106 resultados para Belief Propagation


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We investigate the use of Gallager's low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes in a degraded broadcast channel, one of the fundamental models in network information theory. Combining linear codes is a standard technique in practical network communication schemes and is known to provide better performance than simple time sharing methods when algebraic codes are used. The statistical physics based analysis shows that the practical performance of the suggested method, achieved by employing the belief propagation algorithm, is superior to that of LDPC based time sharing codes while the best performance, when received transmissions are optimally decoded, is bounded by the time sharing limit.


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Code division multiple access (CDMA) in which the spreading code assignment to users contains a random element has recently become a cornerstone of CDMA research. The random element in the construction is particularly attractive as it provides robustness and flexibility in utilizing multiaccess channels, whilst not making significant sacrifices in terms of transmission power. Random codes are generated from some ensemble; here we consider the possibility of combining two standard paradigms, sparsely and densely spread codes, in a single composite code ensemble. The composite code analysis includes a replica symmetric calculation of performance in the large system limit, and investigation of finite systems through a composite belief propagation algorithm. A variety of codes are examined with a focus on the high multi-access interference regime. We demonstrate scenarios both in the large size limit and for finite systems in which the composite code has typical performance exceeding those of sparse and dense codes at equivalent signal to noise ratio.


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We introduce a general matrix formulation for multiuser channels and analyse the special cases of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output channels, channels with interference and relay arrays under LDPC coding using methods developed for the statistical mechanics of disordered systems. We use the replica method to provide results for the typical overlaps of the original and recovered messages and discuss their implications. The results obtained are consistent with belief propagation and density evolution results but also complement them giving additional insights into the information dynamics of these channels with unexpected effects in some cases.


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Automated ontology population using information extraction algorithms can produce inconsistent knowledge bases. Confidence values assigned by the extraction algorithms may serve as evidence in helping to repair inconsistencies. The Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence is a formalism, which allows appropriate interpretation of extractors’ confidence values. This chapter presents an algorithm for translating the subontologies containing conflicts into belief propagation networks and repairing conflicts based on the Dempster-Shafer plausibility.


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Cognitive Radio has been proposed as a key technology to significantly improve spectrum usage in wireless networks by enabling unlicensed users to access unused resource. We present new algorithms that are needed for the implementation of opportunistic scheduling policies that maximize the throughput utilization of resources by secondary users, under maximum interference constraints imposed by existing primary users. Our approach is based on the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm, which is advantageous due to its simplicity and potential for distributed implementation. We examine convergence properties and evaluate the performance of the proposed BP algorithms via simulations and demonstrate that the results compare favorably with a benchmark greedy strategy. © 2013 IEEE.


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Supply chain formation (SCF) is the process of determining the set of participants and exchange relationships within a network with the goal of setting up a supply chain that meets some predefined social objective. Many proposed solutions for the SCF problem rely on centralized computation, which presents a single point of failure and can also lead to problems with scalability. Decentralized techniques that aid supply chain emergence offer a more robust and scalable approach by allowing participants to deliberate between themselves about the structure of the optimal supply chain. Current decentralized supply chain emergence mechanisms are only able to deal with simplistic scenarios in which goods are produced and traded in single units only and without taking into account production capacities or input-output ratios other than 1:1. In this paper, we demonstrate the performance of a graphical inference technique, max-sum loopy belief propagation (LBP), in a complex multiunit unit supply chain emergence scenario which models additional constraints such as production capacities and input-to-output ratios. We also provide results demonstrating the performance of LBP in dynamic environments, where the properties and composition of participants are altered as the algorithm is running. Our results suggest that max-sum LBP produces consistently strong solutions on a variety of network structures in a multiunit problem scenario, and that performance tends not to be affected by on-the-fly changes to the properties or composition of participants.


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An adaptive back-propagation algorithm is studied and compared with gradient descent (standard back-propagation) for on-line learning in two-layer neural networks with an arbitrary number of hidden units. Within a statistical mechanics framework, both numerical studies and a rigorous analysis show that the adaptive back-propagation method results in faster training by breaking the symmetry between hidden units more efficiently and by providing faster convergence to optimal generalization than gradient descent.


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An adaptive back-propagation algorithm parameterized by an inverse temperature 1/T is studied and compared with gradient descent (standard back-propagation) for on-line learning in two-layer neural networks with an arbitrary number of hidden units. Within a statistical mechanics framework, we analyse these learning algorithms in both the symmetric and the convergence phase for finite learning rates in the case of uncorrelated teachers of similar but arbitrary length T. These analyses show that adaptive back-propagation results generally in faster training by breaking the symmetry between hidden units more efficiently and by providing faster convergence to optimal generalization than gradient descent.


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In stereo vision, regions with ambiguous or unspecified disparity can acquire perceived depth from unambiguous regions. This has been called stereo capture, depth interpolation or surface completion. We studied some striking induced depth effects suggesting that depth interpolation and surface completion are distinct stages of visual processing. An inducing texture (2-D Gaussian noise) had sinusoidal modulation of disparity, creating a smooth horizontal corrugation. The central region of this surface was replaced by various test patterns whose perceived corrugation was measured. When the test image was horizontal 1-D noise, shown to one eye or to both eyes without disparity, it appeared corrugated in much the same way as the disparity-modulated (DM) flanking regions. But when the test image was 2-D noise, or vertical 1-D noise, little or no depth was induced. This suggests that horizontal orientation was a key factor. For a horizontal sine-wave luminance grating, strong depth was induced, but for a square-wave grating, depth was induced only when its edges were aligned with the peaks and troughs of the DM flanking surface. These and related results suggest that disparity (or local depth) propagates along horizontal 1-D features, and then a 3-D surface is constructed from the depth samples acquired. The shape of the constructed surface can be different from the inducer, and so surface construction appears to operate on the results of a more local depth propagation process.


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Motion discontinuities can signal object boundaries where few or no other cues, such as luminance, colour, or texture, are available. Hence, motion-defined contours are an ecologically important counterpart to luminance contours. We developed a novel motion-defined Gabor stimulus to investigate the nature of neural operators analysing visual motion fields in order to draw parallels with known luminance operators. Luminance-defined Gabors have been successfully used to discern the spatial-extent and spatial-frequency specificity of possible visual contour detectors. We now extend these studies into the motion domain. We define a stimulus using limited-lifetime moving dots whose velocity is described over 2-D space by a Gabor pattern surrounded by randomly moving dots. Participants were asked to determine whether the orientation of the Gabor pattern (and hence of the motion contours) was vertical or horizontal in a 2AFC task, and the proportion of correct responses was recorded. We found that with practice participants became highly proficient at this task, able in certain cases to reach 90% accuracy with only 12 limited-lifetime dots. However, for both practised and novice participants we found that the ability to detect a single boundary saturates with the size of the Gaussian envelope of the Gabor at approximately 5 deg full-width at half-height. At this optimal size we then varied spatial frequency and found the optimum was at the lowest measured spatial frequency (0.1 cycle deg-1 ) and then steadily decreased with higher spatial frequencies, suggesting that motion contour detectors may be specifically tuned to a single, isolated edge.


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We present a theory of coherent propagation and energy or power transfer in a low-dimension array of coupled nonlinear waveguides. It is demonstrated that in the array with nonequal cores (e.g., with the central core) stable steady-state coherent multicore propagation is possible only in the nonlinear regime, with a power-controlled phase matching. The developed theory of energy or power transfer in nonlinear discrete systems is rather generic and has a range of potential applications including both high-power fiber lasers and ultrahigh-capacity optical communication systems. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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Observation of autosoliton propagation in a dispersion-managed optical transmission system controlled by in-line nonlinear fiber loop switches is reported for what is believed to be the first time. The system is based on a strong dispersion map with large amplifier spacing. Operation at transmission rates of 10 and 40 Gbits/s is demonstrated. ©2004 Optical Society of America.


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It is shown, through numerical simulations, that by using a combination of dispersion management and periodic saturable absorption it is possible to transmit solitonlike pulses with greatly increased energy near to the zero net dispersion wavelength. This system is shown to support the stable propagation of solitons over transoceanic distances for a wide range of input powers.


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Error free propagation of a single polarisation optical time division multiplexed 40 Gbit/s dispersion managed pulsed data stream over dispersion (non-shifted) fibre. This distance is twice the previous record at this data rate.


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The authors show that by inserting nonlinear optical loop mirrors into an optical fibre transmission line, 1.5 ps solitons may be transmitted over at least 750 km, with amplifiers spaced at 15 km intervals.