349 resultados para Nonlinear optical characterization
We perform characterization of the pulse shape and noise properties of quantum dot passively mode-locked lasers (PMLLs). We propose a novel method to determine the RF linewidth and timing jitter, applicable to high repetition rate PMLLs, through the dependence of modal linewidth on the mode number. Complex electric field measurements show asymmetric pulses with parabolic phase close to threshold, with the appearance of waveform instabilities at higher currents. We demonstrate that the waveform instabilities can be overcome through optical injection-locking to the continues wave (CW) master laser, leading to time-bandwidth product (TBP) improvement, spectral narrowing, and spectral tunability. We discuss the benefits of single- and dual-tone master sources and demonstrate that dual-tone optical injection can additionally improve the noise properties of the slave laser with RF linewidth reduction below instrument limits (1 kHz) and integrated timing jitter values below 300 fs. Dual-tone injection allowed slave laser repetition rate control over a 25 MHz range with reduction of all modal optical linewidths to the master source linewidth, demonstrating phase-locking of all slave modes and coherence improvement.
This thesis presents a large scale numerical investigation of heterogeneous terrestrial optical communications systems and the upgrade of fourth generation terrestrial core to metro legacy interconnects to fifth generation transmission system technologies. Retrofitting (without changing infrastructure) is considered for commercial applications. ROADM are crucial enabling components for future core network developments however their re-routing ability means signals can be switched mid-link onto sub-optimally configured paths which raises new challenges in network management. System performance is determined by a trade-off between nonlinear impairments and noise, where the nonlinear signal distortions depend critically on deployed dispersion maps. This thesis presents a comprehensive numerical investigation into the implementation of phase modulated signals in transparent reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed fibre optic communication terrestrial heterogeneous networks. A key issue during system upgrades is whether differential phase encoded modulation formats are compatible with the cost optimised dispersion schemes employed in current 10 Gb/s systems. We explore how robust transmission is to inevitable variations in the dispersion mapping and how large the margins are when suboptimal dispersion management is applied. We show that a DPSK transmission system is not drastically affected by reconfiguration from periodic dispersion management to lumped dispersion mapping. A novel DPSK dispersion map optimisation methodology which reduces drastically the optimisation parameter space and the many ways to deploy dispersion maps is also presented. This alleviates strenuous computing requirements in optimisation calculations. This thesis provides a very efficient and robust way to identify high performing lumped dispersion compensating schemes for use in heterogeneous RZ-DPSK terrestrial meshed networks with ROADMs. A modified search algorithm which further reduces this number of configuration combinations is also presented. The results of an investigation of the feasibility of detouring signals locally in multi-path heterogeneous ring networks is also presented.
Multiwavelength fiber laser is a perfect light source for future wavelength-division-multiplexing optical communication systems. A multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation with up to 18 wavelengths has been proposed and demonstrated. The intensity- and wavelength-dependent loss induced by nonlinear polarization rotation effect is used to alleviate the mode competition in the homogeneous broadening gain medium of erbium-doped fiber. Instead of traditional filters, a polarization-maintaining fiber is inserted into the laser cavity, with which the polarization-dependent isolator composes an equivalent Lyot birefringent fiber filter. The in-line birefringence fiber filter is used to simplify the laser configuration, which benefits systematic integration. The effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation is investigated. It is shown that the pump power contributes a lot to the evenness of the multiwavelength spectra due to the intensity dependence of nonlinear polarization rotation effect.
We propose a novel technique of doubling optical pulses in both frequency and time domains based on a combination of cross-phase modulation induced by a triangular pump pulse in a nonlinear Kerr medium and subsequent propagation in a dispersive medium.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new families of vector solitons with precessing states of polarization for multipulsing and bound-state soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fibre laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2013 IEEE.
We review recent progress in optical wave turbulence with a specific focus on the fast growing field of fibre lasers. Weak irregular nonlinear interactions between a large number of resonator modes are responsible for practically important characteristics of fibre lasers such as spectral broadening of radiation. Wave turbulence is a fundamental nonlinear phenomenon which occurs in a variety of nonlinear wave-bearing physical systems. The experimental impediments and the computationally intensive nature of simulating of hydrodynamic or plasma wave turbulence often make it rather challenging to collect a significant number of statistical data The study of turbulent wave behaviour in optical devices offers quite a unique opportunity to collect an enormous amount of data on statistical properties of wave turbulence using high-speed, high precision optical measurements during a relatively short period of time. We present recent theoretical, numerical and experimental results on optical wave turbulence in fibre lasers ranging from weak to strong developed turbulence for different signs of fibre dispersion. Furthermore, we report on our studies of spectral wave condensate in fibre lasers that make interdisciplinary links with a number of other research fields.
A tunable multiwavelength fiber laser with ultra-narrow wavelength spacing and large wavelength number using a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been demonstrated. Intensity-dependent transmission induced by nonlinear polarization rotation in the SOA accounts for stable multiwavelength operation with wavelength spacing less than the homogenous broadening linewidth of the SOA. Stable multiwavelength lasing with wavelength spacing as small as 0.08 nm and wavelength number up to 126 is achieved at room temperature. Moreover, wavelength tuning of 20.2 nm is implemented via polarization tuning.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new families of vector solitons with precessing states of polarization for multipulsing and bound-state soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fibre laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2013 IEEE.
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.
We propose a new all-optical signal processing technique to enhance the performance of a return-to-zero optical receiver, which is based on nonlinear temporal pulse broadening and flattening in a normal dispersion fiber and subsequent slicing of the pulse temporal waveform. The potential of the method is demonstrated by application to timing jitter-and noise-limited transmission at 40 Gbit/s. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
The production and characterization of narrow bandwidth fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in different spectral regions using polymer optical fibers (POFs) is reported. Narrow bandwidth FBGs are increasingly important for POF transmission systems, WDM technology and sensing applications. Long FBGs with resonance wavelength around 600-nm, 850-nm and 1550-nm in several types of polymer optical fibers were inscribed using a scanning technique with a short optical path. The technique allowed the inscription in relative short periods of time. The obtained 3-dB bandwidth varies from 0.22 down to 0.045 nm considering a Bragg grating length between 10 and 25-mm, respectively.
By transforming the optical fiber span into an ultralong cavity laser, we experimentally demonstrate quasilossless transmission over long (up to 75 km) distances and virtually zero signal power variation over shorter (up to 20 km) spans, opening the way for the practical implementation of integrable nonlinear systems in optical fiber. As a by-product of our technique, the longest ever laser (to the best of our knowledge) has been implemented, with a cavity length of 75 km. A simple theory of the lossless fiber span, in excellent agreement with the observed results, is presented. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.
An optical liquid-level sensor (LLS) based on a long-period fiber grating (LPG) interferometer is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Two identical 3-dB LPGs are fabricated to form an in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and the fiber portion between two LPGs is exposed to the liquid as the sensing element. The sensitivity and measurement range of the sensors employing different orders of cladding modes are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results show good linearity and large measurement range. One of the significant advantages of such a sensing structure is that the measurement level is not limited to the length of the LPG itself. Also, the measurement range and sensitivity of the proposed LLS can be readily tailored for a particular applications.
Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.