41 resultados para Ellipsoidal Harmonics


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Cascaded multilevel inverters-based Static Var Generators (SVGs) are FACTS equipment introduced for active and reactive power flow control. They eliminate the need for zigzag transformers and give a fast response. However, with regard to their application for flicker reduction in using Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), the existing multilevel inverter-based SVGs suffer from the following disadvantages. (1) To control the reactive power, an off-line calculation of Modulation Index (MI) is required to adjust the SVG output voltage. This slows down the transient response to the changes of reactive power; and (2) Random active power exchange may cause unbalance to the voltage of the d.c. link (HBI) capacitor when the reactive power control is done by adjusting the power angle d alone. To resolve these problems, a mathematical model of 11-level cascaded SVG, was developed. A new control strategy involving both MI (modulation index) and power angle (d) is proposed. A selected harmonics elimination method (SHEM) is taken for switching pattern calculations. To shorten the response time and simplify the controls system, feed forward neural networks are used for on-line computation of the switching patterns instead of using look-up tables. The proposed controller updates the MI and switching patterns once each line-cycle according to the sampled reactive power Qs. Meanwhile, the remainder reactive power (compensated by the MI) and the reactive power variations during the line-cycle will be continuously compensated by adjusting the power angles, d. The scheme senses both variables MI and d, and takes action through the inverter switching angle, qi. As a result, the proposed SVG is expected to give a faster and more accurate response than present designs allow. In support of the proposal there is a mathematical model for reactive powered distribution and a sensitivity matrix for voltage regulation assessment, MATLAB simulation results are provided to validate the proposed schemes. The performance with non-linear time varying loads is analysed and refers to a general review of flicker, of methods for measuring flickers due to arc furnace and means for mitigation.


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Two-way power flow is nothing new and has been in practical use using line commutated converters for at least 50 years. With these types of converters, reversal of power flow can be achieved by increasing the firing angle of the devices beyond 90 degrees thus producing a negative DC voltage. Line commutated converters have several known disadvantages including: the direct current cannot be reversed, the power factor decreases when the firing angle increases and the harmonics are high on the line current. To tackle the above problems a forced commutated converter can be used. The power factor can be unity and the harmonics can be reduced. Many researchers have used PWM with different control techniques to serve the above purposes. In each converter arm, they used a forced commutated device with an antiparallel diode. Under the rectification mode of operation the current path is preponderantly through the diodes and under the inverter operation the current flows preponderantly through the forced commutated devices. Although their results were encouraging and gave a unity power factor with nearly sinusoidal current, the main disadvantage was that there were difficulties in controlling the power factor when the system is needed to operate at lagging or leading power factor. In this work, a new idea was introduced by connecting two GTOs antiparallel instead of a diode and a GTO. A single phase system using two GTO converters which are connected in series was built. One converter operates as a rectifier and the other converter operates as an inverter. In the case of the inversion mode and in each inverter arm one GTO is operated as a diode simply by switching it always on and the other antiparallel GTO is operated as a normal device to carry the inverter current. In case of the rectification mode, in each arm one GTO is always off and the other GTP is operated as a controlled device. The main advantage is that the system can be operated at lagging or leading power factor.


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A sudden change applied to a single component can cause its segregation from an ongoing complex tone as a pure-tone-like percept. Three experiments examined whether such pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams by extending the research of Bregman and Rudnicky (1975). Those authors found that listeners struggled to identify the presentation order of 2 pure-tone targets of different frequency when they were flanked by 2 lower frequency “distractors.” Adding a series of matched-frequency “captor” tones, however, improved performance by pulling the distractors into a separate stream from the targets. In the current study, sequences of discrete pure tones were substituted by sequences of brief changes applied to an otherwise constant 1.2-s complex tone. Pure-tone-like percepts were evoked by applying 6-dB increments to individual components of a complex comprising harmonics 1–7 of 300 Hz (Experiment 1) or 0.5-ms changes in interaural time difference to individual components of a log-spaced complex (range 160–905 Hz; Experiment 2). Results were consistent with the earlier study, providing clear evidence that pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams. Experiment 3 adapted Experiment 1 by presenting a global amplitude increment either synchronous with, or just after, the last captor prior to the 1st distractor. In the former case, for which there was no pure-tone-like percept corresponding to that captor, the captor sequence did not aid performance to the same extent as previously. It is concluded that this change to the captor-tone stream partially resets the stream-formation process, and so the distractors and targets became likely to integrate once more. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)


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Orbit determination from artificial satellite observations is a key process in obtaining information about the Earth and its environment. A study of the perturbations experienced by these satellites enables knowledge to be gained of the upper atmosphere, the gravity field, ocean tides, solid-Earth tides and solar radiation. The gravity field is expressed as a double infinite series of associated Legendre functions (tesseral harmonics). In contemporary global gravity field models the overall geoid is well determined. An independent check on these gravity field harmonics of a particular order may be made by analysis of satellites that pass through resonance of that order. For such satellites the perturbations of the orbital elements close to resonance are analysed to derive lumped harmonic coefficients. The orbital parameters of 1984-106A have been determined at 43 epochs, during which time the satellite was close to 14th order resonance. Analysis of the inclination and eccentricity yielded 6 lumped harmonic coefficients of order 14 whilst analysis of the mean motion yielded additional pairs of lumped harmonics of orders 14, 28 and 42, with the 14th order harmonics superseding those obtained from analysis of the inclination. This thesis concentrates in detail on the theoretical changes of a near-circular satellite orbit perturbed by the Earth's gravity field under the influence of minimal air-drag whilst in resonance with the Earth. The satellite 1984-106A experienced the interesting property of being temporarily trapped with respect to a secondary resonance parameter due to the low air-drag in 1987. This prompted the theoretical investigation of such a phenomenon. Expressions obtained for the resonance parameter led to the determination of 8 lumped harmonic coefficients, coincidental to those already obtained. All the derived lumped harmonic values arc used to test the accuracy of contemporary gravity field models and the underlying theory in this thesis.


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The advent of the harmonic neutralised shunt Converter Compensator as a practical means of reactive power compensation in power transmission systems has cleared ground for wider application of this type of equipment. An experimental 24-pulse voltage sourced convector has been successfully applied in controlling the terminal power factor of a 1.5kW, 240V three phase cage rotor induction motor, whose winding has been used in place of the usual phase shifting transformers. To achieve this, modifications have been made to the conventional stator winding of the induction machine. These include an unconventional phase spread and facilitation of compensator connections to selected tapping points between stator coils to give a three phase winding with a twelve phase connection to the twenty four pulse converter. Theoretical and experimental assessments of the impact of these modifications and attachment of the compensator have shown that there is a slight reduction in the torque developed at a given slip and in the combined system efficiency. There is also an increase in the noise level, also a consequence of the harmonics. The stator leakage inductance gave inadequate coupling reactance between the converter and the effective voltage source, necessitating the use of external inductors in each of the twelve phases. The terminal power factor is fully controllable when the induction machine is used either as a motor or as a generator.


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We analyze the nonlinear excitation of holographic gratings in a photorefractive crystal being subject to an alternating electric field and a stationary light interference pattern. The influence of the higher harmonics on the fundamental grating is illustrated for the case where a crystal of Bi12SiO20 is the recording medium. We analyze both the steady state and the transient consequences of the higher harmonic excitation.


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The research objectives were:- 1.To review the literature to establish the factors which have traditionally been regarded as most crucial to the design of effectlve exhaust ventilation systems. 2. To design, construct, install and calibrate a wind tunnel. 3. To develop procedures for air velocity measurement followed by a comprehensive programme of aerodvnamic data collection and data analysis for a variety of conditions. The major research findings were:- a) The literature in the subject is inadequate. There is a particular need for a much greater understanding of the aerodynamics of the suction flow field. b) The discrepancies between the experimentally observed centre-line velocities and those predicted by conventional formulae are unacceptably large. c) There was little agreement between theoretically calculated and observed velocities in the suction zone of captor hoods. d) Improved empirical formulae for the prediction of centre-line velocity applicable to the classical geometrically shaped suction openings and the flanged condition could be (and were) derived. Further analysis of data revealed that: - i) Point velocity is directly proportional to the suction. flow rate and the ratio of the point velocity to the average face velocity is constant. ii) Both shape, and size of the suction opening are significant factors as the coordinates of their points govern the extent of the effect of the suction flow field. iii) The hypothetical ellipsoidal potential function and hyperbolic streamlines were found experimentally to be correct. iv) The effect of guide plates depends on the size, shape and the angle of fitting. The effect was to very approximately double the suction velocity but the exact effect is difficult to predict. v) The axially symmetric openings produce practically symmetric flow fields. Similarity of connection pieces between the suction opening and the main duct in each case is essential in order to induce a similar suction flow field. Additionally a pilot study was made in which an artificial extraneous air flow was created, measured and its interaction with the suction flow field measured and represented graphically.


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The locus of origin of the pattern evoked electroretinogram, (PERG), has been the subject of considerable discussion. A novel approach was adopted in this study to further elaborate the nature of the PERG evoked by pattern onset/offset presentation. The PERG was found to be linearly related to stimulus contrast and in particular was linearly related to the temporal contrast of the retinal image, when elicited by patterns of low spatial frequency. At high spatial frequencies the retinal image contrast is significantly reduced because of optical degradation. This is described by the eye's modulation transfer function (MTF). The retinal contrast of square wave grating and chequerboard patterns of increasing spatial frequency were found by filtering their Fourier transforms by the MTF. The filtered pattern harmonics were then resynthesised to constitute a profile of retinal image illuminance from which the temporal and spatial contrast of the image could be calculated. If the PERG is a pure illuminance response it should be spatially insensitive and dependent upon the temporal contrast of stimulation. The calculated loss of temporal contrast for finer patterns was expressed as a space-averaged temporal contrast attentuation factor. This factor, applied to PERGs evoked by low spatial frequency patterns, was used to predict the retinal illuminance response elicited by a finer pattern. The predicted response was subtracted from the recorded signal and residual waveform was proposed to represent specific activity. An additional correction for the attenuation of spatial contrast was applied to the extracted pattern specific response. Pattern specific responses computed for different spatial frequency patterns in this way are the predicted result of iso-contrast pattern stimulation. The pattern specific responses demonstrate a striking bandpass spatial selectivity which peaks at higher spatial frequencies in the more central retina. The variation of spatial sensitivity with eccentricity corresponds closely with estimated ganglion receptive field centre separation and psychophysical data. The variation of retinal structure with eccentricity, in the form of the volumes of the nuclear layers, was compared with the amplitudes of the computed retinal illuminance and pattern specific responses. The retinal illuminance response corresponds more closely to the outer and inner nuclear layers whilst the pattern specific response appears more closely related to the ganglion cell layer. In general the negative response transients correspond to the more proximal retinal layers. This thesis therefore supports the proposed contribution of proximal retinal cell activity to the PERG and describes techniques which may be further elaborated for more detailed studies of retinal receptive field dimensions.


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As a source or sink of reactive power, compensators can be made from a voltage sourced inverter circuit with the a.c. terminals of the inverter connected to the system through an inductive link and with a capacitor connected across the d.c. terminals. Theoretical calculations on linearised models of the compensators have shown that the parameters characterising the performance are the reduced firing angle and the resonance ratio. The resonance ratio is the ratio of the natural frequency of oscillation of the energy storage components in the circuit to the system frequency. The reduced firing angle of the inverter divided by the damping coefficient, β, where β is half the R to X ratio of the link between the inverter and the system. The theoretical results have been verified by computer simulation and experiment. There is a narrow range of values for the resonance ratio below which there is no appreciable improvement in performance, despite an increase in the cost of the energy storage components, and above which the performance of the equipment is poor with the current being dominated by harmonics. The harmonic performance of the equipment is improved by using multiple inverters and phase shifting transformers to increase the pulse number. The optimum value of the resonance ratio increases pulse number, indicating a reduction in the energy storage components needed at high pulse numbers. The reactive power output from the compensator varies linearly with the reduced firing angle while the losses vary as the square of it.


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There are several methods of providing series compensation for transmission lines using power electronic switches. Four methods of series compensation have been examined in this thesis, the thyristor controlled series capacitor, a voltage sourced inverter series compensator using a capacitor as the series element, a current sourced inverter series compensator and a voltage sourced inverter using an inductor as the series element. All the compensators examined will provide a continuously variable series voltage which is controlled by the switching of the electronic switches. Two of the circuits will offer both capacitive and inductive compensation, the thyristor controlled series capacitor and the current sourced inverter series compensator. The other two will produce either capacitive or inductive series compensation. The thyristor controlled series capacitor offers the widest range of series compensation. However, there is a band of unavailable compensation between 0 and 1 pu capacitive compensation. Compared to the other compensators examined the harmonic content of the compensating voltage is quite high. An algebraic analysis showed that there is more than one state the thyristor controlled series capacitor can operate in. This state has the undesirable effect of introducing large losses. The voltage sourced inverter series compensator using a capacitor as the series element will provide only capacitive compensation. It uses two capacitors which increase the cost of the compensator significantly above the other three. This circuit has the advantage of very low harmonic distortion. The current sourced inverter series compensator will provide both capacitive and inductive series compensation. The harmonic content of the compensating voltage is second only to the voltage sourced inverter series compensator using a capacitor as the series element. The voltage sourced inverter series compensator using an inductor as the series element will only provide inductive compensation, and it is the least expensive compensator examined. Unfortunately, the harmonics introduced by this circuit are considerable.


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The inscription of Bragg gratings has been demonstrated in PMMA-based polymer optical fibre. The water affinity of PMMA can introduce significant wavelength change in a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG). In polymer optical fibre losses are much higher than with silica fibre. Very strong absorption bands related to higher harmonics of vibrations of the C-H bond dominate throughout the visible and near infrared. Molecular vibration in substances generates heat, which is referred to as the thermal effect of molecular vibration. This means that a large part of the absorption of optical energy in those spectral bands will convert into thermal energy, which eventually drives water content out of the polymer fibre and reduces the wavelength of POFBG. In this work we have investigated the wavelength stability of POFBGs in different circumstances. The experiment has shown that the characteristic wavelength of a POFBG starts decreasing after a light source is applied to it. This decrease continues until equilibrium inside the fibre is established, depending on the initial water content inside the fibre, the surrounding humidity, the optical power applied, and the fibre size. Our investigation has shown that POFBGs operating at around 850 nm show much smaller wavelength reduction than those operating at around 1550 nm in the same fibre; POFBGs with different diameters show different changes; POFBGs powered by a low level light source, or operating in a very dry environment are least affected by this thermal effect.


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We present an assessment of the practical value of existing traditional and non-standard measures for discriminating healthy people from people with Parkinson's disease (PD) by detecting dysphonia. We introduce a new measure of dysphonia, Pitch Period Entropy (PPE), which is robust to many uncontrollable confounding effects including noisy acoustic environments and normal, healthy variations in voice frequency. We collected sustained phonations from 31 people, 23 with PD. We then selected 10 highly uncorrelated measures, and an exhaustive search of all possible combinations of these measures finds four that in combination lead to overall correct classification performance of 91.4%, using a kernel support vector machine. In conclusion, we find that non-standard methods in combination with traditional harmonics-to-noise ratios are best able to separate healthy from PD subjects. The selected non-standard methods are robust to many uncontrollable variations in acoustic environment and individual subjects, and are thus well-suited to telemonitoring applications.


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We analyze the nonlinear excitation of holographic gratings in a photorefractive crystal being subject to an alternating electric field and a stationary light interference pattern. The influence of the higher harmonics on the fundamental grating is illustrated for the case where a crystal of Bi12SiO20 is the recording medium. We analyze both the steady state and the transient consequences of the higher harmonic excitation.


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Many studies have accounted for whole body vibration effects in the fields of exercise physiology, sport and rehabilitation medicine. Generally, surface EMG is utilized to assess muscular activity during the treatment; however, large motion artifacts appear superimposed to the raw signal, making sEMG recording not suitable before any artifact filtering. Sharp notch filters, centered at vibration frequency and at its superior harmonics, have been used in previous studies, to remove the artifacts. [6, 10] However, to get rid of those artifacts some true EMG signal is lost. The purpose of this study was to reproduce the effect of motor-unit synchronization on a simulated surface EMG during vibratory stimulation. In addition, authors mean to evaluate the EMG power percentage in those bands in which are also typically located motion artifact components. Model characteristics were defined to take into account two main aspect: the muscle MUs discharge behavior and the triggering effects that appear during local vibratory stimulation. [7] Inter-pulse-interval, was characterized by a polimodal distribution related to the MU discharge frequency (IPI 55-80ms, σ=12ms) and to the correlation with the vibration period within the range of ±2 ms due to vibration stimulus. [1, 7] The signals were simulated using different stimulation frequencies from 30 to 70 Hz. The percentage of the total simulated EMG power within narrow bands centered at the stimulation frequency and its superior harmonics (± 1 Hz) resulted on average about 8% (± 2.85) of the total EMG power. However, the artifact in those bands may contain more than 40% of the total power of the total signal. [6] Our preliminary results suggest that the analysis of the muscular activity of muscle based on raw sEMG recordings and RMS evaluation, if not processed during vibratory stimulation may lead to a serious overestimation of muscular response.


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The inscription of Bragg gratings has been demonstrated in PMMA-based polymer optical fibre. The water affinity of PMMA can introduce significant wavelength change in a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG). In polymer optical fibre losses are much higher than with silica fibre. Very strong absorption bands related to higher harmonics of vibrations of the C-H bond dominate throughout the visible and near infrared. Molecular vibration in substances generates heat, which is referred to as the thermal effect of molecular vibration. This means that a large part of the absorption of optical energy in those spectral bands will convert into thermal energy, which eventually drives water content out of the polymer fibre and reduces the wavelength of POFBG. In this work we have investigated the wavelength stability of POFBGs in different circumstances. The experiment has shown that the characteristic wavelength of a POFBG starts decreasing after a light source is applied to it. This decrease continues until equilibrium inside the fibre is established, depending on the initial water content inside the fibre, the surrounding humidity, the optical power applied, and the fibre size. Our investigation has shown that POFBGs operating at around 850 nm show much smaller wavelength reduction than those operating at around 1550 nm in the same fibre; POFBGs with different diameters show different changes; POFBGs powered by a low level light source, or operating in a very dry environment are least affected by this thermal effect.