28 resultados para Time-scale calculus


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A 21-residue peptide in explicit water has been simulated using classical molecular dynamics. The system's trajectory has been analysed with a novel approach that quantifies the process of how atom's environment trajectories are explored. The approach is based on the measure of Statistical Complexity that extracts complete dynamical information from the signal. The introduced characteristic quantifies the system's dynamics at the nanoseconds time scale. It has been found that the peptide exhibits nanoseconds long periods that significantly differ in the rates of the exploration of the dynamically allowed configurations of the environment. During these periods the rates remain the same but different from other periods and from the rate for water. Periods of dynamical frustration are detected when only limited routes in the space of possible trajectories of the surrounding atoms are realised.


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With the extensive use of pulse modulation methods in telecommunications, much work has been done in the search for a better utilisation of the transmission channel.The present research is an extension of these investigations. A new modulation method, 'Variable Time-Scale Information Processing', (VTSIP), is proposed.The basic principles of this system have been established, and the main advantages and disadvantages investigated. With the proposed system, comparison circuits detect the instants at which the input signal voltage crosses predetermined amplitude levels.The time intervals between these occurrences are measured digitally and the results are temporarily stored, before being transmitted.After reception, an inverse process enables the original signal to be reconstituted.The advantage of this system is that the irregularities in the rate of information contained in the input signal are smoothed out before transmission, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth. A disadvantage of the system is the time delay necessarily introduced by the storage process.Another disadvantage is a type of distortion caused by the finite store capacity.A simulation of the system has been made using a standard speech signal, to make some assessment of this distortion. It is concluded that the new system should be an improvement on existing pulse transmission systems, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth, but introducing a time delay.


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The spreading time of liquid binder droplet on the surface a primary particle is analyzed for Fluidized Bed Melt Granulation (FBMG). As discussed in the first paper of this series (Chua et al., in press) the droplet spreading rate has been identified as one of the important parameters affecting the probability of particles aggregation in FBMG. In this paper, the binder droplet spreading time has been estimated using Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling (CFD) based on Volume of Fluid approach (VOF). A simplified analytical solution has been developed and tested to explore its validity for predicting the spreading time. For the purpose of models validation, the droplet spreading evolution was recorded using a high speed video camera. Based on the validated model, a generalized correlative equation for binder spreading time is proposed. For the operating conditions considered here, the spreading time for Polyethylene Glycol (PEG1500) binder was found to fall within the range of 10-2 to 10-5 s. The study also included a number of other common binders used in FBMG. The results obtained here will be further used in paper III, where the binder solidification rate is discussed.


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In series I and II of this study ([Chua et al., 2010a] and [Chua et al., 2010b]), we discussed the time scale of granule–granule collision, droplet–granule collision and droplet spreading in Fluidized Bed Melt Granulation (FBMG). In this third one, we consider the rate at which binder solidifies. Simple analytical solution, based on classical formulation for conduction across a semi-infinite slab, was used to obtain a generalized equation for binder solidification time. A multi-physics simulation package (Comsol) was used to predict the binder solidification time for various operating conditions usually considered in FBMG. The simulation results were validated with experimental temperature data obtained with a high speed infrared camera during solidification of ‘macroscopic’ (mm scale) droplets. For the range of microscopic droplet size and operating conditions considered for a FBMG process, the binder solidification time was found to fall approximately between 10-3 and 10-1 s. This is the slowest compared to the other three major FBMG microscopic events discussed in this series (granule–granule collision, granule–droplet collision and droplet spreading).


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Fluidized bed spray granulators (FBMG) are widely used in the process industry for particle size growth; a desirable feature in many products, such as granulated food and medical tablets. In this paper, the first in a series of four discussing the rate of various microscopic events occurring in FBMG, theoretical analysis coupled with CFD simulations have been used to predict granule–granule and droplet–granule collision time scales. The granule–granule collision time scale was derived from principles of kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). For the droplet–granule collisions, two limiting models were derived; one is for the case of fast droplet velocity, where the granule velocity is considerable lower than that of the droplet (ballistic model) and another for the case where the droplet is traveling with a velocity similar to the velocity of the granules. The hydrodynamic parameters used in the solution of the above models were obtained from the CFD predictions for a typical spray fluidized bed system. The granule–granule collision rate within an identified spray zone was found to fall approximately within the range of 10-2–10-3 s, while the droplet–granule collision was found to be much faster, however, slowing rapidly (exponentially) when moving away from the spray nozzle tip. Such information, together with the time scale analysis of droplet solidification and spreading, discussed in part II and III of this study, are useful for probability analysis of the various event occurring during a granulation process, which then lead to be better qualitative and, in part IV, quantitative prediction of the aggregation rate.


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This paper presents results from the first use of neural networks for the real-time feedback control of high temperature plasmas in a Tokamak fusion experiment. The Tokamak is currently the principal experimental device for research into the magnetic confinement approach to controlled fusion. In the Tokamak, hydrogen plasmas, at temperatures of up to 100 Million K, are confined by strong magnetic fields. Accurate control of the position and shape of the plasma boundary requires real-time feedback control of the magnetic field structure on a time-scale of a few tens of microseconds. Software simulations have demonstrated that a neural network approach can give significantly better performance than the linear technique currently used on most Tokamak experiments. The practical application of the neural network approach requires high-speed hardware, for which a fully parallel implementation of the multi-layer perceptron, using a hybrid of digital and analogue technology, has been developed.


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Computer simulated trajectories of bulk water molecules form complex spatiotemporal structures at the picosecond time scale. This intrinsic complexity, which underlies the formation of molecular structures at longer time scales, has been quantified using a measure of statistical complexity. The method estimates the information contained in the molecular trajectory by detecting and quantifying temporal patterns present in the simulated data (velocity time series). Two types of temporal patterns are found. The first, defined by the short-time correlations corresponding to the velocity autocorrelation decay times (â‰0.1â€ps), remains asymptotically stable for time intervals longer than several tens of nanoseconds. The second is caused by previously unknown longer-time correlations (found at longer than the nanoseconds time scales) leading to a value of statistical complexity that slowly increases with time. A direct measure based on the notion of statistical complexity that describes how the trajectory explores the phase space and independent from the particular molecular signal used as the observed time series is introduced. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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This paper resolves the long standing debate as to the proper time scale τ of the onset of the immunological synapse bond, the noncovalent chemical bond defining the immune pathways involving T cells and antigen presenting cells. Results from our model calculations show τ to be of the order of seconds instead of minutes. Close to the linearly stable regime, we show that in between the two critical spatial thresholds defined by the integrin:ligand pair (Δ2∼ 40-45 nm) and the T-cell receptor TCR:peptide-major-histocompatibility-complex pMHC bond (Δ1∼ 14-15 nm), τ grows monotonically with increasing coreceptor bond length separation δ (= Δ2-Δ1∼ 26-30 nm) while τ decays with Δ1 for fixed Δ2. The nonuniversal δ-dependent power-law structure of the probability density function further explains why only the TCR:pMHC bond is a likely candidate to form a stable synapse.


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Conventional tools for measurement of laser spectra (e.g. optical spectrum analysers) capture data averaged over a considerable time period. However, the generation spectrum of many laser types may involve spectral dynamics whose relatively fast time scale is determined by their cavity round trip period, calling for instrumentation featuring both high temporal and spectral resolution. Such real-time spectral characterisation becomes particularly challenging if the laser pulses are long, or they have continuous or quasi-continuous wave radiation components. Here we combine optical heterodyning with a technique of spatiooral intensity measurements that allows the characterisation of such complex sources. Fast, round-trip-resolved spectral dynamics of cavity-based systems in real-time are obtained, with temporal resolution of one cavity round trip and frequency resolution defined by its inverse (85 ns and 24 MHz respectively are demonstrated). We also show how under certain conditions for quasi-continuous wave sources, the spectral resolution could be further increased by a factor of 100 by direct extraction of phase information from the heterodyned dynamics or by using double time scales within the spectrogram approach.


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Developmental learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia have a high rate of co-occurrence in pediatric populations, suggesting that they share underlying cognitive and neurophysiological mechanisms. Dyslexia and other developmental disorders with a strong heritable component have been associated with reduced sensitivity to coherent motion stimuli, an index of visual temporal processing on a millisecond time-scale. Here we examined whether deficits in sensitivity to visual motion are evident in children who have poor mathematics skills relative to other children of the same age. We obtained psychophysical thresholds for visual coherent motion and a control task from two groups of children who differed in their performance on a test of mathematics achievement. Children with math skills in the lowest 10% in their cohort were less sensitive than age-matched controls to coherent motion, but they had statistically equivalent thresholds to controls on a coherent form control measure. Children with mathematics difficulties therefore tend to present a similar pattern of visual processing deficit to those that have been reported previously in other developmental disorders. We speculate that reduced sensitivity to temporally defined stimuli such as coherent motion represents a common processing deficit apparent across a range of commonly co-occurring developmental disorders.


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We investigate the sensitivity of a Markov model with states and transition probabilities obtained from clustering a molecular dynamics trajectory. We have examined a 500 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the peptide valine-proline-alanine-leucine in explicit water. The sensitivity is quantified by varying the boundaries of the clusters and investigating the resulting variation in transition probabilities and the average transition time between states. In this way, we represent the effect of clustering using different clustering algorithms. It is found that in terms of the investigated quantities, the peptide dynamics described by the Markov model is sensitive to the clustering; in particular, the average transition times are found to vary up to 46%. Moreover, inclusion of nonphysical sparsely populated clusters can lead to serious errors of up to 814%. In the investigation, the time step used in the transition matrix is determined by the minimum time scale on which the system behaves approximately Markovian. This time step is found to be about 100 ps. It is concluded that the description of peptide dynamics with transition matrices should be performed with care, and that using standard clustering algorithms to obtain states and transition probabilities may not always produce reliable results.


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The research described within this thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal ion complexation within hydrophilic copolymer membranes. The membranes are copolymers of 4-methyl-4'-vinyl-2,2'-bipyridine, the 2-hydroxyethyl ester of 4,4'- dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine & bis-(5-vinylsalicylidene)ethylenediamine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The effect of the polymer matrix on the formation and properties of transition metal iron complexes has been studied, specifically Cr(III) & Fe(II) salts for the bipyridyl- based copolymer membranes and Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) salts for the salenH2- based copolymer membranes. The concomitant effect of complex formation on the properties of the polymer matrix have also been studied, e.g. on mechanical strength. A detailed body of work into the kinetics and thermodynamics for the formation of Cu(II) complexes in the salenH2- based copolymer membranes has been performed. The rate of complex formation is found to be very slow while the value of K for the equilibrium of complex formation is found to be unexpectedly small and shows a slight anion dependence. These phenomena are explained in terms of the effects of the heterogeneous phase provided by the polymer matrix. The transport of Cr(III) ions across uncomplexed and Cr(III)-pre-complexed bipyridyl-based membranes has been studied. In both cases, no Cr(III) coordination occurs within the time-scale of an experiment. Pre-complexation of the membrane does not lead to a change in the rate of permeation of Cr(III) ions. The transport of Co(II), Ni(II) & Cu(II) ions across salenH2- based membranes shows that there is no detectable lag-time in transport of the ions, despite independent evidence that complex formation within the membranes does occur. Finally, the synthesis of a number of functionalised ligands is described. Although they were found to be non-polymerisable by the methods employed in this research, they remain interesting ligands which provide a startmg pomt for further functionalisation.


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Conformational transitions in proteins define their biological activity and can be investigated in detail using the Markov state model. The fundamental assumption on the transitions between the states, their Markov property, is critical in this framework. We test this assumption by analyzing the transitions obtained directly from the dynamics of a molecular dynamics simulated peptide valine-proline-alanine-leucine and states defined phenomenologically using clustering in dihedral space. We find that the transitions are Markovian at the time scale of ˜ 50 ps and longer. However, at the time scale of 30–40 ps the dynamics loses its Markov property. Our methodology reveals the mechanism that leads to non-Markov behavior. It also provides a way of regrouping the conformations into new states that now possess the required Markov property of their dynamics.


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This thesis is about the study of relationships between experimental dynamical systems. The basic approach is to fit radial basis function maps between time delay embeddings of manifolds. We have shown that under certain conditions these maps are generically diffeomorphisms, and can be analysed to determine whether or not the manifolds in question are diffeomorphically related to each other. If not, a study of the distribution of errors may provide information about the lack of equivalence between the two. The method has applications wherever two or more sensors are used to measure a single system, or where a single sensor can respond on more than one time scale: their respective time series can be tested to determine whether or not they are coupled, and to what degree. One application which we have explored is the determination of a minimum embedding dimension for dynamical system reconstruction. In this special case the diffeomorphism in question is closely related to the predictor for the time series itself. Linear transformations of delay embedded manifolds can also be shown to have nonlinear inverses under the right conditions, and we have used radial basis functions to approximate these inverse maps in a variety of contexts. This method is particularly useful when the linear transformation corresponds to the delay embedding of a finite impulse response filtered time series. One application of fitting an inverse to this linear map is the detection of periodic orbits in chaotic attractors, using suitably tuned filters. This method has also been used to separate signals with known bandwidths from deterministic noise, by tuning a filter to stop the signal and then recovering the chaos with the nonlinear inverse. The method may have applications to the cancellation of noise generated by mechanical or electrical systems. In the course of this research a sophisticated piece of software has been developed. The program allows the construction of a hierarchy of delay embeddings from scalar and multi-valued time series. The embedded objects can be analysed graphically, and radial basis function maps can be fitted between them asynchronously, in parallel, on a multi-processor machine. In addition to a graphical user interface, the program can be driven by a batch mode command language, incorporating the concept of parallel and sequential instruction groups and enabling complex sequences of experiments to be performed in parallel in a resource-efficient manner.


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In human (D. H. Baker, T. S. Meese, & R. J. Summers, 2007b) and in cat (B. Li, M. R. Peterson, J. K. Thompson, T. Duong, & R. D. Freeman, 2005; F. Sengpiel & V. Vorobyov, 2005) there are at least two routes to cross-orientation suppression (XOS): a broadband, non-adaptable, monocular (within-eye) pathway and a more narrowband, adaptable interocular (between the eyes) pathway. We further characterized these two routes psychophysically by measuring the weight of suppression across spatio-temporal frequency for cross-oriented pairs of superimposed flickering Gabor patches. Masking functions were normalized to unmasked detection thresholds and fitted by a two-stage model of contrast gain control (T. S. Meese, M. A. Georgeson, & D. H. Baker, 2006) that was developed to accommodate XOS. The weight of monocular suppression was a power function of the scalar quantity ‘speed’ (temporal-frequency/spatial-frequency). This weight can be expressed as the ratio of non-oriented magno- and parvo-like mechanisms, permitting a fast-acting, early locus, as befits the urgency for action associated with high retinal speeds. In contrast, dichoptic-masking functions superimposed. Overall, this (i) provides further evidence for dissociation between the two forms of XOS in humans, and (ii) indicates that the monocular and interocular varieties of XOS are space/time scale-dependent and scale-invariant, respectively. This suggests an image-processing role for interocular XOS that is tailored to natural image statistics—very different from that of the scale-dependent (speed-dependent) monocular variety.