35 resultados para Constant-amplitude loadings
In this research the recovery of a DQPSK signal will be demonstrated using a single Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI). By changing the phase delay in one of the arms it will be shown that different delays will produce different output levels. It will also be shown that with a certain level of phase shift the DQPSK signal can be converted into four different equally spaced optical power levels. With each decoded level representing one of the four possible bit permutations. By using this additional phase shift in one of the arms the number of MZIs required for decoding can be reduced from two to one.
How speech is separated perceptually from other speech remains poorly understood. Recent research suggests that the ability of an extraneous formant to impair intelligibility depends on the modulation of its frequency, but not its amplitude, contour. This study further examined the effect of formant-frequency variation on intelligibility by manipulating the rate of formant-frequency change. Target sentences were synthetic three-formant (F1?+?F2?+?F3) analogues of natural utterances. Perceptual organization was probed by presenting stimuli dichotically (F1?+?F2C?+?F3C; F2?+?F3), where F2C?+?F3C constitute a competitor for F2 and F3 that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. Competitors were derived using formant-frequency contours extracted from extended passages spoken by the same talker and processed to alter the rate of formant-frequency variation, such that rate scale factors relative to the target sentences were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 (0?=?constant frequencies). Competitor amplitude contours were either constant, or time-reversed and rate-adjusted in parallel with the frequency contour. Adding a competitor typically reduced intelligibility; this reduction increased with competitor rate until the rate was at least twice that of the target sentences. Similarity in the results for the two amplitude conditions confirmed that formant amplitude contours do not influence across-formant grouping. The findings indicate that competitor efficacy is not tuned to the rate of the target sentences; most probably, it depends primarily on the overall rate of frequency variation in the competitor formants. This suggests that, when segregating the speech of concurrent talkers, differences in speech rate may not be a significant cue for across-frequency grouping of formants.
PURPOSE: To determine whether letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order should be randomized when measuring defocus curves and to assess the most appropriate criterion for calculating the subjective amplitude of accommodation (AoA) from defocus curves. SETTING: Eye Clinic, School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. METHODS: Defocus curves (from +3.00 diopters [D] to -3.00 D in 0.50 D steps) for 6 possible combinations of randomized or nonrandomized letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order were measured in a random order in 20 presbyopic subjects. Subjective AoA was calculated from the defocus curves by curve fitting using various published criteria, and each was correlated to subjective push-up AoA. Objective AoA was measured for comparison of blur tolerance and pupil size. RESULTS: Randomization of lens-presentation order and/or letter sequences, or lack of, did not affect the measured defocus curves (P>.05, analysis of variance). The range of defocus that maintains highest achievable visual acuity (allowing for variability of repeated measurement) was better correlated to (r = 0.84) and agreed best with ( 0.50 D) subjective push-up AoA than any other relative or absolute acuity criterion used in previous studies. CONCLUSIONS: Nonrandomized letters and lens presentation on their own did not affect subjective AoA measured by defocus curves, although their combination should be avoided. Quantification of subjective AoA from defocus curves should be standardized to the range of defocus that maintains the best achievable visual acuity.
It is known that distillation tray efficiency depends on the liquid flow pattern, particularly for large diameter trays. Scale·up failures due to liquid channelling have occurred, and it is known that fitting flow control devices to trays sometirr.es improves tray efficiency. Several theoretical models which explain these observations have been published. Further progress in understanding is at present blocked by lack of experimental measurements of the pattern of liquid concentration over the tray. Flow pattern effects are expected to be significant only on commercial size trays of a large diameter and the lack of data is a result of the costs, risks and difficulty of making these measurements on full scale production columns. This work presents a new experiment which simulates distillation by water cooling. and provides a means of testing commercial size trays in the laboratory. Hot water is fed on to the tray and cooled by air forced through the perforations. The analogy between heat and mass transfer shows that the water temperature at any point is analogous to liquid concentration and the enthalpy of the air is analogous to vapour concentration. The effect of the liquid flow pattern on mass transfer is revealed by the temperature field on the tray. The experiment was implemented and evaluated in a column of 1.2 m. dia. The water temperatures were measured by thennocouples interfaced to an electronic computerised data logging system. The "best surface" through the experimental temperature measurements was obtained by the mathematical technique of B. splines, and presented in tenos of lines of constant temperature. The results revealed that in general liquid channelling is more imponant in the bubbly "mixed" regime than in the spray regime. However, it was observed that severe channelling also occurred for intense spray at incipient flood conditions. This is an unexpected result. A computer program was written to calculate point efficiency as well as tray efficiency, and the results were compared with distillation efficiencies for similar loadings. The theoretical model of Porter and Lockett for predicting distillation was modified to predict water cooling and the theoretical predictions were shown to be similar to the experimental temperature profiles. A comparison of the repeatability of the experiments with an errors analysis revealed that accurate tray efficiency measurements require temperature measurements to better than ± 0.1 °c which is achievable with conventional techniques. This was not achieved in this work, and resulted in considerable scatter in the efficiency results. Nevertheless it is concluded that the new experiment is a valuable tool for investigating the effect of the liquid flow pattern on tray mass transfer.
A sudden increase in the amplitude of a component often causes its segregation from a complex tone, and shorter rise times enhance this effect. We explored whether this also occurs in implant listeners (n?=?8). Condition 1 used a 3.5-s “complex tone” comprising concurrent stimulation on five electrodes distributed across the array of the Nucleus CI24 implant. For each listener, the baseline stimulus level on each electrode was set at 50% of the dynamic range (DR). Two 1-s increments of 12.5%, 25%, or 50% DR were introduced in succession on adjacent electrodes within the “inner” three of those activated. Both increments had rise and fall times of 30 and 970 ms or vice versa. Listeners reported which increment was higher in pitch. Some listeners performed above chance for all increment sizes, but only for 50% increments did all listeners perform above chance. No significant effect of rise time was found. Condition 2 replaced amplitude increments with decrements. Only three listeners performed above chance even for 50% decrements. One exceptional listener performed well for 50% decrements with fall and rise times of 970 and 30 ms but around chance for fall and rise times of 30 and 970 ms, indicating successful discrimination based on a sudden rise back to baseline stimulation. Overall, the results suggest that implant listeners can use amplitude changes against a constant background to pick out components from a complex, but generally these must be large compared with those required in normal hearing. For increments, performance depended mainly on above-baseline stimulation of the target electrodes, not rise time. With one exception, performance for decrements was typically very poor.
A sudden change applied to a single component can cause its segregation from an ongoing complex tone as a pure-tone-like percept. Three experiments examined whether such pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams by extending the research of Bregman and Rudnicky (1975). Those authors found that listeners struggled to identify the presentation order of 2 pure-tone targets of different frequency when they were flanked by 2 lower frequency “distractors.” Adding a series of matched-frequency “captor” tones, however, improved performance by pulling the distractors into a separate stream from the targets. In the current study, sequences of discrete pure tones were substituted by sequences of brief changes applied to an otherwise constant 1.2-s complex tone. Pure-tone-like percepts were evoked by applying 6-dB increments to individual components of a complex comprising harmonics 1–7 of 300 Hz (Experiment 1) or 0.5-ms changes in interaural time difference to individual components of a log-spaced complex (range 160–905 Hz; Experiment 2). Results were consistent with the earlier study, providing clear evidence that pure-tone-like percepts are organized into streams. Experiment 3 adapted Experiment 1 by presenting a global amplitude increment either synchronous with, or just after, the last captor prior to the 1st distractor. In the former case, for which there was no pure-tone-like percept corresponding to that captor, the captor sequence did not aid performance to the same extent as previously. It is concluded that this change to the captor-tone stream partially resets the stream-formation process, and so the distractors and targets became likely to integrate once more. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)
Speech comprises dynamic and heterogeneous acoustic elements, yet it is heard as a single perceptual stream even when accompanied by other sounds. The relative contributions of grouping “primitives” and of speech-specific grouping factors to the perceptual coherence of speech are unclear, and the acoustical correlates of the latter remain unspecified. The parametric manipulations possible with simplified speech signals, such as sine-wave analogues, make them attractive stimuli to explore these issues. Given that the factors governing perceptual organization are generally revealed only where competition operates, the second-formant competitor (F2C) paradigm was used, in which the listener must resist competition to optimize recognition [Remez et al., Psychol. Rev. 101, 129-156 (1994)]. Three-formant (F1+F2+F3) sine-wave analogues were derived from natural sentences and presented dichotically (one ear = F1+F2C+F3; opposite ear = F2). Different versions of F2C were derived from F2 using separate manipulations of its amplitude and frequency contours. F2Cs with time-varying frequency contours were highly effective competitors, regardless of their amplitude characteristics. In contrast, F2Cs with constant frequency contours were completely ineffective. Competitor efficacy was not due to energetic masking of F3 by F2C. These findings indicate that modulation of the frequency, but not the amplitude, contour is critical for across-formant grouping.
'I'he accurate rreasurement of bed shear stress has been extremely difficult due to its changing values until white propunded a theory which would give constant shear along the bed of a flume. In this investigation a flume has been designed according to White's theory and by two separate methods proven to give constant shearing force along the bed. The first method applied the Hydrogen Bubble Technique to obtain accurate values of velocity thus allowing the velocity profile to be plotted and the momentum at the various test sections to be calculated. The use of a 16 mm Beaulieu movie camera allowed the exact velocity profiles created by the hydrogen bubbles to be recorded whilst an analysing projector gave the means of calculating the exact velocities at the various test sections. Simultaneously Preston's technique of measuring skin friction using Pitot tubes was applied. Twc banks of open ended water manometer were used for recording the static and velocity head pressure drop along the flume. This tvpe of manometer eliminated air locks in the tubes and was found to be sufficiently accurate. Readings of pressure and velocity were taken for various types and diameters of bed material both natural sands and glass spheres and the results tabulated. Graphs of particle Reynolds Number against bed shear stress were plotted and gave a linear relationship which dropped off at high values of Reynolds number. It was found that bed movement occurred instantaneously along the bed of the flume once critical velocity had been reached. On completion of this test a roof curve inappropriate to the bed material was used and then the test repeated. The bed shearing stress was now no longer constant and yet bed movement started instantaneously along the bed of the flume, showing that there are more parameters than critical shear stress to bed movement. It is concluded from the two separate methods applied that the bed shear stress is constant along the bed of the flume.
The relationship between accommodation and intraocular pressure (lOP) has not been addressed as a research question for over 20 years, when measurement of both of these parameters was less advanced than today. Hence the central aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of accommodation on lOP. The instrument of choice throughout this thesis was the Pulsair EasyEye non-contact tonometer (NCT) due principally to its slim-line design which allowed the measurement of lOP in one eye and simultaneous stimulation of accommodation in the other eye. A second reason for using the Pulsair EasyEye NCT was that through collaboration with the manufacturers (Keeler, UK) the instrument's operational technology was made accessible. Hence, the principle components underpinning non-contact lOP measures of 0.1mmHg resolution (an order of magnitude greater than other methods) were made available. The relationship between the pressure-output and corneal response has been termed the pressure-response relationship, aspects of which have been shown to be related to ocular biometric parameters. Further, analysis of the components of the pressure-response relationship together with high-speed photography of the cornea during tonometry has enhanced our understanding of the derivation of an lOP measure with the Pulsair EasyEye NCT. The NCT samples the corneal response to the pressure pulse over a 19 ms cycle photoelectronically, but computes the subject's lOP using the data collected in the first 2.34 ms. The relatively instantaneous nature of the lOP measurement renders the measures susceptible to variations in the steady-state lOP caused by the respiratory and cardiac cycles. As such, the variance associated with these cycles was minimised by synchronising the lOP measures with the cardiac trace and maintaining a constant pace respiratory cycle at 15 breathes/minute. It is apparent that synchronising the lOP measures with the peak, middle or trough of the cardiac trace significantly reduced the spread of consecutive measures. Of the 3 locations investigated, synchronisation with the middle location demonstrated the least variance (coeflicient of variation = 9.1%) and a strong correlation (r = 0.90, p = <0.001) with lOP values obtained with Goldmann contact tonometry (n = 50). Accordingly lOP measures synchronised with the middle location of the cardiac cycle were taken in the RE while the LE fixated low (L; zero D), intermediate (I; 1.50 D) and high (H; 4 D) accommodation targets, Quasi-continuous measures of accommodation responses were obtained during the lOP measurement period using the portable infrared Grand Seiko FR-5000 autorefractor. The lOP reduced between L and I accommodative levels by approximately 0.61 mmHg (p <0.00 I). No significant reduction in IOP between L and H accommodation levels was elicited (p = 0.65) (n = 40). The relationship between accommodation and lOP was characterised by substantial inter-subject variations. Myopes demonstrated a tendency to show a reduction in IOP with accommodation which was significant only with I accommodation levels when measured with the NCT (r = 0.50, p = 0.01). However, the relationship between myopia and lOP change with accommodation reached significance for both I (r = 0.61, p= 0.003) and H (r = 0.531, p= 0.0 1) accommodation levels when measured with the Ocular blood Flow Analyser (OBFA). Investigation of the effects of accommodation on the parameters measured by the OBFA demonstrated that with H accommodation levels the pulse amplitude (PA) and pulse rate (PR) responses differed between myopes and emmetropes (PA: p = 0.03; PR: p = 0.004). As thc axial length increased there was a tendency for the pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF) to reduce with accommodation, which was significant only with H accommodation levels (r = 0.38, p = 0.02). It is proposed that emmetropes arc able to regulate the POBF responses to changes in ocular perfusion pressure caused by changes in lOP with I (r = 0.77, p <0.001) and H (r = 0.73, p = 0.001) accommodation levels. However, thc relationship between lOP and POBF changes in the myopes was not correlated for both I (r = 0.33, p = 0.20) and H (r = 0.05, p = 0.85) accommodation levels. The thesis presents new data on the relationships between accommodation, lOP and parameters of the OBFA,: and provides evidence for possible lOP and choroidal blood flow regulatory mechanisms. Further the data highlight possible deficits in the vascular regulation of the myopic eye during accommodation, which may play a putative role in the aetiology of myopia development.
When a ferromagnetic steel billet was heated by induction a large increase in the amplitude of longitudinal vibration frequently occurred as a result of resonance. This happened when a natural frequency of the bar coincided with twice the heating frequency or multiples thereof. The temperature at which resonance occurred depended on a number of factors including billet length and heating power. Resonance was most often observed when the surface temperature of the billet reached the Curie point. It is well established that magnetostrictive vibrations occur in a ferromagnetic material subjected to an alternating electromagnetic field, but existing data suggests that linear magnetostriction decreases towards the Curie point. Linear magnetostriction was measured in a sample of mild steel up to 800ºC using a high temperature strain gauge. The magnetostriction constant 100 was calculated assuming an average grain orientation in mild steel. The data was found to be comparable to that published for single crystals of iron. It was discovered that linear magnetostriction was responsible for resonance below 600ºC but not for temperatures near the Curie point. Other possible causes of resonance such as forces produced by the interaction between eddy currents and the alternating electromagnetic field, the alpha to gamma phase transformation and the existence of a thin ferromagnetic layer were investigated. None were found to account for resonance in bars of mild steel heated by induction. Experimental work relating to the induction heating of steel is compared to previous work on the subject of electromagnetic generation of ultrasound where a similar increase of the amplitude of longitudinal waves in steel is reported at the Curie point. It is concluded that the two phenomena are related as they show strong similarities.
Our goal was to investigate auditory and speech perception abilities of children with and without reading disability (RD) and associations between auditory, speech perception, reading, and spelling skills. Participants were 9-year-old, Finnish-speaking children with RD (N = 30) and typically reading children (N = 30). Results showed significant group differences between the groups in phoneme duration discrimination but not in perception of amplitude modulation and rise time. Correlations among rise time discrimination, phoneme duration, and spelling accuracy were found for children with RD. Those children with poor rise time discrimination were also poor in phoneme duration discrimination and in spelling. Results suggest that auditory processing abilities could, at least in some children, affect speech perception skills, which in turn would lead to phonological processing deficits and dyslexia.
We demonstrate a novel Rayleigh interferometric noise mitigation scheme for applications in carrier-distributed dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) passive optical networks at 10 Gbit/s using carrier suppressed subcarrier-amplitude modulated phase shift keying modulation. The required optical signal to Rayleigh noise ratio is reduced by 12 dB, while achieving excellent tolerance to dispersion, subcarrier frequency and drive amplitude variations.
Fibre-optic communications systems have traditionally carried data using binary (on-off) encoding of the light amplitude. However, next-generation systems will use both the amplitude and phase of the optical carrier to achieve higher spectral efficiencies and thus higher overall data capacities(1,2). Although this approach requires highly complex transmitters and receivers, the increased capacity and many further practical benefits that accrue from a full knowledge of the amplitude and phase of the optical field(3) more than outweigh this additional hardware complexity and can greatly simplify optical network design. However, use of the complex optical field gives rise to a new dominant limitation to system performance-nonlinear phase noise(4,5). Developing a device to remove this noise is therefore of great technical importance. Here, we report the development of the first practical ('black-box') all-optical regenerator capable of removing both phase and amplitude noise from binary phase-encoded optical communications signals.
Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with progesterone by precipitation casting using co-solutions of PCL and progesterone in acetone. Progesterone loadings up to 32% w/w were readily achieved by increasing the drug content of the starting PCL solution. The kinetics of steroid release in PBS at 37°C over 10 days could be described effectively by a diffusional release model although the Korsmeyer-Peppas model indicated the involvement of multiple release phenomena. The diffusion rate constant (D) increased from 8 to 24 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 3.6 to 12.4% w/w. A total cumulative release of 75%-95% indicates the high efficiency of steroid delivery. Increasing the matrix density from 0.22 to 0.39 g/cm3, by increasing the starting PCL solution concentration, was less effective in changing drug release kinetics. Retention of anti-proliferative activity of released steroid was confirmed using cultures of breast cancer epithelial (MCF-7) cells. Progesterone released from PCL matrices into PBS at 37°C over 14 days retarded the growth of MCF-7 cells by a factor of at least 3.5 compared with progesterone-free controls. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of bioactive molecules such as anti-proliferative agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices.
Removing noise from piecewise constant (PWC) signals is a challenging signal processing problem arising in many practical contexts. For example, in exploration geosciences, noisy drill hole records need to be separated into stratigraphic zones, and in biophysics, jumps between molecular dwell states have to be extracted from noisy fluorescence microscopy signals. Many PWC denoising methods exist, including total variation regularization, mean shift clustering, stepwise jump placement, running medians, convex clustering shrinkage and bilateral filtering; conventional linear signal processing methods are fundamentally unsuited. This paper (part I, the first of two) shows that most of these methods are associated with a special case of a generalized functional, minimized to achieve PWC denoising. The minimizer can be obtained by diverse solver algorithms, including stepwise jump placement, convex programming, finite differences, iterated running medians, least angle regression, regularization path following and coordinate descent. In the second paper, part II, we introduce novel PWC denoising methods, and comparisons between these methods performed on synthetic and real signals, showing that the new understanding of the problem gained in part I leads to new methods that have a useful role to play.