30 resultados para Computer Modelling, Interstitial Fluid Flow, Transport Mechanism, Functional Adaptation


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The following thesis describes the computer modelling of radio frequency capacitively coupled methane/hydrogen plasmas and the consequences for the reactive ion etching of (100) GaAs surfaces. In addition a range of etching experiments was undertaken over a matrix of pressure, power and methane concentration. The resulting surfaces were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the results were discussed in terms of physical and chemical models of particle/surface interactions in addition to the predictions for energies, angles and relative fluxes to the substrate of the various plasma species. The model consisted of a Monte Carlo code which followed electrons and ions through the plasma and sheath potentials whilst taking account of collisions with background neutral gas molecules. The ionisation profile output from the electron module was used as input for the ionic module. Momentum scattering interactions of ions with gas molecules were investigated via different models and compared against results given by quantum mechanical code. The interactions were treated as central potential scattering events and the resulting neutral cascades were followed. The resulting predictions for ion energies at the cathode compared well to experimental ion energy distributions and this verified the particular form of the electrical potentials used and their applicability in the particular geometry plasma cell used in the etching experiments. The final code was used to investigate the effect of external plasma parameters on the mass distribution, energy and angles of all species impingent on the electrodes. Comparisons of electron energies in the plasma also agreed favourably with measurements made using a Langmuir electric probe. The surface analysis showed the surfaces all to be depleted in arsenic due to its preferential removal and the resultant Ga:As ratio in the surface was found to be directly linked to the etch rate. The etch rate was determined by the methane flux which was predicted by the code.


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This thesis is devoted to the tribology at the head~to~tape interface of linear tape recording systems, OnStream ADRTM system being used as an experimental platform, Combining experimental characterisation with computer modelling, a comprehensive picture of the mechanisms involved in a tape recording system is drawn. The work is designed to isolate the mechanisms responsible for the physical spacing between head and tape with the aim of minimising spacing losses and errors and optimising signal output. Standard heads-used in ADR current products-and prototype heads- DLC and SPL coated and dummy heads built from a AI203-TiC and alternative single-phase ceramics intended to constitute the head tape-bearing surface-are tested in controlled environment for up to 500 hours (exceptionally 1000 hours), Evidences of wear on the standard head are mainly observable as a preferential wear of the TiC phase of the AI203-TiC ceramic, The TiC grains are believed to delaminate due to a fatigue wear mechanism, a hypothesis further confirmed via modelling, locating the maximum von Mises equivalent stress at a depth equivalent to the TiC recession (20 to 30 nm). Debris of TiC delaminated residues is moreover found trapped within the pole-tip recession, assumed therefore to provide three~body abrasive particles, thus increasing the pole-tip recession. Iron rich stain is found over the cycled standard head surface (preferentially over the pole-tip and to a lesser extent over the TiC grains) at any environment condition except high temperature/humidity, where mainly organic stain was apparent, Temperature (locally or globally) affects staining rate and aspect; stain transfer is generally promoted at high temperature. Humidity affects transfer rate and quantity; low humidity produces, thinner stains at higher rate. Stain generally targets preferentially head materials with high electrical conductivity, i.e. Permalloy and TiC. Stains are found to decrease the friction at the head-to-tape interface, delay the TiC recession hollow-out and act as a protective soft coating reducing the pole-tip recession. This is obviously at the expense of an additional spacing at the head-to-tape interface of the order of 20 nm. Two kinds of wear resistant coating are tested: diamond like carbon (DLC) and superprotective layer (SPL), 10 nm and 20 to 40 nm thick, respectively. DLC coating disappears within 100 hours due possibly to abrasive and fatigue wear. SPL coatings are generally more resistant, particularly at high temperature and low humidity, possibly in relation with stain transfer. 20 nm coatings are found to rely on the substrate wear behaviour whereas 40 nm coatings are found to rely on the adhesive strength at the coating/substrate interface. These observations seem to locate the wear-driving forces 40 nm below the surface, hence indicate that for coatings in the 10 nm thickness range-· i,e. compatible with high-density recording-the substrate resistance must be taken into account. Single-phase ceramic as candidate for wear-resistant tape-bearing surface are tested in form of full-contour dummy-heads. The absence of a second phase eliminates the preferential wear observed at the AI203-TiC surface; very low wear rates and no evidence of brittle fracture are observed.


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Packed beds have many industrial applications and are increasingly used in the process industries due to their low pressure drop. With the introduction of more efficient packings, novel packing materials (i.e. adsorbents) and new applications (i.e. flue gas desulphurisation); the aspect ratio (height to diameter) of such beds is decreasing. Obtaining uniform gas distribution in such beds is of crucial importance in minimising operating costs and optimising plant performance. Since to some extent a packed bed acts as its own distributor the importance of obtaining uniform gas distribution has increased as aspect ratios (bed height to diameter) decrease. There is no rigorous design method for distributors due to a limited understanding of the fluid flow phenomena and in particular of the effect of the bed base / free fluid interface. This study is based on a combined theoretical and modelling approach. The starting point is the Ergun Equation which is used to determine the pressure drop over a bed where the flow is uni-directional. This equation has been applied in a vectorial form so it can be applied to maldistributed and multi-directional flows and has been realised in the Computational Fluid Dynamics code PHOENICS. The use of this equation and its application has been verified by modelling experimental measurements of maldistributed gas flows, where there is no free fluid / bed base interface. A novel, two-dimensional experiment has been designed to investigate the fluid mechanics of maldistributed gas flows in shallow packed beds. The flow through the outlet of the duct below the bed can be controlled, permitting a rigorous investigation. The results from this apparatus provide useful insights into the fluid mechanics of flow in and around a shallow packed bed and show the critical effect of the bed base. The PHOENICS/vectorial Ergun Equation model has been adapted to model this situation. The model has been improved by the inclusion of spatial voidage variations in the bed and the prescription of a novel bed base boundary condition. This boundary condition is based on the logarithmic law for velocities near walls without restricting the velocity at the bed base to zero and is applied within a turbulence model. The flow in a curved bed section, which is three-dimensional in nature, is examined experimentally. The effect of the walls and the changes in gas direction on the gas flow are shown to be particularly significant. As before, the relative amounts of gas flowing through the bed and duct outlet can be controlled. The model and improved understanding of the underlying physical phenomena form the basis for the development of new distributors and rigorous design methods for them.


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The work is a logical continuation of research started at Aston some years ago when studies were conducted on fermentations in bubble columns. The present work highlights typical design and operating problems that could arise in such systems as waste water, chemical, biochemical and petroleum operations involving three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidisation; such systems are in increasing use. It is believed that this is one of few studies concerned with `true' three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems, and that this work will contribute significantly to closing some of the gaps in knowledge in this area. The research work was mainly experimentally based and involved studies of the hydrodynamic parameters, phase holdups (gas and solid), particle mixing and segregation, and phase flow dynamics (flow regime and circulation patterns). The studies have focused particularly on the solid behaviour and the influence of properties of solids present on the above parameters in three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems containing single particle components and those containing binary and ternary mixtures of particles. All particles were near spherical in shape and two particle sizes and total concentration levels were used. Experiments were carried out in two- and three-dimensional bubble columns. Quantitative results are presented in graphical form and are supported by qualitative results from visual studies which are also shown as schematic diagrams and in photographic form. Gas and solid holdup results are compared for air-water containing single, binary and ternary component particle mixtures. It should be noted that the criteria for selection of the materials used are very important if true three-phase fluidisation is to be achieved: this is very evident when comparing the results with those in the literature. The fluid flow and circulation patterns observed were assessed for validation of the generally accepted patterns, and the author believes that the present work provides more accurate insight into the modelling of liquid circulation in bubble columns. The characteristic bubbly flow at low gas velocity in a two-phase system is suppressed in the three-phase system. The degree of mixing within the system is found to be dependent on flow regime, liquid circulation and the ratio of solid phase physical properties. Evidence of strong `trade-off' of properties is shown; the overall solid holdup is believed to be a major parameter influencing the gas holdup structure.


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This thesis documents the design, manufacture and testing of a passive and non-invasive micro-scale planar particle-from-fluid filter for segregating cell types from a homogeneous suspension. The microfluidics system can be used to separate spermatogenic cells from testis biopsy samples, providing a mechanism for filtrate retrieval for assisted reproduction therapy. The system can also be used for point-of-service diagnostics applications for hospitals, lab-on-a-chip pre-processing and field applications such as clinical testing in the third world. Various design concepts are developed and manufactured, and are assessed based on etched structure morphology, robustness to variations in the manufacturing process, and design impacts on fluid flow and particle separation characteristics. Segregation was measured using image processing algorithms that demonstrate efficiency is more than 55% for 1 µl volumes at populations exceeding 1 x 107. the technique supports a significant reduction in time over conventional processing, in the separation and identification of particle groups, offering a potential reduction in the associated cost of the targeted procedure. The thesis has developed a model of quasi-steady wetting flow within the micro channel and identifies the forces across the system during post-wetting equalisation. The model and its underlying assumptions are validated empirically in microfabricated test structures through a novel Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry technique. The prototype devices do not require ancillary equipment nor additional filtration media, and therefore offer fewer opportunities for sample contamination over conventional processing methods. The devices are disposable with minimal reagent volumes and process waste. Optimal processing parameters and production methods are identified with any improvements that could be made to enhance their performance in a number of identified potential applications.


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The properties of Caco-2 monolayers were compared on aluminium oxide and nitrocellulose permeable-supports. On nitrocellulose, Caco-2 cells displayed a higher rate of taurocholic acid transport than those cultured on aluminium oxide inserts. In addition, Caco-2 cells grown on these two inserts were not comparable with respect to cell morphology, cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance. The low adsorption potential of the aluminium oxide inserts, particularly for high molecular weight or lipophilic ligands, offers a distinct advantage over nitrocellulose inserts for drug transport studies. The carrier-mediated uptake and transport of the imino acid (L-proline) and the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) have been studied. At pH7.4, L-proline uptake is mediated via an A-system carrier. Elevated uptake and transport under acidic conditions occurs by activation of a distinct carrier population. Acidic amino acid transport is mediated via a X-AG system. The flux of baclofen, CGP40116 andCGP40117 across Caco-2 monolayers was described by passive transport. The transport of three peptides, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, SQ29852 and cyclosporin were investigated. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone transport acrossCaco-2 monolayers was characterised by a minor saturable (carrier-mediated,approximately 25%) pathway, superimposed onto a major non-saturable (diffusional)pathway. SQ29852 uptake into Caco-2 monolayers is described by a major saturable mechanism (Km = 0.91 mM) superimposed onto a minor passive component.However, the initial-rate of SQ29852 transport is consistent with a passive transepithelial transport mechanism. These data highlight the possibility that itsbasolateral efflux is severely retarded such that the passive paracellular transportdictates the overall transepithelial transport characteristics. In addition, modelsuitable for investigating the transepithelial transport of cyclosporin A has been developed. A modification of the conventional Caco-2 model has been developed which has a calcium-free Ap donor-solution and a Bl receiver-solution containing the minimumcalcium concentration required to maintain monolayer integrity (100 μM). The influence of calcium and magnesium on the absorption of [14C]pamidronate was evaluated by comparing its transport across the conventional and minimum calciumCaco-2 models. Ap calcium and magnesium ions retard the Ap-to-Bl flux of pamidronate across Caco-2 monolayers. The effect of self-emulsifying oleic acid-Tween 80 formulations on Caco-2monolayer integrity has been investigated. Oleic acid-Tween 80 (1 0:1) formulations produced a dose-dependent disruption of Caco-2 monolayer integrity. This disruption was related to the oleic acid content of the formulation.


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This thesis covers both experimental and computer investigations into the dynamic behaviour of mechanical seals. The literature survey shows no investigations on the effect of vibration on mechanical seals of the type common in the various process industries. Typical seal designs are discussed. A form of Reynolds' equation has been developed that permits the calculation of stiffnesses and damping coefficients for the fluid film. The dynamics of the mechanical seal floating ring have been investigated using approximate formulae, and it has been shown that the floating ring will behave as a rigid body. Some elements, such as the radial damping due to the fluid film, are small and may be neglected. The equations of motion of the floating ring have been developed utilising the significant elements, and a solution technique described. The stiffness and damping coefficients of nitrile rubber o-rings have been obtained. These show a wide variation, with a constant stiffness up to 60 Hz. The importance of the effect of temperature on the properties is discussed. An unsuccessful test rig is described in the appendices. The dynamic behaviour of a mechanical seal has been investigated experimentally, including the effect of changes of speed, sealed pressure and seal geometry. The results, as expected, show that high vibration levels result in both high leakage and seal temperatures. Computer programs have been developed to solve Reynolds' Equation and the equations of motion. Two solution techniques for this latter program were developed, the unsuccesful technique is described in the appendices. Some stability problems were encountered, but despite these the solution shows good agreement with some of the experimental conditions. Possible reasons for the discrepancies are discussed. Various suggestions for future work in this field are given. These include the combining of the programs and more extensive experimental and computer modelling.


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Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is an ATP-dependent polytopic membrane protein that transports many anticancer drugs and organic anions. Its transport mechanism is multifaceted, especially with respect to the participation of GSH. For example, vincristine is cotransported with GSH, estrone sulfate transport is stimulated by GSH, or MRP1 can transport GSH alone, and this can be stimulated by compounds such as verapamil or apigenin. Thus, the interactions between GSH and MRP1 are mechanistically complex. To examine the similarities and differences among the various GSH-associated mechanisms of MRP1 transport, we have measured first the effect of GSH and several GSH-associated substrates/modulators on the binding and hydrolysis of ATP by MRP1 using 8-azidoadenosine-5'-[(32)P]-triphosphate ([(32)P]azidoATP) analogs, and second the initial binding of GSH and GSH-associated substrates/modulators to MRP1. We observed that GSH or its nonreducing derivative S-methylGSH (S-mGSH), but none of the GSH-associated substrate/modulators, caused a significant increase in [gamma-(32)P]azidoATP labeling of MRP1. Moreover, GSH and S-mGSH decreased levels of orthovanadate-induced trapping of [alpha-(32)P]azidoADP. [alpha-(32)P]azidoADP.Vi trapping was also decreased by estone sulfate, whereas vincristine, verapamil, and apigenin had no apparent effects on nucleotide interactions with MRP1. Furthermore, estrone sulfate and S-mGSH enhanced the effect of each other 15- and 10-fold, respectively. Second, although GSH binding increased the apparent affinity of MRP1 for all GSH-associated substrates/modulators tested, only estrone sulfate had a reciprocal effect on the apparent affinity of MRP1 for GSH. Overall, these results indicate significant mechanistic differences between MRP1-mediated transport of GSH and the ability of GSH to modulate MRP1 transport.


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Discrete event simulation is a popular aid for manufacturing system design; however in application this technique can sometimes be unnecessarily complex. This paper is concerned with applying an alternative technique to manufacturing system design which may well provide an efficient form of rough-cut analysis. This technique is System Dynamics, and the work described in this paper has set about incorporating the principles of this technique into a computer based modelling tool that is tailored to manufacturing system design. This paper is structured to first explore the principles of System Dynamics and how they differ from Discrete Event Simulation. The opportunity for System Dynamics is then explored, and this leads to defining the capabilities that a suitable tool would need. This specification is then transformed into a computer modelling tool, which is then assessed by applying this tool to model an engine production facility. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219686703000228


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This paper presents and demonstrates a method for using magnetic resonance imaging to measure local pressure of a fluid saturating a porous medium. The method is tested both in a static system of packed silica gel and in saturated sintered glass cylinders experiencing fluid flow. The fluid used contains 3% gas in the form of 3-μm average diameter gas filled 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C18:0, MW: 790.16) liposomes suspended in 5% glycerol and 0.5% Methyl cellulose with water. Preliminary studies at 2.35 T demonstrate relative magnetic resonance signal changes of 20% per bar in bulk fluid for an echo time TE=40 ms, and 6-10% in consolidated porous media for TE=10 ms, over the range 0.8-1.8 bar for a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm3 and a temporal resolution of 30 s. The stability of this solution with relation to applied pressure and methods for improving sensitivity are discussed. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A mathematical model is presented for steady fluid flow across microvessel walls through a serial pathway consisting of the endothelial surface glycocalyx and the intercellular cleft between adjacent endothelial cells, with junction strands and their discontinuous gaps. The three-dimensional flow through the pathway from the vessel lumen to the tissue space has been computed numerically based on a Brinkman equation with appropriate values of the Darcy permeability. The predicted values of the hydraulic conductivity Lp, defined as the ratio of the flow rate per unit surface area of the vessel wall to the pressure drop across it, are close to experimental measurements for rat mesentery microvessels. If the values of the Darcy permeability for the surface glycocalyx are determined based on the regular arrangements of fibres with 6nm radius and 8nm spacing proposed recently from the detailed structural measurements, then the present study suggests that the surface glycocalyx could be much less resistant to flow compared to previous estimates by the one-dimensional flow analyses, and the intercellular cleft could be a major determinant of the hydraulic conductivity of the microvessel wall.


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Purpose – To propose and investigate a stable numerical procedure for the reconstruction of the velocity of a viscous incompressible fluid flow in linear hydrodynamics from knowledge of the velocity and fluid stress force given on a part of the boundary of a bounded domain. Design/methodology/approach – Earlier works have involved the similar problem but for stationary case (time-independent fluid flow). Extending these ideas a procedure is proposed and investigated also for the time-dependent case. Findings – The paper finds a novel variation method for the Cauchy problem. It proves convergence and also proposes a new boundary element method. Research limitations/implications – The fluid flow domain is limited to annular domains; this restriction can be removed undertaking analyses in appropriate weighted spaces to incorporate singularities that can occur on general bounded domains. Future work involves numerical investigations and also to consider Oseen type flow. A challenging problem is to consider non-linear Navier-Stokes equation. Practical implications – Fluid flow problems where data are known only on a part of the boundary occur in a range of engineering situations such as colloidal suspension and swimming of microorganisms. For example, the solution domain can be the region between to spheres where only the outer sphere is accessible for measurements. Originality/value – A novel variational method for the Cauchy problem is proposed which preserves the unsteady Stokes operator, convergence is proved and using recent for the fundamental solution for unsteady Stokes system, a new boundary element method for this system is also proposed.


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Internal haemorrhage, often leading to cardio-vascular arrest happens to be one of the prime sources of high fatality rates in mammals. We propose a simplistic model of fluid flow in our attempt to specify the location of the haemorrhagic spot, which, if located accurately, could possibly be operated leading to an instant cure. The model we employ for the purpose is basically fluid mechanical in origin and consists of a viscous fluid, pumped by a periodic force and flowing through an elastic tube. The analogy is with that of blood, pumped from the heart and flowing through an artery or vein. Our results, aided by graphical illustrations, match reasonably well with experimental observations.


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Particle breakage due to fluid flow through various geometries can have a major influence on the performance of particle/fluid processes and on the product quality characteristics of particle/fluid products. In this study, whey protein precipitate dispersions were used as a case study to investigate the effect of flow intensity and exposure time on the breakage of these precipitate particles. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations were performed to evaluate the turbulent eddy dissipation rate (TED) and associated exposure time along various flow geometries. The focus of this work is on the predictive modelling of particle breakage in particle/fluid systems. A number of breakage models were developed to relate TED and exposure time to particle breakage. The suitability of these breakage models was evaluated for their ability to predict the experimentally determined breakage of the whey protein precipitate particles. A "power-law threshold" breakage model was found to provide a satisfactory capability for predicting the breakage of the whey protein precipitate particles. The whey protein precipitate dispersions were propelled through a number of different geometries such as bends, tees and elbows, and the model accurately predicted the mean particle size attained after flow through these geometries. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Whey proteins may be fractionated by isoelectric precipitation followed by centrifugal recovery of the precipitate phase. Transport and processing of protein precipitates may alter the precipitate particle properties, which may affect how they behave in subsequent processes. For example, the transport of precipitate solution through pumps, pipes and valves and into a centrifugal separator may cause changes in particle size and density, which may affect the performance of the separator. This work investigates the effect of fluid flow intensity, flow geometry and exposure time on the breakage of whey protein precipitates: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to quantify the flow intensity in different geometries. Flow geometry can have a critical impact on particle breakage. Sharp geometrical transitions induce large increases in turbulence that can result in substantial particle breakage. As protein precipitate particles break, they tend to form denser more compact structures. The reduction in particle size and increase in compaction is due to breakage. This makes the particles become more resistant to further breakage as particle compactness increases. The effect of flow intensity on particle breakage is coupled to exposure time, with greater exposure time producing more breakage. However, it is expected that the particles will attain an equilibrium particle size and density after prolonged exposure in a constant flow field where no further breakage will occur with exposure time. © 2005 Institution of Chemical Engineers.