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In this paper we have done back to back comparison of quantitive phase and refractive index from a microscopic image of waveguide previously obtained by Allsop et al. Paper also shows microscopic image of the first 3 waveguides from the sample. Tomlins et al. have demonstrated use of femtosecond fabricated artefacts as OCT calibration samples. Here we present the use of femtosecond waveguides, inscribed with optimized parameters, to test and calibrate the sensitivity of the OCT systems.


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Purpose: To describe and validate bespoke software designed to extract morphometric data from ciliary muscle Visante Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) images. Method: Initially, to ensure the software was capable of appropriately applying tiered refractive index corrections and accurately measuring orthogonal and oblique parameters, 5 sets of custom-made rigid gas-permeable lenses aligned to simulate the sclera and ciliary muscle were imaged by the Visante AS-OCT and were analysed by the software. Human temporal ciliary muscle data from 50 participants extracted via the internal Visante AS-OCT caliper method and the software were compared. The repeatability of the software was also investigated by imaging the temporal ciliary muscle of 10 participants on 2 occasions. Results: The mean difference between the software and the absolute thickness measurements of the rigid gas-permeable lenses were not statistically significantly different from 0 (t = -1.458, p = 0.151). Good correspondence was observed between human ciliary muscle measurements obtained by the software and the internal Visante AS-OCT calipers (maximum thickness t = -0.864, p = 0.392, total length t = 0.860, p = 0.394). The software extracted highly repeatable ciliary muscle measurements (variability ≤6% of mean value). Conclusion: The bespoke software is capable of extracting accurate and repeatable ciliary muscle measurements and is suitable for analysing large data sets.


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A compact, fiber-based spectrometer for biomedical application utilizing a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) as integrated dispersive element is demonstrated. Based on a 45° UV-written PS750 TFBG a refractive spectrometer with 2.06 radiant/μm dispersion and a numerical aperture of 0.1 was set up and tested as integrated detector for an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. Featuring a 23 mm long active region at the fiber the spectrum is projected via a cylindrical lens for vertical beam collimation and focused by an achromatic doublet onto the detector array. Covering 740 nm to 860 nm the spectrometer was optically connected to a broadband white light interferometer and a wide field scan head and electronically to an acquisition and control computer. Tomograms of ophthalmic and dermal samples obtained by the frequency domain OCT-system were obtained achieving 2.84 μm axial and 7.6 μm lateral resolution. © 2014 SPIE.


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Anterior segment optical coherent tomography (AS-OCT, Visante; Zeiss) is used to examine meridional variation in anterior scleral thickness (AST) and its association with refractive error, ethnicity and gender. Scleral cross-sections of 74 individuals (28 males; 46 females; aged between 18-40 years (27.7±5.3)) were sampled twice in random order in 8 meridians: [superior (S), inferior (I), nasal (N), temporal (T), superior-temporal (ST), superior-nasal (SN), inferior-temporal (IT) and inferior-nasal (IN)]. AST was measured in 1mm anterior-toposterior increments (designated the A-P distance) from the scleral spur (SS) over a 6mm distance. Axial length and refractive error were measured with a Zeiss IOLMaster biometer and an open-view binocular Shin-Nippon autorefractor. Intra- And inter-observer variability of AST was assessed for each of the 8 meridians. Mixed repeated measures ANOVAs tested meridional and A-P distance differences in AST with refractive error, gender and ethnicity. Only right eye data were analysed. AST (mean±SD) across all meridians and A-P distances was 725±46μm. Meridian SN was the thinnest (662±57μm) and I the thickest (806 ±60μm). Significant differences were found between all meridians (p<0.001), except S:ST, IT:IN, IT:N and IN:N. Significant differences between A-P distances were found except between SS and 6 mm and between 2 and 4mm. AST measurements at 1mm (682±48 μm) were the thinnest and at 6mm (818±49 μm) the thickest (p<0.001); a significant interaction occurred between meridians and A-P distances (p<0.001). AST was significantly greater (p<0.001) in male subjects but no significant differences were found between refractive error or ethnicity. Significant variations in AST occur with regard to meridian and distance from the SS and may have utility in selecting optimum sites for pharmaceutical or surgical intervention.


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Objectives: To determine the best photographic surrogate markers for detecting sight-threatening macular oedema (MO) in people with diabetes attending UK national screening programmes. Design: A multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of 3170 patients with photographic signs of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region [exudates within two disc diameters, microaneurysms/dot haemorrhages (M/DHs) and blot haemorrhages (BHs)] who were recruited from seven study centres. Setting: All patients were recruited and imaged at one of seven study centres in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Dundee, Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Oxford. Participants: Subjects with features of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region attending one of seven diabetic retinal screening programmes. Interventions: Alternative referral criteria for suspected MO based on photographic surrogate markers; an optical coherence tomographic examination in addition to the standard digital retinal photograph. Main outcome measures: (1) To determine the best method to detect sight-threatening MO in people with diabetes using photographic surrogate markers. (2) Sensitivity and specificity estimates to assess the costs and consequences of using alternative strategies. (3) Modelled long-term costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Results: Prevalence of MO was strongly related to the presence of lesions and was roughly five times higher in subjects with exudates or BHs or more than two M/DHs within one disc diameter. Having worse visual acuity was associated with about a fivefold higher prevalence of MO. Current manual screening grading schemes that ignore visual acuity or the presence of M/DHs could be improved by taking these into account. Health service costs increase substantially with more sensitive/less specific strategies. A fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, is superior to all current manual grading schemes for detecting MO in people with diabetes. The addition of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to each strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. Conclusions: Compared with all current manual grading schemes, for the same sensitivity, a fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, achieves a higher specificity for detecting MO in people with diabetes, especially if visual acuity is included in the automated strategy. Overall, costs to the health service are likely to increase if more sensitive referral strategies are adopted over more specific screening strategies for MO, for only very small gains in QALYs. The addition of OCT to each screening strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013.


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PurposeTo develop and validate a classification system for focal vitreomacular traction (VMT) with and without macular hole based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), intended to aid in decision-making and prognostication.MethodsA panel of retinal specialists convened to develop this system. A literature review followed by discussion on a wide range of cases formed the basis for the proposed classification. Key features on OCT were identified and analysed for their utility in clinical practice. A final classification was devised based on two sequential, independent validation exercises to improve interobserver variability.ResultsThis classification tool pertains to idiopathic focal VMT assessed by a horizontal line scan using SD-OCT. The system uses width (W), interface features (I), foveal shape (S), retinal pigment epithelial changes (P), elevation of vitreous attachment (E), and inner and outer retinal changes (R) to give the acronym WISPERR. Each category is scored hierarchically. Results from the second independent validation exercise indicated a high level of agreement between graders: intraclass correlation ranged from 0.84 to 0.99 for continuous variables and Fleiss' kappa values ranged from 0.76 to 0.95 for categorical variables.ConclusionsWe present an OCT-based classification system for focal VMT that allows anatomical detail to be scrutinised and scored qualitatively and quantitatively using a simple, pragmatic algorithm, which may be of value in clinical practice as well as in future research studies.