349 resultados para Nonlinear optical characterization
In the framework of 1D Nonlinear Shrödinger Equation (NSE) we demonstrate how one can control the refractive angle of a fundamental soliton beam passing through an optical lattice, by adjusting either the shape of an individual waveguide or the relative positions of waveguides. Even for a single scatterer its shape has a nontrivial effect on the refraction direction. In the case of shallow modulation we provide an analytical description based of the effect on the soliton perturbation theory. When one considers a lattice of scatterers, there emanates an additional form factor in the radiation density (RD) of emitted waves referring to the wave-soliton beating and interference inside the lattice. We concentrate on the results for two cases: periodic lattice and disordered lattice of scattering shapes. © 2011 IEEE.
In this work we introduce the periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) and propose a proof-of-concept communication system based on it by using a simple waveform with known nonlinear spectrum (NS). We study the performance (addressing the bit-error-rate (BER), as a function of the propagation distance) of the transmission system based on the use of the PNFT processing method and show the benefits of the latter approach. By analysing our simulation results for the system with lumped amplification, we demonstrate the decent potential of the new processing method.
The nonlinear Fourier transform, also known as eigenvalue communications, is a coding, transmission and signal processing technique that makes positive use of the nonlinear Kerr effect in fibre channels. I will discuss recent progress in this field. © 2015 OSA.
The multicore fiber (MCF) is a physical system of high practical importance. In addition to standard exploitation, MCFs may support discrete vortices that carry orbital angular momentum suitable for spatial-division multiplexing in high-capacity fiber-optic communication systems. These discrete vortices may also be attractive for high-power laser applications. We present the conditions of existence, stability, and coherent propagation of such optical vortices for two practical MCF designs. Through optimization, we found stable discrete vortices that were capable of transferring high coherent power through the MCF.
A novel versatile digital signal processing (DSP)-based equalizer using support vector machine regression (SVR) is proposed for 16-quadrature amplitude modulated (16-QAM) coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) and experimentally compared to traditional DSP-based deterministic fiber-induced nonlinearity equalizers (NLEs), namely the full-field digital back-propagation (DBP) and the inverse Volterra series transfer function-based NLE (V-NLE). For a 40 Gb/s 16-QAM CO-OFDM at 2000 km, SVR-NLE extends the optimum launched optical power (LOP) by 4 dB compared to V-NLE by means of reduction of fiber nonlinearity. In comparison to full-field DBP at a LOP of 6 dBm, SVR-NLE outperforms by ∼1 dB in Q-factor. In addition, SVR-NLE is the most computational efficient DSP-NLE.
We propose a novel low-complexity artificial neural network (ANN)-based nonlinear equalizer (NLE) for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) and compare it with the recent inverse Volterra-series transfer function (IVSTF)-based NLE over up to 1000 km of uncompensated links. Demonstration of ANN-NLE at 80-Gb/s CO-OFDM using 16-quadrature amplitude modulation reveals a Q-factor improvement after 1000-km transmission of 3 and 1 dB with respect to the linear equalization and IVSTF-NLE, respectively.
What is the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted error-free in fibre-optic communication systems? For linear channels, this was established in classic works of Nyquist and Shannon. However, despite the immense practical importance of fibre-optic communications providing for >99% of global data traffic, the channel capacity of optical links remains unknown due to the complexity introduced by fibre nonlinearity. Recently, there has been a flurry of studies examining an expected cap that nonlinearity puts on the information-carrying capacity of fibre-optic systems. Mastering the nonlinear channels requires paradigm shift from current modulation, coding and transmission techniques originally developed for linear communication systems. Here we demonstrate that using the integrability of the master model and the nonlinear Fourier transform, the lower bound on the capacity per symbol can be estimated as 10.7 bits per symbol with 500 GHz bandwidth over 2,000 km.
Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined.
We present a theory of coherent propagation and energy or power transfer in a low-dimension array of coupled nonlinear waveguides. It is demonstrated that in the array with nonequal cores (e.g., with the central core) stable steady-state coherent multicore propagation is possible only in the nonlinear regime, with a power-controlled phase matching. The developed theory of energy or power transfer in nonlinear discrete systems is rather generic and has a range of potential applications including both high-power fiber lasers and ultrahigh-capacity optical communication systems. © 2012 American Physical Society.
We have proposed and demonstrated a fiber ring laser with single-polarization output using an intracavity 45°-tilted fiber grating (45°-TFG). The properties of the 45°-TFG have been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The fiber ring laser incorporating the 45°-TFG has been systematically characterized, showing a significant improvement in the polarization extinction ratio (PER) and achieving a PER of >30 dB. The slope efficiencies of the ring laser with and without the 45°-TFG have been measured. This laser shows a very stable polarized output with a PER variation of less than 2 dB for 5 hours at laboratory conditions. In addition, we also demonstrated the tunability of the laser.
We propose the use of a dispersive medium with a negative nonlinear refractive-index coefficient as a way to compensate for the dispersion and the nonlinear effects resulting from pulse propagation in an optical fiber. The undoing of pulse interaction might allow for increased bit rates.
By transforming the optical fiber span into an ultralong cavity laser, we experimentally demonstrate quasilossless transmission over long (up to 75 km) distances and virtually zero signal power variation over shorter (up to 20 km) spans, opening the way for the practical implementation of integrable nonlinear systems in optical fiber. As a by-product of our technique, the longest ever laser (to the best of our knowledge) has been implemented, with a cavity length of 75 km. A simple theory of the lossless fiber span, in excellent agreement with the observed results, is presented.
A microchannel was inscribed in the fiber of a ring cavity which was constructed using two 0.1%:99.9% couplers and a 10-m fiber loop. Cavity ring down spectroscopy was used to measure the refractive index (RI) of gels infused into the microchannel. The ring down time discloses a nonlinear increase with respect to RI of the gel and sensitivity up to 300 µs/RI unit and an index resolution of 1.4 × 10 was obtained. © 2009 IEEE.
This thesis presents experimental and theoretical work on the use of dark optical solitons as data carriers in communications systems. The background chapters provide an introduction to nonlinear optics, and to dark solitons, described as intensity dips in a bright background, with an asymmetrical phase profile. The motivation for the work is explained, considering both the superior stability of dark solitons and the need for a soliton solution suitable for the normal, rather than the anomalous (bright soliton) dispersion regime. The first chapters present two generation techniques, producing packets of dark solitons via bright pulse interaction, and generating continuous trains of dark pulses using a fibre laser. The latter were not dark solitons, but were suitable for imposition of the required phase shift by virtue of their extreme stability. The later chapters focus on the propagation and control of dark solitons. Their response to periodic loss and gain is shown to result in the exponential growth of spectral sidebands. This may be suppressed by reducing the periodicity of the loss/gain cycle or using periodic filtering. A general study of the response of dark solitons to spectral filtering is undertaken, showing dramatic differences in the behaviour of black and 99.9% grey solitons. The importance of this result is highlighted by simulations of propagation in noisy systems, where the timing jitter resulting from random noise is actually enhanced by filtering. The results of using sinusoidal phase modulation to control pulse position are presented, showing that the control is at the expense of serious modulation of the bright background. It is concluded that in almost every case, dark and bright solitons have very different properties, and to continue to make comparisons would not be so productive as to develop a deeper understanding of the interactions between the dark soliton and its bright background.
We show in the framework of the 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation that the value of the refraction angle of a fundamental soliton beam passing through an optical lattice can be controlled by adjusting either the shape of an individual waveguide or the relative positions of the waveguides. In the case of the shallow refractive index modulation, we develop a general approach for the calculation of the refraction angle change. The shape of a single waveguide crucially affects the refraction direction due to the appearance of a structural form factor in the expression for the density of emitted waves. For a lattice of scatterers, wave-soliton interference inside the lattice leads to the appearance of an additional geometric form factor. As a result, the soliton refraction is more pronounced for the disordered lattices than for the periodic ones.