21 resultados para Betaine and methionine


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Membrane lipid composition is an important correlate of the rate of aging of animals. Dietary methionine restriction (MetR) increases lifespan in rodents. The underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated but could include changes in tissue lipidomes. In this work, we demonstrate that 80% MetR in mice induces marked changes in the brain, spinal cord, and liver lipidomes. Further, at least 50% of the lipids changed are common in the brain and spinal cord but not in the liver, suggesting a nervous system-specific lipidomic profile of MetR. The differentially expressed lipids includes (a) specific phospholipid species, which could reflect adaptive membrane responses, (b) sphingolipids, which could lead to changes in ceramide signaling pathways, and (c) the physiologically redox-relevant ubiquinone 9, indicating adaptations in phase II antioxidant response metabolism. In addition, specific oxidation products derived from cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine were significantly decreased in the brain, spinal cord, and liver from MetR mice. These results demonstrate the importance of adaptive responses of membrane lipids leading to increased stress resistance as a major mechanistic contributor to the lowered rate of aging in MetR mice. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Background - The Met allele of the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) valine-to-methionine (Val158Met) polymorphism is known to affect dopamine-dependent affective regulation within amygdala-prefrontal cortical (PFC) networks. It is also thought to increase the risk of a number of disorders characterized by affective morbidity including bipolar disorder (BD), major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders. The disease risk conferred is small, suggesting that this polymorphism represents a modifier locus. Therefore our aim was to investigate how the COMT Val158Met may contribute to phenotypic variation in clinical diagnosis using sad facial affect processing as a probe for its neural action. Method - We employed functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure activation in the amygdala, ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) and ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) during sad facial affect processing in family members with BD (n=40), MDD and anxiety disorders (n=22) or no psychiatric diagnosis (n=25) and 50 healthy controls. Results - Irrespective of clinical phenotype, the Val158 allele was associated with greater amygdala activation and the Met allele with greater signal change in the vmPFC and vlPFC. Signal changes in the amygdala and vmPFC were not associated with disease expression. However, in the right vlPFC the Met158 allele was associated with greater activation in all family members with affective morbidity compared with relatives without a psychiatric diagnosis and healthy controls. Conclusions - Our results suggest that the COMT Val158Met polymorphism has a pleiotropic effect within the neural networks subserving emotional processing. Furthermore the Met158 allele further reduces cortical efficiency in the vlPFC in individuals with affective morbidity. © 2010 Cambridge University Press.


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The periconceptional period, embracing the terminal stages of oocyte growth and post-fertilisation development up to implantation, is sensitive to parental nutrition. Deficiencies or excesses in a range of macro- and micronutrients during this period can lead to impairments in fertility, fetal development and long-term offspring health. Obesity and genotype-related differences in regional adiposity are associated with impaired liver function and insulin resistance, and contribute to fatty acid-mediated impairments in sperm viability and oocyte and embryo quality, all of which are associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress and compromised fertility. Disturbances to maternal protein metabolism can elevate ammonium concentrations in reproductive tissues and disturb embryo and fetal development. Associated with this are disturbances to one-carbon metabolism, which can lead to epigenetic modifications to DNA and associated proteins in offspring that are both insulin resistant and hypertensive. Many enzymes involved in epigenetic gene regulation use metabolic cosubstrates (e.g. acetyl CoA and S-adenosyl methionine) to modify DNA and associated proteins, and so act as 'metabolic sensors' providing a link between parental nutritional status and gene regulation. Separate to their genomic contribution, spermatozoa can also influence embryo development via direct interactions with the egg and by seminal plasma components that act on oviductal and uterine tissues. © IETS 2014.


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DNA methylation is a major control program that modulates gene expression in a plethora of organisms. Gene silencing through methylation occurs through the activity of DNA methyltransferases, enzymes that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine to the carbon 5 position of cytosine. DNA methylation patterns are established by the de novo DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) DNMT3A and DNMT3B and are subsequently maintained by DNMT1. Aging and age-related diseases include defined changes in 5-methylcytosine content and are generally characterized by genome-wide hypomethylation and promoter-specific hypermethylation. These changes in the epigenetic landscape represent potential disease biomarkers and are thought to contribute to age-related pathologies, such as cancer, osteoarthritis, and neurodegeneration. Some diseases, such as a hereditary form of sensory neuropathy accompanied by dementia, are directly caused by methylomic changes. Epigenetic modifications, however, are reversible and are therefore a prime target for therapeutic intervention. Numerous drugs that specifically target DNMTs are being tested in ongoing clinical trials for a variety of cancers, and data from finished trials demonstrate that some, such as 5-azacytidine, may even be superior to standard care. DNMTs, demethylases, and associated partners are dynamically shaping the methylome and demonstrate great promise with regard to rejuvenation. © Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2012.


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Redox regulation of signalling pathways is critical in proliferation and apoptosis; redox imbalance can lead to pathologies such as inflammation and cancer. Vaccinia H1-related protein (VHR; DUSP3) is a dual-specificity phosphatase important in controlling MAP kinase activity during cell cycle. the active-site motif contains a cysteine that acts as a nucleophile during catalysis. We used VHR to investigate the effect of oxidation in vitro on phosphatase activity, with the aim of determining how the profile of site-specific modification related to catalytic activity. Recombinant human VHR was expressed in E. coli and purified using a GST-tag. Protein was subjected to oxidation with various concentrations of SIN-1 or tetranitromethane (TNM) as nitrating agents, or HOCl. the activity was assayed using either 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate with fluorescence detection or PIP3 by phosphate release with malachite green. the sites of oxidation were mapped using HPLC coupled to tandem mass spectrometry on an ABSciex 5600TripleTOF following in-gel digestion. More than 25 different concentration-dependent oxidative modifications to the protein were detected, including oxidations of methionine, cysteine, histidine, lysine, proline and tyrosine, and the % oxidized peptide (versus unmodified peptide) was determined from the extracted ion chromatograms. Unsurprisingly, methionine residues were very susceptible to oxidation, but there was a significant different in the extent of their oxidation. Similarly, tyrosine residues varied greatly in their modifications: Y85 and Y138 were readily nitrated, whereas Y38, Y78 and Y101 showed little modification. Y138 must be phosphorylated for MAPK phosphatase activity, so this susceptibility impacts on signalling pathways. Di- and tri- oxidations of cysteine residues were observed, but did not correlate directly with loss of activity. Overall, the catalytic activity did not correlate with redox state of any individual residue, but the total oxidative load correlated with treatment concentration and activity. This study provides the first comprehensive analysis of oxidation modifications of VHR, and demonstrates both heterogenous oxidant effects and differential residue susceptibility in a signalling phosphatase.


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Oxidised biomolecules in aged tissue could potentially be used as biomarkers for age-related diseases; however, it is still unclear whether they causatively contribute to ageing or are consequences of the ageing process. To assess the potential of using protein oxidation as markers of ageing, mass spectrometry (MS) was employed for the identification and quantification of oxidative modifications in obese (ob/ob) mice. Lean muscle mass and strength is reduced in obesity, representing a sarcopenic model in which the levels of oxidation can be evaluated for different muscular systems including calcium homeostasis, metabolism and contractility. Several oxidised residues were identified by tandem MS (MS/MS) in both muscle homogenate and isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), an organelle that regulates intracellular calcium levels in muscle. These modifications include oxidation of methionine, cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan in several proteins such as sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), glycogen phosphorylase, and myosin. Once modifications had been identified, multiple reaction monitoring MS (MRM) was used to quantify the percentage modification of oxidised residues within the samples. Preliminary data suggests proteins in ob/ob mice are more oxidised than the controls. For example SERCA, which constitutes 60-70% of the SR, had approximately a 2-fold increase in cysteine trioxidation of Cys561 in the obese model when compared to the control. Other obese muscle proteins have also shown a similar increase in oxidation for various residues. Further analysis with complex protein mixtures will determine the potential diagnostic use of MRM experiments for analysing protein oxidation in small biological samples such as muscle needle biopsies.