32 resultados para pyrazolyl transition metal compounds
The thesis is divided into four chapters. They are: introduction, experimental, results and discussion about the free ligands and results and discussion about the complexes. The First Chapter, the introductory chapter, is a general introduction to the study of solid state reactions. The Second Chapter is devoted to the materials and experimental methods that have been used for carrying out tile experiments. TIle Third Chapter is concerned with the characterisations of free ligands (Picolinic acid, nicotinic acid, and isonicotinic acid) by using elemental analysis, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectra. Additionally, the thermal behaviour of free ligands in air has been studied by means of thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The behaviour of thermal decomposition of the three free ligands was not identical Finally, a computer program has been used for kinetic evaluation of non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry data according to a composite and single heating rate methods in comparison with the methods due to Ozawa and Kissinger methods. The most probable reaction mechanism for the free ligands was the Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) that described the solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The activation parameters of the decomposition reaction for free ligands were calculated and the results of different methods of data analysis were compared and discussed. The Fourth Chapter, the final chapter, deals with the preparation of cobalt, nickel, and copper with mono-pyridine carboxylic acids in aqueous solution. The prepared complexes have been characterised by analyses, IR spectra, X-ray diffraction, magnetic moments, and electronic spectra. The stoichiometry of these compounds was ML2x(H20), (where M = metal ion, L = organic ligand and x = water molecule). The environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper nicotinates and the environments of cobalt and nickel picolinates were octahedral, whereas the environment of copper picolinate [Cu(PA)2] was tetragonal. However, the environments of cobalt, nickel, and copper isonicotinates were polymeric octahedral structures. The morphological changes that occurred throughout the decomposition were followed by SEM observation. TG, DTG, and DSC measurements have studied the thermal behaviour of the prepared complexes in air. During the degradation processes of the hydrated complexes, the crystallisation water molecules were lost in one or two steps. This was also followed by loss of organic ligands and the metal oxides remained. Comparison between the DTG temperatures of the first and second steps of the dehydration suggested that the water of crystallisation was more strongly bonded with anion in Ni(II) complexes than in the complexes of Co(II) and Cu(II). The intermediate products of decomposition were not identified. The most probable reaction mechanism for the prepared complexes was also Avrami-Erofeev equation (A) characteristic of solid-state nucleation-growth mechanism. The tempemture dependence of conductivity using direct current was determined for cobalt, nickel, Cl.nd copper isonicotinates. An activation energy (ΔΕ), the activation energy (ΔΕ ) were calculated.The ternperature and frequency dependence of conductivity, the frequency dependence of dielectric constant, and the dielectric loss for nickel isonicotinate were determined by using altemating current. The value of s paralneter and the value of'density of state [N(Ef)] were calculated. Keyword Thermal decomposition, kinetic, electrical conduclion, pyridine rnono~ carboxylic acid, cOlnplex, transition metal compJex.
The research described within this thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal ion complexation within hydrophilic copolymer membranes. The membranes are copolymers of 4-methyl-4'-vinyl-2,2'-bipyridine, the 2-hydroxyethyl ester of 4,4'- dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine & bis-(5-vinylsalicylidene)ethylenediamine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The effect of the polymer matrix on the formation and properties of transition metal iron complexes has been studied, specifically Cr(III) & Fe(II) salts for the bipyridyl- based copolymer membranes and Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) salts for the salenH2- based copolymer membranes. The concomitant effect of complex formation on the properties of the polymer matrix have also been studied, e.g. on mechanical strength. A detailed body of work into the kinetics and thermodynamics for the formation of Cu(II) complexes in the salenH2- based copolymer membranes has been performed. The rate of complex formation is found to be very slow while the value of K for the equilibrium of complex formation is found to be unexpectedly small and shows a slight anion dependence. These phenomena are explained in terms of the effects of the heterogeneous phase provided by the polymer matrix. The transport of Cr(III) ions across uncomplexed and Cr(III)-pre-complexed bipyridyl-based membranes has been studied. In both cases, no Cr(III) coordination occurs within the time-scale of an experiment. Pre-complexation of the membrane does not lead to a change in the rate of permeation of Cr(III) ions. The transport of Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) ions across salenH2- based membranes shows that there is no detectable lag-time in transport of the ions, despite independent evidence that complex formation within the membranes does occur. Finally, the synthesis of a number of functionalised ligands is described. Although they were found to be non-polymerisable by the methods employed in this research, they remain interesting ligands which provide a startmg pomt for further functionalisation.
This thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal (TM) ion complexation with hydrophilic membranes composed of copolymers of 4-vinyl pyridine & 4-methyl-4'vinyl- 2,2'-bipyridine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The Cu(II), CoCII) & Fe(II) complexes with these coordinating membranes were characterised by a variety of techniques, in order to assess the effect of the polymer on the properties of the complex, and vice versa. A detailed programme of work was instigated into the kinetics of formation for the polymer-bound tris(bipyridyl) iron(II) complex; the rate and extent of complex formation was found to be anion-dependent. This is explained in terms of the influence of the anion on the transport properties and water content of the membrane, the controlling factor in the development of the tris-complex being the equilibrium concentration of Fe(II) in the gel matrix. A series of transport studies were performed with a view to the potential application of complexing hydrogel membranes for aqueous TM ion separations. A number of salts were studied individually and shown to possess a range of permeabilities; the degree of interaction between particular metal-ion:ligand combinations is given by the lag-time observed before steady-state permeation is achieved. However, when two TM salts that individually display different transport properties were studied in combination, they showed similar lag-times & permeabilities, characteristic of the more strongly coordinating metal ion. This 'anti-selective' nature thus renders the membrane systems unsuitable for TM ion separations. Finally, attempts were made to synthesise and immobilise a series of N ,0-donor macrocyclic ligands into hydrogel membranes. Although the functionalisation reactions failed, limited transport data was obtained from membranes in which the ligands were physically entrapped within the polymer matrix.
In this chapter, selected results obtained so far on Fe(III) spin crossover compounds are summarized and discussed. Fe(III) spin transition materials of ligands containing chalcogen donor atoms are considered with emphasis on those of N,N-disubstituted-dithiocarbamates, N,N-disubstituted-XY-carbamates (XY=SO, SSe, SeSe), X-xanthates (X=O, S), monothio-β-diketonates and X-semicarbazones (X=S, Se). In addition, attention is directed to Fe(III) spin crossover systems of multidentate Schiff base-type ligands. Examples of spin inter-conversion in Fe(III) compounds induced by light irradiation are given.
In this chapter, selected results obtained so far on Fe(II) spin crossover compounds of 1,2,4-triazole, isoxazole and tetrazole derivatives are summarized and analysed. These materials include the only compounds known to have Fe(II)N6 spin crossover chromophores consisting of six chemically identical heterocyclic ligands. Particular attention is paid to the coordination modes for substituted 1,2,4-triazole derivatives towards Fe(II) resulting in polynuclear and mononuclear compounds exhibiting Fe(II) spin transitions. Furthermore, the physical properties of mononuclear Fe(II) isoxazole and 1-alkyl-tetrazole compounds are discussed in relation to their structures. It will also be shown that the use of α,β- and α,ω-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)alkane type ligands allowed a novel strategy towards obtaining polynuclear Fe(II) spin crossover materials.
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The first application of WS2, a well-known graphene analogue, as a solid acid catalyst for carboxylic acid esterification is reported. WS2 exhibits excellent specific activities and high conversion to methyl esters of (65–90%) for C2–C16 carboxylic acid esterification with methanol under mild conditions, with Turnover Frequencies between 80 and 180 h−1, and outstanding water tolerance even under equimolar water spiking. WS2 also exhibits good stability towards methyl propanoate in the continuous esterification of propanoic acid, and is a promising candidate for biofuels production.
Quaternary ammonium exchanged laponites (Quat-laponites) show selectivity in the adsorption of phenols and chlorinated phenols. Strong adsorbate-adsorbent interactions are indicated by adsorption isotherms. Adsorption of phenols and chlorinated phenols by Quat-smectites is greater than that by the Bi Quat-Smectites prepared in this study. It is thought that the quaternary ammonium exchanged smectite components of the Bi Quat-smectites interact with each other (adsorbent-adsorbent interactions) reducing the number of sites available for adsorbate-adsorbent interactions. Solidification/stabilisation studies of 2-chlorophenol show that a blend of ground granulated blast furnace slag and ordinary Portland cement attenuates 2-chlorophenol more effectively than ordinary Portland cement alone. Tetramethyl ammonium- (TMA-) and tetramethyl phosphonium- (TMP-) montmorillonites were exposed to solutions of phenol or chlorinated phenols. TMP- montmorillonite was the better adsorbent and preferentially adsorbed 4-chlorophenol over phenol. Hydration of the interlayer cations occurs to a greater extent in the TMA-montmorillonite than the TMP-montmorillonite restricting interlayer adsorption. Contrary to that observed for phenols and chlorinated phenols, the Quat-smectites were ineffective as adsorbents for triphenyltin hydroxide and bis(tributyltin) oxide at room temperature. Under microwave conditions, only bis(tributyltin) oxide was adsorbed by the quaternary ammonium exchanged smectites. Bis(tributyltin) oxide was adsorbed from ethanol on the surface of the smectite clays at room temperature and under microwave conditions. The adsorbate-adsorbent interactions were weak. Adsorption is accompanied by conversion of bis(tributyltin) oxide to a different tin(IV) species and the release of sodium cations from the montmorillonite interlayer region. Attempts to introduce conditions suitable for charge transfer interactions between synthesised quaternary ammonium compounds and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol are documented. Transition metal complex exchanged clays adsorb 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and phenol. Strong adsorbate-adsorbent interactions (Type I isotherms) occur when the adsorbate is 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and when the adsorbent is [Fe(bipy)3]2+ exchanged montmorillonite or [Co(bipy)3]3+ exchanged montmorillonite. The 2,2'-bipyridyl ligands of the adsorbents are electron rich and the 2,4,6-trichlorophenol is electron deficient. This may have enhanced adsorbate-adsorbent interactions.
Tbe formation of Pd(TeR)n and (CuTeR)n from the reaction between telluroesters and Pd(II)or Cu(II) suggested that these organatellurium reagents may be useful precursors of RTe- ligands in reactions with transition-metal substrates. Also the formation of telluronium salts Me2RTeI- from the reaction between telluroesters and methyl iodide, together with the above, confirm the cleavage of -cõ-Te bonds rather than -C-Te bonds. The formation of a carboxylic acid from the toluene solution of a ditelluride d palladium(O) complex in the presence of light oxygen (from air) is demonstrated. When the solvent employed is p-xylene an aldehyde is formed.The reaction proceeds via the free radical, RTeO, with Pd(PPh3)4 as a catalyst.It has also been shown that the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids is catalysed by ditelluride. Spin trapping experiments with PhCH=N(O)But (phenyl-t-butyl-nitrone) have provided evidence that the oxidative addition of an alkyl halide (RX=Mei, BunBr, BusecBr, ButBr, BrCH2-CH=CHCH2Br, and Br(CH2)4Br) to diphenyltelluride and reductive elimination of CH3SCN from Ph2(CH3)Te(NCS) proceeds via radical pathways. A mechanism is proposed for oxidative addition which involves the preformation of a charge transfer complex of alkyl halide and diphenyltelluride.The first step is the formation of a charge transfer complex, and the initial product of the oxidative addition is a "covalent" form of the tellurium(IV)compound. When the radical R is more stable, Ph2TeX2 may be the major tellurium(IV)product. The reaction of RTeNa (R=p-EtOC6H4, Ph) with organic dihalides X2(CH2)n (n=1,2,3,4) affords telluronium salts (n=3,4; X=Cl, Br) the nature of which is discussed.For n=l (X=Br, I)the products are formulated as charge transfer complexes of stoichiometry (RTe)2(CH2).CH2X2• For n=2, elimination of ditelluride occurs with the formation of an alkene. Some 125’Te Mõssbauer data are discussed and it is suggested that the unusually low value of 6 (7.58 mm.s-1 ) for p-EtO.C6H4.Te)2(cH2)cH2Br2 relates to removal of 5's electronsfrom the spare pair orbltal via the charge transfer interaction. 125Te Mossbauer data for (p-EtO.C6H4)Te(CH2)4Br are typical of a tellurium (IV) compound and in particular ∇ is in the expected range for a telluronium salt. The product of the reaction of Na Te (C6H4.OEt), with 1,3-dibromopropane is, from the Mössbauer data, also a telluronium salt.
Quercetin is a naturally occurring polyphenol compound present in grapes, red wine, tea, apples and some vegetables. Like other flavonoids, it has been found to have antioxidant activity in studies in vitro, although there is still much debate about the bioavailability of flavonoids in the diet and their in vivo antioxidant activity. In general, it is thought that the antioxidant efficiency of polyphenols increases with increasing hydroxylation of the rings, but there have been few studies of other substitutions. We have prepared several derivatives of quercetin, to test the effect of modification on their antioxidant potential. Sodium salts of quercetin-5-sulfonate and quercetin-5,8-sulfonate, and transition metal complexes of quercetin-5-sulfonate were analysed for their total antioxidant potential using the FRAP assay, and compared to unmodified quercetin. It was found that quercetin-5-sulfonate complexes with Zn, Cu(II), Fe(II) and Mg were all significantly better antioxidants than quercetin, quercetin-5-sulfonate was comparable to quercetin, whereas the sodium salt of quercetin-5,8-sulfonate had a decreased total antioxidant potential. Kinetic studies of the FRAP reaction showed no significant differences between quercitin and any of the derivatives. The reaction of all the quercetins in the FRAP assay was found to be slower to reach completion than ascorbate, and appeared to have biphasic characteristics. These results suggest that transition metal ions may facilitate the transfer of electrons from the polyphenol ring system to the oxidant, while substitution with S03 is electron-withdrawing and destabilizes the ring system. This is important both for understanding the antioxidant ability of flavonoids, and for the design of novel antioxidant compounds. Further work is being carried out to assess the ability of the quercetin complexes to protect cultured cells from oxidative stress.
The present study attempted to identify the significant parameters which affect radionuclide migration from a low level radioactive waste disposal site located in a clay deposit. From initial sorption studies on smectite minerals, increased Kd with decreasing initial cation concentration was observed, and three sorption mechanisms were identified. The observation of anion dependent sorption was related to the existence of a mechanism in which an anion-cation pair are bound to the clay surface through the anion. The influence of competing cations, typical of inorganic groundwater constituents, depended on: (1) Ni/Co:Mn+(Mn+ = competing cation) ratio, (2) nature of M^n+, (3) total solution ionic strength. The presence of organic material in groundwater is well documented, but its effect on cation sorption has not been established. An initial qualitative investigation involving addition of simple organic ligands to Ni(Co)-hectorite samples demonstrated the formation of metal complexes in the clay interlayers, although some modified behaviour was observed. Further quantitative examination involving likely groundwater organic constituents and more comprehensive physical investigation confirmed this behaviour and enabled separation of the organic compounds used into two classes, according to their effect on cation sorption; (i) acids, (ii) amine compounds. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy were used to investigate the nature of transition metal ions sorbed onto montmorillonite and hectorite. Evidence strongly favoured the sorption of the hexaaquo cation, although a series of sorption sites of slightly different chemical characteristics were responsible for broadened peak widths observed in XPS and Mossbauer investigations. The surface sensitivity of XPS enabled recognition of the two surface sorption sites proposed in earlier sorption studies. Although thermal treatment of Fe^3+/Fe^2+-hectorite samples left iron atoms bonded to the silicate sheet structure, Mossbauer evidence indicated the presence of both ferric and ferrous iron in all samples.
Thermal spin transition (spin crossover), one of the most fascinating dynamic electronic structure phenomena occurring in coordination compounds of third row transition metal ions, mostly of iron(II), iron(III) and cobalt(II) with critical ligand field strengths competing with the spin pairing energy, has attracted increasing attention by many research groups. One of the reasons is the promising potential for practical applications. In this chapter we intend to cover essential recent work, primarily accomplished within the European research network on “Thermal and Optical Switching of Molecular Spin States (TOSS)”. New spin crossover compounds and their thermal spin transition behaviour, also under applied pressure, novel effects observed by irradiation and magnetic field, will be discussed. Progress in theoretical treatments of spin crossover phenomena, particularly cooperativity, will be briefly outlined. The chapter concludes with a summary of research highlights published by the partner laboratories of the TMR network TOSS.