17 resultados para ULTRALONG


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This thesis presents a numerical and experimental investigation on applications of ultralong Raman fibre lasers in optical communications, supercontinuum generation and soliton transmission. The research work is divided in four main sections. The first involves the numerical investigation of URFL intra-cavity power and the relative intensity noise transfer evolution along the transmission span. The performance of the URFL is compared with amplification systems of similar complexity. In the case of intracavity power evolution, URFL is compared with a first order Raman amplification system. For the RIN transfer investigation, URFL is compared with a bi-directional dual wavelength pumping system. The RIN transfer function is investigated for several cavity design parameters such as span length, pump distribution and FBG reflectivity. The following section deals with experimental results of URFL cavities. The enhancement of the available spectral bandwidth in the C-band and its spectral flatness are investigated for single and multi-FBGs cavity system. Further work regarding extended URFL cavity in combination with Rayleigh scattering as random distributed feedback produced a laser cavity with dual wavelength outputs independent to each other. The last two sections relate to URFL application in supercontinuum (SC) generation and soliton transmission. URFL becomes an enhancement structure for SC generation. This thesis shows successful experimental results of SC generation using conventional single mode optical fibre and pumped with a continuous wave source. The last section is dedicated to soliton transmission and the study of soliton propagation dynamics. The experimental results of exact soliton transmission over multiple soliton periods using conventional single mode fibre are shown in this thesis. The effect of the input signal, pump distribution, span length and FBGs reflectivity on the soliton propagation dynamics is investigated experimentally and numerically.


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We study the properties of radiation generated in ultralong fiber lasers and find an interesting link between these optical systems and the theory of weak wave turbulence. Experimental observations strongly suggest that turbulentlike weak interactions between the multitude of laser cavity modes are responsible for practical characteristics of ultralong fiber lasers such as spectra of the output radiation.


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By transforming the optical fiber span into an ultralong cavity laser, we experimentally demonstrate quasilossless transmission over long (up to 75 km) distances and virtually zero signal power variation over shorter (up to 20 km) spans, opening the way for the practical implementation of integrable nonlinear systems in optical fiber. As a by-product of our technique, the longest ever laser (to the best of our knowledge) has been implemented, with a cavity length of 75 km. A simple theory of the lossless fiber span, in excellent agreement with the observed results, is presented.


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We have studied the dynamics and stability of solitonic pulses (including soliton interaction) across URFL transmission links, as well as the dependence of these dynamics on cavity design (length, symmetry, reflectivity) and input pulse characteristics. The first experimental demonstration of long-distance ldquotruerdquo soliton propagation through optical fibre. The results conclude that even relatively long links of the order of 50 km show excellent nonlinear resilience and are capable of providing virtually transparent transmission under a broad range of input pulse characteristics.


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We present experimental demonstration of a 200-km-long, dual-wavelength Raman laser utilizing two slightly different-wavelength fiber Bragg gratings, one on each side of the fiber span. The obtained results clearly prove the generation of two independent Raman lasers with a distributed “random” Rayleigh scattering mirror forming a cavity together with each of the individual fiber Bragg grating reflectors.


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We demonstrate that ultralong Raman lasers can be used to generate a transmission medium with simultaneous transparency over the spatial and the spectral domains. Numerical calculations show this cross-domain transparency to be preserved when the medium is used for transmitting high-intensity signals, which makes ultralong lasers an ideal experimental test bed for the study of multifrequency nonlinear interactions in optical fiber waveguides. Full spatiospectral transparency is experimentally obtained over a 20 nm x 20 km window.


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We analyze the physical mechanisms limiting optical fiber resonator length and report on the longest ever laser cavity, reaching 270 km, which shows a clearly resolvable mode structure with a width of ~120??Hz and peak separation of ~380Hz in the radio-frequency spectrum.


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We present the first experimental demonstration (to our knowledge) of long-distance unperturbed fundamental optical soliton transmission in conventional single-mode optical fiber. The virtual transparency in the fiber required for soliton transmission, over 15 complete periods, was achieved by using an ultralong Raman fiber laser amplification scheme. Optical soliton pulse duration, pulse bandwidth, and peak intensity are shown to remain constant along the transmission length. Frequency-resolved optical gating spectrograms and numerical simulations confirm the observed optical soliton dynamics.


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By transforming the optical fiber span into an ultralong cavity laser, we experimentally demonstrate quasilossless transmission over long (up to 75 km) distances and virtually zero signal power variation over shorter (up to 20 km) spans, opening the way for the practical implementation of integrable nonlinear systems in optical fiber. As a by-product of our technique, the longest ever laser (to the best of our knowledge) has been implemented, with a cavity length of 75 km. A simple theory of the lossless fiber span, in excellent agreement with the observed results, is presented. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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We present the first experimental demonstration of a resolvable mode structure with spacing c/2nL in the RF spectra of ultralong Raman fiber lasers. The longest ever demonstrated laser cavity (L=84km), RF peaks of ∼100 Hz width and spacing ∼1 kHz have been observed at low intracavity powers. The width of the peaks increases linearly with growing intracavity power and is almost independent of fiber length. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A single-pulse actively mode-locked fibre laser with a cavity length exceeding 1 km has been developed and investigated for the first time. This all-fibre erbium-doped laser has a normal intracavity dispersion and generates dissipative 8-ns solitons with a fundamental repetition rate of 163.8 kHz; the energy per pulse reaches 34 nJ. The implemented mode locking, based on the use of intracavity intensity modulator, provides self-triggering and high stability of pulsed lasing. A possibility of continuous tuning of the centre lasing wavelength in the range of 1558 - 1560 nm without any tunable spectral selective elements in the cavity is demonstrated. The tuning occurs when controlling the modulation signal frequency due to the forced change in the pulse repetition time (group delay) under the conditions of intracavity chromatic dispersion. © 2013 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.


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We present experimental results on a 50km fiber laser switching among four different values of the free-spectral range for possible applications in secure key-distribution. © 2014 OSA.


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We investigate numerically the effect of ultralong Raman laser fiber amplifier design parameters, such as span length, pumping distribution and grating reflectivity, on the RIN transfer from the pump to the transmitted signal. Comparison is provided to the performance of traditional second-order Raman amplified schemes, showing a relative performance penalty for ultralong laser systems that gets smaller as span length increases. We show that careful choice of system parameters can be used to partially offset such penalty. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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All-optical data processing is expected to play a major role in future optical communications. The fiber nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) is a valuable tool in optical signal processing applications. This paper presents an overview of our recent advances in developing NOLM-based all-optical processing techniques for application in fiber-optic communications. The use of in-line NOLMs as a general technique for all-optical passive 2R (reamplification, reshaping) regeneration of return-to-zero (RZ) on-off keyed signals in both high-speed, ultralong-distance transmission systems and terrestrial photonic networks is reviewed. In this context, a theoretical model enabling the description of the stable propagation of carrier pulses with periodic all-optical self-regeneration in fiber systems with in-line deployment of nonlinear optical devices is presented. A novel, simple pulse processing scheme using nonlinear broadening in normal dispersion fiber and loop mirror intensity filtering is described, and its employment is demonstrated as an optical decision element at a RZ receiver as well as an in-line device to realize a transmission technique of periodic all-optical RZ-nonreturn-to-zero-like format conversion. The important issue of phase-preserving regeneration of phase-encoded signals is also addressed by presenting a new design of NOLM based on distributed Raman amplification in the loop fiber. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study optical wave turbulence using as a particular example recently created ultralong-fiber laser. We show that the sign of the cavity dispersion has a critical impact on the spectral and temporal properties of generated radiation that are directly relevant to the fiber laser performance. For a normal dispersion, we observe an intermediate state with an extremely narrow spectrum condensate, which experiences an instability and a sharp transition to a strongly fluctuating regime with a wide spectrum and increased probability of spontaneous generation of large-amplitude pulses.