24 resultados para Antibacterial


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate antibacterial agents for use in disinfectant formulation in conjunction with benzalkonium chloride (BKC), and if possible, to synthesise novel agents based upon successful structures. Development of resistance to antibacterial agents following long-term exposure of P. aeruginosa to BKC was also investigated, examining cross-resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics and determining mechanisms of resistance. In this study over 50 compounds were examined for antibacterial action against P. aeruginosa, both alone and in conjunction with BKC. Successful compounds were used to design novel agents, based upon the acridine ring structure, some of which showed synergy with BKC. In 15 of the 16 strains exposed to increasing concentrations of BKC, resistance to the disinfectant arose. Strains PAO1 and OO14 were examined further, each showing stable BKC resistance and a slightly varying profile of cross-resistance. In strain PAO1 alterations in the fatty acids of the cytoplasmic membrane, increase in expression of OprG, decrease in susceptibility to EDTA as an outer membrane permeabilising agent and an increase in negativity of the cell surface charge were observed as cells became more resistant to BKC. In strain OO14 a decrease in whole cell phosphatidylcholine content, a decrease in binding/uptake of BKC and an increase in cell surface hydrophobicity were observed as cells became more resistant to BKC. Resistance to tobramycin in strain OO14 was initially high, but fell as cells were adapted to BKC, this coincided with a quantitative reduction of plasmid DNA in the cells.


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Atopic dermatitis is a very common inflammatory skin disease, particularly in children. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials of treatments for atopic dermatitis (AD) was carried out to assess how many trials exist, what they cover, what they do not cover, the research gaps, provide a 'blue print' for future Cochrane Reviews and assist those making treatment recommendations by summarising the available RCT evidence, using descriptive statistics. The Cochrane Collaboration systematic review process formed the basis of the methodology, from which over 4000 studies were located via electronic database searches and hand searching of journals. A total of 292 trials were finally included covering 9 treatment groups and over 48 individual treatments. There are lots of trials covering lots of interventions but gaps are evident. However, there is evidence of a benefit in the treatment of atopic dermatitis with topical corticosteroids, psychological approaches, UV light, ascomycin derivatives, topical tacrolimus and oral cyclosporin. Treatments that show limited evidence of a benefit include non-sedatory antihistamines, topical doxepin, the oral antibiotic Cefadroxil on clinically infected AD, the topical antibacterial Mupirocin on clinically uninfected AD, Chinese herbs, hypnotherapy and biofeedback, massage therapy, dietary manipulation, house dust mite reduction, patient education, emollients, allergen antibody complexes of house dust mite and thymic extracts. Treatments that show no evidence of benefit include sedatory antihistamines, oral sodium cromoglycate, oral antibiotics on clinically uninfected AD, topical antibacterials, topical antifungals, aromatherapy essential oils, borage oil, fish oil, evening primrose oil, enzyme-free clothes detergent, cotton clothing, house dust mite hyposensitisation, salt baths, topical coal tar, topical cyclosporin and platelet-activating-factor antagonist. When interpreting the conclusions of this thesis it is important to understand that lack of evidence does not equal lack of efficacy, particularly considering the interventions that are commonly in use today to treat atopic dermatitis that have not been subjected to RCTs, such as occlusive dressings, water softening devices and stress management among many others.


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The 21-day experimental gingivitis model, an established noninvasive model of inflammation in response to increasing bacterial accumulation in humans, is designed to enable the study of both the induction and resolution of inflammation. Here, we have analyzed gingival crevicular fluid, an oral fluid comprising a serum transudate and tissue exudates, by LC-MS/MS using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and iTRAQ isobaric mass tags, to establish meta-proteomic profiles of inflammation-induced changes in proteins in healthy young volunteers. Across the course of experimentally induced gingivitis, we identified 16 bacterial and 186 human proteins. Although abundances of the bacterial proteins identified did not vary temporally, Fusobacterium outer membrane proteins were detected. Fusobacterium species have previously been associated with periodontal health or disease. The human proteins identified spanned a wide range of compartments (both extracellular and intracellular) and functions, including serum proteins, proteins displaying antibacterial properties, and proteins with functions associated with cellular transcription, DNA binding, the cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, and cilia. PolySNAP3 clustering software was used in a multilayered analytical approach. Clusters of proteins that associated with changes to the clinical parameters included neuronal and synapse associated proteins.


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Trimethoprim (TMP) is a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitor which prevents the conversion of dihydrofolic acid into tetrahydrofolic acid, resulting in the depletion of the latter and leading to bacterial death. Oral bioavailability of TMP is hindered by both its low solubility and low permeability. This study aims to prepare novel salts of TMP using anionic amino acids; aspartic and glutamic acid as counter ions in order to improve solubility and dissolution. TMP salts were prepared by lyophilisation and characterized using FT-IR spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1HNMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Both the amino acids formed salts with TMP in a 1:1 molar ratio and showed a 280 fold improvement in solubility. Investigation of the microbiological activity of the prepared salts against TMP sensitive Escherichia coli showed that the new salts not only retained antibacterial activity but also exhibited higher zone of inhibition which was attributed to improved physicochemical characters such as higher solubility and dissolution. The results are an important finding that could potentially impact on faster onset of antibacterial activity and reduced therapeutic dose when administered to patients. Studies are underway investigating the effect of ion-pairing TMP with amino acids on the permeability profile of the drug.


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A new family of multifunctional scaffolds, incorporating selected biopolymer coatings on basic Bioglass® derived foams has been developed. The polymer coatings were investigated as carrier of vancomycin which is a suitable drug to impart antibiotic function to the scaffolds. It has been proved that coating with PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) with dispersed vancomycin-loaded microgels provides a rapid delivery of drug to give antibacterial effects at the wound site and a further sustained release to aid mid to long-term healing. Furthermore, the microgels also improved the bioactivity of the scaffolds by acting as nucleation sites for the formation of HA crystals in simulated body fluid. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biopharmaceuticals are finding wide applications in the management of diverse disease conditions. Pulmonary delivery of proteins may constitute an effective and efficient non-invasive alternative to parenteral delivery, which is currently the main route of administration of biopharmaceutical drugs. A particular area, in which pulmonary delivery of peptides and proteins may find ready application, is in the local delivery of antimicrobial peptides and proteins to the airway, a measure that could potentially bring about improvements to currently available antipseudomonal therapies. This thesis has therefore sought to develop inhalable antimicrobial proteins in combination with antibiotics that have particularly good antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in the respiratory tract of people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Through process optimisation, a suitable spray drying method was developed and used for the preparation of active, inhalable dry powder formulations of the antimicrobial protein, lactoferrin, and aminoglycosides (tobramycin and gentamicin). The physicochemical properties, aerosolisation performance and the antibacterial properties of the various spray-dried formulations were assessed. In addition, a relevant in vitro cellular model was employed to investigate the potential cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects of the various formulations on four bronchial human epithelial cells together with their effectiveness at reducing bacterial colonies when administered on to biofilm co-cultured on the epithelial cells. It was found that following spray drying the particles obtained were mostly spherical, amorphous and possessed suitable aerosolisation characteristics. The various spray-dried antimicrobial proteins (lactoferrin or apo lactoferrin) and co-spray dried combinations of the proteins and aminoglycosides were found to exhibit bactericidal activity against planktonic and biofilms of P. aeruginosa. In general, the spray drying process was found not to significantly affect the antimicrobial activities of the protein. Treatment of the different bronchial epithelial cell lines with the antimicrobial formulations showed that the various formulations were non-toxic and that the co-spray dried combinations significantly reduced established P. aeruginosa biofilms on the four bronchial epithelial cells. Overall, the results from this thesis demonstrates that spray drying could potentially be employed to prepare inhalable antimicrobial agents comprised of proteins and antibiotics. These new combinations of proteins and aminoglycosides has promising applications in the management of P. aeruginosa in the airway of cystic fibrosis patients.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of action of the preservative sodium chlorite (NaClO2), and the relationship with intracellular glutathione depletion. A detailed comparison of the dose responses of two cultured ocular epithelial cell types and four species of microorganism was carried out, and comparisons were also made with the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride (BAK), and the oxidant hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The viability of mammalian and microbial cells was assessed in the same way, by the measurement of intracellular ATP using a bioluminescence method. Intracellular total glutathione was measured by reaction with 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid in a glutathione reductase-dependent recycling assay. BAK and H2O2 caused complete toxicity to conjunctival and corneal epithelial cells at similar to25 ppm, in contrast to NaClO2 , where >100 ppm was required. The fungi Candida albicans and Alternaria alternata had a higher resistance to NaClO2 than the bacteria Staphyloccus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa , but the bacteria were extremely resistant to H2O2 NaClO2 caused substantial depletion of intracellular glutathione in all cell types, at concentrations ranging from <10 ppm in Pseudomonas , 25-100 ppm in epithelial cells, to >500 ppm in fungal cells. The mechanisms of cytotoxicity of NaClO2 , H2O2 and BAK all appeared to differ. NaClO2 was found to have the best balance of high antibacterial toxicity with low ocular toxicity. The lower toxicity of NaClO2 to the ocular cells, compared with BAK and H2O2 , is in agreement with fewer reported adverse effects of application in the eye.


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The mechanisms by which bacteria resist killing by antibiotics and biocides are still poorly defined, although repeated exposure to sublethal concentrations of antibacterial agents undoubtedly contributes to their development. This study aimed both to investigate the potential of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157 for adaptive resistance to commonly used biocides and to determine any cross-resistance to antibiotics. Strains were repeatedly passaged in media containing increasing concentrations of a biocide or antibiotic until adaptive resistance was obtained. A wide panel of antimicrobial agents was then screened by using the adapted strain to determine cross-resistance, if any. Adaptive resistance was readily achieved for both S. enterica and E. coli O157. Cross-resistance in adaptively resistant S. enterica varied with the serotype; Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis expressed cross-resistance to chloramphenicol, whereas Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressed cross-resistance to chlorhexidine. Benzalkonium chloride-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow showed elevated resistance to chlorhexidine; however, chlorhexidine-resistant Salmonella serovar Virchow did not demonstrate reciprocal cross-resistance to benzalkonium chloride, suggesting specific rather than generic resistance mechanisms. E. coli O157 strains acquired high levels of resistance to triclosan after only two sublethal exposures and, when adapted, repeatedly demonstrated decreased susceptibilities to various antimicrobial agents, including chloramphenicol, erythromycin, imipenem, tetracycline, and trimethoprim, as well as to a number of biocides. These observations raise concern over the indiscriminate and often inappropriate use of biocides, especially triclosan, in situations where they are unnecessary, whereby they may contribute to the development of microbial resistance mechanisms.


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Understanding the pharmacological principles and safe use of drugs is just as important in surgical practice as in any other medical specialty. With an ageing population with often multiple comorbidities and medications, as well as an expanding list of new pharmacological treatments, it is important that surgeons understand the implications of therapeutic drugs on their daily practice. The increasing emphasis on high quality and safe patient care demands that doctors are aware of preventable adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and interactions, try to minimize the potential for medication errors, and consider the benefits and harms of medicines in their patients. This chapter examines these aspects from the view of surgical practice and expands on the implications of some of the most common medical conditions and drug classes in the perioperative period. The therapeutic care of surgical patients is obvious in many circumstances – for example, antibacterial prophylaxis, thromboprophylaxis, and postoperative analgesia. However, the careful examination of other drug therapies is often critical not only to the sustained treatment of the associated medical conditions but to the perioperative outcomes of patients undergoing surgery. The benefit–harm balance of many therapies may be fundamentally altered by the stress of an operation in one direction or the other; this is not a decision that should wait until the anaesthetist arrives for a preoperative assessment or one that should be left to junior medical or nursing staff on the ward.