237 resultados para High-Birefringence Fiber


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Fiber Bragg grating sensors recorded in poly(methyl methacrylate) fiber often exhibit hysteresis in the response of Bragg wavelength to strain, particularly when exposed to high levels of strain. We show that, when such a fiber grating sensor is bonded directly to a substrate, the hysteresis is reduced by more than 12 times, compared to the case where the sensor is suspended freely between two supports. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We report on the generation of 42 fs pulses at 1 µm in a completely fiber-integrated format, which are, to the best of our knowledge, the shortest from all-fiber-integrated Yb-doped fiber lasers to date. The ring fiber cavity incorporates anomalous-dispersion, solid-core photonic crystal fiber with low birefringence, which acts as a broadband, in-fiber Lyot filter to facilitate mode locking. The oscillator operates in the stretched-pulse regime under slight normal net cavity dispersion. The cavity generates 4.7 ps long pulses with a spectral bandwidth of 58.2 nm, which are dechirped to 42 fs via a grating pair compressor outside of the cavity. Relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser is characterized, with the integrated RIN found to be 0.026% in the 3 Hz-250 kHz frequency range.


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We report for the first time on the limitations in the operational power range of few-mode fiber based transmission systems, employing 28Gbaud quadrature phase shift keying transponders, over 1,600km. It is demonstrated that if an additional mode is used on a preexisting few-mode transmission link, and allowed to optimize its performance, it will have a significant impact on the pre-existing mode. In particular, we show that for low mode coupling strengths (weak coupling regime), the newly added variable power mode does not considerably impact the fixed power existing mode, with performance penalties less than 2dB (in Q-factor). On the other hand, as mode coupling strength is increased (strong coupling regime), the individual launch power optimization significantly degrades the system performance, with penalties up to ∼6dB. Our results further suggest that mutual power optimization, of both fixed power and variable power modes, reduces power allocation related penalties to less than 3dB, for any given coupling strength, for both high and low differential mode delays. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We studied the effects of the composition of impregnating solution and heat treatment conditions on the activity of catalytic systems for the low-temperature oxidation of CO obtained by the impregnation of Busofit carbon-fiber cloth with aqueous solutions of palladium, copper, and iron salts. The formation of an active phase in the synthesized catalysts at different stages of their preparation was examined with the use of differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and elemental spectral analysis. The catalytic system prepared by the impregnation of electrochemically treated Busofit with the solutions of PdCl, FeCl, CuBr, and Cu(NO ) and activated under optimum conditions ensured 100% CO conversion under a respiratory regime at both low (0.03%) and high (0.5%) carbon monoxide contents of air. It was found that the activation of a catalytic system at elevated temperatures (170-180°C) leads to the conversion of Pd(II) into Pd(I), which was predominantly localized in a near-surface layer. The promoting action of copper nitrate consists in the formation of a crystalline phase of the rhombic atacamite CuCl(OH). The catalyst surface is finally formed under the conditions of a catalytic reaction, when a joint Pd(I)-Cu(I) active site is formed. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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Recently introduced surface nanoscale axial photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high-Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate superaccurate fabrication of high-Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using CO laser and UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2Å in variation of the effective fiber radius. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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An all-fiber normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with 45- tilted fiber grating (TFG) isto the best of our knowledgeexperimentally demonstrated for the first time. Stable linearly-chirped pulses with the duration of 4 ps and the bandwidth of 9 nm can be directly generated from the laser cavity. By employing the 45 TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dBoutput pulses with high polarization extinction ratio of 26 dB are implemented in the experiment. Our result shows that the 45 TFG can work effectively as a polarizerwhich could be exploited to singlepolarization all-fiber lasers.


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We report on a polarimetry of harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes saturable absorber. We find new types of vector solitons with locked, switching and precessing states of polarization. The underlying physics presents interplay between birefringence of a laser cavity created by polarization controller along with light induced anisotropy caused by polarization hole burning. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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In this first talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we extend theory of dispersion-managed solitons to dissipative systems with a focus on mode-locked fibre lasers. Dissipative structures exist at high map strengths leading to the generation of stable, short pulses with high energy. Two types of intra-map pulse evolutions are observed depending on the net cavity dispersion. These are characterized by a reduced model and semi-analytical solutions are obtained.


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In the third and final talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we discuss mathematical techniques that can be used to characterize modern laser systems that consist of several discrete elements. In particular, we use a nonlinear mapping technique to evaluate high power laser systems where significant changes in the pulse evolution per cavity round trip is observed. We demonstrate that dissipative soliton solutions might be effectively described using this Poincaré mapping approach.


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Refractive index and structural characteristics of optical polymers are strongly influenced by the thermal history of the material. Polymer optical fibres (POF) are drawn under tension, resulting in axial orientation of the polymer molecular chains due to their susceptibility to align in the fibre direction. This change in orientation from the drawing process results in residual strain in the fibre and also affects the transparency and birefringence of the material (1-3). PMMA POF has failure strain as high as over 100%. POF has to be drawn under low tension to achieve this value. The drawing tension affects the magnitude of molecular alignment along the fibre axis, thus affecting the failure strain. The higher the tension the lower the failure stain will be. However, the properties of fibre drawn under high tension can approach that of fibre drawn under low tension by means of an annealing process. Annealing the fibre can generally optimise the performance of POF while keeping most advantages intact. Annealing procedures can reduce index difference throughout the bulk and also reduce residual stress that may cause fracture or distortion. POF can be annealed at temperatures approaching the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer to produce FBG with a permanent blue Bragg wave-length shift at room temperature. At this elevated temperature segmental motion in the structure results in a lower viscosity. The material softens and the molecular chains relax from the axial orientation causing shrinking of the fibre. The large attenuation of typically 1dB/cm in the 1550nm spectral region of PMMA POF has limited FBG lengths to less than 10cm. The more expensive fluorinated polymers with lower absorption have had no success as FBG waveguides. Bragg grating have been inscribed onto various POF in the 800nm spectral region using a 30mW continuous wave 325nm helium cadmium laser, with a much reduced attenuation coefficient of 10dB/m (5). Fabricating multiplexed FBGs in the 800nm spectral region in TOPAS and PMMA POF consistently has lead to fabrication of multiplexed FBG in the 700nm spectral region by a method of prolonged annealing. The Bragg wavelength shift of gratings fabricated in PMMA fibre at 833nm and 867nm was monitored whilst the POF was thermally annealed at 80°C. Permanent shifts exceeding 80nm into the 700nm spectral region was attained by both gratings on the fibre. The large permanent shift creates the possibility of multiplexed Bragg sensors operating over a broad range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pellerin C, Prud'homme RE, Pézolet M. Effect of thermal history on the molecular orientation in polystyrene/poly (vinyl methyl ether) blends. Polymer. 2003;44(11):3291-7. 2. Dvoránek L, Machová L, Šorm M, Pelzbauer Z, Švantner J, Kubánek V. Effects of drawing conditions on the properties of optical fibers made from polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate). Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie. 1990;174(1):25-39. 3. Dugas J, Pierrejean I, Farenc J, Peichot JP. Birefringence and internal stress in polystyrene optical fibers. Applied optics. 1994;33(16):3545-8. 4. Jiang C, Kuzyk MG, Ding JL, Johns WE, Welker DJ. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of dye-doped polymer optical fiber. Journal of applied physics. 2002;92(1):4-12. 5. Johnson IP, Webb DJ, Kalli K, Yuan W, Stefani A, Nielsen K, et al., editors. Polymer PCF Bragg grating sensors based on poly (methyl methacrylate) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer2011: SPIE.


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A 1.2(height)×125(depth)×500(length) micro-slot was engraved along a fiber Bragg grating by chemically assisted femtosecond laser processing. By filling epoxy and UV-curing, waveguide with plastic-core and silica-cladding was created, presenting high thermal responding coefficient of 211pm/°C.


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We report less than 1-dB cross-talk penalty for 26 DWDM channels modulated at 43.7 Gb/s RZ-DPSK when amplified by a fiber optical parametric amplifier showing compatibility with high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) communication systems. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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Recent work on ultra-long Raman fiber lasers has shown that it is possible to create quasi-lossless transmission conditions in fiber spans long enough to be considered for high speed optical communications. This paper reviews how quasi-lossless transmission conditions are reached and presents experimental results of 40Gb/s transmission in a quasi lossless system. The performance is compared with a conventional EDFA based system.


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We have experimentally investigated the mode dispersion property and refractive index sensitivity of dual-peak long-period fiber gratings (LPGs) that were sensitized by hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching. The nature of the coupled cladding modes close to the dispersion turning point makes the dual-peak LPGs ultrasensitive to cladding property, permitting a fine tailoring of the mode dispersion and index sensitivity by the light cladding etching method using HF acid of only 1% concentration. As an implementation of an optical biosensor, the etched device was used to detect the concentration of hemoglobin protein in a sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20 nm/1%. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Different types of microstructures including microchannels and microslots were made in optical fibers using femtosecond laser inscription and chemical etching. Integrated with UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, these microstructures have miniature, robustness and high sensitivity features and have been used to implement novel devices for various sensing applications. The fiber microchannels were used to detect the refractive index change of liquid presenting sensitivities up to 7.4 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and 166.7 dB/RIU based on wavelength and power detection, respectively. A microslot-in-fiber based liquid core waveguide as a refractometer has been proposed and the device was used to measure refractive index, and a sensitivity up to 945 nm/RIU (10-6/pm) was obtained. By filling epoxy in the microslot and subsequent UV light curing, a hybrid waveguide grating structure with polymer core and glass cladding was fabricated. The obtained device was highly thermal responsive, demonstrating a linear coefficient of 211 pm/°C.