34 resultados para Gels


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This thesis concerns cell adhesion to polymer surfaces with an experimental emphasis on hydrogels. The thesis begins with a review of the literature and a synthesis of recent evidence to describe the process of cell adhesion in a given situation. The importance of understanding integrin-adhesion protein interactions and adhesion protein-surface interactions is emphasised. The experimental chapters describe three areas of investigation. Firstly, in vitro cell culture techniques are used to explore a variety of surfaces including polyethylene glycol methacrylate (PEGMA) substituted hydrogels, sequence distribution modified hydrogels and worn contact lenses. Cell adhesion to PEGMA substituted gels is found to decrease with increases in polyethylene oxide chain length and correlations are made between sequence distribution and adhesion. Worn contact lenses are investigated for their cell adhesion properties in the presence of antibodies to specific adhesion proteins, demonstrating the presence of vitronectin and fibronectin on the lenses. The second experimental chapter addresses divalent cation regulation of integrin mediated cell adhesion. Several cell types and various cations are used. Zinc, previously not regarded as an important cation in the process, is found to inhibit 3T3 cell adhesion to vitronectin that is promoted by other divalent cations. The final experimental chapter concerns cell adhesion and growth on macroporous hydrogels. A variety of freeze-thaw formed porous gels are investiated and found generally to promote cell growth rate.Interpenetrating networkbased gels (IPN) are made porous by elution of dextrin particles of varying size and loading density. These materials provide the basis for synthetic cartilage. Cartilage cells (chondrocytes) plated onto the surface of the porous IPN materials maintain a rounded shape and hence phenotypic function when a critical pore size and density is achieved. In this way, a prospective implant, made porous at the perpendicular edges contacting natural cartilage can be both mechanically stabilised and encourage the maintenance of normal matrix production at the tissue interface.


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This thesis is concerned with the development of hydrogels that adhere to skin and can be used for topical or trans dermal release of active compounds for therapeutic or cosmetic use. The suitability of a range of monomers and initiator systems for the production of skin adhesive hydro gels by photopolymerisation was explored and an approximate order of monomer reactivity in aqueous solution was determined. Most notably, the increased reactivity of N-vinyl pyrrolidone within an aqueous system, as compared to its low rate of polymerisation in organic solvents, was observed. The efficacy of a series of photoinitiator systems for the preparation of sheet hydrogels was investigated. Supplementary redox and thermal initiators were also examined. The most successful initiator system was found to be Irgacure 184, which is commonly used in commercial moving web production systems that employ photopolymerisation. The influence of ionic and non-ionic monomers, crosslinking systems, water and glycerol on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour of partially hydrated hydrogel systems was examined. The aim was to manipulate hydrogel behaviour to modify topical and transdermal delivery capability and investigated the possibility of using monomer combinations that would influence the release characteristics of gels by modifying their hydrophobic and ionic nature. The copolymerisation of neutral monomers (N-vinyl pyrrolidone, N,N-dimethyl acrylamide and N-acryloyl morpholine) with ionic monomers (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulphonic acid; sodium salt, and the potassium salt of 3-sulphopropyl acrylate) formed the basis of the study. Release from fully and partially hydrated hydrogels was studied, using model compounds and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Ibuprofen. Release followed a common 3-stage kinetic profile that includes an initial burst phase, a secondary phase of approximate first order release and a final stage of infinitesimally slow release such that the compound is effectively retained within the hydrogel. Use of partition coefficients, the pKa of the active and a knowledge of charge-based and polar interactions of polymer and drug were complementary in interpreting experimental results. In summary, drug ionisation, hydrogel composition and external release medium characteristics interact to influence release behaviour. The information generated provides the basis for the optimal design of hydrogels for specific dermal release applications and some understanding of the limitations of these systems for controlled release applications.


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The aim of the project was to synthesise hydrophilic derivatives of 1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (DHCD) and to copolymerise these derivatives with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to give a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It was thought that hydro gels incorporating hydrophilic derivatives of DHCD could have good mechanical properties and good water binding ability. A model compound for cis-DHCD was sought, as cis-DHCD was expensive and stable under only a narrow range of conditions. Catechol was found to be an excellent model for cis-DHCD, as 1H NMR spectroscopy indicated that both compounds contained eclipsed hydroxy groups and flat rings. A number of catechol derivatives were prepared in good yield, under non-acidic conditions at room temperature. The limited availabilty of cis-DHCD led to an investigation into synthesising hydrophilic derivatives of both cis and trans-DHCD indirectly. Hydrophobic derivatives were easily prepared by indirect routes, but it was found that hydrophilic derivatives were considerably more difficult to synthesise. A number of novel routes to both cis and trans-DHCD were also explored. Copolymerisation of diacetate, dimethylcarbonate and dipivalate derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to form a hitherto unknown group of hydrogels, is reported. Hydrogels containing these monomers showed significant improvements in both tensile strength and Youngs modulus, at both equivalent composition and water content, over the corresponding HEMA / styrene and HEMA / methyl methacrylate analogues. It was observed that derivatives of trans-DHCD polymerise with difficulty. 1H NMR studies indicated that both faces of the ring were shielded by the pendant groups thereby preventing efficient polymerisation of the trans monomers.


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Alginate is widely used as a viscosity enhancer in many different pharmaceutical formulations. The aim of this thesis is to quantitatively describe the functions of this polyelectrolyte in pharmaceutical systems. To do this the techniques used were Viscometry, Light Scattering, Continuous and Oscillatory Shear Rheometry, Numerical Analysis and Diffusion. Molecular characterization of the Alginate was carried out using Viscometry and Light Scattering to determine the molecular weight, the radius of gyration, the second virial coefficient and the Kuhn statistical segment length. The results showed good agreement with similar parameters obtained in previous studies. By blending Alginate with other polyelectrolytes, Xanthan Gum and 'Carbopol', in various proportions and with various methods of low and high shear preparation, a very wide range of dynamic rheological properties was found. Using oscillatory testing, the parameters often varied over several decades of magnitude. It was shown that the determination of the viscous and elastic components is particularly useful in describing the rheological 'profiles' of suspending agent blends and provides a step towards the non-empirical formulation of pharmaceutical disperse systems. Using numerical analysis of equations describing planar diffusion, it was shown that the analysis of drug release profiles alone does not provide unambiguous information about the mechanism of rate control. These principles were applied to the diffusion of Ibuprofen in Calcium Alginate gels. For diffusion in such non-Newtonian systems, emphasis was placed on the use of the elastic as well as the viscous component of viscoelasticity. It was found that the diffusion coefficients were relatively unaffected by increases in polymer concentration up to 5 per cent, yet the elasticities measured by oscillatory shear rheometry were increased. This was interpreted in the light of several theories of diffusion in gels.


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A clinical isolate of Proteus mirabilis containing R-plasmid RP1 (R+ cells), grown in both iron- and carbon- limited chemically defined media in mixed culture with plasmid-free (R- cells), did not disappear as expected, due to adherence of R+ cells to the wall of the chemostat vessel. Plasmid RP1 promoted adherence to glass and to medical prostheses. The hydrophobicity and surface charge of R+ cells were different from those of R- cells and both factors may contribute to the adherence of R+ cells to surfaces. The mode of cultivation of the cells, whether batch or continuous culture, were also found to affect the result. Antibodies raised against homologous cells increased the surface hydrophobicity of both R+ and R- cells and eliminated the differences between them. Results for surface hydrophobicity varied with the method used for measuring it. R+ cells were more sensitive than R- cells to tbe bacteridical action of normal serum and whole blood and to phagocytosis as measured by chemiluminescence. No clear differences were revealed in the protein antigens of R+ and R- cells by both SDS PAGE gels and immunoblots reacted with homologous antibodies. However, lectins revealed differences in the sugars exposed on the cell surfaces. Chemical analysis of R&43 and R- cells also revealed differences in the content of 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonate, lipopolysaccharide and total fatty acids, when cells were grown in media containing added iron; however, no qualitative differences in the lipopolysaccharide were found. Removal of iron from the medium was found to have considerable effects on the chemical structure of R+ cells but not of R- ones. Adhesion to prostheses and to leucocytes is discussed in the light of the results and the clinical relevance outlined with respect to the initiation of infection and the association of virulence with antibiotic resistance.


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Recent technological advances have resulted in the production of safe subunit and synthetic small peptide vaccines. Unfortunately, these vaccines are weakly or non-immunogenic in the absence of an immunological adjuvant (agents that can induce strong immunity to antigens). In addition, in order to prevent and/or control infection at the mucosal surface, stimulation of the mucosal immune system is essential. This may be achieved via the common mucosal immune system by exposure to antigen at a mucosal surface remote from the area of infection. Initial studies investigated the potential of multiple emulsions in effecting oral absorption and the subsequent immune responses to a lipopolysaccharide vaccine (LPS) after immunisation. Nasal delivery of LPS was carried out in parallel work using either aqueous solution or gel formulations. Tetanus toxoid vaccine in simple solution was delivered to guinea pigs as free antigen or entrapped in DSPC liposomes. In addition, adsorbed tetanus toxoid vaccine was delivered nasally free or in an aerosil gel formulation. This work was extended to investigate guinea pigs immunised by various mucosal routes with a herpes simplex virus subunit vaccine prepared from virus infected cells and delivered in gels, multiple emulsions and liposomes. Comparable serum antibody responses resulted but failed to produce enhanced protection against vaginal challenge when compared to subcutaneous immunisation with alhydrogel adjuvanted vaccine. Thus, immunisation of the mucosal surface by these methods may have been inadequate. These studies were extended in an attempt to protect against HSV genital challenge by construction of an attenuated Salmonella typhimurium HWSH aroA mutant expressing a cloned glycoprotein D-l gene fused to the Es-cherichia coli lac z promoter. Preliminary work on the colonisation of guinea pigs with S. typhimurium HWSH aroA mutants were carried out, with the aim of using the guinea pig HSV vaginal model to investigate protection.


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The HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cell line, like many epithelial cells, displays an undifferentiated phenotype when cultured on plastic substrata. Biochemical markers of differentiation, such as brush border associated enzymes and carcinoembryonic antigen were expressed at very low levels. The differentiation-inducing effects of the culture of HT-29 cells on collagen type I gels were evaluated, and were assessed by morphological appearance, brush border associated enzyme activities and the secretion of CEA. The effect that this more physiological environment had on their chemosensitivity to a panel of chemotherapeutic agents was determined, so as to indicate whether this system could be used to improve the selectivity of screening for novel anticancer agents. Initial studies were performed on HT-29 cells derived from cells seeded directly from plastic substrata onto the collagen gels (designated Non-PPC gels). Their time of exposure to the collagen was limited to the time course of a single experiment and the results suggested that a longer, more permanent exposure might produce a more pronounced differentiation. HT-29 cells were then passaged continuously on collagen gels for a minimum of 10 passages prior to experimentation (designated PPC gels). The same parameters were measured, and compared to those for the cells grown on plastic and on the non-passaged collagen gels (Non-PPC) from the original studies. Permanently passaged cells displayed a similar degree of morphological differentiation as the non-passaged cells, with both culture conditions resulting in a more pronounced differentiation than that achieved by culture on plastic. It was noted that the morphological differentiation observed was very heterogeneous, a situation also seen in xenografted tumours in vivo. The activity of alkaline phosphatase and the production of CEA was higher in the cells passaged on collagen (PPC) than the cells cultured on non-passaged collagen gel (Non-PPC) and plastic. The biochemical determination of aminopeptidase activity showed that collagen gel culture enhanced the activity in both non-passaged and passaged HT-29 cells above that of the cells cultured on plastic. However, immunocytochemical localization of aminopeptidase and sucrase-isomaltase of samples of cells grown on the various substrata for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days showed a reduction in both enzymes in the cells grown on collagen gels when compared to cells grown on plastic. The reason for the discrepancy between the two assays for aminopeptidase is at this stage unexplained. Although, there was evidence to suggest that the culture of HT-29 cells on collagen gels was capable of inducing morphological and biochemical markers of enterocytic differentiation, there were no differences in the chemosensitivity of the different cell groups to a panel of anticancer agents. Preliminary studies suggested that the ability of the cells to polarize by their culture on porous filter chambers without any exogenous ECM was sufficient to enhance HT-29 differentiation and the onset of differentiation was probably correlated with the production of ECM by the cells themselves.


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Chronic experimental lung infection in rats was induced by intratracheal inoculation of agar beads containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria were recovered directly without subculture from the lungs of rats at 14 days post-infection and the outer membrane (OM) antigens were studied. The results indicated that bacteria grew under iron-restricted conditions as revealed by the expression of several iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) which could also be observed when the isolate was grown under iron-depleted conditions in laboratory media. The antibody response to P. aeruginosa OM protein antigens was investigated by immunoblotting with serum and lung fluid from infected rats. These fluids contained antibodies to all the major OM proteins, including the IRMPs, and protein H1. Results obtained using immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was the major antigen recognised by antibodies in sera from infected rats. The animal model was used to follow the development of the immune response to P. aeruginosa protein and LPS antigens. Immunoblotting was used to investigate the antigens recognised by antibodies in sequential serum samples. An antibody response to the IRMPs and OM proteins D, E, G and H1 and alao to rough LPS was detected as early as 4 days post-infection. Results obtained using immunoblotting and crossed immunoelectrophoresis techniques indicated that there was a progressive increase in the number of P. aeruginosa antigens recognised by antibodies in these sera. Both iron and magnesium depletion influenced protein H1 production. Antibodies in sera from patients with infections due to P. aeruginosa reacted with this antigen. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis indicated that growth phase and magnesium and iron depletion also affected the amount of LPS fatty acids, produced by P. aeruginosa. The silver stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of P. aeruginosa indicated that the O-antigen and core LPS were both affected by growth phase and specific nutrient depletion.


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The influence of iron metabolism, both on the invading bacterial pathogen and in the host is widespread and often appears to be crucial in determining the outcome of an infection. This study involved the investigation of leukaemia, a clinical disease where abnormal availability of iron may play a part in predisposing patients to bacterial infection. The iron status throughout a Gram-negative septicaemia and in 20 random, newly diagnosed leukaemic patients was assessed. The results revealed that the majority of the patients exhibited high serum iron levels and serum transferrin saturation often at 100%, with an inability to reduce the latter to within normal values during an infection episode. The antibody response to P.aeruginosa, E.coli and K.pneumoniae outer membrane protein (OMP) antigens were investigated by immunoblotting with sequential serum samples during infection in the leukaemic host. Antibodies to all the major OMPs, were observed, although recognition of iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) was in many cases weak. Results from the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that in all patients antibody titre in response to infection was poor. Sub-MICs of mitomycin C significantly altered the surface characteristics of P.aeruginosa. The silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of strains PAO1, 6750, M7 and PAJ indicated that core LPS was affected in the presence of mitomycin C. In contrast, the rough strain AK1012 showed no observable differences. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis showed the amount of LPS fatty acids to be unaffected, however, the KDO and carbohydrate content in strains PAO1, 6750 and M7 under Fe+ and Fe- growth conditions were decreased by up to 4-fold in the presence of mitomycin C, indicating perturbed expression of LPS. The cell surface became significantly more hydrophobic in the P.aeruginosa strains, except AK1012 which was comparatively unaffected. The induction of protein G (OprG) in P.aeruginosa was found to be a sensitive indicator of media iron. The data indicated that expression of OprG can be modulated by growth rate/phase, availability of iron and by the presence of ciprofloxacin in the growth medium.


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A variety of islet microencapsulation techniques have been investigated to establish which method provides the least occlusive barrier to net insulin release in vitro, and optimum biocompatibility for islet implantation in vivo. NMRI mouse islets have been microencapsulated with Na+ -alginate-poly-L-lysine (PLL)/poly-L-ornithine (PLO)-alginate, Ba2+ -alginate and agarose gels. Both free and microencapsulated islets responded to glucose challenge in static incubation and perifusion by significantly increasing their rate of insulin release and theophylline significantly potentiated the insulin response to glucose. While little insulin was released from microencapsulated islets after short term (2 hours) static incubation, significantly greater amounts were released in response to glucose challenge after extended (8-24 hours) incubation. However, insulin release from all types of microencapsulated islets was significantly reduced compared with free islets. Na+ -alginate-PLO-alginate microencapsulated islets were significantly more responsive to elevated glucose than Na+ -alginate-PLL-alginate microencapsulated islets, due to the enhanced porosity of PLO membranes. The outer alginate layer created a significant barrier to glucose/insulin exchange and reduced the insulin responsiveness of microencapsulated islets to glucose. Ba2+ -alginate membrane coated islets, generated by the density gradient method, were the most responsive to glucose challenge. Low concentrations of NG-monomethyl L-arginine (L-NMMA) had no significant effect on glucose stimulated insulin release from either free or microencapsulated islets. However, 1.0 mmol/1 L-NMMA significantly inhibited the insulin response of both free and microencapsulated islets to glucose challenge. In vivo work designed to evaluate the extent of pericapsular fibrosis after 28 days ip. and sc. implantation of microencapsulated islets into STZ-diabetic recipients, revealed that the inclusion of islets within microcapsules increased their immunogenicity and markedly increased the extent of pericapsular fibrosis. When the outer alginate layer was omitted from microcapsules, little or no pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition was observed. The subcutaneous site was not suitable for microencapsulated islet transplantation in NMRI recipient mice. Systemic immunosuppression using cyclosporin A was effective in preventing pericapsular mononuclear cell deposition, while L-NMMA loading into microcapsules had no significant effect on pericapsular fibrosis, although it did maintain the integrity of microencapsulated islets.


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A group of lithologically varied UK aggregates have been incorporated into concrete prisms of variable alkali content to ascertain the alkali levels at which significant ASR first occurs at 38oC and 100% RH. Petrographical analysis was used to establish the source of reactivity. The results of these expansion tests showed that significant ASR can develop with certain aggregates at initial alkali levels as low as 3.5 kg/m3 Na2Oe. Similar prisms were made at initial alkali levels, well above, on and just below the alkali thresholds for each aggregate. These prisms were placed in salt solution to establish the effects of ASR. The results showed that an external source of NaCl does accentuate ASR in high alkali mixes. However, in low alkali mixes the ASR initiated was even greater than that developed by the high alkali mixes. It was proposed that an `initial alkali pessimum' existed for each aggregate type for specimens placed in salt solution. Electron microprobe analysis of the ASR gels from concretes immersed in salt solution, showed that two compositionally varied gel suites develop. The first suite was derived from ASR caused by the initial alkalis in a concrete mix and was identical to ASR gels derived from the various concretes when immersed in distilled water. The second suite was developed by alkalis derived from a reaction between NaCl and the C3A component of the cement paste. It was demonstrated that the `initial alkali pessimum' was probably due to a combination of these two ASR types at the alkali threshold point where both suites of ASR gel can develop. Equivalent mixes were made with a 25% replacement of the cement by pulverised fuel ash (pfa) to establish whether alkalis released from the pfa could initiate ASR in otherwise non-reactive low alkali mixes. The addition of air entrainment to reactive concrete mixes was also examined as a method of suppressing ASR.


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This thesis is concerned with the use of ionic and neutral hydrogels in dermal and ocular applications with particular reference to controlled release applications. The work consists of three interconnected themes.The first area of study is the use of skin adhesive bioelectrode hydrogels as ground plate electrodes for ophthalmic iontophoresis applications. The work provides a basis of understanding the relative contributions made by ionic monomers (such as sodium s-(acrylamide)-2-methyl propane sulphonate and acrylic acid-bis-(3-sulfopropyl-ester, potassium salt) and neutral monomers (such as acryloymorpholine, N,N-dimethylacrylamide and N-vinyl pyrrolidone) to adhesion, rheology and impedance of bioelectrode gels. The general advantage of neutral monomers, which have been used to successfully replace ionic monomers, is that they enable more effective control of independent anion and cation species (for example potassium chloride and sodium chloride) unlike ionic monomers where polymerisation produces an immobile polyanion thus limiting cation mobility. Secondly, release from a completely neutral hydrogel under the influence of mechanical shaking was studied for the case of crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) containing low concentration of linear soluble PVA in a contact lens application. The soluble PVA was observed to be eluting by reptation from the lens matrix due to the mechanical action of the eyelid. This process was studied in an in vitro model, which in this research was used as a basis for developing a lens made with enhanced release polymer. The third area of work is related to the factors that control drug release (in particular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) from a hydrogel matrix. This links both electrotherapy applications, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, in which the passive diffusion from the gel could be used in conjunction with enhanced transmission across the dermal surface with passive diffusion from a contact lens matrix and the development of therapeutic contact lenses.


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Introduction: Lower back pain treatment and compensation costs >$80 billion overall in the US. 75% of back pain is due to disc degeneration in the lumbar region of the spine. Current treatment comprises of painkillers and bed rest or as a more radical solution – interbody cage fusion. In the early stages of disc degeneration the patient would benefit from addition of an injectable gel which polymerises in situ to support the degenerated nucleus pulposus. This involves a material which is an analogue of the natural tissue capable of restoring the biomechanical properties of the natural disc. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is an example of a natural proteoglycan consisting of a protein core with negatively charged keratin and chondroitin sulphate attached. As a result of the high fixed charge density of the proteoglycan, the matrix exerts an osmotic swelling pressure drawing sufficient water into support the spinal system. Materials and Methods: NaAMPs (sodium 2- acrylamido 2-methyl propane sulphonic acid) and KSPA (potassium 3- sulphopropyl acrylate) were selected as monomers, the sulphonate group being used to mimic the natural sulphate group. These are used in dermal applications involving chronic wounds and have acceptably low cytotoxicity. Other hydrophilic carboxyl, amide and hydroxyl monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide, ß-carboxyethyl acrylate, acryloyl morpholine, and polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate were used as diluents together with polyethyleneglycol di(meth)acrylate and hydrophilic multifunctional macromers as cross-linker. Redox was the chosen method of polymerisation and a range of initiators were investigated. Components were packaged in two solutions each containing a redox pair. A dual syringe method of injection into the cavity was used, the required time for polymerisation is circa 3-7 minutes. The final materials were tested using a Bohlin CVO Rheometer cycling from 0.5-25Hz at 37oC to measure the modulus. An in-house compression testing method was developed, using dialysis tubing to mimic the cavity, the gels were swelled in solutions of various osmolarity and compressed to ~ 20%. The pre-gel has also been injected into sheep spinal segments for mechanical compression testing to demonstrate the restoration of properties upon use of the gel. Results and Discussion: Two systems resulted using similar monomer compositions but different initiation and crosslinking agents. NaAMPs and KSPA were used together at a ratio of ~1:1 in both systems with 0.25-2% crosslinking agent, diacrylate or methacrylate. The two initiation systems were ascorbic acid/oxone, and N,N,N,N - tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/ potassium persulphate. These systems produced gelation within 3-7 and 3-5 minutes respectively. Storage of the two component systems was shown to be stable for approximately one month after mixing, in the dark, refrigerated at 1-4oC. The gelation was carried out at 37oC. Literature values for the natural disc give elastic constants ranging from 3-8kPa. The properties of the polymer can be tailored by altering crosslink density and monomer composition and are able to match those of the natural disc. It is possible to incorporate a radio-opaque (histodenz) to enable x-ray luminescence during and after injection. At an inclusion level of 5% the gel is clearly visible and polymerisation and mechanical properties are not altered. Conclusion: A two-pac injection system which will polymerise in situ, that can incorporate a radio-opaque, has been developed. This will reinforce the damaged nucleus pulposus in degenerative disc disease restoring adequate hydration and thus biomechanical properties. Tests on sheep spine segments are currently being carried out to demonstrate that a disc containing the gel has similar properties to an intact disc in comparison to one with a damaged nucleus.


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Purpose: Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX-2) is an antioxidant and chaperone-like protein critical for cell function. This study examined whether the levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 are altered over one month following ultra-endurance exercise. Methods: Nine middle-aged men undertook a single-stage, multi-day 233 km (145 mile) ultra-endurance running race. Blood was collected immediately before (PRE), upon completion/retirement (POST), and following the race at DAY 1, DAY 7 and DAY 28. Lymphocyte lysates were examined for PRDX-2 by reducing SDS-PAGE and western blotting. In a sub-group of men who completed the race (n = 4) PRDX-2 oligomeric state (indicative of redox status) was investigated. Results: Ultra-endurance exercise caused significant changes in lymphocyte PRDX-2 (F (4,32) 3.409, p=0.020, ?(2) =0.299): seven-days after the race, PRDX-2 levels in lymphocytes had fallen to 30% of pre-race values (p=0.013) and returned to near-normal levels at DAY 28. Non-reducing gels demonstrated that dimeric PRDX-2 (intracellular reduced PRDX-2 monomers) was increased in 3 of 4 race completers immediately post-race, indicative of an "antioxidant response". Moreover, monomeric PRDX-2 was also increased immediately post-race in 2 of 4 race-completing subjects, indicative of oxidative damage, which was not detectable by DAY 7. Conclusions: Lymphocyte PRDX-2 was decreased below normal levels 7 days after ultra-endurance exercise. Excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species induced by ultra-endurance exercise may underlie depletion of lymphocyte PRDX-2 by triggering its turnover after oxidation. Low levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 could influence cell function and might, in part, explain reports of dysregulated immunity following ultra-endurance exercise.


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Protein crystallization has gained a new strategic and commercial relevance in the postgenomic era due to its pivotal role in structural genomics. Producing high quality crystals has always been a bottleneck to efficient structure determination, and this problem is becoming increasingly acute. This is especially true for challenging, therapeutically important proteins that typically do not form suitable crystals. The OptiCryst consortium has focused on relieving this bottleneck by making a concerted effort to improve the crystallization techniques usually employed, designing new crystallization tools, and applying such developments to the optimization of target protein crystals. In particular, the focus has been on the novel application of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) to detect suitable nucleation; the application of in situ dynamic light scattering (DLS) to monitor and analyze the process of crystallization; the use of UV-fluorescence to differentiate protein crystals from salt; the design of novel nucleants and seeding technologies; and the development of kits for capillary counterdiffusion and crystal growth in gels. The consortium collectively handled 60 new target proteins that had not been crystallized previously. From these, we generated 39 crystals with improved diffraction properties. Fourteen of these 39 were only obtainable using OptiCryst methods. For the remaining 25, OptiCryst methods were used in combination with standard crystallization techniques. Eighteen structures have already been solved (30% success rate), with several more in the pipeline.