24 resultados para Hanson


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Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy can alter postnatal phenotype and increase susceptibility to adult cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that maternal low protein diet (LPD), fed exclusively during mouse preimplantation development, leads to offspring with increased weight from birth, sustained hypertension, and abnormal anxiety-related behavior, especially in females. These adverse outcomes were interrelated with increased perinatal weight being predictive of later adult overweight and hypertension. Embryo transfer experiments revealed that the increase in perinatal weight was induced within blastocysts responding to preimplantation LPD, independent of subsequent maternal environment during later pregnancy. We further identified the embryo-derived visceral yolk sac endoderm (VYSE) as one mediator of this response. VYSE contributes to fetal growth through endocytosis of maternal proteins, mainly via the multiligand megalin (LRP2) receptor and supply of liberated amino acids. Thus, LPD maintained throughout gestation stimulated VYSE nutrient transport capacity and megalin expression in late pregnancy, with enhanced megalin expression evident even when LPD was limited to the preimplantation period. Our results demonstrate that in a nutrient-restricted environment, the preimplantation embryo activates physiological mechanisms of developmental plasticity to stablize conceptus growth and enhance postnatal fitness. However, activation of such responses may also lead to adult excess growth and cardiovascular and behavioral diseases. © 2008 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.


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A key factor in the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for diverse species is the safety of procedures for long-term health. By using a mouse model, we have investigated the effect of in vitro culture and embryo transfer (ET) of superovulated embryos on postnatal growth and physiological activity compared with that of embryos developing in vivo. Embryo culture from two-cell to blastocyst stages in T6 medium either with or without a protein source reduced blastocyst trophectoderm and inner cell mass cell number compared with that of embryos developing in vivo. Embryo culture and ET had minimal effects on postnatal growth when compared with in vivo development with an equivalent litter size. However, embryo culture, and to a lesser extent ET, led to an enhanced systolic blood pressure at 21 weeks compared with in vivo development independent of litter size, maternal origin, or body weight. Moreover, activity of enzymatic regulators of cardiovascular and metabolic physiology, namely, serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and the gluconeogenesis controller, hepatic phosphoeno/pyruvate carboxykinase, were significantly elevated in response to embryo culture and/or ET in female offspring at 27 weeks, independent of maternal factors and postnatal growth. These animal data indicate that postnatal physiological criteria important in cardiovascular and metabolic health may be more sensitive to routine ART procedures than growth. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA.


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Assessment of oral drug bioavailability is an important parameter for new chemical entities (NCEs) in drug development cycle. After evaluating the pharmacological response of these new molecules, the following critical stage is to investigate their in vitro permeability. Despite the great success achieved by prodrugs, covalent linking the drug molecule with a hydrophobic moiety might result in a new entity that might be toxic or ineffective. Therefore, an alternative that would improve the drug uptake without affecting the efficacy of the drug molecule would be advantageous. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of ion-pairing on the permeability profile of a model drug: indomethacin (IND) to understand the mechanism behind the permeability improvement across Caco-2 monolayers. Arginine and lysine formed ion-pairs with IND at various molar ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 as reflected by the double reciprocal graphs. The partitioning capacities of the IND were evaluated using octanol/water partitioning studies and the apparent permeabilities (P app) were measured across Caco-2 monolayers for the different formulations. Partitioning studies reflected the high hydrophobicity of IND (Log P = 3) which dropped upon increasing the concentrations of arginine/lysine in the ion pairs. Nevertheless, the prepared ion pairs improved IND permeability especially after 60 min of the start of the experiment. Coupling partitioning and permeability results suggest a decrease in the passive transcellular uptake due to the drop in IND portioning capacities and a possible involvement of active carriers. Future work will investigate which transport gene might be involved in the absorption of the ion paired formulations using molecular biology technologies. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause peptic ulcer disease, but whether they interact with Helicobacter pylori to promote damage is controversial. Moreover, the reported induction of apoptosis in gastric cells by H. pylori lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (10-9 g /ml) contrasts with studies showing low immunological potency of this LPS. Therefore, the effects of LPS from H. pylori NCTC 11637 and Escherichia coli 0111:B4 on apoptosis in a primary culture of guinea-pig gastric mucous cells were investigated in the presence and absence of the NSAID, ibuprofen. Cell loss was estimated by a crystal violet assay, and apoptosis determined from caspase activity and from condensation and fragmentation of nuclei. Exposure to E. coli LPS for 24 h caused cell loss and enhanced apoptotic activity at concentrations ≥ 10-9 g/ml, but similar effects were only obtained with H. pylori LPS at concentrations ≥10-6 g/ml. Although ibuprofen (250 μM) caused cell loss and apoptosis, addition of either E. coli or H. pylori LPSs further enhanced these effects. In conclusion, LPS and ibuprofen interact to enhance gastric cell loss and apoptosis. In such interactions, E. coli LPS is more potent than that of H. pylori. The low potency of H. pylori LPS may contribute to a chronic low-grade gastritis that can be enhanced by the use of NSAIDs. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.


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The 'ion-trapping' hypothesis suggests that the intracellular concentration of acidic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in gastric epithelial cells could be much higher than in the gastric lumen, and that such accumulation could contribute to their gastrotoxicity. Our aim was to examine the effect of the pH of the apical medium on the apical to basal transfer of the acidic drug indomethacin (pK a 4.5) across a gastric mucous epithelial cell monolayer, and to determine whether indomethacin accumulated in cells exposed to a low apical pH. Guinea-pig gastric mucous epithelial cells were grown on porous membrane culture inserts (Transwells®) for 72 h. Transfer and accumulation of [ 14C] indomethacin were assessed by scintillation counting. Transfer of [ 3H]mannitol and measurement of trans-epithelial electrical resistance were used to assess integrity of the monolayer. Distribution of [ 14C] urea was used to estimate the intracellular volume of the monolayer. The monolayer was not disrupted by exposure of the apical face to media of pH ≥ 3, or by indomethacin. Transfer of indomethacin (12 μM) to the basal medium increased with decreasing apical medium pH. The apparent permeability of the undissociated acid was estimated to be five times that of the anion. The intracellular concentration of indomethacin was respectively 5.3, 4.1 and 4.3 times that in the apical medium at pH 5.5, 4.5 and 3.0. In conclusion, this study represents the first direct demonstration that indomethacin accumulates in gastric epithelial cells exposed to low apical pH. However, accumulation of indomethacin was moderate and the predictions of the ion-trapping hypothesis were not met, probably due to the substantial permeability of anionic indomethacin across membranes. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Ped (preimplantation embryo development) gene, whose product is Qa-2 protein, is correlated with a faster rate of preimplantation development (Ped fast phenotype) in mice that express Qa-2 protein compared with mice with an absence of Qa-2 protein (Ped slow phenotype). In the current study, we have used two congenic mouse strains differentially expressing the Ped gene, strain B6.K1 (Ped slow; Qa-2 negative) and strain B6.K2 (Ped fast; Qa-2 positive), to investigate the effects of Ped gene expression on postnatal growth profiles, systolic blood pressure and adult organ allometry. At birth, B6.K1 mice were moderately lighter than B6.K2 mice. B6.K1 mice became heavier during postnatal life (P


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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) induce apoptosis in gastrointestinal cancer cell lines. Similar actions on normal gastric epithelial cells could contribute to NSAID gastropathy. The present work therefore compared the actions of diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and the cyclo-oxygenase-2 selective inhibitor, NS-398, on a primary culture of guinea-pig gastric mucous epithelial cells. Cell number was assessed by staining with crystal violet. Apoptotic activity was determined by condensation and fragmentation of nuclei and by assay of caspase-3-like activity. Necrosis was evaluated from release of cellular enzymes. Ibuprofen (250 μM for 24 h) promoted cell loss, and apoptosis, under both basal conditions and when apoptosis was increased by 25 μM N-Hexanoyl-D-sphingosine (C6-ceramide). Diclofenac (250 μM for 24 h) reduced the proportion of apoptotic nuclei from 5.2 to 2.1%, and caused inhibition of caspase-3-like activity, without causing necrosis under basal conditions. No such reduction in apoptotic activity was evident in the presence of 25 μM C6-ceramide. The inhibitory effect of diclofenac on basal caspase-3-like activity was also exhibited by the structurally similar mefenamic and flufenamic acids (1–250 μM), but not by niflumic acid. Inhibition of superoxide production by the cells increased caspase-3-like activity, but the inhibitory action of diclofenac on caspase activity remained. Diclofenac did not affect superoxide production. Diclofenac inhibited caspase-3-like activity in cell homogenates and also inhibited human recombinant caspase-3. In conclusion, NSAIDs vary in their effect on apoptotic activity in a primary culture of guinea-pig gastric mucous epithelial cells, and the inhibitory effect of diclofenac on basal apoptosis could involve an action on caspase activity.


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The effect of nitric oxide (NO) on apoptosis in the gastrointestinal mucosa was investigated. Experiments involved long-term exposure of rat gastric mucosal cells in vitro to exogenous NO delivered from the NO, donor S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine, and the effect of intravenous administration of lipopolysaccharide in vivo, in the presence and absence of the selective inhibitor of inducible NO synthase N-(3-(aminomethyl)benzyl) acetamidine (1400 W). S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine produced a dose-related inhibition of caspase 3-like activity and DNA fragmentation in isolated gastric mucosal cells. Caspase 3-like activity and DNA fragmentation in gastric, ileal and colonic mucosa were increased both 5 and 24 h after injection of lipopolysaccharide (3 mg/kg, i.v.) to rats in vivo. Administration of 1400 W (5 mg/kg, i.v.) immediately after lipopolysaccharide enhanced caspase 3-like activity and DNA fragmentation above that found with lipopolysaccharide alone. In conclusion, data obtained both in vitro and in vivo suggest that NO exerts an anti-apoptotic effect on rat gastrointestinal mucosal cells. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Drug resistance was first identified in cancer cells that express proteins known as multidrug resistance proteins that extrude the therapeutic agents out of the cells resulting in alteration of pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and pharmacodynamics of drugs. To this end studies were carried out to investigate the role of pharmacological inhibitors and pharmaceutical excipients with a primary focus on P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The aim of this study was to investigate holistic changes in transporter gene expression during permeability upon formulation of indomethacin as solid dispersion. Initial characterization studies of solid dispersion of indomethacin showed that the drug was dispersed within the carrier in amorphous form. Analysis of permeability data across Caco-2 monolayers revealed that drug absorption increased by 4-fold when reformulated as solid dispersion. The last phase of the work involved investigation of gene expression changes of transporter genes during permeability. The results showed that there were significant differences in the expression of both ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes as well as solute carrier transporter (SLC) genes suggesting that the inclusion of polyethylene glycol as well as changes in molecular form of drug from crystalline to amorphous have a significant bearing on the expression of transporter network genes resulting in differences in drug permeability. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.