28 resultados para Weighting
Over a number of years, as the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)'s funding models became more transparent, Aston University was able to discover how its funding for teaching and research was calculated. This enabled calculations to be made on the funds earned by each school in the University, and Aston Business School (ABS) in turn to develop models to calculate the funds earned by its programmes and academic groups. These models were a 'load' and a 'contribution' model. The 'load' model records the weighting of activities undertaken by individual members of staff; the 'contribution' model is the means by which funds are allocated to academic units. The 'contribution' model is informed by the 'load' model in determining the volume of activity for which each academic unit is to be funded.
Spectral and coherence methodologies are ubiquitous for the analysis of multiple time series. Partial coherence analysis may be used to try to determine graphical models for brain functional connectivity. The outcome of such an analysis may be considerably influenced by factors such as the degree of spectral smoothing, line and interference removal, matrix inversion stabilization and the suppression of effects caused by side-lobe leakage, the combination of results from different epochs and people, and multiple hypothesis testing. This paper examines each of these steps in turn and provides a possible path which produces relatively ‘clean’ connectivity plots. In particular we show how spectral matrix diagonal up-weighting can simultaneously stabilize spectral matrix inversion and reduce effects caused by side-lobe leakage, and use the stepdown multiple hypothesis test procedure to help formulate an interaction strength.
During 1999 and 2000 a large number of articles appeared in the financial press which argued that the concentration of the FTSE 100 had increased. Many of these reports suggested that stock market volatility in the UK had risen, because the concentration of its stock markets had increased. This study undertakes a comprehensive measurement of stock market concentration using the FTSE 100 index. We find that during 1999, 2000 and 2001 stock market concentration was noticeably higher than at any other time since the index was introduced. When we measure the volatility of the FTSE 100 index we do not find an association between concentration and its volatility. When we examine the variances and covariance’s of the FTSE 100 constituents we find that security volatility appears to be positively related to concentration changes but concentration and the size of security covariances appear to be negatively related. We simulate the variance of four versions of the FTSE 100 index; in each version of the index the weighting structure reflects either an equally weighted index, or one with levels of low, intermediate or high concentration. We find that moving from low to high concentration has very little impact on the volatility of the index. To complete the study we estimate the minimum variance portfolio for the FTSE 100, we then compare concentration levels of this index to those formed on the basis of market weighting. We find that realised FTSE index weightings are higher than for the minimum variance index.
Mistuning a harmonic produces an exaggerated change in its pitch. This occurs because the component becomes inconsistent with the regular pattern that causes the other harmonics (constituting the spectral frame) to integrate perceptually. These pitch shifts were measured when the fundamental (F0) component of a complex tone (nominal F0 frequency = 200 Hz) was mistuned by +8% and -8%. The pitch-shift gradient was defined as the difference between these values and its magnitude was used as a measure of frame integration. An independent and random perturbation (spectral jitter) was applied simultaneously to most or all of the frame components. The gradient magnitude declined gradually as the degree of jitter increased from 0% to ±40% of F0. The component adjacent to the mistuned target made the largest contribution to the gradient, but more distant components also contributed. The stimuli were passed through an auditory model, and the exponential height of the F0-period peak in the averaged summary autocorrelation function correlated well with the gradient magnitude. The fit improved when the weighting on more distant channels was attenuated by a factor of three per octave. The results are consistent with a grouping mechanism that computes a weighted average of periodicity strength across several components. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The modelling of mechanical structures using finite element analysis has become an indispensable stage in the design of new components and products. Once the theoretical design has been optimised a prototype may be constructed and tested. What can the engineer do if the measured and theoretically predicted vibration characteristics of the structure are significantly different? This thesis considers the problems of changing the parameters of the finite element model to improve the correlation between a physical structure and its mathematical model. Two new methods are introduced to perform the systematic parameter updating. The first uses the measured modal model to derive the parameter values with the minimum variance. The user must provide estimates for the variance of the theoretical parameter values and the measured data. Previous authors using similar methods have assumed that the estimated parameters and measured modal properties are statistically independent. This will generally be the case during the first iteration but will not be the case subsequently. The second method updates the parameters directly from the frequency response functions. The order of the finite element model of the structure is reduced as a function of the unknown parameters. A method related to a weighted equation error algorithm is used to update the parameters. After each iteration the weighting changes so that on convergence the output error is minimised. The suggested methods are extensively tested using simulated data. An H frame is then used to demonstrate the algorithms on a physical structure.
In practical term any result obtained using an ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator heavily depends upon the method to determine the weighting vector. Several approaches for obtaining the associated weights have been suggested in the literature, in which none of them took into account the preference of alternatives. This paper presents a method for determining the OWA weights when the preferences of alternatives across all the criteria are considered. An example is given to illustrate this method and an application in internet search engine shows the use of this new OWA operator.
Recently there has been an outburst of interest in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, there is no general consensus as to how best to process sequences using topographicmaps, and this topic remains an active focus of neurocomputational research. The representational capabilities and internal representations of the models are not well understood. Here, we rigorously analyze a generalization of the self-organizingmap (SOM) for processing sequential data, recursive SOM (RecSOM) (Voegtlin, 2002), as a nonautonomous dynamical system consisting of a set of fixed input maps. We argue that contractive fixed-input maps are likely to produce Markovian organizations of receptive fields on the RecSOM map. We derive bounds on parameter β (weighting the importance of importing past information when processing sequences) under which contractiveness of the fixed-input maps is guaranteed. Some generalizations of SOM contain a dynamic module responsible for processing temporal contexts as an integral part of the model. We show that Markovian topographic maps of sequential data can be produced using a simple fixed (nonadaptable) dynamic module externally feeding a standard topographic model designed to process static vectorial data of fixed dimensionality (e.g., SOM). However, by allowing trainable feedback connections, one can obtain Markovian maps with superior memory depth and topography preservation. We elaborate on the importance of non-Markovian organizations in topographic maps of sequential data. © 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Recently, there has been a considerable research activity in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, the representational capabilities and internal representations of the models are not well understood. We rigorously analyze a generalization of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for processing sequential data, Recursive SOM (RecSOM [1]), as a non-autonomous dynamical system consisting off a set of fixed input maps. We show that contractive fixed input maps are likely to produce Markovian organizations of receptive fields o the RecSOM map. We derive bounds on parameter $\beta$ (weighting the importance of importing past information when processing sequences) under which contractiveness of the fixed input maps is guaranteed.
This thesis is concerned with the measurement of the characteristics of nonlinear systems by crosscorrelation, using pseudorandom input signals based on m sequences. The systems are characterised by Volterra series, and analytical expressions relating the rth order Volterra kernel to r-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are derived. It is shown that the two-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are related to the corresponding second order kernel values by a set of equations which may be structured into a number of independent subsets. The m sequence properties determine how the maximum order of the subsets for off-diagonal values is related to the upper bound of the arguments for nonzero kernel values. The upper bound of the arguments is used as a performance index, and the performance of antisymmetric pseudorandom binary, ternary and quinary signals is investigated. The performance indices obtained above are small in relation to the periods of the corresponding signals. To achieve higher performance with ternary signals, a method is proposed for combining the estimates of the second order kernel values so that the effects of some of the undesirable nonzero values in the fourth order autocorrelation function of the input signal are removed. The identification of the dynamics of two-input, single-output systems with multiplicative nonlinearity is investigated. It is shown that the characteristics of such a system may be determined by crosscorrelation experiments using phase-shifted versions of a common signal as inputs. The effects of nonlinearities on the estimates of system weighting functions obtained by crosscorrelation are also investigated. Results obtained by correlation testing of an industrial process are presented, and the differences between theoretical and experimental results discussed for this case;
The purpose of this study is to develop econometric models to better understand the economic factors affecting inbound tourist flows from each of six origin countries that contribute to Hong Kong’s international tourism demand. To this end, we test alternative cointegration and error correction approaches to examine the economic determinants of tourist flows to Hong Kong, and to produce accurate econometric forecasts of inbound tourism demand. Our empirical findings show that permanent income is the most significant determinant of tourism demand in all models. The variables of own price, weighted substitute prices, trade volume, the share price index (as an indicator of changes in wealth in origin countries), and a dummy variable representing the Beijing incident (1989) are also found to be important determinants for some origin countries. The average long-run income and own price elasticity was measured at 2.66 and – 1.02, respectively. It was hypothesised that permanent income is a better explanatory variable of long-haul tourism demand than current income. A novel approach (grid search process) has been used to empirically derive the weights to be attached to the lagged income variable for estimating permanent income. The results indicate that permanent income, estimated with empirically determined relatively small weighting factors, was capable of producing better results than the current income variable in explaining long-haul tourism demand. This finding suggests that the use of current income in previous empirical tourism demand studies may have produced inaccurate results. The share price index, as a measure of wealth, was also found to be significant in two models. Studies of tourism demand rarely include wealth as an explanatory forecasting long-haul tourism demand. However, finding a satisfactory proxy for wealth common to different countries is problematic. This study indicates with the ECM (Error Correction Models) based on the Engle-Granger (1987) approach produce more accurate forecasts than ECM based on Pesaran and Shin (1998) and Johansen (1988, 1991, 1995) approaches for all of the long-haul markets and Japan. Overall, ECM produce better forecasts than the OLS, ARIMA and NAÏVE models, indicating the superiority of the application of a cointegration approach for tourism demand forecasting. The results show that permanent income is the most important explanatory variable for tourism demand from all countries but there are substantial variations between countries with the long-run elasticity ranging between 1.1 for the U.S. and 5.3 for U.K. Price is the next most important variable with the long-run elasticities ranging between -0.8 for Japan and -1.3 for Germany and short-run elasticities ranging between – 0.14 for Germany and -0.7 for Taiwan. The fastest growing market is Mainland China. The findings have implications for policies and strategies on investment, marketing promotion and pricing.
This thesis presents an investigation into the application of methods of uncertain reasoning to the biological classification of river water quality. Existing biological methods for reporting river water quality are critically evaluated, and the adoption of a discrete biological classification scheme advocated. Reasoning methods for managing uncertainty are explained, in which the Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer calculi are cited as primary numerical schemes. Elicitation of qualitative knowledge on benthic invertebrates is described. The specificity of benthic response to changes in water quality leads to the adoption of a sensor model of data interpretation, in which a reference set of taxa provide probabilistic support for the biological classes. The significance of sensor states, including that of absence, is shown. Novel techniques of directly eliciting the required uncertainty measures are presented. Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer calculi were used to combine the evidence provided by the sensors. The performance of these automatic classifiers was compared with the expert's own discrete classification of sampled sites. Variations of sensor data weighting, combination order and belief representation were examined for their effect on classification performance. The behaviour of the calculi under evidential conflict and alternative combination rules was investigated. Small variations in evidential weight and the inclusion of evidence from sensors absent from a sample improved classification performance of Bayesian belief and support for singleton hypotheses. For simple support, inclusion of absent evidence decreased classification rate. The performance of Dempster-Shafer classification using consonant belief functions was comparable to Bayesian and singleton belief. Recommendations are made for further work in biological classification using uncertain reasoning methods, including the combination of multiple-expert opinion, the use of Bayesian networks, and the integration of classification software within a decision support system for water quality assessment.
Visual hyperacuities.are a group of thresholds whose values surpass that expected by the anatomical and optical constraints of the eye. There are many variables which affect hyperacuities of which this thesis considers the following .. 1. The effect of contrast on displacement detection and bisection acuity. It is proposed that spatial summation may account for the different response of these two hyperacuities compared with the contrast response of vernier acuity. 2. The effect of references on displacement detection. These were shown to greatly enhance performance when present. Their effect was, however, dependent upon the temporal characteristics of the displacement. 3. The effect of spatial frequency on vernier acuity. Evidence from this experiment suggests that vernier performance can be explained on the basis of the output of orientationally selective spatial frequency filters. 4. Evidence for a weighting function for visual location using random dot clusters. The weighting attached to different parts of the retinal light distribution was found to alter non-linearly with increasing offset from the geometric center of the cluster. A relationship between dot density and peak amplitude of the weighting function was found. 5. Spatial scaling of vernier acuity in the peripheral field. With careful choice of a technique which did not allow separation and eccentricity to co-vary it was found possible to scale vernier acuity both for two lines and two separated dots. 6. The effect of increasing age on hyperacuity. No change in vernier acuity with age was found which contrasted with displacement detection and bisection acuity both of which showed a significant decline with increasing age.
This thesis describes work completed on the application of H controller synthesis to the design of controllers for single axis high speed independent drive design examples. H controller synthesis was used in a single controller format and in a self-tuning regulator, a type of adaptive controller. Three types of industrial design examples were attempted using H controller synthesis, both in simulation and on a Drives Test Facility at Aston University. The results were benchmarked against a Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) with velocity feedforward controller (VFF), the industrial standard for this application. An analysis of the differences between a H and PID with VFF controller was completed. A direct-form H controller was determined for a limited class of weighting function and plants which shows the relationship between the weighting function, nominal plant and the controller parameters. The direct-form controller was utilised in two ways. Firstly it allowed the production of simple guidelines for the industrial design of H controllers. Secondly it was used as the controller modifier in a self-tuning regulator (STR). The STR had a controller modification time (including nominal model parameter estimation) of 8ms. A Set-Point Gain Scheduling (SPGS) controller was developed and applied to an industrial design example. The applicability of each control strategy, PID with VFF, H, SPGS and STR, was investigated and a set of general guidelines for their use was determined. All controllers developed were implemented using standard industrial equipment.
Industrial development, accompanying human population growth, has had a major role in creating the situation where bio-diverse materials and services essential for sustaining business are under threat. A major contributory factor to biodiversity decline comes from the cumulative impacts of extended supply chain business operations. However, within Corporate Responsibility (CR) reporting impacts on biodiversity due to supply chain operations have not traditionally been given equal weighting with other environmental issues. This paper investigates the extent of CR reporting in managing and publicising company biodiversity supply chain issues by reviewing a cross-sector sample of publicly available CR reports. The report contents were examined for suggestions of industrial sectorial trends in the level of biodiversity consideration. The reporting of environmental management system use within company supply chain management is assessed in the samples and is considered as a mechanism for responsible supplier partnership working.
Cadogan and Lee (this issue) discuss the problems inherent in modeling formative latent variables as endogenous. In response to the commentaries by Rigdon (this issue) and Finn and Wang (this issue), the present article extends the discussion on formative measures. First, the article shows that regardless of whether statistical identification is achieved, researchers are unable to illuminate the nature of a formative latent variable. Second, the study clarifies issues regarding formative indicator weighting, highlighting that the weightings of formative components should be specified as part of the construct definition. Finally, the study shows that higher-order reflective constructs are invalid, highlights the damage their use can inflict on theory development and knowledge accumulation, and provides recommendations on a number of alternative models which should be used in their place (including the formative model). © 2012 Elsevier Inc.