28 resultados para Tonal Sounds


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Tonal, textural and contextual properties are used in manual photointerpretation of remotely sensed data. This study has used these three attributes to produce a lithological map of semi arid northwest Argentina by semi automatic computer classification procedures of remotely sensed data. Three different types of satellite data were investigated, these were LANDSAT MSS, TM and SIR-A imagery. Supervised classification procedures using tonal features only produced poor classification results. LANDSAT MSS produced classification accuracies in the range of 40 to 60%, while accuracies of 50 to 70% were achieved using LANDSAT TM data. The addition of SIR-A data produced increases in the classification accuracy. The increased classification accuracy of TM over the MSS is because of the better discrimination of geological materials afforded by the middle infra red bands of the TM sensor. The maximum likelihood classifier consistently produced classification accuracies 10 to 15% higher than either the minimum distance to means or decision tree classifier, this improved accuracy was obtained at the cost of greatly increased processing time. A new type of classifier the spectral shape classifier, which is computationally as fast as a minimum distance to means classifier is described. However, the results for this classifier were disappointing, being lower in most cases than the minimum distance or decision tree procedures. The classification results using only tonal features were felt to be unacceptably poor, therefore textural attributes were investigated. Texture is an important attribute used by photogeologists to discriminate lithology. In the case of TM data, texture measures were found to increase the classification accuracy by up to 15%. However, in the case of the LANDSAT MSS data the use of texture measures did not provide any significant increase in the accuracy of classification. For TM data, it was found that second order texture, especially the SGLDM based measures, produced highest classification accuracy. Contextual post processing was found to increase classification accuracy and improve the visual appearance of classified output by removing isolated misclassified pixels which tend to clutter classified images. Simple contextual features, such as mode filters were found to out perform more complex features such as gravitational filter or minimal area replacement methods. Generally the larger the size of the filter, the greater the increase in the accuracy. Production rules were used to build a knowledge based system which used tonal and textural features to identify sedimentary lithologies in each of the two test sites. The knowledge based system was able to identify six out of ten lithologies correctly.


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Onset asynchrony is arguably the most powerful grouping cue for the separation of temporally overlapping sounds (see Bregman 1990). A component that begins only 30–50 ms before the others makes a greatly reduced contribution to the timbre of a complex tone, or to the phonetic quality of a vowel (e.g. Darwin 1984). This effect of onset asynchrony does not necessarily imply a cognitive grouping process; instead it may result from peripheral adaptation in the response to the leading component in the few tens of milliseconds before the other components begin (e.g., Westerman and Smith 1984). However, two findings suggest that the effect of onset asynchrony cannot be explained entirely by peripheral adaptation. First, though the effect is smaller, the contribution of a component to the phonetic quality of a short-duration vowel is reduced when it ends after the other components (Darwin and Sutherland 1984; Roberts and Moore 1991).


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Previous claims that auditory stream segregation occurs in cochlear implant listeners are based on limited evidence. In experiment 1, eight listeners heard tones presented in a 30-s repeating ABA-sequence, with frequencies matching the centre frequencies of the implant's 22 electrodes. Tone A always stimulated electrode 11 (centre of the array); tone B stimulated one of the others. Tone repetition times (TRTs) from 50 to 200 ms were used. Listeners reported when they heard one or two streams. The proportion of time that each sequence was reported as segregated was consistently greater with increased electrode separation. However, TRT had no significant effect, and the perceptual reversals typical of normal-hearing listeners rarely occurred. The results may reflect channel discrimination rather than stream segregation. In experiment 2, six listeners performed a pitch-ranking task using tone pairs (reference = electrode 11). Listeners reported which tone was higher in pitch (or brighter in timbre) and their confidence in the pitch judgement. Similarities were observed in the individual pattern of results for reported segregation and pitch discrimination. Many implant listeners may show little or no sign of automatic stream segregation owing to the reduced perceptual space within which sounds can differ from one another. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Speech comprises dynamic and heterogeneous acoustic elements, yet it is heard as a single perceptual stream even when accompanied by other sounds. The relative contributions of grouping “primitives” and of speech-specific grouping factors to the perceptual coherence of speech are unclear, and the acoustical correlates of the latter remain unspecified. The parametric manipulations possible with simplified speech signals, such as sine-wave analogues, make them attractive stimuli to explore these issues. Given that the factors governing perceptual organization are generally revealed only where competition operates, the second-formant competitor (F2C) paradigm was used, in which the listener must resist competition to optimize recognition [Remez et al., Psychol. Rev. 101, 129-156 (1994)]. Three-formant (F1+F2+F3) sine-wave analogues were derived from natural sentences and presented dichotically (one ear = F1+F2C+F3; opposite ear = F2). Different versions of F2C were derived from F2 using separate manipulations of its amplitude and frequency contours. F2Cs with time-varying frequency contours were highly effective competitors, regardless of their amplitude characteristics. In contrast, F2Cs with constant frequency contours were completely ineffective. Competitor efficacy was not due to energetic masking of F3 by F2C. These findings indicate that modulation of the frequency, but not the amplitude, contour is critical for across-formant grouping.


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This thesis is concerned with the optimising of hearing protector selection. A computer model was used to estimate the reduction in noise exposure and risk of occupational deafness provided by the wearing of hearing protectors in industrial noise spectra. The model was used to show that low attenuation hearing protectors con provide greater protection than high attenuation protectors if the high attenuation protectors ore not worn for the total duration of noise exposure; or not used by a small proportion of the population. The model was also used to show that high attenuation protectors will not necessarily provide significantly greater reduction in risk than low attenuation protectors if the population has been exposed to the noise for many years prior to the provision of hearing protectors. The effects of earplugs and earmuffs on the localisation of sounds were studied to determine whether high attenuation earmuffs are likely to have greater potential than the lower attenuation earplugs for affecting personal safety. Laboratory studies and experiments at a foundry with normal-hearing office employees and noise-exposed foundrymen who had some experience of wearing hearing protectors showed that although earplugs reduced the ability of the wearer to determine the direction of warning sounds, earmuffs produced more total angular error and more confusions between left and right. !t is concluded from the research findings that the key to the selection of hearing protectors is to be found in the provision of hearing protectors that can be worn for a very high percentage of the exposure time by a high percentage of the exposed population with the minimum effect on the personal safety of the wearers - the attenuation provided by the protection should be adequate but not a maximum value.


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Adults show great variation in their auditory skills, such as being able to discriminate between foreign speech-sounds. Previous research has demonstrated that structural features of auditory cortex can predict auditory abilities; here we are interested in the maturation of 2-Hz frequency-modulation (FM) detection, a task thought to tap into mechanisms underlying language abilities. We hypothesized that an individual's FM threshold will correlate with gray-matter density in left Heschl's gyrus, and that this function-structure relationship will change through adolescence. To test this hypothesis, we collected anatomical magnetic resonance imaging data from participants who were tested and scanned at three time points: at 10, 11.5 and 13 years of age. Participants judged which of two tones contained FM; the modulation depth was adjusted using an adaptive staircase procedure and their threshold was calculated based on the geometric mean of the last eight reversals. Using voxel-based morphometry, we found that FM threshold was significantly correlated with gray-matter density in left Heschl's gyrus at the age of 10 years, but that this correlation weakened with age. While there were no differences between girls and boys at Times 1 and 2, at Time 3 there was a relationship between gray-matter density in left Heschl's gyrus in boys but not in girls. Taken together, our results confirm that the structure of the auditory cortex can predict temporal processing abilities, namely that gray-matter density in left Heschl's gyrus can predict 2-Hz FM detection threshold. This ability is dependent on the processing of sounds changing over time, a skill believed necessary for speech processing. We tested this assumption and found that FM threshold significantly correlated with spelling abilities at Time 1, but that this correlation was found only in boys. This correlation decreased at Time 2, and at Time 3 we found a significant correlation between reading and FM threshold, but again, only in boys. We examined the sex differences in both the imaging and behavioral data taking into account pubertal stages, and found that the correlation between FM threshold and spelling was strongest pre-pubertally, and the correlation between FM threshold and gray-matter density in left Heschl's gyrus was strongest mid-pubertally.


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Six experiments investigated the influence of several grouping cues within the framework of the Verbal Transformation Effect (VTE, Experiments 1 to 4) and Phonemic Transformation Effect (PTE, Experiments 5 and 6), where listening to a repeated word (VTE) or sequence of vowels (PTE) produces verbal transformations (VTs). In Experiment 1, the influence of F0 frequency and lateralization cues (ITDs) was investigated in terms of the pattern of VTs. As the lateralization difference increased between two repeating sequences, the number of forms was significantly reduced with the fewest forms reported in the dichotic condition. Experiment 2 explored whether or not propensity to report more VTs on high pitch was due to the task demands of monitoring two sequences at once. The number of VTs reported was higher when listeners were asked to attend to one sequence only, suggesting smaller attentional constraints on the task requirements. In Experiment 3, consonant-vowel transitions were edited out from two sets of six stimuli words with ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ formant transitions, respectively. Listeners reported more forms in the spliced-out than in the unedited case for the strong-transition words, but not for those with weak transitions. A similar trend was observed for the F0 contour manipulation used in Experiment 4 where listeners reported more VTs and forms for words following a discontinuous F0 contour. In Experiments 5 and 6, the role of F0 frequency and ITD cues was investigated further using a related phenomenon – the PTE. Although these manipulations had relatively little effect on the number of VTs and forms reported, they did influence the particular forms heard. In summary, the current experiments confirmed that it is possible to successfully investigate auditory grouping cues within the VTE framework and that, in agreement with recent studies, the results can be attributed to the perceptual re-grouping of speech sounds.


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Cardiovascular health of the human population is a major concern for medical clinicians, with cardiovascular diseases responsible for 48% of all deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. Therefore the development of new practicable and economical diagnostic tools to scrutinise the cardiovascular health of humans is a major driver for clinicians. We offer a new technique to obtain seismocardiographic signals covering both ballistocardiography (below 20Hz) and audible heart sounds (20Hz upwards). The detection scheme is based upon an array of curvature/displacement sensors using fibre optic long period gratings interrogated using a variation of the derivative spectroscopy interrogation technique. © 2014 SPIE.


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Evidence of abnormalities in the perception of rapidly presented sounds in dyslexia has been interpreted as evidence of a prolonged time window within which sounds can influence the perception of temporally surrounding sounds. We recorded the magnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) to infrequent tone omissions in a group of six dyslexic adults and six IQ and age-matched controls. An MMNm is only elicited in response to a complete stimulus omission when successive inputs fall within the temporal window of integration (stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) ∼160 ms). No MMNm responses were recorded in either experimental group when stimuli were presented at SOAs falling just outside the temporal window of integration (SOA = 175 ms). However, while presentation rates of 100 ms resulted in MMNm responses for all control participants, the same stimulus omissions elicited an MMNm response in only one of the six dyslexic participants. These results cannot support the hypothesis of a prolonged time window of integration, but rather indicate auditory grouping deficits in the dyslexic population. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Increasingly, scholars are contesting the value of grand theories of leadership in favour of a social constructionist approach that posits the centrality of language for ‘doing’ leadership. This article investigates the extent to which the linguistic enactment of leadership is often gendered, which may have consequences for the career progression of women business leaders. Drawing on a UK-based study of three teams with different gender compositions (men-only; women-only and mixed gender), I use an Interactional Sociolinguistic framework to compare what leadership ‘looks and sounds like’ during the course of a competitive, leadership task. My findings show that the linguistic construction of leadership varies considerably within each team although not always in conventionally gendered ways. The study potentially provides linguistic insights on the business issue of why so few women progress from middle management to senior leadership roles.


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Mobile and wearable computers present input/output prob-lems due to limited screen space and interaction techniques. When mobile, users typically focus their visual attention on navigating their environment - making visually demanding interface designs hard to operate. This paper presents two multimodal interaction techniques designed to overcome these problems and allow truly mobile, 'eyes-free' device use. The first is a 3D audio radial pie menu that uses head gestures for selecting items. An evaluation of a range of different audio designs showed that egocentric sounds re-duced task completion time, perceived annoyance, and al-lowed users to walk closer to their preferred walking speed. The second is a sonically enhanced 2D gesture recognition system for use on a belt-mounted PDA. An evaluation of the system with and without audio feedback showed users' ges-tures were more accurate when dynamically guided by au-dio-feedback. These novel interaction techniques demon-strate effective alternatives to visual-centric interface de-signs on mobile devices.


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This study explored the role of formant transitions and F0-contour continuity in binding together speech sounds into a coherent stream. Listening to a repeating recorded word produces verbal transformations to different forms; stream segregation contributes to this effect and so it can be used to measure changes in perceptual coherence. In experiment 1, monosyllables with strong formant transitions between the initial consonant and following vowel were monotonized; each monosyllable was paired with a weak-transitions counterpart. Further stimuli were derived by replacing the consonant-vowel transitions with samples from adjacent steady portions. Each stimulus was concatenated into a 3-min-long sequence. Listeners only reported more forms in the transitions-removed condition for strong-transitions words, for which formant-frequency discontinuities were substantial. In experiment 2, the F0 contour of all-voiced monosyllables was shaped to follow a rising or falling pattern, spanning one octave. Consecutive tokens either had the same contour, giving an abrupt F0 change between each token, or alternated, giving a continuous contour. Discontinuous sequences caused more transformations and forms, and shorter times to the first transformation. Overall, these findings support the notion that continuity cues provided by formant transitions and the F0 contour play an important role in maintaining the perceptual coherence of speech.


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Cardiovascular health of the human population is a major concern for medical clinicians, with cardiovascular diseases responsible for 48% of all deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. Therefore the development of new practicable and economical diagnostic tools to scrutinise the cardiovascular health of humans is a major driver for clinicians. We offer a new technique to obtain seismocardiographic signals covering both ballistocardiography (below 20Hz) and audible heart sounds (20Hz upwards). The detection scheme is based upon an array of curvature/displacement sensors using fibre optic long period gratings interrogated using a variation of the derivative spectroscopy interrogation technique. © 2014 SPIE.


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The cardiovascular health of the human population is a major concern for medical clinicians, with cardiovascular diseases responsible for 48% of all deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. The development of new diagnostic tools that are practicable and economical to scrutinize the cardiovascular health of humans is a major driver for clinicians. We offer a new technique to obtain seismocardiographic signals up to 54 Hz covering both ballistocardiography (below 20 Hz) and audible heart sounds (20 Hz upward), using a system based on curvature sensors formed from fiber optic long period gratings. This system can visualize the real-time three-dimensional (3-D) mechanical motion of the heart by using the data from the sensing array in conjunction with a bespoke 3-D shape reconstruction algorithm. Visualization is demonstrated by adhering three to four sensors on the outside of the thorax and in close proximity to the apex of the heart; the sensing scheme revealed a complex motion of the heart wall next to the apex region of the heart. The detection scheme is low-cost, portable, easily operated and has the potential for ambulatory applications.