49 resultados para Evaluation of organizational performance


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Integration of renewable energy with desalination technologies has emerged as an attractive solution to augment fresh water supply sustainably. Fouling and scaling are still considered as limiting factors in membrane desalination processes. For brackish water treatment, pre-treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) feed water is a key step in designing RO plants avoiding membrane fouling. This study aims to compare at pilot scale the rejection efficiency of RO membranes with multiple pre-treatment options at different water recoveries (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) and TDS concentrations (3500, 4000, and 4500mg/L). Synthetic brackish water was prepared and performance evaluation were carried out using brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) membranes (Filmtec LC-LE-4040 and Hydranautics CPA5-LD-4040) preceded by 5 and 1μm cartridge filters, 0.02μm ultra-filtration (UF) membrane, and forward osmosis (FO) membrane using 0.25M NaCl and MgCl2 as draw solutions (DS). It was revealed that FO membrane with 0.25M MgCl2 used as a draw solution (DS) and Ultra-filtration (UF) membrane followed by Filmtec membrane gave overall 98% rejection but UF facing high fouling potential due to high applied pressure. Use of 5 and 1μm cartridge filter prior to Filmtec membrane also showed effective results with 95% salt rejection.


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Two new methodologies are introduced to improve inference in the evaluation of mutual fund performance against benchmarks. First, the benchmark models are estimated using panel methods with both fund and time effects. Second, the non-normality of individual mutual fund returns is accounted for by using panel bootstrap methods. We also augment the standard benchmark factors with fund-specific characteristics, such as fund size. Using a dataset of UK equity mutual fund returns, we find that fund size has a negative effect on the average fund manager’s benchmark-adjusted performance. Further, when we allow for time effects and the non-normality of fund returns, we find that there is no evidence that even the best performing fund managers can significantly out-perform the augmented benchmarks after fund management charges are taken into account.


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Underpinned by the resource-based view (RBV), social exchange theory (SET), and a theory of intrinsic motivation (empowerment), I proposed and tested a multi-level model that simultaneously examines the intermediate linkages or mechanisms through which HPWS impact individual and organizational performance. First and underpinned by RBV, I examined at the unit level, collective human capital and competitive advantage as path-ways through which the use of HPWS influences – branch market performance. Second and-, underpinned by social exchange (perceived organizational support) and intrinsic motivation (psychological empowerment) theories, I examined cross and individual level mechanisms through which experienced HPWS may influence employee performance. I tested the propositions of this study with multisource data obtained from junior and senior customer contact employees, and managers of 37 branches of two banks in Ghana. Results of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis revealed that (i) collective human capital partially mediated the relationship between management-rated HPWS and competitive advantage, while competitive advantage completely mediated the influence of human capital on branch market performance. Consequently, management-rated HPWS influenced branch market performance indirectly through collective human capital and competitive advantage. Additionally, results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) tests of the cross-level influences on the motivational implications of HPWS revealed that (i) management-rated HPWS influenced experienced HPWS; (ii) perceived organizational support (POS) and psychological empowerment fully mediated the influence of experienced HPWS on service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and; (iii) service-oriented OCB mediated the influence of psychological empowerment and POS on service quality and task performance. I discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.


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This paper is concerned with the ways in which transactional and transformational leadership styles can improve the service performance of front-line staff. Past literature on services marketing has indicated the importance of leadership but has largely ignored the parallel literature in which leadership styles have been conceptualized and operationalized (e.g., sales management, organizational psychology). This paper seeks to build upon existing services marketing theory by introducing the role of leadership styles in enhancing service performance. Consequently, a conceptual framework of the effect of transactional and transformational leadership styles on service performance, anchored in a crossdisciplinary literature review, is developed. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.


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This paper presents a case study examining the role of performance measurement systems in setting organizational ‘direction’. There is a growing concern in the existing literature to link the development of organizational ‘direction’ with performance measurement systems. Furthermore, the alignment between organizational ‘direction’, strategy and performance measurement is an area of increasing interest for both academics and practitioners. However, there is no adequate research recorded in the literature on the use of the performance measurement systems and the potential impact that performance measurement can have in setting the organizational ‘direction’. This study reports the findings of a case study from one of the leading academic institutions in the UK, the University of Warwick, presenting the main characteristics of its performance measurement system and attempting to explain the connection with setting the university’s ‘direction’.


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The topic of bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts remains at the top of the current political and research agenda. Identification of the optimum processing routes for biomass, in terms of efficiency, cost, environment and socio-economics is vital as concern grows over the remaining fossil fuel resources, climate change and energy security. It is known that the only renewable way of producing conventional hydrocarbon fuels and organic chemicals is from biomass, but the problem remains of identifying the best product mix and the most efficient way of processing biomass to products. The aim is to move Europe towards a biobased economy and it is widely accepted that biorefineries are key to this development. A methodology was required for the generation and evaluation of biorefinery process chains for converting biomass into one or more valuable products that properly considers performance, cost, environment, socio-economics and other factors that influence the commercial viability of a process. In this thesis a methodology to achieve this objective is described. The completed methodology includes process chain generation, process modelling and subsequent analysis and comparison of results in order to evaluate alternative process routes. A modular structure was chosen to allow greater flexibility and allowing the user to generate a large number of different biorefinery configurations The significance of the approach is that the methodology is defined and is thus rigorous and consistent and may be readily re-examined if circumstances change. There was the requirement for consistency in structure and use, particularly for multiple analyses. It was important that analyses could be quickly and easily carried out to consider, for example, different scales, configurations and product portfolios and so that previous outcomes could be readily reconsidered. The result of the completed methodology is the identification of the most promising biorefinery chains from those considered as part of the European Biosynergy Project.


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Purpose: To compare distance and near visual performance with a zero-aberration aspheric intraocular lens (IOL) (Softec HD, Lenstec, Inc. FL, USA) with that of an otherwise identical, but spherical IOL (Softec 1). Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, Solihull Hospital, West Midlands, United Kingdom. Methods: This prospective study comprised 37 patients with a Softec 1 spherical IOL implanted in one eye, who underwent phacoemulsification and received the Softec HD aspheric IOL in the fellow eye. One month post-operatively, unaided distance and near vision, residual refraction, best spectacle corrected distance and near visual acuity, reading speed, pseudoaccommodation and photopic contrast sensitivity were recorded. Wavefront analysis enabled comparison of higher order aberrations between the IOLs. Results: Prior to surgery, the Softec 1 and Softec HD eyes were not significantly different. Post-operatively, unaided vision, best spectacle corrected visual acuity and residual refraction were not significantly different between the eyes, nor were there significant differences observed between the measured wavefront aberrations. Once implanted, the range of focus was significantly better in the Softec HD IOL eye than the Softec 1 IOL eye and, although reading speed was equivalent to the Softec 1 eye, the print size at which this could be achieved was significantly smaller. Conclusions: Depth of field was significantly improved with the aspheric IOL compared with the spherical IOL, without any compromise in distance visual performance between the two IOLs.


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There has been substantial research into the role of distance learning in education. Despite the rise in the popularity and practice of this form of learning in business, there has not been a parallel increase in the amount of research carried out in this field. An extensive investigation was conducted into the entire distance learning system of a multi-national company with particular emphasis on the design, implementation and evaluation of the materials. In addition, the performance and attitudes of trainees were examined. The results of a comparative study indicated that trainees using distance learning had significantly higher test scores than trainees using conventional face-to-face training. The influence of the previous distance learning experience, educational background and selected study environment of trainees was investigated. Trainees with previous experience of distance learning were more likely to complete the course and with significantly higher test scores than trainees with no previous experience. The more advanced the educational background of trainees, the greater the likelihood of their completing the course, although there was no significant difference in the test scores achieved. Trainees preferred to use the materials at home and those opting to study in this environment scored significantly higher than those studying in the office, the study room at work or in a combination of environments. The influence of learning styles (Kolb, 1976) was tested. The results indicated that the convergers had the greatest completion rates and scored significantly higher than trainees with the assimilator, accommodator and diverger learning styles. The attitudes of the trainees, supervisors and trainers were examined using questionnaire, interview and discussion techniques. The findings highlighted the potential problems of lack of awareness and low motivation which could prove to be major obstacles to the success of distance learning in business.


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High speed twist drills are probably the most common of all metal cutting tools and also the least efficient. In this study, detailed research was undertaken into aspects of drill performance and ways in which drilling could be improved in short hole depths of up to two diameters. The work included an evaluation of twist drill geometry and grinding parameters. It was established that errors in point grinding lead to increased hole oversize and reduced drill life. A fundamental analysis was made to establish predictive equations for the drill torque and thrust using modified orthogonal cutting equations and empirical data. A good correlation was obtained between actual and predicted results. Two new techniques for extending twist drill life by the use of coolant feeding holes and also the application of titanium nitride coatings were evaluated. Both methods were found to have potential for improving drill performance. A completely new design of carbide tipped drill was designed and developed. The new design was tested and it compared favourably with two commercially available carbide tipped drills. In further work an entirely different type of drill point geometry was developed for the drill screw. A new design was produced which enabled the drilling time to be minimised for the low thrust forces that were likely to be used with hand held power tools.


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In this thesis the validity of an Assessment Centre (called 'Extended Interview') operated on behalf of the British police is investigated. This Assessment Centre (AC) is used to select from amongst internal candidates (serving policemen and policewomen) and external candidates (graduates) for places on an accelerated promotion scheme. The literature is reviewed with respect to history, content, structure, reliability, validity, efficiency and usefulness of ACs, and to contextual issues surrounding AC use. The history of, background to and content of police Extended Interviews (Els) is described, and research issues are identified. Internal validation involved regression of overall EI grades on measures from component tests, exercises, interviews and peer nominations. Four samples numbering 126, 73, 86 and 109 were used in this part of the research. External validation involved regression of three types of criteria - training grades, rank attained, and supervisory ratings - on all EI measures. Follow-up periods for job criteria ranged from 7 to 19 years. Three samples, numbering 223, 157 and 86, were used in this part of the research. In subsidiary investigations, supervisory ratings were factor analysed and criteria intercorrelated. For two of the samples involved in the external validition, clinical/judgemental prediction was compared with mechanical (unit-weighted composite) prediction. Main conclusions are that: (1) EI selection decisions were valid, but only for a job performance criterion; relatively low validity overall was interpreted principally in terms of the questionable job relatedness of the EI procedure; (2) Els as a whole had more validity than was reflected in final EI decisions; (3) assessors' use of information was not optimum, tending to over-emphasize subjectively derived information particularly from interviews; and (4) mechanical prediction was superior to clinical/judgemental prediction for five major criteria.


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The present thesis evaluates various aspects of videokeratoscopes, which are now becoming increasingly popular in the investigation of corneal topography. The accuracy and repeatability of these instruments has been assessed mainly using spherical surfaces, however, few studies have assessed the performance of videokeratoscopes in measuring convex aspheric surfaces. Using two videokeratoscopes, the accuracy and repeatability of measurements using twelve aspheric surfaces is determined. Overall, the accuracy and repeatability of both instruments were acceptable, however, progressively flatter surfaces introduced greater errors in measurement. The possible reasons for these errors are discussed. The corneal surface is a biological structure lubricated by the precorneal tear film. The effects of variations in the tear film on the repeatability of videokeratoscopes have not been determined in terms of peripheral corneal measurements. The repeatability of two commercially available videokeratoscopes is assessed. The repeatability is found to be dependent on the point of measurement on the corneal surface. Typically, superior and nasal meridians exhibit poorest repeatability. It is suggested that interference of the ocular adnexa is responsible for the reduced repeatability. This localised reduction in repeatability will occur for all videokeratoscopes. Further, comparison with the keratometers and videokeratoscopes used show that measurements between these instruments are not interchangeable. The final stage of this thesis evaluates the performance of new algorithms. The characteristics of a new videokeratoscope are described. This videokeratoscope is used to test the accuracy of the new algorithms for twelve aspheric surfaces. The new algorithms are accurate in determining the shape of aspheric surfaces, more so than those algorithms proposed at present.


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The specific objective of the research was to evaluate proprietary audit systems. Proprietary audit systems comprise question sets containing approximately 500 questions dealing with selected aspects of health and safety management. Each question is allotted a number of points and an organisation seeks to judge its health and safety performance by the overall score achieved in the audit. Initially it was considered that the evaluation method might involve comparing the proprietary audit scores with other methods of measuring safety performance. However, what appeared to be missing in the first instance was information that organisations could use to compare the contrast question set content against their own needs. A technique was developed using the computer database FileMaker Pro. This enables questions in an audit to be sorted into categories using a process of searching for key words. Questions that are not categorised by word searching can be identified and sorted manually. The process can be completed in 2-3 hours which is considerably faster than manual categorisation of questions which typically takes about 10 days. The technique was used to compare and contrast three proprietary audits: ISRS, CHASE and QSA. Differences and similarities between these audits were successfully identified. It was concluded that in general proprietary audits need to focus to a greater extent on identifying strengths and weaknesses in occupational health and safety management systems. To do this requires the inclusion of more probing questions which consider whether risk control measures are likely to be successful.


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To exploit the popularity of TCP as still the dominant sender and protocol of choice for transporting data reliably across the heterogeneous Internet, this thesis explores end-to-end performance issues and behaviours of TCP senders when transferring data to wireless end-users. The theme throughout is on end-users located specifically within 802.11 WLANs at the edges of the Internet, a largely untapped area of work. To exploit the interests of researchers wanting to study the performance of TCP accurately over heterogeneous conditions, this thesis proposes a flexible wired-to-wireless experimental testbed that better reflects conditions in the real-world. To exploit the transparent functionalities between TCP in the wired domain and the IEEE 802.11 WLAN protocols, this thesis proposes a more accurate methodology for gauging the transmission and error characteristics of real-world 802.11 WLANs. It also aims to correlate any findings with the functionality of fixed TCP senders. To exploit the popularity of Linux as a popular operating system for many of the Internet’s data servers, this thesis studies and evaluates various sender-side TCP congestion control implementations within the recent Linux v2.6. A selection of the implementations are put under systematic testing using real-world wired-to-wireless conditions in order to screen and present a viable candidate/s for further development and usage in the modern-day heterogeneous Internet. Overall, this thesis comprises a set of systematic evaluations of TCP senders over 802.11 WLANs, incorporating measurements in the form of simulations, emulations, and through the use of a real-world-like experimental testbed. The goal of the work is to ensure that all aspects concerned are comprehensively investigated in order to establish rules that can help to decide under which circumstances the deployment of TCP is optimal i.e. a set of paradigms for advancing the state-of-the-art in data transport across the Internet.


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Purine and pyrimidine triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs), as potential antibacterial agents, were designed to bind by Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a sequence specific manner in the major groove of genomic DNA at specific polypurine sites within the gyrA gene of E. coli and S. pneumoniae. Sequences were prepared by automated synthesis, with purification and characterisation determined by high performance liquid chromatograpy, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Triplex stability was assessed using melting curves where the binding of the third strand to the duplex target, was assessed over a temperature range of 0-80°C, and at pH 6.4 and 7.2. The most successful of the unmodified TFOs (6) showed a Tm value of 26 °C at both pH values with binding via reverse Hoogsteen bonds. Binding to genomic DNA was also demonstrated by spectrofluorimetry, using fluorescein-labelled TFOs, from which dissociation constants were determined. Modifications in the form of 5mC, 5' acridine attachment, phosphorothioation, 2'-0-methylation and phosphoramidation, were made in order to. increase Tm values. Phosphoramidate modification was the most with increased Tm values of 42°C. However, the final purity of these sequences was poor due to their difficult syntheses. FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) analysis was used to determine the potential uptake of a fluorescently labelled analogue of 6 via passive, coJd shock mediated, and anionic liposome aided, uptake. This was established at 20°C and 37°C. At both temperatures anionic lipid-mediated uptake produced unrivalled fluorescence, equivalent to 20 and 43% at 20 and 37°C respectively. Antibacterial activity of each oligonucleotide was assessed by viable count anaJysis relying on passive uptake, cold shocking techniques, chlorpromazine-mediated uptake, and, cationic and anionic lipid-aided uptake. All oligonucleotides were assessed for their ability to enhance uptake, which is a major barrier to the effectiveness of these agents. Compound 6 under cold shocking conditions produced the greatest consistent decline in colony forming units per ml. Results for this compound were sometimes variable indicating inconsistent uptake by this particular assay method.