41 resultados para Complex biological systems


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Guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) plays a role as a second messenger in many different biological systems. Given the ubiquitous nature of cGMP, a simple method of detecting cGMP is of interest. To that end a fluorescent polymer with recognition sites for cGMP has been prepared. Its selectivity and sensitivity were investigated and a dose-dependant decrease in fluorescence of the polymer in the presence of cGMP was observed. In contrast, virtually no effect was detected upon application of the structurally similar molecules, guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP) and adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), thus demonstrating the high selectivity of this polymer. The association constant for the binding of cGMP to the imprinted polymer was determined in order of 3 × 10 5 M -1. A fluorescent, molecularly imprinted polymer that selectively recognises cGMP may have a useful application as a fluorescent chemosensor for cGMP detection in biological samples.


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In inflammatory diseases, release of oxidants leads to oxidative damage to biomolecules. HOCl (hypochlorous acid), released by the myeloperoxidase/H2O2/Cl- system, can cause formation of phospholipid chlorohydrins, or alpha-chloro-fatty aldehydes from plasmalogens. It can attack several amino acid residues in proteins, causing post-translational oxidative modifications of proteins, but the formation of 3-chlorotyrosine is one of the most stable markers of HOCl-induced damage. Soft-ionization MS has proved invaluable for detecting the occurrence of oxidative modifications to both phospholipids and proteins, and characterizing the products generated by HOCl-induced attack. For both phospholipids and proteins, the application of advanced mass spectrometric methods such as product or precursor ion scanning and neutral loss analysis can yield information both about the specific nature of the oxidative modification and the biomolecule modified. The ideal is to be able to apply these methods to complex biological or clinical samples, to determine the site-specific modifications of particular cellular components. This is important for understanding disease mechanisms and offers potential for development of novel biomarkers of inflammatory diseases. In the present paper, we review some of the progress that has been made towards this goal.


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Hydrogels, water swollen polymer matrices, have been utilised in many biomedical applications, as there is the potential to manipulate the properties for a given application by changing the chemical structure of the constituent monomers The eye provides an excellent site to examne the interaction between a synthetic material and a complex biological fluid without invasive surgery. There is a need for the development of new synthetic hydrogels for use in the anterior eye, Three applications of hydrogels in the eye were considered in this thesis. For some patients, the only hope of any visual improvement lies in the use of an artificial cornea, or keratoprosthesis, Preliminary investigations of a series of simple homogeneous hydrogel copolymers revealed that the mechanical properties required to withstand surgery and in eye stresses, were not achieved This lead to work on the development of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on the aforementioned copolymers, Manufacture of the device and cell response were also studied. Lasers have been employed in ocular surgery to correct refractive defects. If an irregular surface is ablated, an irregular surface is obtained. A hydrogel system was investigated that could be applied to the eye prior to ablation to create a smooth surface. Factors that may influence ablation rate were explored, Soft contact lenses can be used as a probe to study the interaction between synthetic materials and the biological constituents of tears. This has lead to the development of many sensitive analytical techniques for protein and lipid deposition, one of which is fluorescence spectrophotometry. Various commercially available soft contact lenses were worn for different periods of time and then analysed for protein and lipid deposition using fluorescence spectrophotometry, The influence of water content, degree of ionicity and the lens material on the level and type of deposition was investigated.


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Hydrogels may be conveniently described as hydrophilic polymers that are swollen by, but do not dissolve in water. In this work a series of copolymer hydrogels and semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on the monomers 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, N-vinyl pyrrolidone and N'N' dimethyl acrylamide, together with some less hydrophilic hydroxyalkyl acrylates and methacrylates have been synthesised. Variations in structure and composition have been correlated both with the total equilibrium water content of the resultant hydrogel and with the more detailed water binding behaviour, as revealed by differential scanning calorimetry studies. The water binding characteristics of the hydrogels were found to be primarily a function of the water structuring groups present in gel. The water binding abilities of these groups were, however, modified by steric effects. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were also investigated. These were found to be dependent on both the polymer composition and the amount and nature of the water present in the gels. In biological systems, composite formation provides a means of producing strong, high water content materials. As an analogy with these systems hydrogel composites were prepared. In an initial study of these materials the water binding and mechanical properties of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks of N'N'dimethyl acrylamide with cellulosic type materials, with polyurethanes and with ester containing polymers were examined. A preliminary investigation of surface properties of both the copolymers and semi-interpenetrating polymer networks has been completed, using both contact angle measurements and anchorage dependent fibroblast cells. Measurable differences in surface properties attributable to structural variations in the polymers were detected by droplet techniques in the dehydrated state. However, in the hydrated state these differences were masked by the water in the gels. The use of cells enabled the underlying differences to be probed and the nature of the water structuring group was again found to be the dominant factor.


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Soft contact lens wear has become a common phenomenon in recent times. The contact lens when placed in the eye rapidly undergoes change. A film of biological material builds up on and in the lens matrix. The long term wear characteristics of the lens ultimately depend on this process. With time distinct structures made up of biological material have been found to build up on the lens. A fuller understanding of this process and how it relates to the lens chemistry could lead to contact lenses that are better tolerated by the eye. The tear film is a complex biological fluid, it is this fluid that bathes the lens during wear. It is reasonable to suppose that it is material derived from this source that accumulates on the lens. To understand this phenomenon it was decided to investigate the make up and conformation of the protein species that are found on and in the lens. As inter individual variations in tear fluid composition have been found it is important to be able to study the proteins on a single lens. Many of the analytical techniques used in bio research are not suitable for this study because of the lack of sensitivity. Work with poly acrylamide electrophoresis showed the possibility of analyzing the proteins extracted from a single lens. The development of a biotin avidin electro-blot and an enzyme linked aniibody electro-blot, lead to the high sensitivity detection and identification of the proteins present. The extraction of proteins from a lens is always incomplete. A method that analyses the proteins in situ would be a great advancement. Fourier transform infra red microscopy was developed to a point where a thin section of a contact lens could yield information about the proteins present and their conformation. The three dimensional structure of the gross macroscopic structures termed white spots was investigated using confocal laser microscopy.


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The increasing cost of developing complex software systems has created a need for tools which aid software construction. One area in which significant progress has been made is with the so-called Compiler Writing Tools (CWTs); these aim at automated generation of various components of a compiler and hence at expediting the construction of complete programming language translators. A number of CWTs are already in quite general use, but investigation reveals significant drawbacks with current CWTs, such as lex and yacc. The effective use of a CWT typically requires a detailed technical understanding of its operation and involves tedious and error-prone input preparation. Moreover, CWTs such as lex and yacc address only a limited aspect of the compilation process; for example, actions necessary to perform lexical symbol valuation and abstract syntax tree construction must be explicitly coded by the user. This thesis presents a new CWT called CORGI (COmpiler-compiler from Reference Grammar Input) which deals with the entire `front-end' component of a compiler; this includes the provision of necessary data structures and routines to manipulate them, both generated from a single input specification. Compared with earlier CWTs, CORGI has a higher-level and hence more convenient user interface, operating on a specification derived directly from a `reference manual' grammar for the source language. Rather than developing a compiler-compiler from first principles, CORGI has been implemented by building a further shell around two existing compiler construction tools, namely lex and yacc. CORGI has been demonstrated to perform efficiently in realistic tests, both in terms of speed and the effectiveness of its user interface and error-recovery mechanisms.


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Jackson System Development (JSD) is an operational software development method which addresses most of the software lifecycle either directly or by providing a framework into which more specialised techniques can fit. The method has two major phases: first an abstract specification is derived that is in principle executable; second the specification is implemented using a variety of transformations. The object oriented paradigm is based on data abstraction and encapsulation coupled to an inheritance architecture that is able to support software reuse. Its claims of improved programmer productivity and easier program maintenance make it an important technology to be considered for building complex software systems. The mapping of JSD specifications into procedural languages typified by Cobol, Ada, etc., involves techniques such as inversion and state vector separation to produce executable systems of acceptable performance. However, at present, no strategy exists to map JSD specifications into object oriented languages. The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between JSD and the object oriented paradigm, and to identify and implement transformations capable of mapping JSD specifications into an object oriented language typified by Smalltalk-80. The direction which the transformational strategy follows is one whereby the concurrency of a specification is removed. Two approaches implementing inversion - an architectural transformation resulting in a simulated coroutine mechanism being generated - are described in detail. The first approach directly realises inversions by manipulating Smalltalk-80 system contexts. This is possible in Smalltalk-80 because contexts are first class objects and are accessible to the user like any other system object. However, problems associated with this approach are expounded. The second approach realises coroutine-like behaviour in a structure called a `followmap'. A followmap is the results of a transformation on a JSD process in which a collection of followsets is generated. Each followset represents all possible state transitions a process can undergo from the current state of the process. Followsets, together with exploitation of the class/instance mechanism for implementing state vector separation, form the basis for mapping JSD specifications into Smalltalk-80. A tool, which is also built in Smalltalk-80, supports these derived transformations and enables a user to generate Smalltalk-80 prototypes of JSD specifications.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the sphingolipid ceramide are each partly responsible for the intracellular signal transduction of a variety of physiological, pharmacological or environmental agents. Furthermore, the enhanced production of many of these agents, that utilise ROS and ceramide as signalling intermediates, is associated with the aetiologies of several vascular diseases (e.g. atherosclerosis) or disorders of inflammatory origin (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis; RA). Excessive monocyte recruitment and uncontrolled T cell activation are both strongly implicated in the chronic inflammatory responses that are associated with these pathologies. Therefore the aims of this thesis are (1) to further elucidate the cellular responses to modulations in intracellular ceramide/ROS levels in monocytes and T cells, in order to help resolve the mechanisms of progression of these diseases and (2) to examine both existing agents (methotrexate) and novel targets for possible therapeutic manipulation. Utilising synthetic, short chain ceramide to mimic the cellular responses to fluctuations in natural endogenous ceramide or, stimulation of CD95 to induce ceramide formation, it is described here that ceramide targets and manipulates two discrete sites responsible for ROS generation, preceding the cellular responses of growth arrest in U937 monocytes and apoptosis in Jurkat T-cells. In both cell types, transient elevations in mitochondrial ROS generation were observed. However, the prominent redox altering effects appear to be the ceramide-mediated reduction in cytosolic peroxide, the magnitude of which dictates in part the cellular response in U937 monocytes, Jurkat T-cells and primary human peripheral blood resting or PHA-activated T-cells in vitro. The application of synthetic ceramides to U937 monocytes for short (2 hours) or long (16 hours) treatment periods reduced the membrane expression of proteins associated with cell-cell interaction. Furthermore, ceramide treated U937 monocytes demonstrated reduced adhesion to 5 or 24 hour LPS activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) but not resting HUVEC. Consequently it is hypothesised that the targeted treatment of monocytes from patients with cardiovascular diseases with short chain synthetic ceramide may reduce disease progression. Herein, the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drug, methotrexate, is described to require ROS production for the induction of cytostasis or cytotoxicity in U937 monocytes and Jurkat T-cells respectively. Further, ROS are critical for methotrexate to abrogate monocyte interaction with activated HUVEC in vitro. The histological feature of RA of enhanced infiltration, survivability and hyporesponsiveness of T-cells within the diseased synovium has been suggested to arise from aberrant signalling. No difference in the concentrations of endogenous T-cell ceramide, the related lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) and cytosolic peroxide ex vivo was observed. TCR activation following PHA exposure in vitro for 72 hours did not induced maintained perturbations in DAG or ceramide in T-cells from RA patients or healthy individuals. However, T-cells from RA patients failed to upregulate cytosolic peroxide in response to PHA, unlike those from normals, despite expressing identical levels of the activation marker CD25. This inability to upregulate cytosolic peroxide may contribute to the T-cell pathology associated with RA by affecting the signalling capacity of redox sensitive biomolecules. These data highlight the importance of two distinctive cellular pools of ROS in mediating complex biological events associated with inflammatory disease and suggest that modulation of cellular ceramides represents a novel therapeutic strategy to minimise monocyte recruitment.


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The microbial demand for iron is often met by the elaboration of siderophores into the surrounding medium and expression of cognate outer membrane receptors for the ferric siderophore complexes. Conditions of iron limitation, such as those encountered in vivo, cause Pseudomonas aeruginosa to express two high-affinity iron-uptake systems based on pyoverdin and pyochelin. These systems will operate both in the organism's natural habitat, soil and water, where the solubility of iron at neutral pH is extremely low, and in the human host where the availability of free iron is too low to sustain bacterial growth due to the iron-binding glycoproteins transferrin and lactoferrin. Cross-feeding and radiolabelled iron uptake experiments demonstrated that pyoverdin biosynthesis and uptake were highly heterogeneous amongst P.aeruginosa strains, that growth either in the presence of pyoverdin or pyochelin resulted in induction of specific IROMPs, and that induction of iron uptake is siderophore-specific. The P.aeruginosa Tn5 mutant PH1 is deficient in ferripyoverdin uptake and resistant to pyocin Sa, suggesting that the site of interaction of pyocin Sa is a ferripyoverdin receptor. Additional Tn5 mutants appeared to exploit different strategies to achieve pyocin Sa-resistance, involving modifications in expression of pyoverdin-mediated iron uptake, indicating that complex regulatory systems exist to enable these organisms to compete effectively for iron. Modulation of expression of IROMPs prompted a study of the mechanism of uptake of a semi-synthetic C(7) α-formamido substituted cephalosporin BRL 41897A. Sensitivity to this agent correlated with expression of the 75 kDa ferri-pyochelin receptor and demonstrated the potential of high-affinity iron uptake systems for targeting of novel antibiotics. Studies with ferri-pyoverdin uptake-deficient mutant PH1 indicated that expression of outer membrane protein G (OprG), which is usually expressed under iron-rich conditions and repressed under iron-deficient conditions, was perturbed. Attempts were made to clone the oprG gene using a degenerate probe based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence. A strongly hybridising HindIll restriction fragment was cloned and sequenced, but failed to reveal an open reading frame correspondmg to OprG. However, there appears to be good evidence that a part of the gene codmg for the hydrophilic membrane-associated ATP-binding component of a hitherto uncharacterised periplasmic- binding-protein-dependent transport system has been isolated. The full organisation and sequence of the operon, and substrate for this putative transport system, are yet: to be elucidated,


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Diagnosing faults in wastewater treatment, like diagnosis of most problems, requires bi-directional plausible reasoning. This means that both predictive (from causes to symptoms) and diagnostic (from symptoms to causes) inferences have to be made, depending on the evidence available, in reasoning for the final diagnosis. The use of computer technology for the purpose of diagnosing faults in the wastewater process has been explored, and a rule-based expert system was initiated. It was found that such an approach has serious limitations in its ability to reason bi-directionally, which makes it unsuitable for diagnosing tasks under the conditions of uncertainty. The probabilistic approach known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNS) was then critically reviewed, and was found to be well-suited for diagnosis under uncertainty. The theory and application of BBNs are outlined. A full-scale BBN for the diagnosis of faults in a wastewater treatment plant based on the activated sludge system has been developed in this research. Results from the BBN show good agreement with the predictions of wastewater experts. It can be concluded that the BBNs are far superior to rule-based systems based on certainty factors in their ability to diagnose faults and predict systems in complex operating systems having inherently uncertain behaviour.


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Decomposition of domestic wastes in an anaerobic environment results in the production of landfill gas. Public concern about landfill disposal and particularly the production of landfill gas has been heightened over the past decade. This has been due in large to the increased quantities of gas being generated as a result of modern disposal techniques, and also to their increasing effect on modern urban developments. In order to avert diasters, effective means of preventing gas migration are required. This, in turn requires accurate detection and monitoring of gas in the subsurface. Point sampling techniques have many drawbacks, and accurate measurement of gas is difficult. Some of the disadvantages of these techniques could be overcome by assessing the impact of gas on biological systems. This research explores the effects of landfill gas on plants, and hence on the spectral response of vegetation canopies. Examination of the landfill gas/vegetation relationship is covered, both by review of the literature and statistical analysis of field data. The work showed that, although vegetation health was related to landfill gas, it was not possible to define a simple correlation. In the landfill environment, contribution from other variables, such as soil characteristics, frequently confused the relationship. Two sites are investigated in detail, the sites contrasting in terms of the data available, site conditions, and the degree of damage to vegetation. Gas migration at the Panshanger site was dominantly upwards, affecting crops being grown on the landfill cap. The injury was expressed as an overall decline in plant health. Discriminant analysis was used to account for the variations in plant health, and hence the differences in spectral response of the crop canopy, using a combination of soil and gas variables. Damage to both woodland and crops at the Ware site was severe, and could be easily related to the presence of gas. Air photographs, aerial video, and airborne thematic mapper data were used to identify damage to vegetation, and relate this to soil type. The utility of different sensors for this type of application is assessed, and possible improvements that could lead to more widespread use are identified. The situations in which remote sensing data could be combined with ground survey are identified. In addition, a possible methodology for integrating the two approaches is suggested.


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Particulate solids are complex redundant systems which consist of discrete particles. The interactions between the particles are complex and have been the subject of many theoretical and experimental investigations. Invetigations of particulate material have been restricted by the lack of quantitative information on the mechanisms occurring within an assembly. Laboratory experimentation is limited as information on the internal behaviour can only be inferred from measurements on the assembly boundary, or the use of intrusive measuring devices. In addition comparisons between test data are uncertain due to the difficulty in reproducing exact replicas of physical systems. Nevertheless, theoretical and technological advances require more detailed material information. However, numerical simulation affords access to information on every particle and hence the micro-mechanical behaviour within an assembly, and can replicate desired systems. To use a computer program to numerically simulate material behaviour accurately it is necessary to incorporte realistic interaction laws. This research programme used the finite difference simulation program `BALL', developed by Cundall (1971), which employed linear spring force-displacement laws. It was thus necessary to incorporate more realistic interaction laws. Therefore, this research programme was primarily concerned with the implementation of the normal force-displacement law of Hertz (1882) and the tangential force-displacement laws of Mindlin and Deresiewicz (1953). Within this thesis the contact mechanics theories employed in the program are developed and the adaptations which were necessary to incorporate these laws are detailed. Verification of the new contact force-displacement laws was achieved by simulating a quasi-static oblique contact and single particle oblique impact. Applications of the program to the simulation of large assemblies of particles is given, and the problems in undertaking quasi-static shear tests along with the results from two successful shear tests are described.


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Protein oxidation is thought to contribute to a number of inflammatory diseases, hence the development of sensitive and specific analytical techniques to detect oxidative PTMs (oxPTMs) in biological samples is highly desirable. Precursor ion scanning for fragment ions of oxidized amino acid residues was investigated as a label-free MS approach to mapping specific oxPTMs in a complex mixture of proteins. Using HOCl-oxidized lysozyme as a model system, it was found that the immonium ions of oxidized tyrosine and tryptophan formed in MS(2) analysis could not be used as diagnostic ions, owing to the occurrence of isobaric fragment ions from unmodified peptides. Using a double quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer, precursor ion scanning was combined with detection of MS(3) fragment ions from the immonium ions and collisionally-activated decomposition peptide sequencing to achieve selectivity for the oxPTMs. For chlorotyrosine, the immonium ion at 170.1 m/z fragmented to yield diagnostic ions at 153.1, 134.1, and 125.1 m/z, and the hydroxytyrosine immonium ion at 152.1 m/z gave diagnostic ions at 135.1 and 107.1 m/z. Selective MS(3) fragment ions were also identified for 2-hydroxytryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan. The method was used successfully to map these oxPTMs in a mixture of nine proteins that had been treated with HOCl, thereby demonstrating its potential for application to complex biological samples.


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Oxidized and chlorinated phospholipids are generated under inflammatory conditions and are increasingly understood to play important roles in diseases involving oxidative stress. MS is a sensitive and informative technique for monitoring phospholipid oxidation that can provide structural information and simultaneously detect a wide variety of oxidation products, including chain-shortened and -chlorinated phospholipids. MSn technologies involve fragmentation of the compounds to yield diagnostic fragment ions and thus assist in identification. Advanced methods such as neutral loss and precursor ion scanning can facilitate the analysis of specific oxidation products in complex biological samples. This is essential for determining the contributions of different phospholipid oxidation products in disease. While many pro-inflammatory signalling effects of oxPLs (oxidized phospholipids) have been reported, it has more recently become clear that they can also have anti-inflammatory effects in conditions such as infection and endotoxaemia. In contrast with free radical-generated oxPLs, the signalling effects of chlorinated lipids are much less well understood, but they appear to demonstrate mainly pro-inflammatory effects. Specific analysis of oxidized and chlorinated lipids and the determination of their molecular effects are crucial to understanding their role in disease pathology.


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The control of cellular water flow is mediated by the aquaporin (AQP) family of membrane proteins. The family's structural features and the mechanism of selective water passage through the AQP pore are established, but there remains a gap in our knowledge of how water transport is regulated. Two broad possibilities exist. One is controlling the passage of water through the AQP pore, but this has only been observed as a phenomenon in some plant and microbial AQPs. An alternative is controlling the number of AQPs in the cell membrane. Here we describe a novel pathway in mammalian cells whereby a hypotonic stimulus directly induces intracellular calcium elevations, through transient receptor potential channels, that trigger AQP1 translocation. This translocation, which has a direct role in cell volume regulation, occurs within 30s and is dependent on calmodulin activation and phosphorylation of AQP1 at two threonine residues by protein kinase C. This direct mechanism provides a rationale for the changes in water transport that are required in response to constantly-changing local cellular water availability. Moreover, since calcium is a pluripotent and ubiquitous second messenger in biological systems, the discovery of its role in the regulation of AQP translocation has ramifications for diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes, as well as providing an explanation for the rapid regulation of water flow that is necessary for cell homeostasis.