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A wire drive pulse echo method of measuring the spectrum of solid bodies described. Using an 's' plane representation, a general analysis of the transient response of such solids has been carried out. This was used for the study of the stepped amplitude transient of high order modes of disks and for the case where there are two adjacent resonant frequencies. The techniques developed have been applied to the measurenent of the elasticities of refractory materials at high temperatures. In the experimental study of the high order in-plane resonances of thin disks it was found that the energy travelled at the edge of the disk and this initiated the work on one dimensional Rayleigh waves.Their properties were established for the straight edge condition by following an analysis similar to that of the two dimensional case. Experiments were then carried out on the velocity dispersion of various circuits including the disk and a hole in a large plate - the negative curvature condition.Theoretical analysis established the phase and group velocities for these cases and experimental tests on aluminium and glass gave good agreement with theory. At high frequencies all velocities approach that of the one dimensional Rayleigh waves. When applied to crack detection it was observed that a signal burst travelling round a disk showed an anomalous amplitude effect. In certain cases the signal which travelled the greater distance had the greater amplitude.An experiment was designed to investigate the phenanenon and it was established that the energy travelled in two nodes with different velocities.It was found by analysis that as well as the Rayleigh surface wave on the edge, a seoond node travelling at about the shear velocity was excited and the calculated results gave reasonable agreement with the experiments.


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A new type of dissipative solitons - dissipative Raman solitons - are revealed on the basis of numerical study of the generalized complex nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation. The stimulated Raman scattering significantly affects the energy scalability of the dissipative solitons, causing splitting to multiple pulses. We show, that an appropriate increase of the group-delay dispersion can suppress the multipulsing instability due to formation of the dissipative Raman soliton, which is chirped, has a Stokes-shifted spectrum, and chaotic modulation on its trailing edge. The strong perturbation of a soliton envelope caused by the stimulated Raman scattering confines the energy scalability, preventing the so-called dissipative soliton resonance. We show that in practical implementations, a spectral filter can extend the stability regions of high-energy pulses.


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For the first time for the model of real-world forward-pumped fibre Raman amplifier with the randomly varying birefringence, the stochastic calculations have been done numerically based on the Kloeden-Platen-Schurz algorithm. The results obtained for the averaged gain and gain fluctuations as a function of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) parameter agree quantitatively with the results of previously developed analytical model. Simultaneously, the direct numerical simulations demonstrate an increased stochastisation (maximum in averaged gain variation) within the region of the polarization mode dispersion parameter of 0.1÷0.3 ps/km1/2. The results give an insight into margins of applicability of a generic multi-scale technique widely used to derive coupled Manakov equations and allow generalizing analytic model with accounting for pump depletion, group-delay dispersion and Kerr-nonlinearity that is of great interest for development of the high-transmission-rates optical networks.


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We present a novel tunable dispersion compensator that can provide pure slope compensation. The approach uses two specially designed complex fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) with reversely varied third-order group delay curves to generate the dispersion slope. The slope can be changed by adjusting the relative wavelength positions of the two FBGs. Several design examples of such complex gratings are presented and discussed. Experimentally, we achieve a dispersion slope tuning range of +/-650ps/nm2 with >0.9nm usable bandwidth.


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Having a fixed differential-group delay (DGD) term b′ in the coarse-step method results in a repetitive pattern in the autocorrelation function (ACF). We solve this problem by inserting a varying DGD term at each integration step. Furthermore we compute the range of values needed for b′ and simulate the phenomenon of polarisation mode dispersion for different statistical distributions of b′. We examine systematically the modified coarse-step method compared to the analytical model, through our simulation results. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The control of Light velocity is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated in a θ-shaped microfiber resonator with coupled-resonator-induced transparency. By adjusting the structure parameters, group delays from -60ps to 200ps are achieved in the all-fiber resonator.


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The turning point of the refractive index (RI) sensitivity based on the multimode microfiber (MMMF) in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is observed. By tracking the resonant wavelength shift of the MZI generated between the HE11 and HE12 modes in the MMMF, the surrounding RI (SRI) could be detected. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the RI sensitivity will reach ±∞ on either side of the turning point due to the group effective RI difference (퐺) approaching zero. Significantly, the positive sensitivity exists in a very wide fiber diameter range, while the negative sensitivity can be achieved in a narrow diameter range of only 0.3 μm. Meanwhile, the experimental sensitivities and variation trend at different diameters exhibit high consistency with the theoretical results. High RI sensitivity of 10777.8 nm/RIU (RI unit) at the fiber diameter of 4.6 μm and the RI around 1.3334 is realized. The discovery of the sensitivity turning points has great significance on trace detection due to the possibility of ultrahigh RI sensitivity.


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We report a novel tunable dispersion compensator (TDC) based on all-fiber distributed Gires-Tournois etaIons (DGTE), which is formed by overlapped chirped fiber gratings. Two DGTEs of opposite dispersion slope work together to generate a tunable periodical dispersion profile. The demonstrated TDCs have the advantages of multichannel operation, extremely low group-delay ripple, low loss, and low cost.