279 resultados para Fiber curl


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Based on the rate equations describing the operation of the Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers with different pump configurations, theoretical calculations that relate to the population characteristics and optimization of CW operation of high power Er3+, Pr3+ :ZBLAN double-clad fiber lasers are presented. Using the measured ET (energy-transfer), ETU (energy-transfer-upconversion) and CR (cross-relaxation) parameters relevant to Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN, a good agreement between the theoretical results from the model and recently reported experimental measurements is obtained. The effects on the slope efficiency of a number of laser parameters including fiber length, reflectance of the output mirror and pumping configuration are quantitatively analyzed and used for the design and optimization of high power Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers.


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In this letter, we report the performance of a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) when used as a source or intermediate node amplifier in a dense wavelength-division-multiplexed (DWDM) long-haul transmission testbed with 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying. In both scenarios, we demonstrate similar performance to an erbium-doped fiber amplifier. This shows the OPAs compatibility with high-capacity (>1 Tb/s) long-haul communication systems.


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We have reduced signal-signal four-wave mixing crosstalk in a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) by using a short nonlinear fiber for the gain medium and a high-power pump. This allowed us to obtain less than 1 dB penalty for amplification of 26 dense wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels modulated at 43.7Gb/s return to zero-differential phase-shift keying, with the OPA placed between transmitter and receiver. We then used the same OPA in several different roles for a long-haul transmission system. We did not insert the OPA within the loop, but investigated this role indirectly by using equivalent results for small numbers of loop recirculations. We found that standard erbium-doped fiber amplifiers currently hold an advantage over this OPA, which becomes negligible for long distances. This paper shows that at this time OPAs can handle amplification of WDM traffic in excess of 1 Tb/s with little degradation. It also indicates that with further improvements, fiber OPAs could be a contender for wideband amplification in future optical communication networks.


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We report less than 1-dB cross-talk penalty for 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7 Gb/s RZ-DPSK when amplified by a fiber optical parametric amplifier showing compatibility with high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) communication systems. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We report high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) amplification by a fiber optical parametric amplifier in different roles displaying compatibility and versatility in future WDM networks with phase-shift keying modulation format.


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An optical fiber is treated as a natural one-dimensional random system where lasing is possible due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering by refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. We present such a random fiber laser that is tunable over a broad wavelength range with uniquely flat output power and high efficiency, which outperforms traditional lasers of the same category. Outstanding characteristics defined by deep underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme make the demonstrated laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications.


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Pulse generation often requires a stabilized cavity and its corresponding mode structure for initial phase-locking. Contrastingly, modeless cavity-free random lasers provide new possibilities for high quantum efficiency lasing that could potentially be widely tunable spectrally and temporally. Pulse generation in random lasers, however, has remained elusive since the discovery of modeless gain lasing. Here we report coherent pulse generation with modeless random lasers based on the unique polarization selectivity and broadband saturable absorption of monolayer graphene. Simultaneous temporal compression of cavity-free pulses are observed with such a polarization modulation, along with a broadly-tunable pulsewidth across two orders of magnitude down to 900 ps, a broadly-tunable repetition rate across three orders of magnitude up to 3 MHz, and a singly-polarized pulse train at 41 dB extinction ratio, about an order of magnitude larger than conventional pulsed fiber lasers. Moreover, our graphene-based pulse formation also demonstrates robust pulse-to-pulse stability and widewavelength operation due to the cavity-less feature. Such a graphene-based architecture not only provides a tunable pulsed random laser for fiber-optic sensing, speckle-free imaging, and laser-material processing, but also a new way for the non-random CW fiber lasers to generate widely tunable and singly-polarized pulses.


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We present an experimental demonstration of energy transfer between counterpropagating cladding modes in a fiber Bragg grating (FBG). A strong FBG written in a standard photosensitive optical fiber is illuminated with a single cladding mode, and the power transferred between the forward propagating cladding mode and different backward propagating cladding modes is measured by using two auxiliary long period gratings. Resonances between cladding modes having 30 pm bandwidth and 8 dB rejection have been observed.


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We report an in-fiber linear polarizer structured by UV-inscribing a 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) into polarization maintaining (PM) fiber along its principal axis. The polarization extinction ratio (PER) achieved by a 48 mm long 45° TFG has reached 46 dB at 1550 nm and the overall PER is >40 dB over a 50 nm wavelength range. Such 45° TFG based polarizers have many advantages over conventional products, including low loss, low cost, simple fabrication process, and no physical modification to the fiber, thus offering high stability and capable of handling high power.


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We present the development of superstructure fiber gratings (SFG) in Ge-doped, silica optical fiber using femtosecond laser inscription. We apply a simple but extremely effective single step process to inscribe low loss, sampled gratings with minor polarization dependence. The method results in a controlled modulated index change with complete suppression of mode coupling associated with the overlapping LPG structure leading to highly symmetric superstructure spectra, with the grating reflection well within the Fourier design limit. The devices are characterized and compared with numerical modeling by solving Maxwell's equations and calculating the back reflection spectrum using the bidirectional beam propagation method (BiBPM). Experimental results validate our numerical analysis, allowing for the estimation of inscription parameters such as the ac index modulation change, and the wavelength, position and relative strength of each significant resonance peak. We also present results on temperature and refractive index measurements showing potential for sensing applications.


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Fiber Bragg grating sensors recorded in poly(methyl methacrylate) fiber often exhibit hysteresis in the response of Bragg wavelength to strain, particularly when exposed to high levels of strain. We show that, when such a fiber grating sensor is bonded directly to a substrate, the hysteresis is reduced by more than 12 times, compared to the case where the sensor is suspended freely between two supports. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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A fine control of the microstructured polymer fiber Bragg grating spectrum properties, such as maximum reflected power and 3-dB bandwidth, through acousto-optic modulation is presented. For simulation purposes, the device is modelled as a single structure, comprising a silica horn and a fiber Bragg grating. For similar sized structures a good correlation between the numerical results and the experimental data is obtained, allowing the strain field to be completely characterized along the whole structure. It is also shown that the microstructured polymer fiber Bragg grating requires less effort from the piezoelectric actuator to produce modification in the grating spectrum when compared with a silica fiber Bragg grating. This technique has potential to be applied on tunable optical filters and tunable cavities for photonic applications.


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We demonstrate an all-fiber-integrated Er-doped fiber laser operating in the soliton-similariton mode-locking regime. In the similariton part of the cavity, a self-similarly evolving parabolic pulse with highly linear chirp propagates in the presence of normal dispersion. Following an in-line fiber-based birefringent filter, the pulse evolves into a soliton in the part of the cavity with anomalous dispersion. The similariton and the soliton pulses are dechirped to 75.5 and 167.2 fs, respectively, outside of the cavity. Mode-locked operation is very robust, owing to the influence of the two similariton and soliton attractors that predominate each half of the laser cavity. The experimental results are supported with numerical simulations, which provide good agreement.


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We report on the generation of 42 fs pulses at 1 µm in a completely fiber-integrated format, which are, to the best of our knowledge, the shortest from all-fiber-integrated Yb-doped fiber lasers to date. The ring fiber cavity incorporates anomalous-dispersion, solid-core photonic crystal fiber with low birefringence, which acts as a broadband, in-fiber Lyot filter to facilitate mode locking. The oscillator operates in the stretched-pulse regime under slight normal net cavity dispersion. The cavity generates 4.7 ps long pulses with a spectral bandwidth of 58.2 nm, which are dechirped to 42 fs via a grating pair compressor outside of the cavity. Relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser is characterized, with the integrated RIN found to be 0.026% in the 3 Hz-250 kHz frequency range.


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We have proposed and demonstrated a nonlinear polarization-rotation-based fiber laser with two different operation states: passive mode-locking and multiwavelength emission. The intensity-dependent transmission or loss induced by nonlinear polarization rotation accounts for the distinct operation regimes. Our experiment results indicate that both passively mode-locked pulses and continuous-wave multiwavelength can be generated from the same fiber laser just through adjusting polarizations. Another characteristic of the current multiwavelength laser is that the used periodic filter is a birefringence fiber filter, which facilitates all-fiber integration of the fiber laser, so it is a potential multifunction laser source with all-fiber configuration and convenient manipulation. © 2008 IEEE.