic heating controls. Whilst the need for having suitable control of the home heating system is essential for reducing domestic energy use, these heating controls rely on appropriate user interaction to achieve a saving and it is unclear whether these ‘smart’ heating controls enhance the use of domestic heating or reduce energy demand. This paper describes qualitative research undertaken with a small sample of UK householders to understand how people use new heating controls installed in their homes and what the requirements are for improved smart heating control design. The paper identifies, against Nielsen’s usability heuristics, the divergence between the householder’s use, understanding and expectations of the heating system and the actual design of the system. Digital and smart heating control systems should be designed to maximise usability so that they can be effectively used for efficient heating control by all users. The research highlights the need for development of new systems to readdress the needs of users and redefine the system requirements.
Background: Remote, non-invasive and objective tests that can be used to support expert diagnosis for Parkinson's disease (PD) are lacking. Methods: Participants underwent baseline in-clinic assessments, including the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), and were provided smartphones with an Android operating system that contained a smartphone application that assessed voice, posture, gait, finger tapping, and response time. Participants then took the smart phones home to perform the five tasks four times a day for a month. Once a week participants had a remote (telemedicine) visit with a Parkinson disease specialist in which a modified (excluding assessments of rigidity and balance) UPDRS performed. Using statistical analyses of the five tasks recorded using the smartphone from 10 individuals with PD and 10 controls, we sought to: (1) discriminate whether the participant had PD and (2) predict the modified motor portion of the UPDRS. Results: Twenty participants performed an average of 2.7 tests per day (68.9% adherence) for the study duration (average of 34.4 days) in a home and community setting. The analyses of the five tasks differed between those with Parkinson disease and those without. In discriminating participants with PD from controls, the mean sensitivity was 96.2% (SD 2%) and mean specificity was 96.9% (SD 1.9%). The mean error in predicting the modified motor component of the UPDRS (range 11-34) was 1.26 UPDRS points (SD 0.16). Conclusion: Measuring PD symptoms via a smartphone is feasible and has potential value as a diagnostic support tool.
In view of the increasingly complexity of services logic and functional requirements, a new system architecture based on SOA was proposed for the equipment remote monitoring and diagnosis system. According to the design principles of SOA, different levels and different granularities of services logic and functional requirements for remote monitoring and diagnosis system were divided, and a loosely coupled web services system was built. The design and implementation schedule of core function modules for the proposed architecture were presented. A demo system was used to validate the feasibility of the proposed architecture.
Monitoring is essential for conservation of sites, but capacity to undertake it in the field is often limited. Data collected by remote sensing has been identified as a partial solution to this problem, and is becoming a feasible option, since increasing quantities of satellite data in particular are becoming available to conservationists. When suitably classified, satellite imagery can be used to delineate land cover types such as forest, and to identify any changes over time. However, the conservation community lacks (a) a simple tool appropriate to the needs for monitoring change in all types of land cover (e.g. not just forest), and (b) an easily accessible information system which allows for simple land cover change analysis and data sharing to reduce duplication of effort. To meet these needs, we developed a web-based information system which allows users to assess land cover dynamics in and around protected areas (or other sites of conservation importance) from multi-temporal medium resolution satellite imagery. The system is based around an open access toolbox that pre-processes and classifies Landsat-type imagery, and then allows users to interactively verify the classification. These data are then open for others to utilize through the online information system. We first explain imagery processing and data accessibility features, and then demonstrate the toolbox and the value of user verification using a case study on Nakuru National Park, Kenya. Monitoring and detection of disturbances can support implementation of effective protection, assist the work of park managers and conservation scientists, and thus contribute to conservation planning, priority assessment and potentially to meeting monitoring needs for Aichi target 11.