32 resultados para cement-in-cement


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Several parties (stakeholders) are involved in a construction project. The conventional Risk Management Process (RMP) manages risks from a single party perspective, which does not give adequate consideration to the needs of others. The objective of multi-party risk management is to assist decision-makers in managing risk systematically and most efficiently in a multi-party environment. Multi-party Risk Management Processes (MRMP) consist of risk identification, structuring, analysis and developing responses from all party perspectives. The MRMP has been applied to a cement plant construction project in Thailand to demonstrate its effectiveness.


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Brushite cements differ from apatite-forming compositions by consuming a lot of water in their setting reaction whereas apatite-forming cements consume little or no water at all. Only such cement systems that consume water during setting can theoretically produce near-zero porosity ceramics. This study aimed to produce such a brushite ceramic and investigated whether near elimination of porosity would prevent a burst release profile of incorporated antibiotics that is common to prior calcium phosphate cement delivery matrices. Through adjustment of the powder technological properties of the powder reactants, that is particle size and particle size distribution, and by adjusting citric acid concentration of the liquid phase to 800 mM, a relative porosity of as low as 11% of the brushite cement matrix could be achieved (a 60% reduction compared to previous studies), resulting in a wet unprecompacted compressive strength of 52 MPa (representing a more than 100% increase to previously reported results) with a workable setting time of 4.5 min of the cement paste. Up to 2 wt.% of vancomycin and ciprofloxacin could be incorporated into the cement system without loss of wet compressive strength. It was found that drug release rates could be controlled by the adjustable relative porosity of the cement system and burst release could be minimized and an almost linear release achieved, but the solubility of the antibiotic (vancomycin > ciprofloxacin) appeared also to be a crucial factor.


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The influence of bird droppings on the growth and fragmentation of five lichen species transplanted to slate and cement substrates was studied over a period of 15 months in South Gwynedd, Wales. The results suggested that at 15 months (1) thallus areas of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. were greater on both substrates with the addition of bird droppings with a greater increase on cement; (2) In Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach. And Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund., thallus areas were greatest on slate alone and least on cement with bird droppings; (3) in Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch, thallus area was significantly reduced on cement alone compared with slate and cement treated with bird droppings; and (4) in Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr., thallus area was significantly greater on cement with bird droppings compared with slate and cement alone. These responses were attributable to the effect of the substrate and bird droppings on radial growth and the degree of fragmentation of the thalli. The results suggested that nutrient enrichment was more important than the substrate in determining the distribution of P. conspersa and Ph. orbicularis. However, the substrate and bird droppings were important in the remaining species, the data suggesting that P. saxatilis and P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa would prefer nutrient-poor, siliceous rocks and X. parietina calcareous, nutrient enriched rocks in South Gwynedd.


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Metakaolin (MK), a calcined clay, was included as a partial cement replacement material, at up to 20% by weight of binder, in cement pastes and concrete, and its influence on the resistance to chloride ingress investigated. Reductions in effective chloride diffusion coefficients through hardened cement paste were obtained for binary blends and by combining OPC, MK and a second cement replacement material of pulverised fuel ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag. Steady state oxygen diffusion measurements through hardened cement pastes measured using an electrochemical cell showed that the interaction between charged species and the pore surfaces is a major factor in determining chloride diffusion rate. Rheology of the binder, particularly at high MK replacement levels, was found to have a dramatic influence on the diffusion performance of cement pastes. It was concluded that plasticising admixtures are essential for adequate dispersion of MK in cement pastes. Chloride concentration profile analysis of the concrete cylinders, exposed to sodium chloride solution for one year, was employed to obtain apparent chloride diffusion coefficients for concrete specimens. MK was found to reduce the depth of chloride penetration into concrete when compared with that of unblended mixes. Corrosion rate and corrosion potential measurements were taken on steel bars embedded in concrete exposed to a saline environment under conditions of cyclic wetting and drying. The initiation time for corrosion was found to be significantly longer for MK blended mixes than for plain OPC systems. The aggregate-paste interfacial zone of MK blended systems was investigated by steady state diffusion of chloride ions through mortar containing glass beads as model aggregate. For the model aggregate specimens tested the work confirmed the hypothesis that properties of the bulk paste are the controlling factors in ionic diffusion through mortar.


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The effect of 10% and 20% replacement metakaolin on a number of aspects of hydration chemistry and service performance of ordinary Portland cement pastes has been investigated. The analysis of expressed pore solutions has revealed that metakaolin-blended specimen pastes possess enhanced chloride binding capacities and reduced pore solution pH values when compared with their unblended counterparts. The implications of the observed changes in pore solution chemistry with respect to chloride induced reinforcement corrosion and the reduction in expansion associated with the alkali aggregate reaction are discussed. Differential thermal analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy have been employed in the analysis of the solid phase. It is suggested that hydrated gehlenite (a product of pozzolanic reaction) is operative in the removal and solid state binding of chloride ions from the pore solution of metakaolin-blended pastes. Diffusion coefficients obtained in a non-steady state chloride ion diffusion investigation have indicated that cement pastes containing 10% and 20% replacement metakaolin exhibit superior resistance to the penetration of chloride ions in comparison with those of plain OPC of the same water:cement ratio. The chloride induced corrosion behaviour of cement paste samples, of water:cement ratio 0.4, containing 0% , 10%, and 20% replacement metakaolin, has been monitored using the linear polarization technique. No significant corrosion of embedded mild steel was observed over a 200 day period.


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Investigations concentrated on the styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex and formulations included standard carboxylated and special carboxylated latexes. The aqueous component, containing the stabilisers and antifoaming agent but not the polymer solids, was also used. For comparison, limited investigations were carried out using other polymer types e.g. acrylic, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and redispersible powders rather than emulsions. The major findings were: 1) All latex systems investigated acted as retarders for cement hydration. The extent of retardation depends on the type of polymer. The mechanism for cement hydration may be changed, and excessive retardation influences properties. 2) Polymer modified cements exhibited either similar or coarser pore structures compared with unmodified cements. Results suggest that polymer mainly exists in a mixture of cement hydrates and polymer phase. Very little evidence was found for the formation of a distinct polymer film phase. 3) During the first few days of curing the polymer solids are removed from the pore solution and concentrations of OH-, Na+ and K+ are reduced. These observations are probably a result of polymer-cement surface interactions since there was no evidence of any chemical reactions or degradation of the polymer. 4) Improved diffusional resistance of modified cements depends on the ability to achieve adequate workability at low w/c ratio, rather than modification of matrix structure.


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This study is concerned with the durability of cement stabilised minestone (CSM). Minestone is dominated by the clay-bearing mudrocks and shales of the Coal Measures. Consequently, engineering problems are often encountered due to the likelihood of these rocks undergoing volume change and degradation when exposed to fluctuations in moisture content. In addition, iron sulphides (chiefly pyrite) are frequently present in minestone as diagenetic minerals which on excavation have the potential to oxidise forming sulphate minerals. The oxidation of sulphides may in itself contribute to volume increase in pyritic rocks and sulphate minerals may combine with the products of cement hydration to produce further expansion. The physical and chemical properties of a wide range of minestones are determined and attempts are made to correlate these with the engineering performance of cement stabilised specimens subjected to short-term immersion in water. Criteria, based on these raw material indices are proposed with a view to eliminating minestones which are unsuitable. A long-term durability study is also described. In this, the geochemical stability of pyrite in CSM was examined together with the role played by the sulphur bearing mineralogy in determining the engineering performance of CSM's exposed to conditions of increased moisture availability. The nature of a number of disrupted CSM pavements which have been examined are also discussed.


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The work described in this thesis is an attempt to elucidate the relationships between the pore system and a number of engineering properties of hardened cement paste, particularly tensile strength and resistances to carbonation and ionic penetration. By examining aspects such as the rate of carbonisation, the pore size distribution, the concentration of ions in the pore solution and the phase composition of cement pastes, relationships between the pore system (pores and pore solution) and the resistance to carbonation were investigated. The study was carried out in two parts. First, cement pastes with different pore systems were compared, whilst secondly comparisons were made between the pore systems of cement pastes with different degrees of carbonation. Relationships between the pore structure and ionic penetration were studied by comparing kinetic data relating to the diffusion of various ions in cement pastes with different pore systems. Diffusion coefficients and activation energies for the diffusion process of Cl- and Na+ ions in carbonated and non-carbonated cement pastes were determined by a quasi-steady state technique. The effect of the geometry of pores on ionic diffusion was studied by comparing the mechanisms of ionic diffusion for ions with different radii. In order to investigate the possible relationship between tensile strength and macroporosity, cement paste specimens with cross sectional areas less than 1mm2 were produced so that the chance of a macropore existing within them was low. The tensile strengths of such specimens were then compared with those of larger specimens.


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The demand for road making materials continues to pressurise the supply of traditional good quality aggregates. Over the years, therefore, consideration has been given to alternative materials including industrial wastes. This thesis is concerned with potential use of Minestone, the by-product of coal mining, for the lower structural layers of pavement construction. Because of their clay like nature, Minestones do not merit consideration for such applications in an unbound state and, therefore, some form of stabilisation is necessary. Previous research has demonstrated that certain cement bound minestones, containing between 5 and 10 per cent cement, satisfy current Department of Transport requirements for use in pavement construction and, furthermore, they are not frost susceptible. However, doubts concerning the durability of cement bound minestones still remain. The thesis includes a review of both the cement and lime stabilisation techniques and also traces the origin and development of the methods used to assess the quality and durability of stabilised materials. An experimental study is described in which cement bound minestone specimens were subjected to a programme of tests which examined compressive strength, resistance to immersion, and resistance to freezing and thawing. The results of the tests were related to the properties of the raw materials. It was discovered that the response to cement stabilisation was governed mainly by the source of the minestone and, to a lesser degree, the cement content. It was also found that resistance in the durability tests was generally improved when the initial moisture content was raised above the optimum value. The result suggest that current methods for assessing cement stabilised materials are not appropriate to cement bound minestones. Alternative methods and criteria, based on volume change and retained strength following immersion and freeze-thaw tests, have been proposed. It is believed that these methods and criteria should also apply to other cement bound materials.


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This study has investigated the inclusion of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) and blast furnace slag (BFS) into hardened cement pastes (HCP) in retarding the ingress of chloride ions and oxygen molecules from the external environment. The influence of environmental factors such as drying and carbonation on the pore structure and diffusional properties of OPC, OPC/30%PFA and OPC/65%BFS hardened pastes was investigated. Specimens were desorbed from a saturated surface dry condition to a near constant weight at 65% relative humidity (RH) while others were simultaneously exposed to a 65% RH atmosphere and a carbon dioxide atmosphere of up to 5% by volume until there were fully carbonated. The presence of the interfacial zone at the cement paste-aggregate interface was critically reviewed and identified. The influence of the interfacial zone on porosity and chloride ingress in assumed periodic composites of glass bead mortars was also studied. The investigations have demonstrated the following: (a) The use of fly ash and slag in blended cement pastes has resulted in a marked reduction in capillary porosity and rate of chloride ingress. (b) The ratio of oxygen to chloride diffusion coefficients increased from values close to 1 in permeable pastes, to values of around 15 in low-permeability blended fly ash and slag pastes. This supports the view that the diffusion of chloride ions is retarded by the surface charge of the hydrated cement gel in low-permeability pastes. (c) Compared with plain OPC pastes, the carbonation of blended fly ash and slag pastes resulted in a marked increase in the coarse capillary porosity and a corresponding increase in the oxygen and chloride diffusion rates.


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Organic substances, particularly polymers, are finding increasing use in modifying the properties of cements and concrete. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted into the modification of the mechanical properties of cements by polymers, little is known about the nature of the interface and interactions taking place between the two phases. This thesis addresses the problem of elucidating such interactions. Relevant literature is reviewed, covering the general use of polymers with cements, the chemistry of cements and polymers, adhesion and known interactions between polymers and both cements and related minerals. Although several polymer systems were studied, two in particular were selected, as being well characterized. These were: - 1) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), the polymer derived from methyl methacrylate (MMA), and 2) an amine-cured epoxy resin system. By this approach, a methodology was developed for the examination of other polymer/cement interactions. Experiments were conducted in five main areas:- 1) polymer-cement adhesion and the feasibility of revealing interfacial regions mechanically, 2) chemical reactions between polymers and cements, 3) characterization of cement adhesion surfaces, 4) interactions affecting overall polymerisation rates, and 5) studies of polymer impregnated cements. The following conclusions were reached:- 1) The PMMA/cement interface contains calcium methacrylate as an interfacial reaction product, water being a reactant. Calcium methacrylate is detrimental to the properties of PMMA/cement composites, being highly water-soluble. 2) The pore surface of cement accelerates the polymerisation of MMA, leading to an increased molecular weight compared to polymerisation of pure MMA, minerals in hydrated cement powders having the opposite effect. 3) The investigation of reaction products presents a number of experimental problems, selection of appropriate techniques depending upon the system studied. For the two systems examined in detail, ion chromatography proved particularly useful; DTA, IRS and XPS indicated reactions, though the data was hard to interpret; XRD proving inconclusive. 4) It is impractical to reveal interfacial regions mechanically, but may be accomplished by chemical means.


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In this study the effect of structure and amount of polyglactin fibre incorporation into a brushite forming calcium phosphate cement system and the effect of mechanical compaction on the fibre modified system were investigated. In comparison the effect of resorbable polycaprolactone surface coating of cement specimens was investigated. The results showed that, apart from the mechanical properties of the reinforcing material, the structure of the incorporated fibres, regular or random, is crucial for the resulting flexural strength and modulus of elasticity. Fibre reinforcement could also be combined with mechanical compaction of the cement/fibre composite paste leading to a possible 7-fold increase in flexural strength or an almost 5-fold increase in modulus of elasticity. Reinforcement of the tensile surface of cement grafts may ultimately improve strength where required, especially in conjunction with bone fixation devices. © 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this investigation was to interpret the bitumen-aggregate adhesion based on the dielectric spectroscopic response of individual material components utilizing their dielectric constants, refractive indices and average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent). Dielectric spectroscopy of bitumen binders at room temperature was performed in the frequency range of 0.01–1000 Hz. Dielectric spectroscopy is an experimental method for characterizing the dielectric permittivity of a material as a function of frequency. Adhesion data has been determined using the Rolling bottle method. The results show that the magnitude of the average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent) depends on bitumen type. The average loss tangent in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz is introduced as a potential indicator for predicting polarizability and, thereby, adhesion potential of bitumen binders to quartz aggregates when using Portland cement. In order to obtain acceptable adhesion of 70/100 penetration grade bitumen binders and quartz aggregates when using Portland cement, it is suggested that the binder have an average tan δ > 0.035 in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz.