40 resultados para Audience response systems


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This comparative study considers the main causative factors for change in recent years in the teaching of modern languages in England and France and seeks to contribute, in a general sense, to the understanding of change in comparable institutions. In England by 1975 the teaching of modern languages in the comprehensive schools was seen to be inappropriate to the needs of children of the whole ability-range. A combination of the external factor of the Council of Europe initiative in devising a needs-based learning approach for adult learners, and the internal factor of teacher-based initiatives in developing a graded-objectives learning approach for the less-able, has reversed this situation to some extent. The study examines and evaluates this reversal, and, in addition, assesses teachers' attitudes towards, and understanding of, the changes involved. In France the imposition of `la reforme Haby' in 1977 and the creation of `le college unique' were the main external factors for change. The subsequent failure of the reform and the socialist government's support of decentralisation policies returning the initiative for renewal to schools are examined and evaluated, as are the internal factors for changes in language-teaching - `groupes de niveau' and the creation of `equipes pedagogiques'. In both countries changes in the function of examinations at 15/16 plus are examined. The final chapter compared the changes in both education systems.


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This thesis is about the study of relationships between experimental dynamical systems. The basic approach is to fit radial basis function maps between time delay embeddings of manifolds. We have shown that under certain conditions these maps are generically diffeomorphisms, and can be analysed to determine whether or not the manifolds in question are diffeomorphically related to each other. If not, a study of the distribution of errors may provide information about the lack of equivalence between the two. The method has applications wherever two or more sensors are used to measure a single system, or where a single sensor can respond on more than one time scale: their respective time series can be tested to determine whether or not they are coupled, and to what degree. One application which we have explored is the determination of a minimum embedding dimension for dynamical system reconstruction. In this special case the diffeomorphism in question is closely related to the predictor for the time series itself. Linear transformations of delay embedded manifolds can also be shown to have nonlinear inverses under the right conditions, and we have used radial basis functions to approximate these inverse maps in a variety of contexts. This method is particularly useful when the linear transformation corresponds to the delay embedding of a finite impulse response filtered time series. One application of fitting an inverse to this linear map is the detection of periodic orbits in chaotic attractors, using suitably tuned filters. This method has also been used to separate signals with known bandwidths from deterministic noise, by tuning a filter to stop the signal and then recovering the chaos with the nonlinear inverse. The method may have applications to the cancellation of noise generated by mechanical or electrical systems. In the course of this research a sophisticated piece of software has been developed. The program allows the construction of a hierarchy of delay embeddings from scalar and multi-valued time series. The embedded objects can be analysed graphically, and radial basis function maps can be fitted between them asynchronously, in parallel, on a multi-processor machine. In addition to a graphical user interface, the program can be driven by a batch mode command language, incorporating the concept of parallel and sequential instruction groups and enabling complex sequences of experiments to be performed in parallel in a resource-efficient manner.


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This system is concerned with the design and implementation of a community health information system which fulfils some of the local needs of fourteen nursing and para-medical professions in a district health authority, whilst satisfying the statutory requirements of the NHS Korner steering group for those professions. A national survey of community health computer applications, documented in the form of an applications register, shows the need for such a system. A series of general requirements for an informations systems design methodology are identified, together with specific requirements for this problem situation. A number of existing methodologies are reviewed, but none of these were appropriate for this application. Some existing approaches, tools and techniques are used to define a more suitable methodology. It is unreasonable to rely on one single general methodology for all types of application development. There is a need for pragmatism, adaptation and flexibility. In this research, participation in the development stages by those who will eventually use the system was thought desirable. This was achieved by forming a representative design group. Results would seem to show a highly favourable response from users to this participation which contributed to the overall success of the system implemented. A prototype was developed for the chiropody and school nursing staff groups of Darlington health authority, and evaluations show that a significant number of the problems and objectives of those groups have been successfully addressed; the value of community health information has been increased; and information has been successfully fed back to staff and better utilised.


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This thesis reviews the existing manufacturing control techniques and identifies their practical drawbacks when applied in a high variety, low and medium volume environment. It advocates that the significant drawbacks inherent in such systems, could impair their applications under such manufacturing environment. The key weaknesses identified in the system were: capacity insensitive nature of Material Requirements Planning (MRP); the centralised approach to planning and control applied in Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP IT); the fact that Kanban can only be used in repetitive environments; Optimised Productivity Techniques's (OPT) inability to deal with transient bottlenecks, etc. On the other hand, cellular systems offer advantages in simplifying the control problems of manufacturing and the thesis reviews systems designed for cellular manufacturing including Distributed Manufacturing Resources Planning (DMRP) and Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) controllers. It advocates that a newly developed cellular manufacturing control methodology, which is fully automatic, capacity sensitive and responsive, has the potential to resolve the core manufacturing control problems discussed above. It's development is envisaged within the framework of a DMRP environment, in which each cell is provided with its own MRP II system and decision making capability. It is a cellular based closed loop control system, which revolves on single level Bill-Of-Materials (BOM) structure and hence provides better linkage between shop level scheduling activities and relevant entries in the MPS. This provides a better prospect of undertaking rapid response to changes in the status of manufacturing resources and incoming enquiries. Moreover, it also permits automatic evaluation of capacity and due date constraints and hence facilitates the automation of MPS within such system. A prototype cellular manufacturing control model, was developed to demonstrate the underlying principles and operational logic of the cellular manufacturing control methodology, based on the above concept. This was shown to offer significant advantages from the prospective of operational planning and control. Results of relevant tests proved that the model is capable of producing reasonable due date and undertake automation of MPS. The overall performance of the model proved satisfactory and acceptable.


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The study addresses the introduction of an innovation of new technology into a bureaucratic profession. The organisational setting is that of local authority secondary schools at a time at which microcomputers were being introduced in both the organisational core (for teaching) and its periphery (school administration). The research studies innovation-adopting organisations within their sectoral context; key actors influencing the innovation are identified at the levels of central government, local government and schools.A review of the literature on new technology and innovation (including educational innovation), and on schools as organisations in a changing environment leads to the development of the conceptual framework of the study using a resource dependency model within a cycle of the acquisition, allocation and utilisation of financial, physical and intangible resources. The research methodology is longitudinal and draws from both positivist and interpretive traditions. lt includes an initial census of the two hundred secondary schools in four local education authorities, a final survey of the same population, and four case studies, using both interview methods and documentation. Two modes of innovation are discerned. In respect of administrative use a rationalising, controlling mode is identified, with local education authorities developing standardised computer-assisted administrative systems for use in schools. In respect of curricular use, in contrast, teachers have been able to maintain an indeterminate occupational knowledge base, derived from an ideology of professionalism in respect of the classroom use of the technology. The mode of innovation in respect of curricular use has been one of learning and enabling. The resourcing policies of central and local government agencies affect the extent of use of the technology for teaching purposes, but the way in which it is used is determined within individual schools, where staff with relevant technical expertise significantly affect the course of the innovation.


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This thesis was focused on theoretical models of synchronization to cortical dynamics as measured by magnetoencephalography (MEG). Dynamical systems theory was used in both identifying relevant variables for brain coordination and also in devising methods for their quantification. We presented a method for studying interactions of linear and chaotic neuronal sources using MEG beamforming techniques. We showed that such sources can be accurately reconstructed in terms of their location, temporal dynamics and possible interactions. Synchronization in low-dimensional nonlinear systems was studied to explore specific correlates of functional integration and segregation. In the case of interacting dissimilar systems, relevant coordination phenomena involved generalized and phase synchronization, which were often intermittent. Spatially-extended systems were then studied. For locally-coupled dissimilar systems, as in the case of cortical columns, clustering behaviour occurred. Synchronized clusters emerged at different frequencies and their boundaries were marked through oscillation death. The macroscopic mean field revealed sharp spectral peaks at the frequencies of the clusters and broader spectral drops at their boundaries. These results question existing models of Event Related Synchronization and Desynchronization. We re-examined the concept of the steady-state evoked response following an AM stimulus. We showed that very little variability in the AM following response could be accounted by system noise. We presented a methodology for detecting local and global nonlinear interactions from MEG data in order to account for residual variability. We found crosshemispheric nonlinear interactions of ongoing cortical rhythms concurrent with the stimulus and interactions of these rhythms with the following AM responses. Finally, we hypothesized that holistic spatial stimuli would be accompanied by the emergence of clusters in primary visual cortex resulting in frequency-specific MEG oscillations. Indeed, we found different frequency distributions in induced gamma oscillations for different spatial stimuli, which was suggestive of temporal coding of these spatial stimuli. Further, we addressed the bursting character of these oscillations, which was suggestive of intermittent nonlinear dynamics. However, we did not observe the characteristic-3/2 power-law scaling in the distribution of interburst intervals. Further, this distribution was only seldom significantly different to the one obtained in surrogate data, where nonlinear structure was destroyed. In conclusion, the work presented in this thesis suggests that advances in dynamical systems theory in conjunction with developments in magnetoencephalography may facilitate a mapping between levels of description int he brain. this may potentially represent a major advancement in neuroscience.


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The effects of haem limitation and iron restriction on cells of non typable Haemophilus influenzae were investigated. Haem limitation was achieved by adding concentrations of haem to growth media which resulted in substantial decreases in final cell yields. Iron restriction was achieved by substituting protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) for haem in the growth medium and adding an iron chelator to the system. The effect of these nutrient limitations on a) outer membrane composition, and b) respiratory systems of non typable H.influenzae was investigated. Several of the strains examined produced new PPIX-specific outer membrane proteins when cultured utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source. The immune response of patients with bronchiectasis to outer membrane antigens of H.influenzae cultured under iron-restricted conditions was analysed by ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. ELISA analysis revealed that individuals with severe bronchiectasis had high titres of antibodies directed against H.influenzae OMs in both serum and sputum. Immunoblotting with homologous serum showed that where PPIX-specific OMPs were produced they were antigenic and were recognised by patients' serum. This suggested that these H.influenzae OMPs may be expressed in vivo. Additionally, the development of the immune responses to non typable H.influenzae outer membrane antigens was investigated using a rat lung model. Bacteria encased in agar beads were inoculated intratracheally into rat lungs, infection was established, and the immune response monitored for 6 weeks. The animals developed antibodies to PPIX-specific OMPs during the course of infection, providing further evidence that H.influenzae express these novel OMP antigens when growing in vivo. Studies in vitro on respiratory systems of phenotypically altered H.influenzae showed that bacteria grown utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source, or under conditions of iron-restriction produced ten fold fewer cytochromes than cells grown in nutrient excess, while haem limited H.influenzae produced no detectable cytochromes. Respiration of various substrates was depressed in haem limited and in PPIX-grown cultures as compared with cells grown in nutrient excess.


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We investigate experimentally and theoretically the dependence of the amplitude of the spatial fundamental grating, created by a pair of coherent light beams while using the running grating technique [M.P. Petrov, S.I. Stepanov and A.V. Khomenko, Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer, 1991); P. Refregier, L. Solymar, H. Rajbenbach and J.P. Huignard, J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 45], as a function of detuning frequency and beam ratio ß in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown that for ß > 0.05, in addition to the main peak in the frequency dependence of the amplitude, there is an additional peak of lower frequency which, as a rule, dominates the main peak. The position of the main peak depends on ß. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the general ideas about excitation and nonlinear interaction of weakly damped space-charge waves.


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The present scarcity of operational knowledge-based systems (KBS) has been attributed, in part, to an inadequate consideration shown to user interface design during development. From a human factors perspective the problem has stemmed from an overall lack of user-centred design principles. Consequently the integration of human factors principles and techniques is seen as a necessary and important precursor to ensuring the implementation of KBS which are useful to, and usable by, the end-users for whom they are intended. Focussing upon KBS work taking place within commercial and industrial environments, this research set out to assess both the extent to which human factors support was presently being utilised within development, and the future path for human factors integration. The assessment consisted of interviews conducted with a number of commercial and industrial organisations involved in KBS development; and a set of three detailed case studies of individual KBS projects. Two of the studies were carried out within a collaborative Alvey project, involving the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme (IHD) at the University of Aston in Birmingham, BIS Applied Systems Ltd (BIS), and the British Steel Corporation. This project, which had provided the initial basis and funding for the research, was concerned with the application of KBS to the design of commercial data processing (DP) systems. The third study stemmed from involvement on a KBS project being carried out by the Technology Division of the Trustees Saving Bank Group plc. The preliminary research highlighted poor human factors integration. In particular, there was a lack of early consideration of end-user requirements definition and user-centred evaluation. Instead concentration was given to the construction of the knowledge base and prototype evaluation with the expert(s). In response to this identified problem, a set of methods was developed that was aimed at encouraging developers to consider user interface requirements early on in a project. These methods were then applied in the two further projects, and their uptake within the overall development process was monitored. Experience from the two studies demonstrated that early consideration of user interface requirements was both feasible, and instructive for guiding future development work. In particular, it was shown a user interface prototype could be used as a basis for capturing requirements at the functional (task) level, and at the interface dialogue level. Extrapolating from this experience, a KBS life-cycle model is proposed which incorporates user interface design (and within that, user evaluation) as a largely parallel, rather than subsequent, activity to knowledge base construction. Further to this, there is a discussion of several key elements which can be seen as inhibiting the integration of human factors within KBS development. These elements stem from characteristics of present KBS development practice; from constraints within the commercial and industrial development environments; and from the state of existing human factors support.


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There is a clinical need for a more effective vaccine against hepatitis B, and in particular vaccines that may be suitable for therapeutic administration. This study assesses the potential of cationic surfactant vesicle based formulations using two agents; the cationic amine containing [N-(N′,N′-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol) or dimethyl dioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Synthetic mycobacterial cord factor, trehalose 6,6′-dibehenate (TDB) has been used as an adjuvant and the addition of 1-monopalmitoyl glycerol (C16:0) (MP) and cholesterol (Chol) to DDA-TDB is assessed for its potential to facilitate formation of dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV) at room temperature, and the effect of this on immune responses. A DRV formulation is directly compared to an adsorbed formulation of the same composition and preparation protocol (MP:dioleoyl phosphoethanolamine (DOPE):Chol:DC-Chol) and the direct substitution of MP with phosphatidylcholine (PC) is also compared in DRV antigen-entrapped formulations. MP and Chol were shown to facilitate the use of DDA-TDB in DRV formulations prepared at room temperature, whilst there was marginal alteration of immunogenicity (a reduction in HBsAg-specific IL-2). The HBsAg adsorbed DRV formulation was not significantly different from the HBsAg entrapped DRV formulation. Overall, DDA formulations incorporating TDB showed markedly increased antigen specific splenocyte proliferation and elicited cytokine production concomitant with a strong T cell driven response, delineating formulations that may be useful for further evaluation of their clinical potential. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behavior at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Self-adaptation is particularly necessary for applications that must run continuously, even under adverse conditions and changing requirements; sample domains include automotive systems, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring systems. While a few techniques have been developed to support the monitoring and analysis of requirements for adaptive systems, limited attention has been paid to the actual creation and specification of requirements of self-adaptive systems. As a result, self-adaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In order to support the rigorous specification of adaptive systems requirements, this paper introduces RELAX, a new requirements language for self-adaptive systems that explicitly addresses uncertainty inherent in adaptive systems. We present the formal semantics for RELAX in terms of fuzzy logic, thus enabling a rigorous treatment of requirements that include uncertainty. RELAX enables developers to identify uncertainty in the requirements, thereby facilitating the design of systems that are, by definition, more flexible and amenable to adaptation in a systematic fashion. We illustrate the use of RELAX on smart home applications, including an adaptive assisted living system.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Self-adaptation is particularly necessary for applications that must run continuously, even under adverse conditions and changing requirements; sample domains include automotive systems, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring systems. While a few techniques have been developed to support the monitoring and analysis of requirements for adaptive systems, limited attention has been paid to the actual creation and specification of requirements of self-adaptive systems. As a result, self-adaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, we argue that a more rigorous treatment of requirements explicitly relating to self-adaptivity is needed and that, in particular, requirements languages for self-adaptive systems should include explicit constructs for specifying and dealing with the uncertainty inherent in self-adaptive systems. We present RELAX, a new requirements language for selfadaptive systems and illustrate it using examples from the smart home domain. © 2009 IEEE.


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Background: Investigating genetic modulation of emotion processing may contribute to the understanding of heritable mechanisms of emotional disorders. The aim of the present study was to test the effects of catechol- O-methyltransferase (COMT) val158met and serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphisms on facial emotion processing in healthy individuals. Methods: Two hundred and seventy five (167 female) participants were asked to complete a computerized facial affect recognition task, which involved four experimental conditions, each containing one type of emotional face (fearful, angry, sad or happy) intermixed with neutral faces. Participants were asked to indicate whether the face displayed an emotion or was neutral. The COMT-val158met and 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms were genotyped. Results: Met homozygotes (COMT) showed a stronger bias to perceive neutral faces as expressions of anger, compared with val homozygotes. However, the S-homozygotes (5-HTTLPR) showed a reduced bias to perceive neutral faces as expressions of happiness, compared to L-homozygotes. No interaction between 5-HTTLPR and COMT was found. Conclusions: These results add to the knowledge of individual differences in social cognition that are modulated via serotonergic and dopaminergic systems. This potentially could contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of susceptibility to emotional disorders. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.


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We present a novel market-based method, inspired by retail markets, for resource allocation in fully decentralised systems where agents are self-interested. Our market mechanism requires no coordinating node or complex negotiation. The stability of outcome allocations, those at equilibrium, is analysed and compared for three buyer behaviour models. In order to capture the interaction between self-interested agents, we propose the use of competitive coevolution. Our approach is both highly scalable and may be tuned to achieve specified outcome resource allocations. We demonstrate the behaviour of our approach in simulation, where evolutionary market agents act on behalf of service providing nodes to adaptively price their resources over time, in response to market conditions. We show that this leads the system to the predicted outcome resource allocation. Furthermore, the system remains stable in the presence of small changes in price, when buyers' decision functions degrade gracefully. © 2009 The Author(s).


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Small indigenous manufacturers of electronic equipment are coming under increasingly severe pressure to adopt a strong defensive position against large multinational and Far Eastern companies. A common response to this threat has been for these firms to adopt a 'market driven' business strategy based on quality and customer service, rather than a 'technology led' strategy which uses technical specification and price to compete. To successfully implement this type of strategy there is a need for production systems to be redesigned to suit the new demands of marketing. Increased range and fast response require economy of scope rather t ban economy or scale while the organisation's culture must promote quality and process consciousness. This paper describes the 'Modular Assembly Cascade' concept which addresses these needs by applying the principles of flexible manufacturing (FMS) and just in time (,JlT) to electronics assembly. A methodology for executing the concept is also outlined. This is called DRAMA (Design Houtirw !'or· Adopting Modular Assembly).