21 resultados para Chemical processes.


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The underlying theme of this thesis is one of exploring the processes involved in the enhancement of percutaneous absorption. The development of an attenuated total reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic method to analyse diffusion of suitable topically applied compounds in membrane is described. Diffusion coefficients (D/h2) and membrane solubility (AO) for topically applied compounds were determined using a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. This method was employed to determine the diffusional characteristics of a model permeant, 4-cyanophenol (CP), across silicone membrane as a function of formulation applied and permeant physicochemical properties. The formulations applied were able to either affect CP diffusivity and/or its membrane solubility in the membrane; such parameters partially correlated with permeant physicochemical properties in each formulation. The interplay during the diffusion process between drug, enhancer and vehicle in stratum corneum (SC) was examined. When enhancers were added to the applied formulations, CP diffusivity and solubility were significantly enhanced when compared to the neat propylene glycol (PG) application. Enhancers did not affect PG diffusivity in SC but enhancers did affect PG solubility in SC. PG diffusion closely resembled that of CP, implying that the respective transport processes were inter-related. Additionally, a synergistic effect, which increases CP diffusivity and membrane solubility in SC, was found to occur between PG and water. Using 12-azidooleic acid (AOA) as an IR active probe for oleic acid, the simultaneous penetration of CP, AOA and PG into human stratum corneum was determined. It was found that the diffusion profiles for all three permeants were similar. This indicated that the diffusion of each species through SC was closely related and most likely occurred via the same route or SC microenvironment.


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This thesis is based upon a case study of the adoption of digital, electronic, microprocessor-based control systems by Albright & Wilson Limited - a UK chemical producer. It offers an explanation of the company's changing technology policy between 1978 and 1981, by examining its past development, internal features and industrial environment. Part One of the thesis gives an industry-level analysis which relates the development of process control technology to changes in the economic requirements of production . The rapid diffusion of microcomputers and other microelectronic equipment in the chemical industry is found to be a response to general need to raise the efficiency of all processes, imposed by the economic recession following 1973. Part Two examines the impaot of these technical and eoonomic ohanges upon Albright & Wilson Limited. The company's slowness in adopting new control technology is explained by its long history in which trends are identified whlich produced theconservatism of the 1970s. By contrast, a study of Tenneco Incorporated, a much more successful adoptor of automating technology, is offered with an analysis of the new technology policy of adoption of such equipment which it imposed upon Albright & Wilson, following the latter's takeover by Tenneco in 1978. Some indications of the consequences by this new policy of widespread adoptions of microprocessor-based control equipment are derived from a study of the first Albright & Wilson plant to use such equipment. The thesis concludes that companies which fail to adopt rapidly the new control technology may not survive in the recessionary environment, the long- established British companies may lack the flexibility to make such necessary changes and that multi-national companies may have an important role jn the planned transfer and adoption of new production technology through their subsidiaries in the UK.


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Fifteen Miscanthus genotypes grown in five locations across Europe were analysed to investigate the influence of genetic and environmental factors on cell wall composition. Chemometric techniques combining near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and conventional chemical analyses were used to construct calibration models for determination of acid detergent lignin, acid detergent fibre, and neutral detergent fibre from sample spectra. The developed equations were shown to predict cell wall components with a good degree of accuracy and significant genetic and environmental variation was identified. The influence of nitrogen and potassium fertiliser on the dry matter yield and cell wall composition of M. x giganteus was investigated. A detrimental affect on feedstock quality was observed to result from application of these inputs which resulted in an overall reduction in concentrations of cell wall components and increased accumulation of ash within the biomass. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and thermo-gravimetric analysis indicates that genotypes other than the commercially cultivated M. x giganteus have potential for use in energy conversion processes and in the bio-refining. The yields and quality parameters of the pyrolysis liquids produced from Miscanthus compared favourably with that produced from SRC willow and produced a more stable pyrolysis liquid with a higher lower heating value. Overall, genotype had a more significant effect on cell wall composition than environment. This indicates good potential for dissection of this trait by QTL analysis and also for plant breeding to produce new genotypes with improved feedstock characteristics for energy conversion.


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Spin coating polymer blend thin films provides a method to produce multiphase functional layers of high uniformity covering large surface areas. Applications for such layers include photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes where performance relies upon the nanoscale phase separation morphology of the spun film. Furthermore, at micrometer scales, phase separation provides a route to produce self-organized structures for templating applications. Understanding the factors that determine the final phase-separated morphology in these systems is consequently an important goal. However, it has to date proved problematic to fully test theoretical models for phase separation during spin coating, due to the high spin speeds, which has limited the spatial resolution of experimental data obtained during the coating process. Without this fundamental understanding, production of optimized micro- and nanoscale structures is hampered. Here, we have employed synchronized stroboscopic illumination together with the high light gathering sensitivity of an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device camera to optically observe structure evolution in such blends during spin coating. Furthermore the use of monochromatic illumination has allowed interference reconstruction of three-dimensional topographies of the spin-coated film as it dries and phase separates with nanometer precision. We have used this new method to directly observe the phase separation process during spinning for a polymer blend (PS-PI) for the first time, providing new insights into the spin-coating process and opening up a route to understand and control phase separation structures. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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Presently monoethanolamine (MEA) remains the industrial standard solvent for CO2 capture processes. Operating issues relating to corrosion and degradation of MEA at high temperatures and concentrations, and in the presence of oxygen, in a traditional PCC process, have introduced the requisite for higher quality and costly stainless steels in the construction of capture equipment and the use of oxygen scavengers and corrosion inhibitors. While capture processes employing MEA have improved significantly in recent times there is a continued attraction towards alternative solvents systems which offer even more improvements. This movement includes aqueous amine blends which are gaining momentum as new generation solvents for CO2 capture processes. Given the exhaustive array of amines available to date endless opportunities exist to tune and tailor a solvent to deliver specific performance and physical properties in line with a desired capture process. The current work is focussed on the rationalisation of CO2 absorption behaviour in a series of aqueous amine blends incorporating monoethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine (DMEA), N,N-diethylethanolamine (DEEA) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) as solvent components. Mass transfer/kinetic measurements have been performed using a wetted wall column (WWC) contactor at 40°C for a series of blends in which the blend properties including amine concentration, blend ratio, and CO2 loadings from 0.0-0.4 (moles CO2/total moles amine) were systematically varied and assessed. Equilibrium CO2 solubility in each of the blends has been estimated using a software tool developed in Matlab for the prediction of vapour liquid equilibrium using a combination of the known chemical equilibrium reactions and constants for the individual amine components which have been combined into a blend.From the CO2 mass transfer data the largest absorption rates were observed in blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 while the selection of the Am2 component had only a marginal impact on mass transfer rates. Overall, CO2 mass transfer in the fastest blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 was found to be only slightly lower than a 5M MEA solution at similar temperatures and CO2 loadings. In terms of equilibrium behaviour a slight decrease in the absorption capacity (moles CO2/mole amine) with increasing Am2 concentration in the blends with MEA was observed while cyclic capacity followed the opposite trend. Significant increases in cyclic capacity (26-111%) were observed in all blends when compared to MEA solutions at similar temperatures and total amine concentrations. In view of the reasonable compromise between CO2 absorption rate and capacity a blend containing 3M MEA and 3M AMP as blend components would represent a reasonable alternative in replacement of 5M MEA as a standalone solvent.


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Quantitative analysis of solid-state processes from isothermal microcalorimetric data is straightforward if data for the total process have been recorded and problematic (in the more likely case) when they have not. Data are usually plotted as a function of fraction reacted (α); for calorimetric data, this requires knowledge of the total heat change (Q) upon completion of the process. Determination of Q is difficult in cases where the process is fast (initial data missing) or slow (final data missing). Here we introduce several mathematical methods that allow the direct calculation of Q by selection of data points when only partial data are present, based on analysis with the Pérez-Maqueda model. All methods in addition allow direct determination of the reaction mechanism descriptors m and n and from this the rate constant, k. The validity of the methods is tested with the use of simulated calorimetric data, and we introduce a graphical method for generating solid-state power-time data. The methods are then applied to the crystallization of indomethacin from a glass. All methods correctly recovered the total reaction enthalpy (16.6 J) and suggested that the crystallization followed an Avrami model. The rate constants for crystallization were determined to be 3.98 × 10-6, 4.13 × 10-6, and 3.98 × 10 -6 s-1 with methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. © 2010 American Chemical Society.